Kelly's Directory, Derbyshire, 1891> This page
Eckington (with Mosborough, Renishaw & Troway), Derbyshire
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp. 197-199
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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ECKINGTON is a township, head of a petty sessional division and extensive and widely scattered parish, with a station named Eckington, on the Midland railway at Renishaw, about one mile south-east of Eckington church, 151 miles from London, 6¼ north-east from Chesterfield and 7 south-east from Sheffield, in the North Eastern division of the county, hundred of Scarsdale, Chesterfield union and county court district, rural deanery of Staveley, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The streets are lighted with gas by the Eckington and Mosborough Gas Co. The church of S.S. Peter and Paul is a building of stone in the Norman style, the oldest part dating from the time of Stephen : it consists of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles and an embattled western tower of Norman date with dwarf spire, and containing a clock and 6 bells: in the church is a curious hagioscope, and in one of the windows of the aisle are the words, "Roger Darci," supposed to date from 1548: the churchyard was closed for burials by Order in Council, 26th March, 1878: there are 550 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558, but is deficient and mutilated to 1568, as well as between 1575-8 and 1590-5, but from this date the entries run on uninterruptedly. The living is a rectory, formerly consolidated with that of Killamarsh and the vicarage of Ridgeway, but separated by an Order in Council, January 4, 1843, tithe rent-charge £367 16s. 11d. net yearly value £554, including 406 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Crown, and held since 1843 by the Rev. Edmund Hiley Bucknall-Estcourt M.A. of Merton College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan chapel, erected by his family to the memory of the late George Wells esq. There are also Free Methodist and Primitive Methodist chapels. The Eckington Cemetery, on the Sheffield road, was opened in October, 1877, and contains about 6 acres, divided into separate parts for the Established Church, Catholics and Dissenters ; it is under the control of a Burial Board of 9 members. The charities amount to £80 yearly, principally for clothing and bread. The chief local handicrafts are the making of scythes, sickles, shovels, spade shafts, spades and nails and penknives ; there is an iron foundry and saw mills, besides extensive collieries. The Market Hall is a plain but substantial edifice of brick and stone, erected by Mr. Joseph Barber, and opened in July, 1879: it contains several sale shops, over which are assembly rooms, fitted with a stage, and having attached ante-rooms: the assembly rooms are used for concerts and entertainments, and will seat 1,500 persons; the large market hall, which is 75 feet long by 66 wide is now used as furniture stores. Here is also an open market, situate at the corner of Peveril road; markets are held on Friday. There is a County Police station, and a force of 1 superintendent, 1 sergeant and 3 constables. Several Roman roads traverse the parish. Renishaw Hall is the seat of Sir George Reresby Sitwell bart. F.S.A. who is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, hay, turnips and potatoes. The area is 7,125 acres; rateable value, £41,911 ; the population of the parish in 1871 was 7,808, and in 1881, 11,094.

SPINK HILL, 1 mile east of the station, is a bold height, and here is the Catholic college of Mount St. Mary and the mission Catholic church of the Immaculate Conception erected in 1844; it has a tower and spire and several stained windows: the Rev. George Ernest Lund S.J. is in charge of the mission.
Parish Clerk, George Stevenson.

Mosborough, 1 mile north from Eckington church, is a township, and was a Roman settlement. The Mission Church of St. Mark, a chapel of ease to Eckington, and erected. at a cost of £3,000, is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, vestries and an embattled tower, containing a clock: it will seat 300 persons; the Rev. Seymour Stookes M.A. of Edinburgh University, has been curate in charge since 1889. There is a Wesleyan chapel and Primitive Methodist chapels here and at Holbrook. Sickles are made here.

Troway is a township, 2½ miles west ; it was a Roman settlement. Here is a colliery. The inhabitants are chiefly occupied in farming and mining. There is a Wesleyan chapel at Marsh Lane, 1 mile west, and a Free Methodist chapel here.

CARRIER.-Mark Taylor from Marsh Lane to Sheffield on tues. & sat. puts up at 'Falcon,' Sheffield
DANE BALK, half a mile north, is an ancient relic. Birley is a hamlet 3 miles north-west.

