Brimington, Derbyshire |
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts |
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - p.62 |
BRIMINGTON is a parish 2 miles north-east from Chesterfield
station and 153 from London, in the Chesterfield division of the county,
hundred of Scarsdale, Chesterfield union, petty sessional division
and county court district, rural deanery of Chesterfield, archdeaconry
of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The ancient church was pulled down
in 1808 and completely rebuilt at an expense of £842 13s. 11d.
with the exception of the tower, previously: rebuilt by Joshua Jebb
in 1796: the present church of St. Michael, erected in 1847, is a
building of stone consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles
and a western tower, considerably raised in 1847 and containing a
clock and 3 bells : in the church is a memorial to the Rev. Henry
Audsley, vicar of Chesterfield (1723) : there are 550 sittings. The
register dates from the year 1675, and there is also a copy made in
1801 of some dilapidated registers. The living is a rectory, average
tithe-rent charge £207, net yearly value £200, including
35 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Chesterfield,
and held since 1888 by the Rev. Edward Keane Blumbardt B.A. of Magdalene
College, Cambridge. A mission church was erected on Brimington Common
in 1878, with sittings for 260 persons ; curate in charge, Rev. Sydney
Biss B.A. of Durham University. There are Wesleyan, Free Methodist
and Primitive Methodist chapels. The charities amount from £45
to £50 yearly. There is a cemetery or 4 acres, with two chapels,
laid out at a cost of £4,500 in 1878, and under the control
of a burial board of 9 members. Brimington Hall, an ancient
mansion and the property of the Staveley Iron Works Co. is occupied
by Mr. George Bond. J. J. Barrow esq. is lord of the manor. The Duke
of Devonshire K.G, Earl Manvers, the trustees of G. P. Meynell and
J. Baker esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil,
clay. The chief crops are wheat and oats. The acreage is 1,307 ; rateable
value, £7,858; the population in 1871 was 2,403; and in 1881,
POST, M. O. & T. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
John Hazard, postmaster. Letters received through Chesterfield, by
mail cart, at 6.20 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.40 p.m
WALL LETTER BOX, Brimington Common, cleared at 5 p.m
WALL LETTER BOX, New Brimington, cleared at 5.30 p.m
SCHOOLS :- A School Board consisting of five members was formed in
1876; C. J. Kerslake, clerk; attendance officer, John Hazard
Central Board, erected in 1878, for 610 children; average attendance,
173 boys, 129 girls, junior mixed 146, infants 134; Benjamin Groom,
master; Miss J. Fleming, mistress ; Miss Effie Stormont, infants'
mistress. A new school for the junior department was erected in 1888
for 261 children; Miss Hadden, mistress
Board, Brimington Common (mixed), erected in 1878, for 150 children;
average attendance, 54 girls & 52 infants ; Miss Mary Louisa Walker,
mistress; Miss Edith Chaloner, infants' mistress
Biss Rev. Sydney B.A. [curate]
Blumhardt Rev. Edward Keane B.A. [rector]
Bond George, Brimington hall
Buxton William, sen
Goodall John Kenaz, Sutton lodge
Mills Mansfeldt Forster, Tapton grove
Williamson Edwin, Fairfield house
Wood John, Hedley house
Allsopp Wm. draper, Brimington com
Ashmore Herbert, iron founder
Ashmore John, butcher
Ashmore Joseph, shopkeeper, Brim ington common
Ashmore Thomas William, tailor
Baker Charles (exors. of), farmers & contractors
Baker William, New inn
Bamber Thos. painter & paperhanger
Barlow Samuel, shopkeeper
Beresford Jn. beer ret. 8 New Brimington
Blower Thomas, Ark tavern
Bolton Rich. farmr. Brimington comrnn
Bonham Thomas, shoe maker
Bonham William, shopkeeper
Bowman Ebenezer, farmer, Brimington common
Bown Thomas, shopkeeper
Brassington Georgina (Mrs.), draper, Brimington common
Burkitt Saml. dairy frm. Brimingtn. com
Brooke Conrad, pork butcher
Buxton Wm. cowkpr. Brimington com
Calow John, wheelwright
Cable Isaac, grocer & provision dealer
Cable Joseph William, grocer
Carlin Abraham, hair dresser
Carrington Mary (Miss), druggist
Catchpole George, shoe maker
Cemetery (W. T. Jones, Chesterfield, clerk to the burial board ; John
Platts, curator)
Clayton, Bradley & Clayton, grocers & provision dealers, New
Cook James, shopkeeper
Cropper Henry, builder
Cropper James, grocer
Cropper Jane (Mrs.), millinr. & dress ma
Cropper Mary (Mrs.), grocer
Cutts Denis, draper &c
Doughty Henry, grocer
Duckmanton John, farmer
Edwards Robert, Bugle Horn P.H
Fox Charles, greengrocer
Fox James & Son, wheelwrights
Fox James, farmer, Ivy cottage
Frost John, higgler
Furness Charles, shopkeeper
Goodall John Kenaz L.R.C.P. Edin. physician & surgeon, medical
officer of health, Whittington local board, Sutton lodge
Gould Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Graham George, grocer & blacksmith
Hall William, beer retailer
Hancock Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Brimington common
Haywood Robert, grocer
Hazard John, grocer, & insurance agent, Post office
Hazard Thomas Leek, grocer & beer ret
Hearnshaw William, insurance agent, Brimington common
Heath Walter Auld, shoe maker
Heywood Thomas, farmer
Holmes William, grocer
Hughes George, shopkeeper
Inns Charles, greengrocer
Insley John, beer retailer
Jephson Wm. joiner, bldr. & undertaker
Kirkland John, grocer
Lakin & Pearson, grocers & drapers
Layton Henry, shopkeeper
Lee Thos. grocer, Brimington common
Lingard John, farmer
Machin Robert, grocer & beer retailer, New Brimington
Manknell Frank, shopkeeper & beer retailer, New Brimington
Mapes Geo. shopkpr. New Brimington
Maples William W. farmer, Tinkersic
Martin Chas. Jn. grocr. & provision dlr
Martin Samuel George, shopkeeper
Naylor John T. insurance agent
Needham Matilda (Mrs.), fancy repository
Notley Edward, draper
Parker Daniel, stamp distributor, Brimington common
Phipps Henry, grocer
Platts Jn. monmntl. masn. Cemetery Idg
Pratts Chas. hair drsr. New Brimington
Preston John, butcher
Public Reading Room (Rev. E. K. Blumhardt, president; A. Insley, sec)
Reynolds Wm. shopkpr. New Brimington
Ringrose William, news agent & printer
Rodger Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Rodger Jn. G. farmr. Brimington common
Savage John, Red Lion P.H
Smales Thos. grocr. 9 New Brimington
Smith John, Three Horseshoes P.H
Stanley Elizabeth (Miss), farmer
Stevens Jas. farmr. Brimington commn
Todd James, tailor & draper
Turton Henry, assistant overseer, Brimington common
Wagtstaff Samuel, beer retailer
Wakefield Jn. grocer, baker & beer ret
Waterhouse James, farmer, Poplar farm, Brimington common
Watson Isaiah, builder
Watson Joseph, mason
Wellon George, butcher
Whale George, beer retailer
Widdowson Thos. frmr. Brimington com
William Joseph, fried fish dealer
Wilson Thomas, shopkeeper
Winterbottom & Son, shopkprs. Commn
Wood Jn. Hy. brewer's agt. Hedley ho
Wright Jesse, farmer, Moorside farm
Wright Newton, shoe maker
Yeomans Hy. grocr. Brimington commn
Yeomans Walter, farmer
[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation
are as they appear in the Directory.]
An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript
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Parishes, 1811
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