Kelly's Directory, Derbyshire, 1891> This page
Duffield (with Windley), Derbyshire
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.190-192
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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DUFFIELD, delightfully situated in a valley, on the banks of the river Derwent and Ecclesbourne brook, is a township, extensive parish and station on the North Midland railway, 5¼ miles north from Derby by the railway and 5 by road, 2½ south from Belper and 132 from London, in the Mid division of the county, Appletree hundred, Belper union, Belper and Ilkeston county court district, petty sessional division of Belper, rural deanery of Duffield, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The township is lighted with gas by a company formed in 1866. The church of All Saints is a building of stone in mixed styles, from Early English to Perpendicular, consisting of chancel with a north aisle, clerestoried nave of three bays, aisles, north transept, vestry, south porch and an embattled western tower with lofty spire, containing clock and 10 bells, 8 of which were hung in 1885 and 2 others in 1887 : no traces now exist of the ancient Saxon church of St. Alkmund, but the corbel table of the north chapel affords sufficient evidences of the former existence of a Norman edifice, and some sepulchral slabs of that date, with incised crosses, have been built in above the windows of the belfry : the arcade on the south side of the nave is Late Decorated: the north arcade has semicircular arches with classic capitals: all the piers lean toward the east or river front, a circumstance attributed to the washing of the alluvial sub-soil into the graves during floods : in 1620 the church was new-roofed and tile names of the churchwardens carved on the western truss : in the chancel aisle is an altar tomb of alabaster, with recumbent effigies, to Sir Roger Mynors and his lady (1536), the former in a complete suit of plate armour, girt with a sword, his gauntlets lying by his side, his bare hands placed together in the attitude or prayer and round his neck a collar of SS; the lady wears an angular-shaped head dress, a broad collar, gown and mantle ; only the latter part of the inscription is now visible : in the transept is a large and quaint monument with effigies dated 1603 and erected by himself, to Anthony Bradshaw, of the Inner Temple, great-uncle of the regicide, John Bradshaw (whose family possessed considerable property in this parish), his two wives and 20 children; the 3 children by the second wife, however, do not appear on the monument : the font is octagonal and dates from about 1662: the edifice underwent extensive restoration in 1847 and has 578 sittings : 218 being free. The situation of the churchyard on the banks of the Derwent is extremely picturesque, and a fine yew tree of great age stands to the north-east of the church. The registers date from the year 1598, and are in very fair condition, some portions, however, being imperfect. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £53, yearly value £6, including 12 acres of glebe, with a vicarage house, in the gift of Rowland Smith esq. and held since 1858 by the Rev, Francis Wellington Moore, of St. Bees, surrogate. Earl Beauchamp is lay rector, and receives the great tithes commuted at £660. There are Baptist, Wesleyan Methodist and Free Methodist chapels: £270 was left by Richard Holden in 1832 to the trustees of the Wesleyan chapel ; £9 is distributed in bread to the poor on the first Monday in the year, and the remainder is applied to repairing the chapel. A cemetery, of 3½ acres, was opened March the 9th, 1880, at a cost of £7,500: it has two mortuary chapels and superintendent's house, and is under the control of a burial board of 9 members. Edward Potterell, in 1667, built two almshouses for four poor people, who receive 1s. per week, besides flannel and coals at Christmas. The late Sir Richard Paul Jodrell bart. Left, in 1861, £100 Three per Cents, to be distributed in clothing among those who have had the largest families and have been least burdensome to the parish. The Rev. Francis Gisborne, formerly rector of Staveley left in 1817 £7 5s., yearly, to be laid out by the vicar in coats and flannel for the poor. Webster