POST, M. O. & T. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- Henry Wilks, sub-postmaster. Letters are received by rail at Eckington station from Chesterfield , delivered at 8. 30 a.m. & 3.45 p.m. & are dispatched at 11.25 a. m. & 5.15 & 7.40 p.m. ; Sundays dispatched at 4 p. m

POST, M. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Mosborough.-Mrs. Jane Kemp, postmistress. Letters through Chesterfield arrive at 8 a. m. & dispatched at 7.20 p.m. ; on sundays, dispatch only at 3.45 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Eckington

POST, M. O. & T. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Renishaw.-Thomas Tyson, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Chesterfield at 7.30 a. m. & are dispatched at 7 p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 9 a.m. & are dispatched at 3.30 p.m

POST OFFICE, Spink Hill.-William Pritchard, receiver. Letters arrive from Chesterfield at 7.30 a.m. & are dispatched at 7.25 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 9 a. m.; dispatched at 3.55 p. m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Renishaw

POST OFFICE, Marsh lane, Troway.-James Morton, receiver. Letters arrive by mail cart from Chesterfield at 8.5 a. m. & are dispatched at 5. 15 p.m. on week days only. Troway letters are delivered from Ridgeway. Eckington is the nearest money order & telegraph office

WALL LETTER Boxes, West street, Eckington, cleared week days 7 p.m. ; sundays, 3.30 p. m. ; Holbrook, cleared weekdays 6.30 p.m. ; sundays, 3 p.m

COUNTY MAGISTRATES attending Petty Sessions here :-
Bagshawe Francis Westby esq. M.A., D.L. The Oaks, Norton, Sheffield (chairman)
Blake William Greaves esq. Mylnhurst, Millhouses, Sheffield
Butler-Bowdon Lancelot Geo. esq. Barlbro' house, Barlbro'
Hall Ebenezer esq. Abbeydale park, Dore, Sheffield
Mappin Wilson esq. Abbeydale grange, Sheffield
Milner William Aldam esq. M.A. Totley ball, Sheffield
Swallow John Fell esq. Mosboro' Hill house, Chesterfield
Verelst Harry William esq. Aston hall, Rotherham
Wilson William esq. Beauchieff hall
Clerk to the Magistrates, Christopher William Alderson
Petty Sessions are held at the Court houses at Eckington & Dronfield on every alternate monday at 11 a. m. & occasionally at Hemsworth. The following parishes are in the petty sessional division :-Barlbro', Beauchieff, Beighton, Clown, Dronfield, Eckington, Elmton, Norton, Killamarsh & Whitwell & the following townships - Dronfield, Woodhouse, Unstone, Coal Aston, Holmesfield, Totley & Dore

Clerks to the Burial Board, Alderson, Son & Dust
Clerk to the Highway Board, Benj. Widdowson, Queen st
Collector of Poor, Sanitary & Highway Rates, Joseph Bolsover, Southgate
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, George Henry West Jones M.D. Southgate
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Francis Shaw, 10 Church st
Relieving Officer, Edwin Keeton, Queen street
Superintendent of Police & Inspector under the Contagious
Diseases (Animals) Act, Peter Cruit

Camm Endowed (mixed), erected in 1832, & since enlarged, by the addition of a wing, by the Rev. E. H. Bucknell-Estcourt M.A. & endowed by Mr. Camm, of Mosborough, in the early part of the 18th century, with £130 yearly, which is now applied by the Charity Commissioners to the foundation of two exhibitions of £10 & ten scholarships of £3 each ; the school will hold 386 scholars; Thomas George Hawkins, master; a separate infant department has been erected, for 103 infants ; mistress, Miss Mugglestone

Lady Sitwell's Public Elementary (girls & infants), built & endowed by Lady Sitwell as a memorial to her husband, in 1865, & enlarged in 1883 by Sir George Reresby Sitwell Bart. ; it will now hold 200 children; average attendance, 90 girls & 40 infants; Miss Clara Hall, mistress

Mosborough Endowed Public Elementary, erected, with master's residence, in 1823 & enlarged in 1872, for 249 boys & girls & 120 infants (of whom 15 are taught free under the endowment of £30 yearly); average attendance 205 boys & girls & 98 infants ; Richard Davies, master; Mrs. Davies, mistress

A School Board of 7 members was formed in 1871; clerks, Alderson, Son & Dust: attendance officer, Richard Booth, Station road

