Matlock and Matlock Bath, Derbyshire
The Complete Web Site for Matlock and Matlock Bath Genealogy & Local History
   Crown Square, Matlock, about 1950 Riber Hillside Swing Bridge and High Tor Hotel, Matlock Dale The Ferry House, Matlock Bath New Bath Hotel, Matlock Bath Royal Hotel, Matlock Bath Switchback Railway, Derwent Gardens, Matlock Bath 

Bank, Bath, Bridge, Cliff, Dale, Green, Moor & Town
plus Riber, Starkholmes, Scarthin, Willersley & the Via Gellia

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Web mistress and co-site owner Ann Andrews

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Local History
Find a Name - Speedy way to search for names in the history pages.
Matlock - Famous as a Centre for Hydropathy Cures (with Lumsdale, Riber and Starkholmes).
Matlock Bath - The Switzerland of England (with Scarthin and Matlock Dale).
Arkwright and His Cotton Mill - Masson Mill was Richard Arkwright's third mill in the district.
Bank Road & the Steep-Gradient Tramway (1893-1927) - Matlock's Cable Tramway, the only one of its kind and a remarkable piece of engineering.*Updated*
Churches and Chapels - The mediaeval parish church in Matlock Town, to the growth in Methodism and the population explosion demanding more church building.
Flooding in the Matlocks *Updated*
Funeral Garland at Matlock Church - An old custom.
Images Index - Photographs, Postcards, Engravings & Etchings, plus more Local History included alongside many of the images - Over 1145 images -
Lead Mining - The Matlock area has been associated with lead mining for a very long time.
Matlock & Matlock Bath Miscellany - From Domesday and the Manor to charities, copyholders, police stations, population figures, voters in 1832, clubs & societies - and the band.
Operatic Society - An early programme (and more).
Matlock & Matlock Bath: Inspiration of Poets - Poems by Erasmus Darwin, John Betjeman, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and others.
Schools in Earlier Times - The education of Matlock's children, despite a charitable donation in 1647 to found a free school, was extremely mixed.
Stone Quarrying - Has been a major industry.
War Memorials - Five Memorials. The men who lost their lives.
Now includes pictures of the unveiling service at Matlock Bath and Matlock's Memorial shortly after its Dedication.
Water Cures - made Matlock & Matlock Bath famous. Matlock Bath was famous Spa. Matlock as a centre for Hydropathy.
Now includes : The First Hydro in the District *New research, released Jan 2016*.
Documents & Records
Historical Records (QuickList) - Fast route to Matlock & Matlock Bath names in lists
- Census - Directories - Documents - London Gazette - Registers - Lists Through the Centuries - Memorial Inscriptions - Strays - Wills Calendar - ... and more.
"Great Matlock Will Case" Court Report - The official account of the eight day trial in 1864. And what happened afterwards.
The Wolley Manuscripts Index - A major collection of pre 1828 documents. The Matlock section is very detailed.
Historic Guide Books, Magazines & Newspapers
Guides, 18thc and 19thc - 18thc and 19thc travel book writers described Matlock, Matlock Bath and the surrounding countryside in the most glowing terms. Many beautifully illustrated. Transcripts and Illustrations.
Magazines & Journals Articles - About Matlock life, many with photographs.
Includes "The Varied Fortunes of a Derbyshire Spa" | "Harry Gill"
Newspaper Cuttings **New section**
A collection of newspaper reports that were published over 75 years ago. Includes stand alone reports such as "There Was Red Tape at Smedley's Hydro Then" | "The Great Matlock Will Case" | The Murder of Mrs. Martha Morrall, 1891-1904 |
Maps of Matlock, Matlock Bath & District **New section**
People & Surnames
Biographies: People of the Past - Short biographies or biographical notes about people who have had associations with Matlock and Matlock Bath.
Empire Day, 1914 - Pre War Parade of the Matlock Branch of the National Reserve and the Fire Brigade.
Pastors of Matlock Congregational Church
Pedigrees & Coats of Arms - From Arkwright to Wolley.
Matlock & Matlock Bath Photographers. - An illustrated account of the photographers who lived in or had studios in Matlock and Matlock Bath
from the earliest times until just after the Second World War.
Rectors of St. Giles Church, Matlock - 1300 to 1981+
Chronological list of the Rectors of Matlock's parish church, from the earliest times to the twentieth century. Who they were.
The Surname MATLOCK
Images Index - Photographs, Postcards, Engravings & Etchings includes a section about Groups of People and Individuals
What's New - The latest additions to the web site. Keep up-to-date.
Matlock References - Archives, libraries, links, newspapers, research info, tourist info links, etc.
Books & Other Publications - includes the latest titles.
Did You Know ... ? A lighthearted collection of random Matlock facts!
How You Can Help or Make a Contribution
Contributors & Acknowledgements

The Vernon Lamb Archive

A Unique Photographic
Record of Matlock and
District, 1910-1915,
and World War One Soldiers

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Matlock Bath's Jubilee Bridge was in the news
when it was re-painted and re-opened.
Read about the bridge over a hundred years ago (1 of 4 pages)
Picture of High Tor, Matlock Dale from a photograph by Frank Clay. 
It was his knowledge of his birthplace and enthusiasm for its past that have been my inspiration for these pages.
Picture of High Tor, Matlock Dale is the view of Matlock and Matlock Bath that everyone remembers. The Tor has been written about, drawn and painted for many centuries. It has been the subject of poems and countless photographs.


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Derbyshire's Parishes,
Magazine Library
Kelly's Derbyshire Directory, 1891 Andrews Pages
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