Killamarsh, Derbyshire |
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts |
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.243-244 |
KILLAMARSH, called in Domesday "Chinewaldmarese,"
is a widely-scattered parish on the borders of Yorkshire, with a station
on the Midland railway, 9 miles north-east from Chesterfield, 8 south-east
from Sheffield and 162½ from London, in the North Eastern division
of the county, Scarsdale hundred, Chesterfield union and county court
district, Eckington petty sessional division, rural deanery of Staveley,
archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell; the Chesterfield canal
takes a circuitous route through the village. The church of St. Giles,
standing in the centre of the parish, is a building of stone in the
Norman, Perpendicular
and Tudor styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, vestry
and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles and containing 6 bells:
the chancel was rebuilt in 1845 at a cost of £600, and the church
was further restored in 1877 at a cost also of £600, when the
nave and porch were re-roofed, the old pews removed and open benches
substituted: the east window is stained: the porch contains a fine
Norman arch; and there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the
year 1638, and is in good condition. The living is a rectory, average
tithe rent-charge £168, net yearly value £323, including
110 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
gift of the Crown, and held since 1887 by the Rev. Francis James Metcalfe.
A mission room (iron) was erected in 1890. There are Congregational
and Primitive Methodist chapels. Hewitt's charity of £52 yearly,
derived from 21 acres, is for bread ; the other charities for distribution
amount to £20 yearly. Here are collieries, a steel forge and
chemical works. Reginald Walkelyne Chandos-Pole esq. J.P. of Radburne
Hall, who is lord of the manor, and Sir George Reresby Sitwell bart.
of Renishaw Hall, are the chief landowners. The soil is heavy ; subsoil,
clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, hay &c.
The acreage is 1,659; rateable value, £11,515 ; the population
in 1871 was 1,884, and in 1881 was 3,841.
Parish Clerk, John Batty.
POST & M. O. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Samuel Cox, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Chesterfield at 7.7
a.m. ; dispatched at 7-30 p.m. : sundays, arrive at 8.34 a.m. ; dispatched
at 3.40 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Eckington
Endowed (mixed), erected in 1873 & enlarged 1876, & endowed
with £40 yearly, for 208 children; average attendance 184. Frederick
Hanson Fisher, master
A School Board of 5 members was formed March 2, 1877 ; Thomas Webster,
clerk to school board; Horatio Hardy, attendance officer
Board (mixed & infants), erected in 1819, for 160 boys, l60 girls
& 200 infants ; average attendance, 156 boys, 140 girls &
123 infants ; George Gilbert Watts, master ; Mrs. Matilda Watts, mist.;
Miss Elizabeth Mills, infants mist
RAILWAY STATI0N-Josiah Farndon, station master
CARRIER TO SHEFFIELD.-William Hardy, tues. & sat
Alderson Christr. Wm. Nether Green ho
Barron Rev. W. R. [Cong.], The Manse
Dent Robert Angle, Shepcote grange
Green Robert, Dale house
Metcalfe Rev. Fras. Jas. T.A.X.C.L. Rectry
Platts Robert, Norwood
Richardson Thomas Geo, Plantation ho
Richardson Thos. Griffiths, Mansion ho
Shadwick John
Simmonite John, Gannow house
Slagg Henry, Upperthorpe
Smith Miss Fanny, Netherthorpe
Soar Levi, Mount View house
Tankard John William, Norwood villa
Walker Richard Wilfred, Nether green
Bailey Edgar, grocer
Bartholomew Edward, farmer
Batty Joseph, grocer, Church lane
Batty Sarah (Mrs.), shopkpr. Nethermoor
Baumforth Chas. grocer, draper & beer ret
Bescoby William, shopkeeper
Boaler Samuel, shopkeeper
Bramhall Chas. beer retailer, High moor
Carr Henry, blacksmith
Carr John, farmer
Carr William, grocer & provision dealr
Clark Duncan, surgeon
Cox Sl. shopkr. & news agent, Post office
Deane Chas. shopkr. & marine store dlr
Derbyshire Chemical Co. Limited, tar distillers
Ellis Jether, Navigation hotel
Ellor Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Fairburn William, butcher
Fitton Dyson, draper, Shepcote hill
Gleadall Agnes (Mrs.), Crown inn
Glossop Peter, farmer, High moor
Godber William, farmer
Greaves Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Green Herbert, grocer
Greensmith John, shopkpr. High moor
Hall Charles, farmer
Hall Henry, farmer, West Thorpe
Hall John, butcher & farmer
Hardy Wm. Horatio, market gardener & carrier
Harris Charles, shopkeeper
Harris William, shopkpr. & beer retlr
Highfield Edward, draper, clothier & dyers' agent
Hodgson George M. farmer
Hutchinson Robert, farmer, High moor
Johnson William, shopkeeper
Kelk George, hair dresser
Leah George, farmer
Leah Mark, farmer & fruiterer
Mallinder Charles, shopkeeper
Mallinder Frederick, farmer
Mallinder George, farmer
Mallinder John. jun. hay & straw dealer, Upperthorpe
Mallinder Mary (Mrs.). farmer
Marrison Charles, tailor
Marshall William, draper
Martin Henry, pork butcher
Mattison & Sons, boot & shoe dealers
Milner George, beer retailer
Newton Edward, farmer
Newton Harriet (Mrs.), lamp & oil dlr
Nicholls Edmund, farmer, Old hall
Norwood Chemical Works (John William Tankard, manager)
Parker John, shopkeeper
Platts Robert, M.B.C.V.S.L. veterinary surgeon, Norwood
Puttrell Charles, joiner & painter
Read Charles, farmer, Moot house
Richardson Thos. Griffiths, steel wire mfr
Rose Elizabeth (Mrs.), Nag's Head P.H. & farmer & wheelwright
Rowbotham John, shoe makr. & beer retlr
Rowley Andrew, boot & shoe maker
Rudman George, shopkeeper
Sheepbridge Coal &: Iron Co. Limited (John William Tankard, manager),
Shepherd Albert, shopkeeper
Silver Walter, cowkeeper, High moor
Simmonite Henry, Angel P.H. & farmer, Norwood
Simmonite John, farmer, Gannow house
Smith Job, Blacksmiths' Arms P.H
Smith William, Midland hotel
Snowden George, shopkeeper
Spencer Thomas, farmer
Stenton Joseph, stone mason & builder
Thorpe Thomas, butcher
Turton John, farmer
Wagstaff Clarence, butcher
Walker Charles, carter, High moor
Walker George, farmer
Walker Richard Wilfred, druggist
Wardley George, farmer
Watson Sarah (Mrs.), farmer
Webster James, butcher
Webster Thomas, shopkeeper, collector of rates & clerk to school
Whitfield Ann (Mrs.), beer ret. & farmr
Whiting George, grocer & provision dlr
Wilks Mary (Mrs.), shopkpr. High moor
Wilson Geo. picture framer & furniture dlr
Wood George, butcher
Woodward Herbert, farmer
Woodward John, watch ma. & shopkpr
[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation
are as they appear in the Directory.]
An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript
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Parishes, 1811
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