Central Board, Eckington, erected in 1874, for 264 boys, 222 girls & 284 infants; average attendance, 211 boys, 157 girls & 183 infants; John E. Bolton A.C.P. (hd.), Jabez Jennings & William Reynolds, masters; Mrs. Annie Bolton, mistress; Miss L. Marples, assistant mistress ; Miss A. Fanshawe, infants' mistress; Miss Louisa Gough, infants' mistress

Board, Half-way Houses, Mosborough, erected in 1877, for 220 boys & girls & 80 infants ; average attendance, 124 boys & girls & 54 infants; Edwin J. Roberts, master; Mrs. Mary Ann Roberts, mistress

Board (mixed), Marsh lane, erected in 1873, for 200 boys & girls & 6o infants; average attendance, 117 boys & girls & 58 infants; Edward Morgan, master; Miss A. M. Gill, mistress

Board, Renishaw, erected in 1873 for 180 boys & girls & 8o infants ; average attendance, 127 boys & girls & 64 infants ; Henry E. Griffiths, master ; Miss Sarah Ann Clarkson, mistress; Miss Wardle,

Mount St. Mary Catholic College, Spink hill, Rev. Henry Parker, principal

Catholic, Spink hill (mixed & infants), erected in 1853, for 250 boys & girls & 120 infants; average attendance, 180 boys & girls & 80 infants ; Miss Mary Agnes Boddy, mist

Joseph Alcock, to & from Sheffield, tues. thurs. & sat. puts up at the Industry inn
Charles Hutton to & from Sheffield, tues. thurs. & sat, puts up at the 'Falcon'
Mrs. Ellen Scott, from Mosborough to Sheffield, tues. & sat. returning same day, puts up at 'Queen's Head'
Charles Poole, from Mosborough to Sheffield, tues. thurs & sat. returning same days, puts up at the Pheasant inn
J. J. Naylor, Marsh Lane to 'Yellow Lion' Sheffield, tues & 'Blue Bell,' Chesterfield, sat

Railway Station, Francis Jowitt, station master

Coach, William Parsons, to & from station, meets nearly every train daily



Allsop Thomas Daniel, The Mount
Ball John William, High street
Barber Gorge William, Southgate
Barrawclough Rev. Henry [Wesleyan], High street
Booth James Stead, The Yews
Booth Miss, Beighton hill
Bowell Rev. William [United Methodist Free Church], Stowell villas
Bucknall Estcourt Rev. Edmund Hiley M.A. The Rectory
Croskery Wallace Brown, Springfield house, station road
Cruit Peter, Church street
Drabble Rev. John T.A.K.C.L. [curate]
Dumbleton Robert, Portland house
Fanshawe Mrs. Station road
Fenton John, Cobden house
Ferry Rev. Henry Edward T.A.K.C.L. [curate], Brookfield house
Fidler James, Marshland house
Hardwick Frederick, Brook house
Hawkins Thomas G. Jesamine house, Church street
Hibberd William, Armitage house
Hollingwforth Wm. Laurel Bank house
Hunter William Munn M.D. High street
Jervis Joseph, Dane Balk
Jones George Henry West, Southgate
Jones John Thomas, Southgate
Jones John T. jun. Southgate
Lawrence Benj. Renshaw, Cold well cot
Oldale Mrs. High street
Oxley George, Sitwell villas
Peet Vincent, The Poplars
Rotherham Hy. Rutledge ho. Station rd
Shaw Thomas, School street
Slagg Miss Frances, Southgate
Stevenson Fred, Manor terrace
Stevenson George, Manor house
Tamly Richard John, Ash cottage
Turner Joseph R. Station road
Webster Joseph, Station road
Wells George Henry, Southgate house
Wells Mrs. Hohenlinden, Southgate
Wilson Mrs. Station road

