When the foundation stone was laid here on 4 June 1902 Godalming's Mayor, Mr. C. Burgess, drew attention to John
Wesley's connection with the borough. Wesley was a former pupil when Charterhouse School was still based in London (see
The Charterhouse, City of London). General Oglethorpe, who had lived at
Westbrook House, was said to have supported him when he set out on his mission[1].
About two years before, at the second London Synod of the Wesleyans (date not found), it was resolved to extend Wesleyan Methodism in
Surrey and North Hampshire. A scheme was proposed to erect eleven churches in the area, the first of which was to be built in Godalming,
where Methodism was said to be poorly represented[2]. The build was expected to cost £6,000,
of which £500 had already been raised. It was hoped to accommodate 430 in the nave and the transept, and provision
was to be made for a gallery to hold a further 90 people. The trowel used to lay the foundation stone was inscribed:
"Presented to his Worship the Mayor of Godalming, Alderman C. Burgess, J.P., on the occasion of laying a memorial
stone of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Godalming, June 4th, 1902. " A second stone was laid on behalf of the trustees.
Other stones were also laid and copies of three newspapers (the "Methodist Recorder", "Methodist Times"
and a London daily paper) were laid in a nearby cavity alongside two bottles containing other items. Tea was served afterwards
in the Congregational School Hall[3].
Mr Josiah Gunton was the architect and Messrs. Mitchell Brothers of Shalford and Godalming were contracted to build the church.
At the public meeeting following the tea, The Rev. W. E. Sellers presented a financial statement. The land had cost £950 and the building
had become costly because 3 feet of concrete had been needed to cover the entire site[3].
In April 1903 Mrs. Price Hughes, whose late husband had been a preacher, organiser, orator, and writer in the movement, attended
the opening services for the newly built church. She opened the door with a silver key. It was then announced
that it would in future be known as the Hugh Price Hughes Memorial Church as her husband had taken a deep interest in the
A talented thirteen old year boy, Bertie Fullbrook, was appointed as the church organist in 1905[5].
Bertie gave organ recitals; one such was reported in 1907 when he was staying with his uncle Mr. W. F. Balding, in
Hastings[6]. Bertie (Albert Henry) and his family lived in Milford[7].
One of the people who would have heard him play was 2nd class Air Mechanic Herbert Elliott Tribe of the Royal Flying
Corps whose parents resided in Wolseley Road, Farncombe. Herbert was connected with the Wesleyan Methodist Church
for 11 years, starting as a member of the Sunday School and eventually becoming a teacher. He also worked on behalf of
the Band of Hope and other branches of church life. He was said to have been a clever cabinet maker, initially apprenticed
to J. Down of Godalming but then employed as a salesman by the Guildford firm of Messrs. Pimm and Sons. His father was
the local sanitary inspector for Godalming. Herbert died in 1915[8].
This was one of a series of cards sent by one individual
to her relatives during the First War.
The card was not posted but there was a message on the
reverse which reads: "Here is the
picture of our church. This is only just the choir and
few pews. There's yjr Pulpud [sic] and
the little boy sits under the Pulpud ... I am sitting next
where the cross
This isn't half the church its a very big church". |
One Sunday evening in March 1913 there was what was described as a mishap to the electric light cable in Bridge Road.
Unfortunately, it meant that no illumination was available for services which were about to begin at both this church
and the Congregational Church over the bridge. Neighbours came to the rescue and candles were used to light the church,
with one being placed on either side of the pulpit. Unfortunately, the newspaper report did not clarify whether these
were the only candles available, though it seems unlikely[9].
The 202 Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (the C.E.F.), were stationed in Godalming from 1914 and
placed its colours in the Church. When Colonel P. E. Bowen sailed for Canada in 1917 he took the colours with him
for permanent keeping in the City Mall at Edmonton. A replica of them was to be sent to hang in the Church[10].
This church is now the Godalming United Church. |