Kelly's Directory, Derbyshire, 1891> This page
Brailsford (with Ednaston), Derbyshire
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - p.56
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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Ednaston Lodge, 1880

BRAILSFORD is a large parish and picturesque village, on the old London road and Brailsford Brook, a tributary to the Dove, 6 miles south-south-east from Ashbourne, the nearest railway station, 7 north-west from Derby, in the Southern division of the county, Appletree hundred, Ashborne union and county court district, Derby petty sessional division, rural deanery of Ashborne, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The church of All Saints, a building of stone in the Norman style, stands by itself a short distance from the village, and consists of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch, and a lofty embattled tower at the west end containing a fine peal of 5 bells, dating from 1717 to 1816: an arcade of three circular arches divides the south aisle from the nave, but the piers are Decorated : at the west end of the aisle is a blocked circular arch with 8 massive Norman pillar, crowned by a spreading capital ornamented with tooth-mouldings, a smaller pillar supporting the north side of the chancel arch : the chancel is a good specimen of the Decorated work prevailing between 1300 and 1320, and is enriched with six stained windows, the east window being the gift of Henry and Walter Bowden esqs. : the tower is a large but well-built example of the Perpendicular style, c. 1500, and the porch dates generally from 1629, the inner door with its massive iron work and lock being of the 16th century: the font, an octagon, is a Perpendicular work, and bears the Tudor rose: there are three sedilia and a piscina with credence shelf, and in the opposite wall an almery : at the west end of the aisle are ten massive oaken benches of admirable construction, about 300 years old, and in the north wall of the chancel a sepulchral recess, used probably as an Easter sepulchre: the aisle has also an early incised slab of the 12th century; on the south side of the church are the remains of the old churchyard cross consisting of one step only and a base, and an ancient yew tree : the church was partially restored in 1862, when a vestry was added; and the restoration was completed in 1886, when the gallery was removed and the church re-seated, the cost being £1,040, raised by subscription: the silver communion plate is dated 1732 : there are now 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1647 : the early registers are in an excellent state of preservation, and, contrary to general experience, were kept with unusual care and accuracy during the Commonwealth period. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £404, net yearly value £529, with residence, and including 67 acres of glebe, In the gift of Earl Ferrers, and held since 1860 by the Rev. James Guthrie Croker B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, built in 1821 and seating 100, and a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1845 and seating 120. Cox's charity of £15 yearly is distributed in money, clothing and food : Elizabeth Poole, in 1691, left £20 to the poor of this parish; and in 1714 the Rev. Samuel Labonnel also left £20, the interest being paid to the poor at Easter and Christmas. Brailsford was a Roman settlement. Brailsford Hall, the residence of William Cox esq. M.A., J.P. and Ednaston Lodge, the seat of Clement Boughton Kingdon esq. J.P. are pleasantly situated near the village. The landowners are Sir T. W. Evans bart. FR.G.S. of Allestree Hall, who is lord of the manor, William Cox esq. (lord of the manor of Culland), Clement Boughton Kingdon esq. Sir A. B. Walker bart. with several smaller proprietors. The soil is chiefly strong; subsoil, marl. The land is chiefly kept in pasture for dairy produce. The acreage is 4,292 ; rateable value, £6,702 ; the population in 1881 was 651.

EDNASTON township is half a mile north-west, and will be found under a separate heading.

Parish Clerk, Joseph Wood.

POST, M. O. & T. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. -Charles William Webster, receiver. Letters arrive from Derby at 4.50 a.m. ; dispatched at 7.44 p.m. On sunday there is no delivery, but the office is open for letter callers from 8 till 10 a.m. ; letters are dispatched at 7.44 p.m
WALL LETTER BOX, Ednaston, cleared at 6.15 p.m

National School (mixed), erected by Sir T. W. Evans bart. for 140 children; average attendance, 95 ; Wm. Sargent master & organist of the parish church


Brewin Mrs. Culland hall
Cox William M.A., J.P. Brailsford hall
Croker Rev. Jas. Guthrie B.A. Rectory
Milnes Ernst. Swinnertn. J.P. Culland ho
O'Callaghan Matthew Quinn


Archer Ernest Robert, farmer, Culland ho
Boam Samuel, farmer
Brailsford Cheese Factory Association (William Gillman, manager)
Brownsword Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Cockeram Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Saracen's Head P.H. & farmer
Crawford James, baker & grocer
Fitchett Charles, farmer
Fitchett John, wheelwright
Foster George William, saddler
Frost George, shopkeeper
Frost Thomas, wheelwright
Gibbs William, farmer, Culland
Goodman William, farmer, Kingsgrove
Greenway Horatio, butcher
Grix Elias, blacksmith
Grix Jane (Mrs.), dress maker
Hall William, farmer, Upper Burrows
Harrison Edward farmer
Harrison Joseph, farmer The Green
Holmes Thomas, landowner & farmer, Pool Head farm
Hough John, saddler
Johnson Thomas, farmer, Burrows
Lamb Alexander, farmer, Burrows
Jones William, carpenter
Lamb Helen (Mrs.), farmer
Murfin Samuel, farmer
O'Callaghan Matthew Quinn L.R.C.P. Edin. physician & surgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator, Longford district, Ashborne union
Osborne William, farmer, Brailsford grn
Peach John, tailor
Richardson John, head gardener to William Cox esq
Ride William, blacksmith
Rose Joseph, farmer
Saint Thomas, farmer, Church fields
Sargent Wm. schoolmaster & organist
Slater Godfrey, farmer
Slater Joseph, farmer, Cuscases
Soresby Gilbert, farmer
Taylor James, boot & shoe maker
Taylor John, boot & shoe maker
Thomson William, farmer
Walker Herbert, saddler
Warner Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker
Webster Chas. Wm. shopkpr. Post office
White Annie (Mrs.), Rose & Crown P.H. & farmer
Wibberley James, farrier
Woolley Thomas, plumber & glazier
Yates John, farmer
Yates John, farmer, Old Park
Yates Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Yates Thomas, farmer & miller (water), Brailsford mill
Yates Trevor, gravel merchant
Yeomans William, farmer, Burrows


Kingdon Clement Boughton J.P. Ednaston lodge


Beeson Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper
Cotterill Francis, farmer
Dickins Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Fitchett George, tailor
Fitchett William, cowkeeper
Frost John, farmer
Goodall Thomas, farmer
Harrison Genrge, farmer
Jebb Henry, farmer
Kenderdine John, farmer
Maskery John, beer retailer
Mason William, farmer, Ednaston hall
Myatt James, farmer &c
Slack Samuel, farmer
Thompson Thomas, smith
Udall John, farmer

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

My Kelly's Directory

An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript

Village Links

More on site information about Brailsford and the surrounding area
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills