Kelly's Directory, Derbyshire, 1891> This page
Osmaston (near Ashbourne), Derbyshire
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.221-222
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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OSMASTON, next Ashborne, formerly Osmaston-in-the-Wood, is a parish and picturesque village, pleasantly situated on a height, 2½ miles south-east from Ashborne railway station, 12½ from Uttoxeter, 10½ south-east from Derby and 144½ from London, in the Western division of the county, Appletree hundred, Ashborne union, petty sessional division and county court district, rural deanery of Ashborne, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The church of St. Martin, opened in June, 1845, is a building of stone, the style being a poor imitation of the Decorated work of the 14th century ; it consists of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles with arcades of four bays, south porch, vestry and a lofty tower, surmounted by four pinnacles and containing a clock and 5 bells, all cast in 1845: the font is of Roche Abbey stone with lotus flowers carved round the bowl: in the chancel are memorial stones to the Wright family, and on the north side of the church is a brass erected by the tenantry on the Osmaston estate, to Francis Wright esq. of Osmaston Manor, late patron of this living, who died in 1873, and at whose expense the present structure, costing £8,000, was erected : the church is seated with oak benches: the churchyard is planted with trees and shrubs and contains several fine yew trees, as well as the ancient font, now overgrown with evergreens: a new organ was erected in 1890, at a cost of £500, given by Sir A. A. Walker bart. : in 1887 all the windows of the chancel were filled with stained glass and the floor relaid with mosaic work, new stalls added and the walls and roof decorated, at the sole cost of the patron: there are 360 sittings. The register dates from the year 1606 and is in good condition. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £84, net yearly value £125, including 22¾ acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir A. B. Walker bart. and held since 1880 by the Rev. Lancelot Nicholson: a vicarage house was erected on ground adjoining the churchyard in 1881. Here are charities amounting together to £l0 10s. 2d. annually; the Vicar and church-wardens are the trustees. Osmaston Manor House, the seat of Sir Andrew Barclay Walker bart. D.L., J P. is a noble mansion, of dark blue limestone, with dressings or gritstone, situated on an eminence commanding extensive views of the picturesque scenery around, and is surrounded by large and well-kept pleasure grounds covering an area of about 35 acres ; considerable improvements have been made within the last few years, and in 1887 a billiard room was added : there are four lakes with islands within a short distance of the manor frequented by flocks of wild fowl. W. R. Smith esq. J.P. of Clifton, is lord of the manor; Sir Andrew Barclay Walker bart. is the principal landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The land is chiefly kept in pasture for dairy produce. The area is 1,267 acres; rateable value, £2,266 ; the population in 1881 was 234.

Sexton, John Fielding.

POST & T. O.-John Harvey Fielding, receiver. Letters through Ashborne, which is the nearest money order office, arrive at 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.15 p.m

A School Board of S members was formed in 1890, Nicholas Twigge, jun. clerk to the board

National School (mixed), erected for 100 children; average attendance, 63 ; Walter Charles Beeby, master; Mrs. Charlotte Hannah Beeby, mistress

Bateman Mrs. The Cottage
Brownson William
Hall William, Rose cottage
Nicholson Rev. Lancelot [vicar] The Vicarage
Walker Sir Andrew Barclay bart. D.L., J.F. Osmaston manor


Bagshaw Thomas (exors. of), farmers, The Pastures
Bardney, John, head gardener to Sir A. B. Walker bart
Bestwick John, farmer
Brown William, farmer, Osmaston fields
Brownson Wm. sec to John Osmaston esq
Charlesworth John, farmer & carpenter
Collins Augustus, head gamekeeper to Sir A.B. Walker bart. D.L.,J.P. Copse hl
Evans Jas. farmer, & registrar of births & deaths for Brailsford sub-dist. Blake ho
Fielding John, farmer, New house
Fielding John Harvey, shpkpr. Post off
Francis Richard, farmer, wheelwright & carpenter, The Grange farm
Jackson Fredk. farmer, The Glebe farm
Kirkland Hannah (Mrs.), farmer
Millward Thomas, relieving officer for south district, Ashborne union & registrar of births & deaths for Ashborne sub-district
Millward Thomas, jun. farmer
Shaw Ann (Mrs.), cowkeeper
Taylor Charles, shoe maker
Warner Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer
Watkinson Emma (Mrs.), Shoulder of Mutton P.R. & farmer
Wright John William, farmer, & deputy registrar of births & deaths for Brailsford sub-district, White Meadow farm

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

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Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills