In some respects Charterhouse Road, which goes up the hill,
has changed very little in the intervening years, apart
from the traffic. The little dog would not be able to stand
in the middle of the road today.
The ivy-clad building on the corner of Charterhouse Road
and Peperharow Road was Dean Lodge, eventually demolished
and replaced by a block of flats. The house name is on
the gate. The properties on the right remain although their
gateways have gone, as has most of their Bargate stone walling.
The house between the trees on the hillside above the dog
is the Red House on Frith Hill Road built by Edwin Lutyens.

Enlargement of part of the top photograph
Four people are walking up and down the road, with a young
boy actually walking in the road. Some kind of horse drawn
wagonette is on the bend, going up the hill and almost level
with S.S. Peter and Paul Scout hut. This is the low brick
building sticking out from the line of the houses with its
outer wall next to the pavement. The main part of the Scout
Hut is Grade II listed; it was an 18th century timber frame
barn and used to belong to Deanery Farm whereas the single
storey extension is a later addition. The stone walls above
the Scout hut are largely intact, or have perhaps been
rebuilt as more houses were built.

The second picture dates from 1903-4 and was probably taken
from outside the Scout Hut. This card was, curiously, posted
twice. It was first franked in 1907 and then re-franked
55 years later in 1963. The 1907 sender was Lilian Corner
who was 20 in 1911, and working as a sub postmistress.
She lived with her family at Violet Bank on Charterhouse
Road and her father was a stock
exchange accountant.