Alcock Joseph, carrier, Queen street
Alderson Christopher William (firm, Alderson, Son & Dust), solicitor, commissioner in supreme court, clerk to justices of Eckington, Dronfield & Hemsworth petty sessions : solicitor to Eckington Association for the prosecution of felons
Alderson Son & Dust, solicitors & clerks to the Eckington school board & the Eckington burial board, solicitors to the Clown, Killamarsh, Eckington Beighton & Aston school board, Southgate
Allcock Henry, shopkeeper, Dronfield rd
Antcliffe Thomas, grocer, Market street
Antcliffe William, assistant rate & tax collector, High street
Armston Edward, beer retailer, Pitt st
Ashley George, shopkeeper
Barber Frederick, farmer, land agent & valuer, Southgate
Barker Charles, shopkeeper, High st
Barker Eliza (Mrs.), shopkpr. West st
Barnes William beer retailer West st
Bate Thomas, shopkeeper
Beal Richard Snowden, ironmonger, furniture dealer & stationer, Station road & Market hall
Bell Sarah (Mrs.), grocer & draper, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, High street
Berresford A. & S. Brothers, watch makers & opticians, Market street
Bleasdale Rd. B. photographer, High st
Bolsover Joseph, collector for poor, sanitary & highway rates, & agent for Mutual Fire & Accident Insurance Co. Limited, Southgate
Booth James Stead, farmer, timber merchant & spade shaft worker, Rotherham road
Booth Richard, news agent & school attendance officer, Station road
Bowden Thomas, supt. to the Prudential Life Assurance Co. Lim. Northgate
Bowring Joseph, joiner, 84 Station road
Bregazzi John Reginald, clerk & reporter for the Sheffield & Rotherham Independent
Brunt Jarvis, shopkeeper, Sitwell street
Burrows Arthur, officer to the Eckington Water Works Co. Reservoir house
Cadman Charles, farmer, Ox Close farm
Cadman Henry, farmer, Church street
Carter Thomas, butcher, High street
Cartwright Henry, shopkeeper, High st
Cawthorne William clothier, Market st
Cemetery (Alderson, Son & Dust, clerks to the burial board ; George Stevenson, curator), Sheffield road
Chadwick Squire colliery deputy, 90 The Mount
Charlesworth William, shopkpr. West st
Clayton Bridget (Mrs.), shopkeeper & tobacconist, 43 Church street
Conchie Jas. hosier & draper, Southgate
Cresswell Absalom, shopkeeper, Pitt st
Creswell William, shopkpr. Dronfield rd
Crofts Geo. Tailor & dyers' agt. Church st
Crookes William, plumber, glazier & Painter, The Mount
Croskery Wallace Brown L.K.Q.C.P. Irel. surgeon, Station road
Cruit Peter, superintendent of police & inspector under the Contagious Disease (Animals) Act, Church st
Cunniffe Michael, shopkeeper & beer retailer, Queen street
Cussons George, wheelwright & joiner, Queen street
Dale Alfred, clothier, Market hall
Denby Joseph C. shopkeeper, High st
Ditcher Wm. baker & confectnr. Market st
Dixon Arthur, pawnbroker, Church st
Dolby Joseph, wheelwright, Queen st
Downes William, Angel hotel, Market st
Downing Charles, ironmonger & furniture dealer, Market street
Downing & Hewett, sawing mills, Slitting mill
Draper George Draper, 100 High street
Dust William, solicitor & clerk to Aston-cum-Aughton & Beighton school boards & hon. sec. to Camm's Endowed School governors & commissioner in supreme courts & perpetual commissioner (firm, Alderson, Son & Dust)
Eckington Co-operative Society Lim. (Mark. Webster, sec.), High street
Eckington Floral & Cottage Gardeners Soc. (Rev. E. H. Bucknall Estcourt M.A. pres. ; Joseph Jervis, treasurer; T. D. Allsop, secretary), The Mount
Eckington Cricket Club (Sir George R Sitwell bart. president; Rev. E. H.
Bucknall-Estcourt M.A. vice-president; Albert E. Hall, sec. ; Albert Edwin Betts, treasurer)
Eckington & Mosborough Gas Co. Lim. (William Hughes, manager; Benjamin Widdowson; secretary)
