Alvaston & Boulton, Derbyshire |
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts |
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.21-22 |
ALVASTON and BOULTON are townships near the
river Derwent and the Derby canal, 2 miles south-west from Borrowash
station, 123 from London, and 3 south-east-by-east from Derby, and
from 25 March, 1884, were amalgamated as a distinct civil parish,
the ecclesiastical parishes remaining separate as before, in the Southern
division of the county, hundred of Morleston and Litchurch, Shardlow
union, Derby petty sessional division and county court district,
rural deanery of Melbourne, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell.
A local board of health of 9 members has been formed for the united
places of Alvaston and Boulton. St. Michael, Alvaston, is an ecclesiastical
parish, formed in 1865 from the civil parish of St. Michael, Derby:
the church is a building of stone, supposed to represent an ancient
chapel existing here in Saxon times: the present church, rebuilt in
1855, in the Early English style, consists of chancel, nave, south
porch and an embattled western tower of Perpendicular date, with pinnacles,
containing 2 bells, one of which is dated 1662 : two remarkable sepulchral
slabs, now preserved in the porch, and apparently Early English, were
found under the foundations of the old tower: the monuments removed
from the old church include, in the chancel, a tablet with arms, crest
and motto to John Tempest Borrow esq. (1781), and another to Thomas
Allestree (1740) ; against the east wall of the south aisle is an
old and disfigured alabaster slab to Ralph Newham, dated 1617; there
is also a marble mural monument to the Rev. Samuel Hey, vicar of Ockbrook,
and 30 years curate-from 1809 to 1839-of this parish, d. 4
April, 1852: the piscina belonging to the old church has been replaced
in the present chancel; the church plate includes a paten dated 1736,
and a chalice 1662, both of silver: the font was erected in 1859,
as a thank offering for the taking of Sebastopol, 9 Sept. 1855: there
are 374 sittings. The register for both Alvaston and Boulton, includes
baptisms and burials, 1614-1809, and marriages 1614-1812; and there
is a separate register of baptisms and burials for Alvaston only,
1810-12. The living was declared a vicarage 3 April, 1866, gross yearly
value, £170, derived from 80 acres of glebe, in the gift of
the parishioners, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Tbomas Charles Hairs,
Queen's College, Birmingham. Boulton was formed into an ecclesiastical
parish in 1865 from the civil parish of St. Peter, Derby. The church
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, formerly a chantry chapel, is a small
building of local stone, originally Norman, with later additions in
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle,
south porch and a western turret containing 2 bells : various portions
of the old Norman church still remain, the south doorway being of
this date ; the porch is Decorated work of the 14th century: the pulpit
is constructed from slabs of alabaster taken up from the floor of
the chancel in 1871, and is inlaid with marble: some very curious
old encaustic tiles, found during the restoration in 1840, now form
part of the pavement around it: there is a plain circular font, supposed
to be original: an ancient stoup is preserved in the porch: the church
was restored In 1840 and the nave extended 12 feet, at a cost of £480,
and again restored in 1871 at a cost of £1,100 ; in 1887 the
work was continued in the chancel and an organ chamber added at a
further expenditure of £150, and a new arch was built in the
nave of the church at the same time at a cost of £50 : there
are 420 sittings. The registers date from 1614 to 1812, but are in
part incorporated with those of Alvaston. The living was declared
a vicarage 3 April, 1866, gross yearly value £150, arising from
79 acres of glebe, and house, in the gift of Mrs. Robotham (who purchased
it in 1890), and held since 1890 by the Rev. William Lilly. There
is a Wesleyan chapel at Alvaston, a Primitive Methodist chapel at
Boulton and a mission room at Allenton. Gilbert's charity, together
with others, amounts to £76 yearly (excluding £3 which
is paid to the vicar of St. Michael's, Derby, and 2 guineas to the
Derby Infirmary), and is given to the Church, National School and
the poor. Nunsfield House, Alvaston, the seat of Henry Freckleton
Gadsby esq. is a modern mansion, situated near the centre of the village
a lawn surrounded by trees and choice shrubs. The Earl of Harrington,
who is lord of the manor of Alvaston, claims the right of the Derwent
fishery in both townships. The principal landowners are Elizabeth,
Countess of Harrington, Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe bart. J.P. of Calke
Abbey, who is lord of the manor of Boulton, Mr.
Philip Hubbertsy, Mr. Nathaniel Curzon and Miss Burnside, of Radcliffe-on-Trent.
The soil is sandy loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
barley, grass and roots. The acreage is 2,056; rateable value, £10,000
; population, 2,600.
ALLENTON, in the township of Alvaston, consists or about 150 houses,
situated about 1 mile west-by-south from Alvaston.
Parish Clerk of Alvaston and Boulton, William Sherwin.
POST, M. O. & T. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
Alvaston.-Charles Buckley, sub-postmaster. Letters are received
from Derby at 4.45 a.m. ; dispatched at 8.30 p.m. ; sundays, 6.30
p.m. At Boulton there is a WALL LETTER BOX, cleared at 7.30 p.m.
on week days & 5.30 p.m. on sundays.
POST OFFICE, Allenton.-Charles Spencer, postmaster. Letters through
Derby received at 5.15 a.m. ; dispatched, 7.30 p.m. Nearest money
order & telegraph office is at Osmaston road, Derby. Postal orders
are issued here, but not paid
Board room, Alvaston.
