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Ashbourne: The Plague Visitation, 1605-6
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Plague had first visited Ashbourne in 1594, but it struck again in 1605/6, this time causing 62 deaths.

The information below was published in The Reliquary, Quarterly Archæological Journal and Review", Vol. II (1861-2, Ed. Llewellynn Jewitt, F.S.A.,
Notes Queries and Gleanings, p.246

"THE Harl, MS., No. 663, contains sermons preached in Ashborne church, from 21st April, 1605, to 15th February, 1606-7; & at the end of the Vol. is the subjoined list (which we do not remember having hitherto seen in print) of the sufferers from the plague, which appears to have raged there about that time. Some of the earlier Ser- mons (anonymous, though the name of "Baron of St. John's in Oxford," is pasted on to one of the fly leaves), are a commentary on the book of Genesis; but as the pesti- lence increases in violence, they adapt themselves to the gravity of the occasion, and, as far as we found time to glance at them, appear to be able and affecting compositions. Published, they would form an interesting souvenir of a melancholy epoch in the history of Ashborne.


1Heward's ...... 2
2Goodwin's ...... 3
3Brownlow's ...... 4
4Hawlayn's ...... 3
5Sadler's ...... 6
6Watson's ...... 1
7Hartill's ...... 2
8Hornsbye's ...... 2
9Manlye's ...... 11
10Tofte ...... 1
11Webster's ...... 2
12Smith's ...... 6
13R. Hawleye's ...... 1
14Reye's ...... 2
15Jone Wood's (quere) ...... 2
16Wid. Fletcher's ...... 1
17Ch. Bestor ...... 2
18Joane Bound ...... 0
19Mr. Ward ...... 3
20Gunner ...... 3
21Roberts ...... 1
22Phillips ...... 3
23Lyon's wife ...... 1
24Rob James ...... 1


The Dead
2Heward & a child about Feb. 20
4Brownlow's widow & 3 children
3Goodin & 2 children, 1 in ye Cabins
3Hawleye's 3 children, 1 in ye cabbins
1Chr. Watson's man
2Hornsbyn's two children
4John Sadler, his wife, a child, his maid
2Wm. Smith's 2 children
1Widow Fletcher
1 Wm. Tofte
2Wm. Brye & his wife, 1 in ye cabin
1Tho. Manleye's maid
2Mr. Warde's 2 children
2Widowe Hartill's children
2Webster's maide, Both in ye coate
2Wm. Smith & his child } all in ye Cabins.
1Another child of W. Smith }
1Old Tofte }
3of Richd Cockin's of Shirsea
1ye wife of Gervase Stanley
1ye Saddler's man Anthonye in ye cabbins
1Jasper Joyner, a pore wench (quare)
1Rob. Hawleye's girl in ye cabin
1John Sadler's child, in ye cabbin
1Joane Wood's boy, item
2of Gunner's girles, item.
1a bastard of Mary Bestone's} item
1Mary Bestone her self }
1Mr. Warde's maide }
1Wm. Roberts' childe
1Rob. Phillips' sonne Willm } item
1A boy of Rob. Hawlie's }
1Susan ye daughter of Rob. Phillips, item, May 12
1Gunner's child, May 19, item
1Rob. Phillips' youngest girle, May 26, item
1Joane Fletcher's boye, May 30, item
1Rob. James' boye, June 9, from ye cabbins also
1Lyon's wive's girls, June 8, from Dovehouse green.
1Rob, Hawleye's wife of ye paks out of ye cabbins
1Wm. Roberts' girle, June 17, item
1Another girle of Wm. Roberts, July 7, item.

"The Gunner charged Hawley to conceile his boye's sicknes and keep him in ye toune till his hoile was almost white (1) 3 weeks or thereaboute."

Related pages:

QEGS - Old School

QEGS, Green Road

Church Street

Kelly's Directory 1891: Ashbourne (part 1) - history, churches, schools, councils, etc.
Kelly's Directory 1891: Ashbourne (part 2) - private residents and commercial

Book extract transcribed by Ann Andrews.
Page researched by and © Ann Andrews, a former pupil at QEGS.