Edwards Edwin, Lion & Lamb P.H
Elliott Alfred, fish dealer & greengrocer, Market street
Elliott Samuel, butcher, Market street
Ellis George, draper, Church street
Ellis Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, Southgate
Elvidge Wm. Brown Bear P.H. Market st.
Evans Mary (Mrs.), confectnr. Market st
Fanshawe Alex. lodging house, High st
Fanshawe Alex. jun. greengrocer, High st
Fanshawe Robert, auctioneer & wrought nail manufacturer, Market hall
Farrell William, sewing machine agent, Market street
Fenton John & Sons, grocers & provision dealers, Fenton street
Fidler Daniel, shopkeeper, Queen street
Fidler James, builder & contractor, Marshland house
Fieldsend James, pawnbroker, West st
Fitton Alfd. tailor & draper, Market st
Fletcher Harold Goodwin, chemist, Southgate
Fletcher James, butcher, High street
Fletcher John, farmer, Thirby cliffe
Forrest John, hair dresser & umbrella repairer, Market street
Fox John King, grocer, Market street
Fox Mary (Mrs.), draper, Southgate
Frost John Henry, accountant & valuer, Locks buildings, Southgate
Gambles Richd. Herbt. grocer & wine & spirit merchants, Market street
Gleadall Agnes (Mrs.), beer retailer, Southgate
Gleadall Geo. shopkeeper, Market st
Goodall George, colliery underviewer, Stead street
Gough James, shopkeeper & beer retailer, Fenton street
Greaves William, shopkeeper, High st
Hall Benj. boot & clog ma. Market st
Hallamshire Coffee Tavern Co. Lim. (Henry Wells Smith, managing director), Southgate
Hamilton Willoughby, baker, High st
Hardwick Samuel, Rose & Crown P.R
Hardwick Thomas, butcher, West st
Hardwicke Hy. West End hotel, West st
Hawkins Thomas George, master of Camm's Endowed school
Hazlehurst George, butcher, Market st
Hibbard Mary (Miss), private school, Church street
Hibbard William, saddler, Market st
Hickling Edwin, shopkeeper & beer retailer, West street
Higginbottom, Short & Co. accountants, Locks buildings, Southgate
Hirst Wm. chimney sweeper, High st
Hodgetts Joseph, greengrocer, Southgate & Market street
Hollingworth Wm. frmr.& quarry owner
Hughes James, Duke of York P.H
Hunter Wm. Munn M.D., C.M. surgeon
Hutton Charles, carrier, Church street
Jackson William, shoe maker, High st
Jervis Miriam (Mrs.), beer retailer
Johnson Edward George M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, Station road
Johnson George, shopkeeper & beer retailer, Hornthorpe road
Jones George Henry West, surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator for Eckington district & Chesterfield union, Southgate
Jones John Thos. jun. solicitor & agent to the Royal Fire & Life Insurance Co. Southgate
Jowitt Francis, station master
Keeton Edwin, relieving officer for Eckington district, Queen street
Keeton Mark, shoe ma.& hatter, High st
Kipling George, shopkeeper, Fenton st
Kirk Geo. mason & shopkeeper, West st
Kirkham Reuben, beer retailer & shopkeeper, High street
Lacey Jsph. earthenware dealer, West st
Law Frdk. Watson, linen &woollen drapr
Lee Herbert, confectioner, Southgate
Littlewood Mark, blacksmith, Southgate
Locke Adam Clarke, boot & shoe dealer & clothier, Market street
Lockwood Jane (Mrs.),shpkpr. Church st
London & Yorkshire Bank Limited (sub-branch) (David Murray, manager), open daily from 12 till 3; draw on head office, 7 Drapers gardens E C & Union Bank of London Limited, London E C
Lunn Selina (Mrs.), confctnr. Church st
Machen Elizh. (Mrs.), Masons' Arms P.H
Maloney Thomas, grocer, High street
Marsden Arthur, assistant supt. Refuge Assurance, High street
Marshall Geo. shopkeeper, Dronfield rd
McLaurin Sarah (Mrs.), plumber & decorator, Church street
Mathers Arthur, earthenware dealer, Church street
Merryman Vivian, White Hart P.H. Church street