charity or Peak money, left in 1699 and 1703, is a fund derived from two-thirds of the interest of £5,089 18s, 9d. now standing in £2¾ Consolidated Stock, producing £93 7s. 4d. distributed half-yearly to 100 poor persons not in receipt of parish relief ; in the district of Duffield, Milford, Belper, Holbrooke, Hazelwood and Heage : the management of the funded property is, by an order of the Court of Chancery, in the hands of 19 co-operative trustees. The Old Almshouse Fund Charity, produced by the sale of some old almshouses, consists of £333 3s 4d. invested in £2¾ percent. Consols ; the dividends are distributed half-yearly among four poor persons. About a mile from the village is Farnah Hall, an elegant mansion belonging to Lord Scarsdale, now occupied by Claude Heaton Montford esq. Duffield Hall is the seat of Rowland Smith esq., J.P. D.L. Duffield Park is the residence of the Hon. Frederick Standish O'Grady ; the park consists of 30 acres ; the river Ecclesbourne passes through the grounds and includes a trout hatchery. The LiIies, Windley, is the residence of John Gilbert Crompton esq., D.L., J.P. ; the house is situated on a rising ground in the centre of a park, and commands extensive views of the neighbouring country. There are several other good houses in the township. Duffield Castle has been ascertained through excavations carried on by Mr. W. Bland, late headmaster of the endowed school here, in the early part of 1886, to have existed on what is known as Castle Hill; the foundations, as now laid bare, through the aid of the Derbyshire Archæological Society, exhibit the basement of a rectangular Norman keep, 98 feet by 95, with two rooms of unequal size, surrounded by concrete walls 15 feet thick: in the larger room is the well 4 feet in diameter and 80 feet deep, without any stone lining, with the shales through which it was sunk, 800 years ago, still firm, and 18 feet of water within it; the bucket has been restored from the staves found in the well : the mound on which the castle stood is 70 feet above the river Derwent, encircled by a moat now filled in, except on the west side, where it is, in places, 16 feet across the bottom, 32 feet at the top and 7 feet deep, and it inclosed an area of 5 acres: many relics have been exhumed, such as a Norman spur, a spear head, bridle-bit and three knives, besides human bones, and from a trench cut through the mound a quantity of pottery was taken, which, upon competent authority, was declared to be Roman and indicating that the building stood upon the site of a Roman station: the castle was erected by Henry de Ferrars, who rendered service to William the Conqueror, by whom he was granted 114 lordships in Derbyshire, besides estates elsewhere, and it remained with this family until Robert de Ferrars, Earl of Derby, engaged in rebellion against King Henry Ill. and, being captured, was tried for high treason (1266), and, though his life was spared, the estates were confiscated and conferred on Prince Edmund, Earl of Lancaster : subsequently the Royal army destroyed the castle by fire, and ultimately all remains of it disappeared. On Burley Hill, about a mile and a half from the castle, a potter's kiln of the Norman period was discovered in 1862, and found to contain pitchers, small porringers and dishes, the most important being a pitcher 16 inches high, now in the possession of Lord Scarsdale and marked with the horse-shoe badge of the family of Ferrars. Herbert Strutt esq. LP. Lord Scarsdale, Lord Belper, the Hon. F. Strutt J.P. and Rowland Smith esq, D.L., J.P. are the principal landowners. The Duffield Inclosure award was made in 1791, under an Act passed in 1786; it occupies upwards of 200 large sheets of parchment, and is kept with the parish registers and Tithe Commutation award in a fire-proof safe at the vicarage. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and sandstone. The chief crops are wheat, and barley, and about three quarters pasture. The following townships and hamlets are in this parish :-DUFFIELD, BELPER, HEAGE, HAZLEWOOD, HOLBROOKE, MILFORD and MAKENEY, SHOTTLE and POSTERN, TURNDITCH and WINDLEY. The area of the parish is 16,564 acres; and of the township 3,421 ; rateable value, £18,410, for Duffield only; the population of the township in 1881 was 2,549.