Board day, 1st monday in month, 7 p.m.
Clerk, Edwin Wildsmith
Treasurer, F. W. Greaves, Derby
Medical Officer of Health, William Henry Wright, Derby Surveyor &
Inspector of Nuisances, Charles Greatorex
Collector, Edwin Wildsmith
A School Board consisting of 5 members was formed in 1884, for Alvaston&
Boulton ; Edwin Wildsmith, Alvaston, clerk to the Board
Board School (mixed), Allenton, purchased by the Board from Mr. Allen,
by whom it was erected; it will hold 150 children ; average attendance,
140 ; Mrs. Lois Clark, mist
Church of England School, erected together with a master's house,
in 1859, at a cost of £1,000 ; for 121 boys & girls, &
27 infants ; average attendance, 140 boys, girls & infants ; Henry
John Morris, master; Miss Martha Hanson, assistant mistress
An omnibus runs hourly between the Midland station, Derby, &
the 'Harrington Arms,' Alvaston
Aspden Mrs. Garfield house
Baldwin Thomas
Bobart Matt. Hodgkinson, The Yews
Bostock Joseph, The Firs
Burton Hugo, Gordon villa
Croxall Alfred John, Victoria villas
Dickenson Joseph
Eden George
Elliott William, Brookside
Fletcher George, Alvaston field
Frost John, Cavendish house
Gadsby Hy. Freckleton, Nunsfield house
Hairs Rev. Thomas Charles, Vicarage
Hardy Henry
Hardy Mrs. Woodthorpe lodge
Hardy Richard Parker
Henry William, Gordon villas
Hewitt John Richardson, The Poplars
Holmes Charles Henry
Kiddy John, Victoria villas
Lee Miss
Marsh Mrs. The Grange
Martin Arthur, Rose cottage
Martin Richard
Moore Misses, Stanhope cottage
Morley Wm. Thomas, Victoria villas
Mosedale Thomas
Platts Mrs.
Pollard Bruce, Victoria villas
Poole Misses
Robotham Wm. Blews, Alvaston house
Sherwin Charles, Meadowside
Smith George Webb, The Hall
Smith Herbert
Smith Mrs. Holmfield
Stevenson Mrs. Cromwell house
Soresby Mrs. Osborne cottage
Underwood Thomas
Wade George Frederick Hayward, The Lodge
Walker Miss
Whitehurst Squire, Trent villa
Wildsmith Edwin, Victoria villa
Winter Walter Wm. Parkfield house
Woodward Edward, Allestree house
Wright Mrs
Baker Chas. (Mrs.), farmer, Hardhurst
Bates Hannah (Mrs.), shopkpr. Allenton
Beck Elizb. (Mrs.), shopkpr. Allenton
Bentley John, Shelton Lock inn
Briggs Robert, farmer, The Grange
Broad James, shopkeeper, Allenton
Buckley Charles, saddler & post office
Bull James, shopkeeper, Allenton
Chapman William & Son, tailors
Coxon John, farmer
Dakin Thomas, boot maker
Davies Sophia. (Mrs.), news agent
Dean David, blacksmith
Derby Co-operative Provident Society Limited (branch 13)
Derby & County Steam Laundry Co. (George Eden, proprietor)
Draper Isaac, market gardener, Allenton
Draper Jane (Miss), shopkeeper
Draper Robert, florist, Allenton
Eden George, proprietor of Derby & County Steam Laundry Co
England William James, coal merchant
Fowkes William, tailor
Greatorex Charles, surveyor & inspector of nuisances to local
Greatorex Henry, farmer, Brackens
Hardy Henry, farmer & cattle dealer
Hardy Isaac, farmer & cattle dealer, Manor farm
Holmes James, farmer
Jackson Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker
Knight William, chimney sweeper
Lane John, greengrocer
Martin John Ralph, boot maker
Noble Godfrey, shopkeeper
Nutt John, Crown hotel, Allenton
Peach James, dairyman
Rathbone George, shopkeeper
Robins Louisa (Mrs.), Alvaston hotel
Sherwin John, shopkeeper, Allenton
Smith George, farmer, Hall
Smith Jas. Hardy, farmer, Burnside ho
Smith Thomas, gardener
Smith William, shopkeeper
Stafford James, milk dealer
Turpin Dvd. Wm. Mercier L.B.C. P.I. Surg
Warren Thomas, farmer
Wibberley William, dairyman
Williams James, farmer
Wildsmith Edwin, clerk & collector to local board & clerk
to the school board
Wildsmith Saml. Harrington Arms P.H.
Woodward Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Woodward William, shopkeeper
Wragg Isaac, shopkeeper, Allenton
Ashby Thomas Harry M.B
Curzon William
Dexter John
Lilley Rev. William, Vicarage
Mills George Brightmore
Aldridge Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Ashby Thomas Harry M.B. surgeon
Boam James, market gardener
Fearn John, farmer
Gregory George, market gardener
Hardy Isaac, farmer
Potts Samuel, market gardener
Riley Thomas, farmer
Sherwin Wm. & Sons, Joiners &:0 builders
Sherwin John Besson, farmer
Sherwin Noah, farmer
Smith Wm.& Son, builders & wheelwrghts
Wade Joseph, baker
Wallis John, farmer
[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation
are as they appear in the Directory.]
An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript
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