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The Andrews Pages Picture Gallery : Hampshire
A selection of photographs, prints and postcards. Some have personal or family connections
The Market Place, Petersfield, about 1845


Drawn & Engraved for DUGDALE's ENGLAND & WALES Delineated
Volume 4
Line engraving, T. H. Shepherd Delt and H. Bond Sc.

A brief description of Petersfield was published in a trade directory of the 1850s:

"Petersfield is a parish in the hundred of Finch Dean, South Alton division-the market town, which is likewise a parliamentary borough, is 55 miles S.W. from London, 18 N.N.E. from Portsmouth, and the same distance S.S.E. from Winchester ; situated near the verge of the county abutting from Sussex, on the road to Portsmouth. The town is entitled to, but little consideration in respect to trade ; at one time, it profited by its great thoroughfare situation, on the road from London to Portsmouth, &c. more especially in time of war ; but now the opening of the South-Western Railway has deprived the residents of that advantage, and the town itself presents nothing attractive to the stranger. The only object that may possibly strike the attention, is the equestrian statue of William III, erected by the late James Joliffe, Esq., one of the representatives of the borough ; it was formerly gilt, but is now coloured to resemble stone. The town hall was rebuilt some years since, at the expense of Hylton Joliffe, Esq."[1].

The extract rather conflicts with the image, which shows a very attractive country town!

The above antique steel engraving, by Thomas Hosmer Shepherd and engraved by Henry Winsor Bond, was published in "Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated: Historical, Entertaining, and Commercial", alphabetically arranged by Thomas Dugdale, Antiquarian, assisted by William Burnett. Published in 11 volumes by J. Tallis, London c1845. Also in 4 volumes by L. or J. & F. Tallis, also in 2 volumes by L. Tallis, 1854-60. Hand tinting added at a later date.
In the collection of, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.


[1] "Slater's Directory of Berkshire, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Somerset, Wiltshire, Wales ...", 1852-53

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