Kelly's Directory, Derbyshire, 1891> This page
Osmaston (near Derby), Derbyshire
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.222
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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OSMASTON (near Derby) is a parish 1½ miles south-east from Derby railway station, in the Southern division of the county, hundred of Repton and Gresley, Derby county court district and petty sessional division, Shardlow union, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The church of All Saints is an ancient edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, vestry, south porch and an eastern turret containing one bell, and is the successor of a church or chantry of Norman origin existing here in 1127 ; it is chiefly Early English in style, but some portions of the Norman church still remain: the east window, of Late Perpendicular date, with a trefoil light above it, one window on the north and one on the south side of the chancel and two on the north side of the nave, are stained: in the chancel is a carved tablet of alabaster, inscribed in Latin to Sir Nicholas Wilmot kt. ob. 1682, besides several others of later date to the same family ; there is also a mural monument of marble to the Eastwood family, with dates from 1846 to 1874: the pulpit is of stone, finely carved : the church plate includes an Elizabethan chalice, a paten of Queen Anne's time and a pewter flagon of 1629: the church was restored in 1880, and has 120 sittings. The register dates from the year 1743. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £4, net yearly value £106, including 62 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Sir Robert Rodney Wilmot bart. D.L. and held since 1862 by the Rev. George Tisdale Hutchinson, of University College, Oxford. Osmaston Hall, formerly the residence of the late Rev. Sir George Lewis Wilmot-Horton bart. (d. 1887), is a mansion of brick and stone standing in a park of 250 acres, containing a small lake, and was erected in 1696 ; the fine collection of paintings and other works of art have been removed and the house and grounds, which are well wooded and command some fine prospects over the surrounding Country, have recently (1890) been sold to the Midland Railway Co. for about £86,000. The soil is light loam; subsoil, gravel and marl. The chief crop is grass. The area is 1,249 acres of land and 18 of water; rateable value, £6,570 ; the population in 1881 was 141.

SINFIN MOOR is a parish, in the hundred of Appletree, Union of Shardlow. The area is 800 acres; rateable value, £1,074; the population in 1881 was 24.

Parish Clerk, George Rogers, 7 Eton street.
National School, built in 1885 & 1886, to hold 200 children ; average attendance, 32 boys, 36 girls & 56 infants; Miss Elizh. Ludlow mistress; Miss Kate Middleton, infants' mist


Broderick Mrs. 7 Portland villas
Craige David, 11 Portland villas
Feast William, Alexandra villas
Garrett Clement, Alexandra villas
Holmes Edward James, 8 Portland viIs
Hutchinson Rev. Geo. Tisdale, Rectory
Johnson Wm. Henry, Alexandra villas
Middleton Howard, Alexandra vills
Soar William Godfrey, 12 Portland vils
Tempest Geo. Robert, 13 Portland viIs
Tritton Frank Arthur, 6 Portland villas
Wilson Harvey, 15 Portland villas


Almey Amos, milk dairy
Archer Daniel, farmer, Sinfin moor
Averill Leonard, farmer
Bennett Vincent, butcher, London road
Blackwell Edwin, Portland hotel
Bott Selina (Mrs,), grocer, Clifford st
Bower William, Navigation inn, & farmr
Burnett Thos. provision dlr. Taylor st
Collumbell Joseph, boot maker, Bowmer road & London road
Cooper Mary Ann (Mrs.), draper, & post office, London road
Derby Co-operative Provident Soc. Lim
Fletcher Fredk. coal mer. Clifford st
Francis Alfred Ollivant L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, London road
Frearson John, grocer, 1 Rugby street
Gadsby Edwd. provision dlr. Taylor st
Haviland John, baker, Clifford street
Hough Rt. blacksmith & farrier, Cotton la
Hoult Herbert, butcher, London road. See advertisement [not on this site]
Jewitt Henry, hair dresser, 4 London rd
Johnson Benj. auctioneer, 5 London rd
Juffs Fredk. provision dlr. 3 London rd
Leo Thomas, grocer, London road
Legg George, greengrocer, 11 Eton st
Leigh Alfred, boot maker, Archer st
Parker Henry, tailor, London road
Peach Sarah (Mrs.), tobaccnst. London rd
Piggins William, farmer, Sinfin moor
Robotham John, ironmngr. London rd
Severn Thomas, fishmonger, London rd
Simmons Thos. shopkeeper, London rd
Spencer & Co. tailors, London rd
Stevens Susannah (Mrs.), haberdasher
Twigge Nicholas, superintendent registrar, 4 Portland Villas
Twigge Nicholas, jun. clerk to the school board, 14 Portland villas
Ward John, chemist, London road
Whysall Hannah Elizabeth (Miss), tobacconist, London road
Wibberley Ralph, paperhanger, 2 Portland villas
Willgoose Joseph, farmer
Wilson Thomas, farmer, Park farm
Woollatt Daniel, farmer, Sinfin moor

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

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More on site information about Osmaston (near Derby) and the surrounding area
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills