Breaston, Derbyshire |
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts |
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.60-61 |
BREASTON ST. MICHAEL with RISLEY were formed into an ecclesiastical
parish in 1868, in the Ilkeston division of the county, hundred of
Morleston and Litchurch, union of Shardlow,
petty sessional division and county court district of Derby, rural
deanery of Ilkeston, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell.
Breaston township is 7¾ miles east-south-east from Derby, 9
south-west from Nottingham, 125¼ from London, and about three-quarters
of a mile from Sawley and Draycott stations on the Midland railway.
The church of St. Michael, erected in 1650, is of stone and consists
of chancel, nave, south aisle and a western tower, with octagonal
spire, dating from 1657-9 and containing 3 bells, the upper stage
of the tower Being lighted by double lancets on each side ; there
is a piscina in a niche on the south wall of chancel : the font is
simply a bowl of Derbyshire alabaster supported on a fluted column
and dates from 1750: the church was restored in 1840 at a cost of
£200, and again in 1871 : an organ was added in 1878 and a clock
in 1887, at a cost of £110, in compliment to Mrs. Stevens, of
Breaston, on the completion of her 100th year: in the south aisle
is a stained window, to William Halliday, late of Breaston, d.
3 June, 1871 : on the exterior of the north wall are traces of a fine
Norman doorway in fine preservation: there are 250 sittings. The register
dates from the year 1750. The living is a rectory (with that of Risley
annexed), joint net yearly value £350, including 38 acres of
glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Southwell, and held since 1879
by the Ven. Thomas Henry
Braim of St. John's College, Cambridge, D.D. Cantuar, formerly archdeacon
in Portland, Australia. There are Methodist New Connexion and Primitive
Methodist chapels here. Warp nets are made here. Robert Posnett Stevens
esq. is lord of the manor. The principal landowner is Nicholas John
Charlton esq. J.P. Goadby Lodge, near Melton Mowbray; there are also
some smaller owners. The soil is sandy loam; subsoil, clay. The chief
crops are wheat, barley, grass and roots. The area of the parish is
2,595 acres, and of the township 1,480; rateable value, £7,952
; the population of the latter in 1881 was 806.
Parish Clerk, John Hales.
POST OFFICE.-Matthew Plackett, receiver. Letters are received through
Derby; arrive at 5.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 8 p.m. The nearest money
order & telegraph office is at Draycott
Infant School, erected in 18,7, for 91 infants ; average attendance,
84 ; Miss Beatrice Bates, mistress
CARRIER.-Henry Stevenson, to Nottingham, wed. & sat. ; to Derby,
Risley is a township, 1½ miles from Sawley station and
1½ miles from Sandiacre, on the Erewash Valley railway. The
church of All Saints is an ancient edifice of stone in the Early English
style, erected in 1593 and consecrated in 1632, and consists of chancel,
nave, north aisle, south porch and a tower with pinnacles containing
3 bells, dated 1690 and 1790 : there are stained windows to the late
Rev. John Hancock M.A. and Roberta Mary, his wife, late of Risley
Hall, and another to William Hayhurst Hall, the late rector's brother,
d. 16 Feb. 1864: the font consists of an alabaster bowl, supported
on a square pedestal of the same material: an oak screen, beautifully
carved, separates the nave from the chancel: the organ was the gift
of Miss Skipworth, late
of Risley Hall: the church plate includes a paten and two alms plates,
with the arms of Willoughby, and is dated 1632-3: there are 150 sittings,
all being free. The register dates from the year 1707, an entry being
made in 1842 to the effect that no registries except burials and weddings
coming to Wilne were kept in this record since 1719. The living is
a rectory, annexed to Breaston. Risley Hall is the residence of Ernest
Terah Hooley esq. Robert Posnett Stevens esq. of the Manor house,
is lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The area of the
township is 1,152 acres; rateable value, £2,321 ; the population
in 1881 was 218.
Parish Clerk, James Wood.
POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Mary Ann Plumb, receiver. Letters are received through
Derby; arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 7.20 p.m. Sandiacre is the
nearest money order & telegraph office
SCHOOLS :- In 1583 Sir Michael Willoughby founded three schools, a
Latin school for 28 boys, English for 110 boys & a girls' school
for 62 scholars, & in 1718 Mrs. Elizabeth Grey gave two residences,
one for the Latin master & one for the English master, & much
increased the endowment: the schools are free for the children of
Risley & seven neighbouring parishes, namely, Breaston, Sandiacre,
Dale Abbey, Stanton-by-Dale, Wilsthorpe, Draycott, Little Wilden &
Hopwell, the master of the Latin School receiving £150, the
master of the English school £100 & the mistress of the
girls' school £50 yearly
Latin, Rev. Charles Westley Groves M.A. late scholar & exhibitioner
of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, master
English, James Hollingworth Goodwin, master
Girls', Miss Hannah Cresswell, mistress
Broad Thomas Benjamin
Cooling John
Elliott Henry, Gladstone house
Forman Mrs
Forbes Robt. Thomson M.B. Manor ho
Harper Mrs
Harrison Mrs
Hill Misses
Johnson John B
Macdonald Lemuel, The Elms, Petersruhe
Peters Herbert
Plackett Mrs. Gladstone villa
Plackett William, Brookfield house
Poxon Rev. John [Methodist New Connexion], Hartington house
Smith Andrew, Ivy house
Thompson Mrs. Middlestead house
Watson Mrs
Watson William John
Whitehead William
Abbott Charles, farmer
Abbott George, painter
Bates Mary (Miss), dress maker
Breaston Co-operative Stores Limited (Miss Eliza Rowland, manageress)
Broad Thomas Benjamin, surgeon-dentist ; & at Derby & Ilkeston
Chappell Jsph. Wright, farmr. & landownr
Cooper Robert, Navigation inn
Cholerton Mary (Mrs.), dress maker
Dolman John, warp net maker
Drake William, Bull's Head P.H
Flint Martha (Miss), dress maker
Forbes Robert Thomson M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon, Manor house
Gamble William, shopkeeper
Hallam John, farmer
Harriman Enoch, farmer, High fields
Hind George, farmer
Hind Joseph, farmer
James Job, shopkeeper
Johnson Annie (Mrs.), dress maker
Jowett Edwin, ironmonger
Kent Elizabeth (Mrs.), miller (steam)
Lee William, boot maker
Merry Thomas, farmer
Nurse James Howe, tailor
Peters Herbert, building surveyor to Midland Railway, Petersrube
Plackett James & Frederick, farmers
Plackett Henry & Wm. warp net makrs
Plackett James, shopkeeper & plumber
Plackett Richard, coal dealer
Plackett Sarah (Miss), dress maker
Salt Robert, butcher
Shipley German Wheatcroft, commercial traveller, Rye Hill house
Slater Thomas, farmer
Stevenson Enoch, butcher
Stevenson Henry, carrier
Stevenson Henry, wheelwright
Stevenson John Flint, farmer
Stevenson Samuel, blacksmith & farrier
Stevenson William, wheelwright
Warwick Gertrude (Miss), private schl
Winsen Edwin, Chequers P.H
Woodward John, baker
Braim Ven. Thomas Hy. D.D. Rectory
Goodwin James Hollingworth
Groves Rev. Charles Westley M.A. (head master of Risley Latin school)
Hooley Ernest Terah, Risley hall
Hooley Terah J.P. Risley lodge
Hutchinson Thomas
Jackson William
Latham Thomas William
Neep Rev. William Henry [curate of All Saints']
Pinder Mrs. Fairmead
Stevens Robert Posnett, Manor house
Bagshaw Samuel, shoe maker
Beale Thomas, Flytche Arms P.H
Brown George, farmer, Brook farm
Cooper Alfred, farmer, Maywood farm
Cundcliffe Henry Simon, cowkeeper, Salsbury cottage
Dawson Stephen, blacksmith & farmer
Daykin William, farmer
Hancock Thomas, farmer, Lodge farm
Hawley Thomas, farmer
Just Charles, farmer
Parker William, farmer, Goldbrook fm
Pickering Joseph, farmer
Plumb Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeaper, Post office
Smith James, farmer, Paradise cottage
Spendlove Jn. farmer, Sandburo' farm
Ward Robert, farmer, Park
Walton Richard, cowkeeper
[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]
An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript
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