Andrews Pages Picture Gallery : Godalming, Surrey |
A selection of photographs and postcards of a
Surrey country town |
View from Holloway Hill, Godalming, 1895 |
Godalming is in the valley of the River Wey and there are hills
on either side. This view is looking northwards across
the valley and Charterhouse
School can be seen slightly left of centre at the top
of the opposite hill. Some of its
boarding houses, later demolished, stretch along the
hilltop towards the water tower, which is on the skyline
on the right. Peperharow
Road runs along the foot of the hill.
The very large structure with the tall chimney on its right
(left, slightly below centre) was the Oak Bark Tannery, an
extensive leather dressing factory belonging to Messrs, Rea,
Son and Fisher which tanned "large hides, bullock, stag
and sheep" with the bark used in the process "brought
from Sussex in horse drawn vehicles"[1] before
the First World War. The distinctive buildings of Godalming
Station are just behind the tannery and the London -
Portsmouth line bisects the picture, crossing the Lammas
Lands on an embankment on the far right and reappearing from
just behind the station on the left on its way to the south
coast. The long narrow three storey Allen and Solly's Mill
is on the opposite side of Mill Lane, just down from the
station; at this time it was part of the tannery. It is all
that remains of the tannery today.

Enlargement, showing the large building of the Oak Bark Tannery.
Allen and Solly's Mill can be seen on the left of this enlargement.
Godalming's "new" station, with its steep swiss-style rooves,
is also to the left of the tannery, but behind it.
Sadly for the industry, a devastating fire broke
out on the tannery's premises early in the morning of 7th
March 1905[2].
It was reported that the large factory was completely gutted,
with the machinery and stock destroyed, although it was the
five storey building that was burned down with the other
buildings surviving. Unfortunately, about an hour after
the fire began the local steam fire engine would not work
properly so Godalming's Fire Brigade had to work with the
manual engine and it was only then that Guildford's Fire
Brigade was called to provide additional assistance[3].
The two Fire Brigades fought the blaze for around three hours
and several firemen had narrow escapes when one of the building's
large walls collapsed. The damage was estimated to be about £20,000.
Holloway Hill residents would have had a grandstand view
of the conflagration but the fire would have meant that men
would have had no work.
On 20 February 1911 there was a second, even worse, fire
at the site with damage estimated at between £30,000
and £40,000. It was said to have originated in
the boiler-house and the bark mill and tannery, both three-storey
buildings, were gutted[4].
Harold Pitt[5],
who would have been around eleven years old at the time,
later recalled that "the flames could be seen from the
bedroom windows of Wolseley Road, Farncombe"[1],
where he lived with his family. The tannery continued to
operate from the Mill Lane premises afterwards, but Harold
Pitt commented that it never really recovered. It was taken
over during World War Two[1].
Also see The Mint and Mill Lane
The scene immediately below where the photographer
was standing is the bottom of Holloway Hill, at the point
where it meets Ockford Road. It looks very different
today. |
Several buildings around this junction
have not survived to the present day in Godalming, as the
second enlargement (above) shows. When Flambard Way, the inner
relief road, was built in the 1980s they were in its path. However,
as they were found to have been constructed with very old timber
frames they were taken down, conserved and then moved to the
Weald and Downland Living Museum in Sussex (Singleton) where
they were re-erected[6].
The new road and a modern office building cover a good part of
where they were.
What the enlargement does show is a small gap in the pavement
on Holloway Hill. It indicated the entrance to a former Smithy;
the smithy's buildings can be seen above.
One thing that remains today is the lane running behind the
gardens of properties on Croft Road. It is seen here with hedging
on either side. By the early 1960s, when it was finally surfaced
following a number of collisions with fences and gates because
of the potholes, there was just a privet hedge on the north
side. The lane then went to Jaeger's factory[6]. |
"Godalming, from Holloway Hill". Frith's Series,
no number. Posted on 18 May 1904 in Leytonstone and sent to
Mrs. Clarke of 90 High Street, possibly from a son or daughter. Another
version of this card has been located and the image is No.36144,
dating from 1895. The page title has been amended accordingly.
Postcard and enlargements in the collection of, provided by
and © Ann
Researched, written by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
[1] "Memories of Farncombe
and Godalming" (1981), The Godalming Trust, ed.
David Coombs. Principal written contributions by Harold Pitt
and Raymond Martin.
[2] "Edinburgh Evening News",
7 March 1905.
[3] "Manchester Courier and
Lancashire General Advertiser", 5 April 1905. The
Fire Brigade Committee of the Town Council later dismissed
the Brigade's engineer, following an investigation into the
fire. It resulted in the entire Fire Brigade resigning.
[4] "Dundee Evening Telegraph"
and "Portsmouth Evening News", 20 February
[5] Both the 1901 and the 1911 census
returns show the Pitt family living at 3 Wolseley Road, Farncombe.
Harold would only have been five when the 1905 occurred, so
it is more likely that he was describing the 1911 fire in "Memories ...".
[6] With grateful thanks to Ron Mayers
for his memories of his time living on Croft Road. His mother
use to ask him to fill in the potholes in the
lane behind their family home with the ash and clinker from
their kitchen boiler. Potholes can still cause problems, but
as many homes no longer have that kind of boiler people are
less likely to rush out and fill them these days. |