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Lay Subsidy Roll, 1327-8
From the article "Derbyshire in 1327-8 ; Being a Lay Subsidy Roll" by The Rev. J. Charles Cox[1]

Clerical properties were exempt from Lay subsidies, which were levied from the 12th to the 17th century. There were separate clerical subsidies[2].

Wirksworth Hundred (Fourth Membrane.)

  li [£ - pounds] s[hillings] s[hillings] d [pence]
Petrus de Hurst ..... iiiij li   iiij s  
Gilb fil Galf .....   lx s iij s  
Johes fil Nich .....   xl s ij s  
. . . fil Ric .....   lx s iij s  
. . . Attewode .....   xl s ij s  
. . . fil Amic' .....   sl s ij s  
. . . fil Rog' .....   xl s   ij d
. . . fil Walt' .....   lx s iij s  
. . . . . . .....   lx s iij s  
. . . de Macworth .....   xl s ij s  
. . . Digge .....   xl s ij s  
. . . de Rybergh .....   xl s ij s  
Summa bonorum ..... xxx li      

Total for the Wirksworth Hundred : £40 18s 3d.
A List of "Alehouses, Innes, and Tavernes," in the Year 1577
From: A List of "Alehouses, Innes, and Tavernes," in Derbyshire in the Year 1577.
Transcribed from the Domestic State Papers (Elizabeth, Vol. 118, No.25) by W. H. Hart, F.S.A.[3]

"I have herwyth sent the nowmer and naymes of all such as kepe any alehowsis Innys and Taverns within this Countie of Derbie whereof many are very poore ..."


Edward Walker
Anthony Flynt
Anthony Reynshaw
Agnes Flynt
George Smethley
Edward Myllington
John Norman
John Spateman
Elizabeth Coot.
Alehowsis ix.
Lists Containing Five or Less Names
1. High Constables
High Constables were appointed by the Court Leet. The High Constable would have been 'a man of real importance and influence in the hundred, and was often of good birth'.[4]

1559 Ralph CHARLTON Wapentake of Wirksworth[3, 4]
1571 Godfrey CRONKEHOUSE Wapentake of Wirksworth[3, 4]
1575-80 George OLDFIELD Liberty of Workesworth[3, 4]
1598 Roger WIGLEY Wapentake of Wirksworth[3, 4]
2. Petty Constables
They were 'bound to attend the Quarter Sessions - fines were imposed if they were absent without just excuse.'[3, 5]
Various responsibilities, including the execution of warrants and the summoning of jurors. The Petty Constable was originally appointed by the court leet of his township, and afterwards by the parish vestry.

In 1562, for the Wapentake of Wirksworth
Matlock .. .. Humphrey MATLEY[6]
3. The County Forces : General Musters
'The name by which the local force was usually styled in the sixteenth century, was "General Musters". No sooner had Elizabeth succeeded to the crown than she proceeded to test the legislature of her predecessor by calling out the county forces in large numbers in the shires, and by making a general order for returns of the number and equipment of such contingents throughout the country'. This was as a result of alterations to Henry II's Assize to Arms in the reign of Queen Mary (4 and 5 Philip and Mary, c.2). The act laid down what everyone had to provide, in direct proportion to the land they held and their income[4].

Musters for the County of Derby, 1558[7]

The Certyfycate of the Musters and view of the able men and the horses geldynge armoure and weapons that evry man hath and ought to have according to such statute as have byn made in that behalf within the WAPENTAKE OF WYRKSWORTH AND HARTYNGTON SOOKE in the Countie of Derbye taken by Sr Humffrey Bradbarn, Knyght & Fraunces Curson Esquyer the xvjth day of Februarye in the fyrst yere of the raign of o Sovraygn Lady Elyzabeth by the grace of God Quene of Ingland Fraunce & Ireland Defender of the Fayth &c. ...

Itm Anthony Whole hath one plate cote two long bowes, two sheffe of arrowes, too sculles & one black bill.
Itm Henry Hopkenson hath one longe bowe one sheffe of arrowes one sculle & one black bill.
Itm the towneschip of Matlocke hath harnes in redines for one archer wt weapons for the same.
Able men wtowt harnes in the same townes.
Bill men - v.
4. A Muster for Spanish Invasion
"A Muster Booke of all the selected men appointed for trayned soldiers made th' second of November in the xxixth yeare of the raigne of our Sovereigne Lady Queene Elizabethe, 1587, for the whole County of Derby."[8]
The Hundred of Workesworthe

George Knooles, Edmonde Walker, callin', George Bowne, cor'. p

The extracts above are taken from:

[1] "Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society", Vol. 30 (1908), pp.42-3

[2as] Herber, Mark (reprinted 2004) "Ancestral Trails", Sutton Publishing, Stroud in Association with the Society of Genealogists ISBN 0-7509-3510-3.

[3] "Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society", Vol. 1, London & Derby (1879), names are on p.75

[4] "Three Centuries of Derbyshire Annals, an Illustrated by the Records of the Quarter Sessions of the County of Derby from Queen Elizabeth to Queen Victoria", Rev. Charles J. Cox, LL.D., F.S.A Vol I. (1890) pub. London: Bemrose and Sons, 23 Old Bailey; and Derby.

[5] ibid, pp.95 - 113

[6] ibid, p.106

[7] Musters for the County of Derby, 1558, p.140

[8] "Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society", Vol. 17-19, London & Derby (1895-7), p.14

Information researched and transcribed by Ann Andrews Jan 2000 and Apr 2009