WINDLEY township is 2½ miles north-west. Lord Scarsdale is lord of title manor and chief landowner. The acreage is 1,158; rateable value, £2,125; the population in 1881 was 352.

POST, M. O. & T. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- Samuel Mills, receiver. Letters arrive from Derby at 4.45 a.m, & 4.40 p.m. ; dispatched at 11.40a.m. & 8 p.m. sundays, 8 p.m. Money orders are granted & paid from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m

POST OFFICE, Windley.-John Lomas, receiver. Letters arrive from Derby by mail cart at 5 a. m. & dispatched 7.45 p.m. Duffield is the nearest money order office & Hazelwood station the nearest telegraph office

WALL LETTER Box, King street, cleared at 7.30 p.m. week days only

WALL LETTER Box, near The Lilies, Windley, cleared at 6.40 p.m, week days only

National Church of England, erected in 1870, for 100 girls; average attendance, 59; Miss Alice Hind, mistress
Free, erected in 1869, for 180 boys; average attendance, 115; endowed with the rent of 13A. IR. 32P. of land, left in 1565 by William Gilbert, for the building of premises, the free education of a certain number of boys & the payment of a master; the yearly value of this endowment is about £35, in addition to which the school receives an annual sum of £50 from Webster's charity, making the total income about £85; 36 children from the village of Duffield & several other places in the old parish of Duffield have a claim to free education here, on account of the above charities ; Samuel Wright, master
Infants,' established & wholly supported by Rowland Smith esq, J.P., D.I. for 130 infants; average attendance, 90 ; Miss Mary Clark, mistress

Railway Station, Frederick Perry, station master



Allen Arthur William
Allport Sir Joseph James J.P. Spring hl
Allsop Arthur, Ivy cottage
Baddeley Mrs. Granville terrace
Bland John, Castle hill
Bland William, Granville terrace
Bland William Robert, Granville ter
Burgess Mrs. Castle hill
Cash Mrs. Arden road
Cash Mrs. Derby road
Chadfield Edward Joseph, The Homestead
Clarke Andrew
Court Fredecick Hales, Farnah villa
Crossland Enoch, Milford road
Dakin William, CIeveland cottage
Davis Shirley Wadsworth, Ellesmere
Disney Mrs. Bank view
Downes John Rathbone, Milford road
Drew Mrs. Rose villa
Dumelow John, Burley villa
Dyer Mrs. Tamworth house
Gillett Fras. Calvert, Duffield bank ha
Greaves Frederick William, Kirkstile
Green Mrs. Cedar cottage
Greenwell Geo. Clementson Elmtree Idg
Hardcastle John, Ivy lodge
Henson John, Burley villa
Heny Alfred, The Meadows
Heywood Arthur Percival M. A., J.P., Duffield bank
Higgins William Baker, Duffield Bank wd
Hingley Andrew, Castle hill
Holloway Charles, The Limes
Holme Frank Dinsmore
Hoskin Edward
Hurd William, Loxley villa
Jones Charles Henry, Hazeldene
Jones Misses
Longdon Miss, Castle lodge
Longdon Mrs. Robert, Castle hill
Loverock Mrs
Mann Mrs. Lucius, Hazlebrow
Marples John, Melbourne cottage
Mart John Bradley, Derwent view
Meakin William, F. P. Castle hill
Montford Rev. Hy Cape M.A. [curate], Grantebrigge
Montford Claude Heaton, Farnah hill
Moore Rev, Francis, Wellington [vicar & surrogate], Vicarage
Moore Herbert Octavius, Milford road
Moore James Mason, Castle hill
Morley John, Mile-stone-edge
Morrison Robert
Murphy James Edward, The Oaks
Naylor Miss, Castle hill
Needham Mrs. Spring hill
Newbold Wm. James, Peveril cottage
O'Grady Hon. Frederick Standish, Duffield park
Orton Henry William, Lilac villa
Peat, Alfred, King street
Piggott Francis William, Castle hill
Ridgard Mrs. Ivy cottage
Scriven John Swain M. D
Shoobert Walter, The Hollies
Slater Mrs. Derby road
Smith Mrs. The Ferns
Smith Rowland D.L., J. P. Duffield hall
Souter Miss, Granville terrace
Stevenson Miss, 4 Milford road
Tempest John, Milford road
Terry Charles, Castle hill
Thompson Frank Edwin
Thompson Rev. Saml. (Cong.], Castle hill
Travis Mrs. The Poplars
Turner Miss, Green trees
Waite Richard, Green trees
Wake Thomas Edward, Moscow cottage