Moore Samuel Edward, draper, Market Hall buildings
Morewood Walter, butcher, Market st
Morton Mary A. (Mrs.), cowkeeper & shopkeeper, Ashland road
Morton George, shopkeeper & beer rtlr
Morton Geo. Gee, shopkpr. Church st
Mosby George, certificated colliery manager, Albion cottage
Moxon Joseph, carter, 21 Station road
Murray David, manager of the London & Yorkshire Bank
National Telephone Co. Limited (call office) (John Macfee), district manager), Southgate
Nicholls George Henry, beer retailer
Nightingale Thos. nail ma. Fanshawe rd
Nightingale William, cowkeeper
Norman Thomas, watch maker & photographer, Station road
Oxley George, boiler maker
Parsons William, farmer, West street
Peat Vincent James, grocer & provision dealer, Market street
Pickburn Jn. tinner & brazier, Church st
Pilkington Charles, saddler, Southgate
Pilkington John, boot & shoe maker & hair dresser, High street
Plant Joseph, deputy underviewer, The Mount
Price Charles, watch maker & jeweller, Market street
Price George Wm. fishmonger, High st
Renishaw Hall Tennis & Bowling Club (Sir George Sitwell bart. president; J. R. Scott, treasurer; Rowland Taylor, hon. sec.)
Riley Charles, grocer, Sitwell street
Robinson Ann (Mrs. ), Coach & Horses P.H
Robinson Samuel, plumber & painter, Market street
Robinson William, joiner, Rotherham rd
Rodgers Will, Royal hotel, Station road
Rotherham Geo. Hy. beer retlr. High st
Rotherham Henry, chemist & mineral water manufacturer, Market street
Salter & Salter, boot makers (John G. Limb, manager)
Shaw Francis, registrar of births & deaths for sub-division of Eckington& assistant Overseer for the parish of Eckington, 10 Church street
Shaw James, farmer, Slitting Mill frm
Shaw James, shopkeeper, High street
Shonhut Fredk. pork butcher, Southgte
Slingsby Eber, shopkeepr. Dronfield rd
Staniforth Henry, butcher, Market st
Staniforth Robert, farmer
Stevenson Fredk. manager, Manor ter
Stevenson George, builder, contractor & parish clerk, Church street
Stokes Wm. Drabble, stone masn. High st
Storror Albt. Earthenware dlr. Church st
Stubbins John, confectioner, High st
Sutcliffe Arthur Taylor, colliery surveyor, Manor terrace
Swain Thomas, pork butcher, Market st
Taylor Jas. Shipman, shopkpr. Market st
Taylor Thomas, joiner, wheelwright & builder, Southgate
Teather Reuben, grocer, High street
Thompson John, hosier & smallware dealer, Pitt street
Thorpe Thomas, butcher, Market street
Turner Brothers, tailors, Market street & High street
Turner Joseph R. medical assistant to Dr. Gardiner, Station road
Tyler Josiah, boot & shoe manufacturer, Market street
Upson John, clogger, High street
Walker Charles Frederick, grocer & provision dealer, Southgate
Walpole John, shopkeeper, West street
Wasteney John & Co. iron & brass fndrs
Watson Tom, grocer, Southgate
Webster George, Prince of Wales P.H Church street
Wells J. & G. Limited, colliery owners (J. C. Colver esq managing director ; Jsph. Jervis, sec.), Eckington collieries
Wells George Henry, brick & sanitary pipe maker & colliery owner
Wells William & Son, grocers & provision dealers, High street
White William, stone mason, West st
Whitehead Wm. blacksmth. Fanshawe rd
Widdowson Benjamin, accountant, & sec. to the Eckington Gas Co. & clerk to the highway board, Church street
Widdowson George, farmer & brewers' agent, Birley farm
Widdowson John, farmer & miller (steam & water), Park house, Church street
Wilkinson Harry, tobacconist & hair dresser, Southgate
Wilks George Frederick, tailor
Wilks Henry, tailor, stationer & news agent, & Post office, Exchange bldngs
Wilson George & Sons, wood turners, Church field
Wilson Wm. stone masn. Hornethorpe rd
Woodroffe Robert, shopkeeper & market gardener, Pitt street
York Arthur, shopkeeper, Fenton street



Archer Mrs
Eaton Edward M. Mosborough hall
Helliwell George, Moor hall
Keeton John
Robinson Mrs. Halfway houses
Staniforth Henry, Mosborough hill
Stookes Rev. Seymour M.A. [curate], Glebe house
Swallow Jn. Fell J.P. Mosborough Hill ho
Turner Mrs
Wells George E. Eckington hall
Wells Joseph H. Eckington hall
Wells Mrs. Eckington hall
Wheall Thomas
Wells William Edwin, Elmwood
Worrall John


Barker Charles, farmer
Barker Tom, Queen's hotel
Bell Thomas, shopkpr. Halfway houses
Best Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Bolsover Brothers, carpenters & joiners
Bolsover Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Booth John, agent Prudential Life Assurance Co
Bramhall Reuben, shopkeeper
Buxton Wm. grocer & german yeast dlr
Clayton Arthur, shopkeeper
Clayton John James, mineral water manufacturer & grocer
Coleman Thomas, shopkeeper
Cooper John William, shopkeeper
Cousin Thomas, shopkeeper, Moor hall
Dawes Fred, grocer
Drabble Frederick, beer retailer
Drabble John, stone mason
Dunfield Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Half way houses
Durber Edward, shopkeeper
Foster George, shopkeeper
French Mary (Mrs.), British Oak P.H
Frith John H. beer retailer
Frost George, wheelwright
Gascoyne William, chimney sweep
Grant John, stone mason
Havenhand Sam, butcher
Hazlehurst George, butcher
Heath William, blacksmith
Helliwell George, farmer, Moor hall
Herring Richard, shopkeeper
Hirst Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Hodgett Joseph, greengrocer
Hodgson Alfd. & Son, ironmongers & drprs
Hodgson William Henry, carpenter & joiner, Halfway houses
Horner Luke, shopkeeper
Jackson Jemima (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Johnson & Smedley, shopkeepers
Jones Solomon, Duke William P.H
Kay Joseph, Fitzwilliam Arms P.H. & farmer
Kay William, Crown inn
Kemp Edwin, stationer
Kemp Jane (Mrs.), postmistress
Kirby Mark, frmr. & stone masn. Holbrook
Kitson Hewitt Geo. colliery underviewer
Lawrence Benjamin Renshaw, miller (steam), Knowle hill
Leah Humphrey, shopkeeper, Holbrook
Lee Charles William, shopkeeper
Lee Henry, boot & shoe maker
Lee Jn. Farmer & brick maker, Waterthrpe
Leech Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Leyland James, boot & shoe maker
Lindley Charles, farmer, Holbrook
Lindley Thomas, farmer, Plumbley
Lockwood Joseph, stone mason
Marples William, shopkeeper
Milner William, Halfway House P. H
Milnes Fredk. Wm. grocer & beer retlr
Milnes George, shopkeeper, Holbrook
Milnes John, grocer & draper
Mosborough Working Men's Club (J. F. Swallow esq. J.P. president; E. J. Roberts, sec)
Newman Samuel, farmer
Newton Harvey, shopkeeper
Oates Richd. tillage manufr. Holbrook
Peat Jabez, butcher
Plant George, beer retailer
Plant Isaac, beer retailer
Poole Charles, carrier & farmer
Redfern Joseph, cowkeeper
Riley John & Sons, sickle manufacturers, Mosborough Moor sickle works
Riley Charles, grocer, Halfway houses
Riley Francis, farmer
Riley John, farmer, Moor
Robinson Campbell, George & Dragon P.H
Rose Benjamin, jun. farmer
Rose Benjamin, farmer
Rose William, blacksmith & farmer
Rotherham Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer
Rowbotham Thomas, farmer
Scott Ellen (Mrs.), beer ret. Carrier & frmr
Skelton Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Plumbley
Slinn Wm. grocer & beer ret. Holbrook
Smith John, farmer, Plumbley
Southards George, Royal Oak P.H
Staniforth Luke, butcher
Stanley Thomas Askew, grocer
Staton Mark, beer retailer
Staton Ralph, shopkeeper
Staton Wilfred, news agent
Staton William, shopkeeper
Storey Mary & Eliza (Misses), grocers & drapers
Tickhill William, jun. farmer
Turner Herbert, farmer
Turner Mark. jun. cowkeeper
Wale Thomas, builder
Wells Aaron, beer retailer
Wilkinson William, shopkeeper
Williamson Geo. watch & clock cleaner
Worrall John, farmer & coal owner, Hall farm


Lander Rev. Parker [Catholic], Spink hl
Lecoustre Chas. Louis, Pear Tree house
Letcher Rev. Thomas [United Methodist Free Church]
Lund Rev. George Ernest [Catholic], Spink hill
Oxton Rev. John, Mount St. Mary's Catholic college, Spink hill
Parker Rev. Hy. [principal of Mount St. Mary's Catholic college], Spink hill
Sissons Henry, Spink hill
Sitwell Sir George Reresby bart. Renishaw hall
Sitwell Lady, Renishaw hall


Alexander Robert, farm bailiff, Spink
Appleby & Co. iron & coal masters & iron founders (E. H. Clark, manager), iron works
Bagshaw Joseph, shopkeeper, Spink hill
Beardmore Paul, boot & shoe maker
Briggs Stephen, farmer, Park Hall frm
Craven Lucy (Miss), shopkeeper
Empson William, farmer, Spink hill
Green Francis, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Emmett carr
Hoole George, shoe maker
Jowett George, draper & news agent
Kelly John, shopkeeper, Spink hill
Kelsey Eli, blacksmith
Lunn Harriet (Mrs.), shpkpr. Emmnett crr
Moody Tom, farmer, beer ret. & shopkpr
Mount St. Mary's Catholic College (Rev. Henry Parker, principal), Spink hill
Myers Elizh. (Mrs.),Angel P.H. Spink hl
Nelson William, head gardener, Mount St. Mary's college, Spink hill
Pollard Darwin, shopkeeper & draper
Pritchard Wm. post office, Spink hill
Renishaw Provincial Co-operative Society Limited (Miss Maria Banner, manageress), Emmett carr
Salmon John, shopkeeper
Scatchard Sml. farmer & wood steward for the Park Hall estate, Spink hill
Scott Henry, shopkeeper
Slagg Richard, maltster
Smith John, Sitwell Arms P.H
Topham Jn. Branson, frmr. Emmett carr
Tyson Thomas, stationer, Post office
Watson Henry, butcher
Webster Joseph, beer retailer & shoe maker, Spink hill
Widdowson Edward, farmer
Willoughby Hy. farmer, Emmett carr
Wood William, shopkeeper & draper


Adams Reuben


Allen Alex. beer retailer
Brocklehurst William, Blackamoor's Head P.H
Berresford James, farmer
Fisher James, farmer
Gosling Joseph, farmer
Hibbert Ward George, farmer
Jebson John, farmer
Jebson Richard, farmer
Jebson Walter, farmer
Longden George, farmer
Lowcock John, shopkeeper
Parker William, farmer
Rotherham Ann (Miss), farmer
Shaw John, farmer
Staniforth John, farmer
Swift & Mellor, coal owners, Snowden Lane colliery
Thompson William, farmer
Ward John, farmer
Winfield John, farmer

Marsh Lane.

Fanshawe Mrs. Warren house


Alton Joseph, farmer, Bole hill
Boot John, shopkeeper, Bole hill
Booth George, beer retailer
Crapper Martha (Mrs.), farmer, St. John's farm
Drury Charles, shopkeeper
Fanshawe Charles Edwd. frmr. & butchr
Fanshawe John, stone mason & builder
Fletcher Paulina (Mrs.), George inn
Gladall Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Glossop George, shopkeeper
Hinde John, tailor & cowkeeper
Hinde Joseph, agent Royal Liver Assurance Co
Holton Joseph, farmer
Hurst Stephen, shoe maker
Kay George, farmer
Kay John, table blade forger
Keeton John, joiner
Mellor Joseph, farmer
Metcalfe Mary (Miss), shopkeeper
Mills Mark, farmer
Moore Samuel, farmer, Bramley hall
Morton George, cartr. & farmr. Bole hill
Morton James, Post office
Naylor Eliza (Mrs.), farmer
Naylor Joseph James, carrier
Owen James, sickle handle hewer
Renshaw Adelaide (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Ridgeway William, farmer
Ridgeway William, jun. beer retailer
Seaton Henry, butcher
Shaw Charles, farmer & table blade maker, Bramley
Shaw George, joiner
Shaw John, farmer, Bole hill
Smedley Isaac, table blade forger
Tagg George, farmer, Bramley
Taylor John, blade forger
Taylor Mark, jun. blade forger
Taylor Mark, farmer
Thompson John, farmer, Bole hill
Townrow William, farmer, Shady hall
Turner John, shopkeeper
Turner Jsph. Barker, Fox & Hounds P.H

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

My Kelly's Directory

An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript
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Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills