Kelly's Directory, Derbyshire, 1891> This page
Bakewell, Derbyshire (part 2)
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.37 - 38
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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The Bridge, 1920s

Monuments inside All Saints'

Ancient Stone Cross

[Continued from Previous Page.]

Adams Alfred Joseph, Rutland square
Arthur Miss The Avenue
Bagshaw Misses, Woodside
Balston Ven. Archdeacon Edward D.D. Vicarage
Barker John Edward, Brooklands
Barker Mrs. Edward, The Butts
Bateman Henry Samuel, The Avenue
Bentley Rev. Joseph (Wesleyan), The Manse, Matlock street
Berry Mrs. The Avenue
Bingham Luke Frith, Bath street
Blake Rev. Richard Everard T.A.K.C.L. [curate], Church Hill cottage
Bowman Joseph R. Wye bank
Bown John, Acrewall terrace
Brookes Ambrose Owen Rutland house
Broomhead Henry, Holly loge
Buchan William, Castle street
Bulpett Capt. A. D. The Avenue
Carrington John Neave, The Avenue
Carrington William Alex. Castle street
Cross Robert, Milford house
Evans Charles Walter M.D. Matlock st
Fentem Philip Sheldon M.D. Catcllff
Fitz Herbert Mrs. Ivy house
Fox William Storrs M.A. St. Anselm's
Glossop Charles Henry, Rutland square
Glossop Mrs. Butts cottage
Goodwin Frank Swettenham, Bridge ho
Greaves Mrs. The Hayes
Hardy Miss, The Avenue
Harrison Francis, Coombs road
Hutchinson Robert, Wye cottage
Ingleby John, The Avenue
Kentish Mrs. Knighton cottage
Knox Jas. Jenkinson B.A. Church ho
Knox John M.D. Church house
Leigh George, Hotly house
Lees George Wild, Yew Tree house
Nesfield Robert William Mills D.L., J. P. (agt. to the Duke of Rutland), Castle hl
Norman Francis, Matlock street
Norman Francis Edwin, Coombs road
Orme Robert, Dagnall ho. The Avenue
Orme Robert B
Orme Stanley, Granby house
Parsons Edwin Alonzo, Parsonage ho
Pearson Edward Wager, Endcliffe ho
Pearson William. Westfield house
Powell Fredk. F.R.C.S. Bridge Street ho
Redfern William, Butts view
Slater Rev. Leonard B.A. The Hall
Swaine Mrs. Bridge street
Taylor Francis James, Overdale
Taylor James, King street
Taylor Herbert Brooke, West Bank
Taylor Mrs. George, Matlock street
Taylor-Whitehead Smith J.P. Burton Closes; & at 21 Upper Phillimore gardens, Kensington w
Thatcher Rev. Ernest Grey M.A. [curate], Burton house
Todd Arthur, Rutland terrace
Todd Joseph, Rutland terrace
Wager Mrs. Parsonage cottage
Wallis Mrs. Haddon villa

Adams Alfred Joseph. insurance agent, & manager Crompton & Evans' Bank, Rutland square
Alleard John Wm. plasterer, Mill st
Allsop Charles, shopkeeper. Mill street
Allsop George, farmer, Bath street
Allsop Robert William, coal merchant, Railway station
Allsop Thomas, builder & contractor, Castle street, Granby road & Bath st
Anthony Jsph. Skidmore, frmr. Field cot
Ashton Sl. marble wareho. N. Church st
Bacon Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, The Avenue
Bagshaw Isaac, farmer, Green Cowden
Bagshaw Wm. wheelwright, Mill st
Bakewell, Wilson & Co. tea dealers, Rutland square
Bakewell Agricultural Society (W. Smith, sec)
Bakewell Farmers' Club (W. Smith, sec)
Bakewell Grammar School (patron, The Ven. The Archdeacon of Derby; F. Powell F.R.G.B. master), Bridge St. ho
Bakewell Horticultural Society (Joseph Rogers, sec)
Bakewell Town Hall Co. Limited (C. H. Glossop, sec)
Bamford John, boarding ho. Prospect ho
Barker Charles, superintendent of county constabulary, Granby road
Barrett Joshua, outfitter, North Church st
Bateman Henry Samuel, surveyor of taxes, Town hall
Baths (Herbert Boulsover, manager)
Beresford Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, South Church street
Bingham H. E. (Miss), private school, Mill street
Bingham Luke Frith, insur. agnt. Bath st
Birley Harriet (Mrs.), greengrocer, North Church street
Blackwell John ,boot & shoe ma, Bath st
BOOTH & WRIGHT, SILK MERCERS, linen & woollen drapers, TAILORS, dress makers & milliners, King st
Bowman Joseph B. miller (water), corn merchant & seedsman, Victoria mill, & provision merchant, King street
Bown John, insurance agt. Acrewall ter
Bradbury Isaac, boot ma. Rutland ter
Bradbury James, marble mason, North Church street
Bradbury Joseph, sec. to Gas Light Co, & actuary to Savings Bank & insurance agent, Rutland terrace
Bramwell Edward, builder, contractor, & dlr. in building materials, The Hill
Bramwell Jas. stone mason & bldr. Mill st
Bramwell William, builder & contractor & dealer in builders' materials, South Church street
Briddon Elizabeth (Mrs.), Anchor P.R. Anchor square
Briddon Geo, lodging ho. Westfield ter
Briddon Thomas, blacksmith, Bath st
Brookes Ambrose Owen, solicitor, Rutland house
Broomhead Henry & Son, solicitors, North Church street
Broomhead Hy. (firm, Broomhead Hy. & Son), solicitor & commissioner to administer oaths, North Church st
Broomhead Henry Oliver (frm, Broomhead Henry & Son), solicitor, North Church street
Broomhead Mary (Mrs.), plumber & glazier, Mill street
Broomhead Rt. plmbr. & glazier, Mill st
Buchan George, coal merchant, & wood agent to the Duke of Rutland
Buchan William, Duke of Rutland's estate office, Castle hill
Callow William, general draper, silk mercer, hosier, glover & outfitter, London ho, Matlock st. & The Square
Carrington Edward Green, chemist, druggist & seedsman, Matlock street
Carrington Josiah, hair dresser & umbrella maker, North Church street
Cemetery (Fras. Jas. Taylor, clerk to the burial board ; Geo. Umphage, sup)
Cheetham John, auctioneer &. valuer, The Square; & at Belper
Chesterfield Brewery Co. (Mathew Gregory, agent), Mill street
Christian Knowledge Society's Depot (A. Cokayne, agent)
Clark William, surveyor to the Duke of Rutland, Castle street
Clay Mark, farmer, Monyash road
Cokayne Andreas, printer, stationer & bookseller, Rutland square
Comery Richard, boot & shoe maker, Mill street
Conservative Club (William Buchan, sec.), Bath street
County Court (His Honor Wm. Barber Q..C. judge; A O. Brookes, registrar & high bailiff), Town hall
Critchlow Charles, butcher, Rutland sq
Crompton & Evans' Union Bank Limited (Alfred Joseph Adams, manager), Rutland square ; draw on Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co., London E C
Cross John H. auctioneer, agricultural implement, dealer &. domestic machinist, Avenue house
Derbyshire Jspn. wheelwright, Matlock rd
Dispensary & Lying-in Institution (A. J. Adams esq. treasurer; Wm. Redfern sec.; Charles Walter Evans M.B. & John Knox M.D. surgeons), King st
Elliott Arthur, shoeing smith, Matlock rd
Elliott John, Manners inn, Matlock rd
Evans Charles Walter M.D. surgeon, & medical officer of health to local board & medical officer to the workhouse & certifying factory surgeon, Matlock st
Fentem Philip Sheldon M.D. surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator, Bakewell district & medical officer of health North district of rural sanitary authority, King street
Fewkes Anne Eliza (Mrs.), fancy repository, Matlock street
Field James Henry, auctioneer, Red Lion hotel (market day)
Fire Engine Station (F. J. Taylor,capt.), Butts road
Foster John, Peacock hotel, commercial and posting house, Cattle market
Fox William Storrs M.A. preparatory school, St. Anselm's
Freemasons (Dorothy Vernon Lodge, 2129) (Jn. C. Stroyan, sec.), Town hall
Frost James, carpenter & blacksmith, Monyash road
Frost William Slater, Royal Oak hotel, & painter, Matlock street
Garner George R. station master
Gas Light Co. (Joseph Bradbury, sec)
George Edmd. horse breaker, The Avenue
Gibbs James, farmer, Ball cross
Glider John George, boot & shoe maker, Matlock street
Grimson Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, Bridge cottage
Glossop Charles Henry, insurance agent, & manager to Sheffield & Rotherham Bank, Rutland square
Goodwin Frank Swettenham, solicitor & commissioner to administer oaths, Bridge house
Goodwin Thomas Wm. saddler, Mill st
Gordon Sarah (Mrs.) & Sons, chimney sweepers, Fly hill
Gough Wm. caretaker of Town hall
Gratton James, printer, bookbinder, bookseller & stationer, Matlock street
Greaves William, Rutland Arms family hotel & posting house, Rutland square
Gregory Charles Hy. registrar of births, deaths & marriages, vaccination officer & town crier, Church street
Gregory Sarah (Miss), Wheatsheaf P. H. Bridge street
Haddock Geo. farmer, South Church
Hage Robert, farmer, carrier, & Devonshire Arms P.H. Church street
Hallows Eliza Ann (Miss), beer retailer, Derby gate
Handley James, plasterer, King street
Hawksworth Thos. saddler, Matlock st.
Heathcote Jas. stone mason, Church st
Heathcote In. farmer, South Church st.
Hensberg Robert, water bailiff to the Duke of Rutland, Elliot holme
Hicks Annie (Miss), dress maker, Matlock street
Higginbottom Jane (Mrs. ), greengrocer, Mill street
Higgott Thomas Potter, Red Lion commercial hotel & posting ho. Rutland sq
Higgott Tom Heyward M.R.C.V.S. Lond. veterinary surgeon, Rutland square
High Peak Harriers (R. W. M. Nesfield esq. D.L., J.P. master; Rt. Fairclough, huntsman)
High Peak Institute (A. J. Adams, treasurer & hon.sec. ; William Gough, librarian)
Hill Edward, tailor, Matlock street
Hill Geo, boot & shoe wareho. Water st
Hodgkinson Jn. Harry , tailor, Rutland sq
Holmes Daniel, farmer, Shutts
Housley Charles, tobacconist, Matlock st
Housley William, boot maker & photographer, Matlock street
Howard Joseph, blacksmith, Bridge st
Hudson Harriet (Mrs.), Castle commercial hotel & posting house & head quarters of C. T. C. Bridge street
Hurt George Abraham, watch maker, Matlock street
Ingleby John, insurance agt. The Avenue
Inland Revenue Office (Harry Staniforth, officer), Rutland terrace
Johnson Jas. wardrobe dlr. Cemetery rd
King William, architect & surveyor & clerk of works to the Duke of Rutland, Castle street
Kitson Charles, King's Arms P.H. Mill st
Knox James Jenkinson B.A. surgeon, Church house
Knox John M.D. surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator for Hartington Middle Qurtr. district & medical officer of health South district of rural sanitary authority, Church house
Leigh George, accountant, clerk to the guardians & to the rural sanitary authority, assessment & school attendance committees, & superintendent registrar, Register office
Lingard Thomas, clog maker, Mill st
Littlewood Herbert, whitesmith & hot water engineer, Granby road
Lomas Edwd. coal mer. Railway statn
Marsden Frederick, shoe ma. Mill st
Marsden Thomas, boot & shoe maker, North Church street
Marsden William, farmer, Bole hill
Marsden William Drabble, fishmonger, poulterer, fruiterer & licensed dealer in game, Market place, King street
Mellor Joseph, farmer, Matlock street
Mellor Thomas Barker, organist, Chantry house
Midland Counties Merchants' & Trades Association (Hy. Broomhead, solicitor), Holly lodge
Mountney Large, butcher, Anchor sq
National Telephone Co. Limited; call office, Bridge street
Needham Charles, saddler, Bridge st
Nelson Francis, pork butcher, Mill st
Norman & Groom, builders & contractors & marble masons, Albion steam saw mills
Noton George, pork butcher, Mill street
Noton William, farmer, Mill street
[p.88 col. 2]
Odd Fellows' Hall (Joseph Rodgers, sec.), The Hill
Orme Robert & Co. wholesale & retail grocers, wine & spirit merchants, corn, flour & provision dealers, agents for Bass's burton beer & Guinness's dublin stout in cask & bottle, The Square & Water st.; & at Matlock Brdg
Orme Robert B. deputy supt. registrar, Register office
Oxford University Extension Lectures (Miss Martin, sec.), Town hall
Parker John, fruiterer, Mill street
Peach Rd. boot & shoe maker, Mill st
Pearson Edwd. Wager, grocer, Mill st
Pheasey Henry, shoe maker, Bridge st
Pidcock John, joiner, Bagshaw hill
Plant Arthur M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, & inspector under C.D. (Animals) Act for Bakewell district, King street
Powell Frederick F.R.C.S. master of boarding school for young gentlemen, Bridge Sheet house
Pursglove Thomas, farmer, Bridgefoot
Primrose League, Bakewell (Rutland) Habitation (Miss C. Underwood, sec.), Castle hill
Quail & Bucknall, tailors, The Square
Radford & Co. sauce manfrs. Castle st
Radford Jas. F. insurance agt. Castle st
Roberts Daniel, district surveyor of highways, Castle street
Roberts Frank, plumber & glazier, Matlock street
Roberts Frank, deputy registrar of births, deaths & marriages for Bakewell sub-district, Granby road
Rose Mary (Mrs.), baker, Matlock st
Rowland Thos. ironmonger, Bridge st
Savings Bank (Joseph Bradbury, actuary) (open mondays from 10 to 12), Bath street
Sellers Jn. & Son, slaters, Nth. Church st
Sellors George, slater, Mill street
Sellors Joseph, slater, North Church st
Sellors M.E. (Mrs.), cnfctnr. Matlock st
Sellers Mary (Miss), milliner &: fancy draper, North Church street
Sharratt Joseph, lodging ho. Bridge st
Sheffield & Rotherham Joint Stock Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Chas. H. Glossop, manager), Rutland sq. draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. & London & Westminster Lim. London, Bank of Ireland & Belfast Banking Co. & British Linen /> Sheffield & Rotherham Joint Stock Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Chas. H. Glossop, manager), Rutland sq. draw on Barclay, Sheffield Telephone Co.; call office, Anchor square
Sheldon Walter, confectioner, Bridge st
Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire Regiment) and Volunteer Battalion (Col. James Charles Cavendish, lieut.col. commanding; Capt. A. D. Dulpett, adjutant; Henry Dakin, quarter-master); head quarters, Town hall
Sims John, beer retailer, Water street
Sims Wm. frntr. dlr. & news agt. Bridge st
Sims William Hy. pork butcher, Bridge st
Skevington Henry, painter & glazier, Matlock street
Skidmore Richd. provision dlr. Mill st
Slater Henry, draper, Mill street
Smith Joseph & Sons, chert merchants, Holme bank
Smith George, farmer, Mill street
Smith Jas. farmer, Burton Moor farm
Smith William, surveyor & inspector of nuisances (urban district) & rate collector to local board, & insurance agent, Butts road
Sporle Ann (Mrs.), ldgng. ho. The Avenue
Staniforth Harry, inland revenue officer, Rutland terrace
Sterriker Thomas, tailor, Prospect ter
Stone John, watch maker, King street
STROYAN JOHN C. DRAPER, milliner, mantle maker & general outfitter (estab. a century & a half). The Square
Symple Sergt. Major William, drill instructor, Bridge street
Taylor F.& H.solicitors & commissioners to administer oaths, Town hall
Taylor Walter & Albert, carriage painters, Matlock road
Taylor Francis Jas. (firm, Taylor F. & H.), solicitor & clerk to the local & burial boards, Town hall
Taylor Herbert Brooke (firm Taylor F. &. H.), solicitor & commissioner to administer oaths & clerk to the county magistrates, Bakewell petty sessional division, Town hall
Taylor Maude (Miss), young ladies' day & boarding school, Bath street
Thatcher Thomas, butcher, Matlock st
Thompson John, butcher, Matlock st
Thompson John R. chemist &. druggist, family grocer, & agent for W. &. A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers, King st
Tomlinson Elias, watch & clock & mosaic manufr. & insurance agt. Matlock st
Town hall (William Gough, keeper)
Vickers Wm. Queen's Arms P.H .Bridge st
Wagstaff Wm. nurseryman, Bagshaw hl
Wain George, coal mer. Railway station
Wain Joseph, farmer, The Coombs
Walker Anthony, butcher, Mill street
Wallis Sarah (Mrs.), ironmonger & general dealer, Bridge street
Wallwin William, farmer, Haddon gro
Waterfall Charles, farmer, Water st
West Derbyshire Conservative Association (Northern division) (William Buchan, principal agent), Castle st
Wheatcroft Nathaniel, coal mer. Rly stn
Whittaker William Hy. mineral water manufacturer's agent. Matlock street
Wigley Wm. boot & shoe ma. Matlock st
Wilson Elizabeth & Jane (Misses), milliners & dress makers, Rutland ter
Wilson Annie (Mrs.), confctnr. Rutland sq
Winson Fras. Jsph. beer ret. Matlock st
Woodiwiss Hy. carriage painter, Mill st
Working Men's Club (William Redfeam, sec.), King street
Wright Charles Henry, draper, see Booth & Wright
Wyatt Joseph, hair dresser & fancy depot, Bridge street

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

My Kelly's Directory

An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript

Town Links
[Continued from Previous Page.]
More on site information about Bakewell and the surrounding area
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811 includes a section about Bakewell.
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset has some observations about Bakewell in 1794.
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills
Old Derbyshire Maps : Bakewell and the Wye Valley, 1908