Abell Thomas, blacksmith & ironmonger
Allsop Arth. surgical elastic bandage ma
Allsop Gervase, saddler & harness ma
Allsopp George, painter
Alton Joseph, frmr. Farnah House frm
Alton Joseph, jun. farmer, Meadows
Ball Charles, farmer, Cumber hills
Barton Elizh. Jane (Mrs.), quarry ownr
Bates Benjamin, farm bailiff to H. T. Gadsby esq. Manor farm
Bowmer Jsph. farmer, Hurley meadow
Bridges John, farmer, Moscow farm
Broderick Michael, dairyman
Cash Joseph, greengrocer
Calvert James & Sons, dispensing chemists ; & at Belper
Cemetery (Joseph Pym, clerk to the burial board ; Henry Hough, supt)
Chadwick James, grocer & baker
Cholerton George, beer retailer
Clarke James, New inn
Clarke Mark, carpenter
Collard William, plumber
Copeland Joseph Benjamin, draper
Cordon Robert Curtis, district surveyor, Hillside cottage
Crossland Enoch, artist, Milford road
Crossley John, miller (water)
Derby Co-operative Provident Society Limited (branch)
Duffield, Allestree &, Quarndon Gas Light & Coke Co, Limited (H. J. Redfern, sec.; Joseph Green, mangr)
Duffield Angling Club (E. Barnes, sec)
Duffield Conservative Association (Wm. Bland, hon. sec)
Duffield Literary Institute (Rev. H, C. Montford. M.A, sec)
Duffield Working Men's Conservative Club (William BIand, treasurer)
Eite John, cattle dealer
Ellis James, boot maker
Eyre George Augustus, butcher
Flanders James Cross, White Hart P.H
Fowke Osmond, pork butcher
Fowke William, boot maker
Fowlston Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Goodwin & Chambers, quarry masters, Duffield bank
Gratton John Bruce, confectioner
Harvey Henry, farmer, Flaxholme
Hawley & Son, color & paint manufrs
Henry Alfred, solicitor, The Meadows
Hickinbottom Isabella (Mrs.), beer retailer
Bingley Andrew, builder & contractor
Holmes Frank Dinsmore B.A., L.R.C.P. Edin, physician & surgn
Hoskins Edward, surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator Duffield dist, Belper union & Breadsall dist. Shardlow union & cert. factory surgn
Hoskyns Edwrd John Hadderton L.R.C.P. Edin. physician & surgeon, Milford road
Kent Henry, joiner
Kent Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer
Kirk Samuel, Bridge inn
Meakin Henry, cowkeeper
Mills Samuel, grocer, & post office
Montford Claude Heaton, school for engineers, Farnah hall
Moore Herbert Octavius, solicitor, Milford road
Morrison Robert L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.M. Edin. physician & surgeon
Murfin Samuel, shopkeeper
Oliver William, farmer, Court house
Peat Constance (Mrs.), grocer
Porter Charles, farmer, Burley house
Rains John, farmer, Newtony
Redfern Thomas & Sons, grocers
Richardson George, farmer
Scriven John Swain M.D., C.M. surgeon
Sheldon Sarah (Mrs.), grazier, Hall frm
Shepherd Vincent, King's Head hotel & posting house
Sims Selina (Mrs.), farmer
Slater Joseph, farmer, Meadow
Slater Stephen, farmer, Farnah green
Slater Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Smith George, shopkeeper
Smith Wm. Bolton & Co. colliery agents & coal merchants, sole agents for the Butterley Co.'s coals & Marehay Jerries, Town street; & at Belper & Shottle
Spendlove Robert, farmer
Spencer William, farmer, Botany farm
Stables William, farmer
Stanesby William, cooper
Stewart John, butcher & farmer
Streets Jn. miller (water), Middle mills
Taylor Henry, shoe maker
Taylor Martha (Mrs.), hosier
Taylor Timothy, farmer, Burley hill
Tempest Joseph Michael, assistant overseer for Derby
Wagstaff Joseph, cab proprietor
Waite Richard, architect & land agent, Green trees
Wake Tom, registrar of births & deaths, Moscow cottage
Walker Wm. farmer, Burley grange
Ward John, tailor
Warren Elias, boot maker
Wilson Agnes (Mrs.), butcher


Burrows William Ebenezer, Old hall
Crompton John Gilbert D.L., J.P. The Lilies


Allen Samuel, farmer, Windley hill
Allen Samuel, jun. farmer, Hole farm
Bainbrigge Wm. jun. farmer, Gun hills
Bates William, blacksmith
Burrows Albert Edward, farmer
Cooper Rebecca (Mrs.), Puss in Boots P. H
Fowke Herbert, farmer
Goodwin William, farmer
Leadham Thomas, farmer
Livermore Frederick, beer retailer
Moore Thomas William, miller (water)
Moorley Joseph, corn merchant
Smith Thomas, farmer
Stewart Geo. farmer, Cumber Hills ho
Whysall Wm. farmer, Champion farm

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

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Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills