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The Andrews Pages Picture Gallery : Godalming, Surrey
A selection of photographs and postcards of a Surrey country town
Pageites, one of the original Charterhouse School Boarding Houses.
Pageites, 1906

Thomas Ethelbert Page opened this boarding house on Hindhead Road, between Daviesites and Robinites on the top of Frith Hill, in 1875[1] and ran it until he moved to the slightly larger Hodgsonites across the road at the end of 1880. The boys who lived in these three buildings during term time, as well as those in Hodgsonites and Bodeites, would have entered the school grounds by crossing the bridge over Sandy Lane (now Charterhouse Road). They would return back to their house for meals.

There were some features that were common to all the boarding houses as each had two living rooms, one for the Upper School pupils, usually called the Hall, and another for the Under School, mostly referred to as the Long Room or Under Long Room. They would all eat dinner in the Long Room, but the Upper School ate breakfast and tea in the Hall[2].

The top image shows the outhouse in 1906, so just over 30 years since it had been built. Enough time for all the shrubs and trees to grow. Amusingly, although there is a gate on the left, many preferred to walk round the edge - the grass there is flattened.

Thomas Page was an interesting man. He was born at Lincoln in 1850, where his father had been manager of the Lincoln and Lindsey Banking Company[3] and educated firstly at Lincoln Grammar School; he then went to Shrewsbury where he became head boy. From there he won a scholarship to St. John's College, Cambridge in 1869 and won numerous prizes. He was elected a Fellow whilst at University [4].

Apart from his scholastic attainments, he was one of the first men to wear "Oxford Bags," and for half a century he remained faithful to wide pepper-coloured trousers of remarkable cut, plus a black jacket and bowler hat. The story goes that when he was at Charterhouse he saw a sample of this coloured cloth and was so pleased that he bought 100 yards of the material![5].

He was an active member of the Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools and at a meeting in 1907 proposed a motion that there should be a central body to look after the interests of the profession[6]. He retired from teaching in late 1910 and was already an Alderman and a Justice of the Peace in Godalming[7]. He and his family then moved to Woodcote, a substantial property a little further along the road.

Dr. Page was elected as one of the Governors of Charterhouse in 1913[8]. In 1924 the Freedom of the Borough of Godalming was conferred on him. He had recently retired from the Town Council and had been in public service for 33 years as a councillor and alderman. He was by this time an honorary doctor of literature of Manchester University, and a member of the governing bodies of Cranleigh, Charterhouse and Shrewsbury schools. He served as a magistrate, was a member of Surrey County Council and was also on the Surrey Education Committee[9]. He was also a member of the Reform Club, where he would often go for lunch. In 1934 he was made a Companion of Honour for services to scholarship and letters; he was then editor in chief of the Loeb Classical Library[10]. He passed away on 1 April 1936. He was survived by his wife, Delamontte Caroline Eugenie, nee Toynbee, who ran the housekeeping side of the boys' boarding houses they lived in, advertising for and appointing housekeepers, cooks, maids, cleaning staff. etc., over the years[11].

Pageites, about 1955
About 1955.

T. E. Page was succeeded as housemaster of Pageites in the Long Quarter (Spring Term) of 1881 by Rev. William Francis John Romanis[1] who was another Cambridge graduate, this time from Trinity College. The 1891 census records him as a Clerk in Holy Orders and Assistant Master, living with his wife, one child, two visitors and five staff as well as 40 boy boarders[12]. He moved to Weekites in 1896.

Reverend Francis Shepley Ramsbotham then took over Pageites, but retired from teaching in 1910[4] [13]. He then built Twycross, where he lived after retirement[14]. His successor was Alan Fenwick Radcliffe, who had had been a boy at Charterhouse, joined the staff in 1890 and became the Pageites housemaster in O.Q. 1910 (Oration Quarter, or Autumn Term). He retired in 1929 and his funeral was held at Puttenham Cemetery in 1936[15]. Andrew L. Irvine then became housemaster.

There is a two storey flat roofed brick built extension on the second image, above, but it is unclear when this was added. The publisher of this postcard, Frith, produced a very similar view in 1927 (their ref. 79371), which also showed this extension although it was not on their 1906 postcard (top).

Pageites was one of the very few outhouses to have been modernised in the 1960s[16]. Despite this, the nineteenth century building was replaced by a new boarding house within the school grounds in early 1974[17], the third to open after the decision to sell off the land on Frith Hill where many of the outhouses had been built.

Although the original Pageites was taken down after the pupils had moved out, the foundations of both it and the other nearby boarding houses were still in situ in 1976. The new road along the top of the hill, Twycross Road, had not yet been built. A section of Farncombe Hill that went past the Manor House was to be eventually renamed Huxley Close, although one section was to remain as somewhere for walkers and a short cut from Farncombe station. The road surface is still underneath the debris from the overhanging trees. The bottom section is still called Farncombe Hill today.

Read more about what happened to Robinites and the other outhouses in the 1960s and 70s, including the Markenhorn project.

Other Charterhouse "outhouses" built in the 19th century





1. "Pageites", Charterhouse, Godalming. F. Frith & Co. Ltd., Reigate, Surrey, No..55326. Published 1906. Printed in England. Unused.
2. Postcard of "Pageites, Charterhouse, Godalming". Published by F. Frith & Co. Ltd., Reigate, No. GDLD.21 [abt 1955]. Printed in England. Unused.
Postcard in the collection of, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Researched, written by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.


[1] "The Times", Wednesday, Apr 08, 1936.

[2] Tod, A. H., M.A. (2nd Ed., Revised) (1919) "Charterhouse". Handbook to the Great Public Schools. London : George Bell and Sons Portugal St. Lincoln's Inn W.C. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell & Co New York : The MacMillan Co Bombay : A. H. Wheeler & Co. With grateful thanks to Clive Carter, a former Charterhouse headmaster, for the loan of this book.

[3] "Globe", 23 Oct 1908. When Thomas Page's father William Tomlinson Page, who was 96, passed away in Lincoln (on the day of publication) he was said to have been one of the oldest magistrates in the county.

[4] "Clifton Society", 5 May 1910.

[5] " Louth Standard", 11 April 1936.

[6] "Eastern Mercury", 22 January 1907. The salaries of Teachers. Page, welcoming the formation of the Federal Council of Secondary Schools Association, proposed a central body should be set up to look after the interests of the profession. It was felt that the salaries of masters in secondary schools was impossible and disgraceful, whilst even the great public schools failed to attract the best men. A salary scheme had been set up by London County Council and it was hoped that other councils would follow suit.

[7] "Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser", 24 December 1910. He had retired "on Tuesday".

[8] "Devon and Exeter Daily Gazetteer", 8 August 1913.

[9] "Surrey Mirror", 1 Feb 1924.

[10] "Portsmouth Evening News", 1 January 1934. Services of Distinction. political and Public Services Recognized.

[11] "Daily News", 2 April 1936.

[5] "Louth Standard", 11 April 1936.

[12] The 1891 census was taken on 5 April 1891.

[13] The 1901 census does not name the house, but Rev. Ramsbotham and his wife Isabella were looking after 37 boarders at that time. He had been christened at Calverley, YKS on 7 May 1851; he was the son of John Hodgson Ramsbotham and his wife Mary. He attended Leeds Grammar School and then took first in Classics at Corpus Christi; he was ordained 5 years later and his M.A. was awarded in 1878 ("Cheltenham Looker-On", 27 Nov 1869). He passed away at Shanklin I0W ("Gloucestershire Echo", 24 Mar 1920).

[14] Veale, W (1957) "From a New Angle. Reminiscences of Charterhouse 1880-1945". P & G. Wells, Ltd., Winchester.

[15] "West Sussex Gazette", 31 Dec 1936. Had spent almost his whole life at Charterhouse. He was a boy under Dr. Page, and became a Classical Scholar of Corpus Christi, Oxford, before returning to Charterhouse in 1890. He retired 1929.

[16] The National Archives, GB 1143 Charterhouse, Charterhouse Archives, ref.73/2. Plans after modernisation [1965].

[17] "Surrey Advertiser", 17 August 1973. The decision to build the replacement boarding houses had been taken in 1971 but the completion of the new Pageites was then delayed by three months because of the power workers' strike in 1972.

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Charterhouse School

Charterhouse Bridge and Hindhead Road