Kelly's Directory, Derbyshire, 1891> This page
Riddings, Derbyshire (with Somercotes and Pye Bridge)
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.288-290
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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RIDDINGS is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 16 June, 1851, from Alfreton, and consists of Riddings, Greenhill Lane, nearly all Somercotes and Pye Bridge ; it is 3 miles south-west-by-south from the town of Alfreton and half a mile west from Pye Bridge station on the Erewash Valley branch of the Midland railway, in the Mid division of the county, Scarsdale hundred, Belper union, Alfreton petty sessional division and county court district, rural deanery of Alfreton, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The church of St. James, erected in 1832 at a cost of £4,000 (half of which was given by the Commissioners for Promoting the building of Additional Churches), is a building of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a tower on the north-west, with a lofty spire and containing a clock and 10 bells: there are several memorial windows to members of the Oakes family : the church was restored in 1885 and a new pulpit, and reading-desk introduced : there are 700 sittings. The register dates from January, 1840. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £315, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Alfreton, and held since 1883 by the Rev. Henry Rogers. Here is a Baptist chapel, built about 1834 ; a Congregational chapel, and a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, entirely rebuilt in 1838. The Riddings Working Men's Association has a library and billiard-room ; and a class is conducted here in connection with the Science and Art Department at Kensington. The Alfreton iron works, established in 1801 and consisting of extensive coal and iron mines and furnaces for smelting iron ore, are the property of James Oakes and Co. and give employment to a large proportion of the inhabitants. The Riddings collieries are contiguous, but principally worked out. Riddings House, situated in a demesne of about 80 acres, is the seat of Thomas Haden Oakes esq. J.P. lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil and subsoil are clayey. The area is 1,864 acres ; rateable value included in the valuation of Alfreton ; the population in 1881 was 5,730.

POST, M. O. & T. O., S, B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Alfred Shaw, sub-postmaster. Letters through Alfreton; delivery commences at 7.15 a.m. ; box closes for dispatch at 9.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m

National, erected in 1844 at a cost of nearly £2,000 & enlarged in 1886, for 400 boys & as many girls; average attendance, 300 boys & 216 girls; William B. Taylor, master; Miss Sarah Taylor, mistress
Infants', erected in 1883, for 275 infants; average attendance, 206 ; Miss E. Ames, mistress

Somercotes is a large and populous village in the parish of Riddings, 2 miles south-east of Alfreton. The chapel of St. Thomas, erected in 1852 as a chapel of ease to Riddings, was restored in 1878, and is an edifice of brick and stone, consisting of chancel and nave, and a small turret at the north end containing one bell : there are 500 sittings. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1839, and a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, built in 1860 ; there is also a Free Methodist chapel at Sleet Moor lane, built in 1867, and one at Birchwood, built in 1853, and a Wesleyan chapel at Lea Brooks, erected in 1859. A small market is held here every Friday. Near here are several tramways for the collieries. The principal landowners are T. H. Oakes esq. J.P. and Charles Seely esq. The land is chiefly in pasture. To the north-east of this village is a district called Birchwood, where are the Birchwood and Cotes Park collieries.

POST & M. O.O.. S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Somercotes.-William H. Wilbraham. sub-postmaster. Letters through Alfreton ; delivery commences at 7.15 a.m. ; box closes for dispatch at 6 p.m. Riddings is the nearest telegraph office. WALL LETTER BOXES, cleared at 5.50 & 6.5 p.m. week days

POST OFFICE, Lea Brooks,-John Bakewell, receiver. Letters through Alfreton ; delivery commences at 7.15 a.m. ; box closed for dispatch at 6.40 p.m. ; sundays, 10.55 a.m. The nearest money order office is at Somercotes & telegraph office at Riddings

National (boys & girls), Somercotes, erected in 1874, at a cost of £2,500, by T. H. Oakes & Charles Seely esqrs. & enlarged in 1880, for 201 boys & 201 girls; average attendancee, 165 boys & 167 girls; Hezekiah Hickey, certificated master; Miss M. J. Heath, mistress
Infants', erected 1867, for 277 children ; averagc attendance, 200 ; Miss E. Jones, miistress

Pye Bridge is a hamlet, 3 miles south-east from Alfreton, with a station on the Erewash Valley branch of the Midland railway, 130 miles from London, and is the junction of the line to Mansfield. A Church of England Mission Room, capable of holding 120 persons, was opened in 1887, and is also used as an infants' school.

WALL Box cleared at 5.35 p.m. week days & 9.30 a.m, sundays

Pye Bridge Junction (Midland), James Beebe, station master ; Griffin Radford, goods agent

Greenhill Lane is a hamlet in Riddings parish, about 2½ miles south-south-east from Alfreton. There is a mission room here in connection with Riddings parish Church, opened in 1885 and seating about 100. The Free Methodist chapel here was erected in 1876. There is also a Brethren's meeting house, erected in 1880. An urn, containing about 800 Roman coins, was discovered here in 1749 by a labourer. In the district known as Golden Valley ; " Newlands " is included with Greenhill Lane in this parish. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1831.

POST OFFICE.-Luke Evans, receiver. Letters through Alfreton; delivery commences at 8 a.m. ; 3.40 p.m. for callers ; box closes for dispatch at 9.30 a.m. & 6.35 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Riddings


Oakes Charles Henry, Holly hurst
Oakes James J. P. Holly hurst
Oakes Thomas Haden J. P. Riddings ho
Race Rev. James W. [Congregational]
Rogers Rev. Henry, The Vicarage
Sedgwick Samuel, Hill house
Shaw Charles, Leadhill house
Wild Rev. Samuel [curate]


Allen Ann (Mrs.), Seven Stars P.H
Barker Edward, hair dresser
Brentnall Alfred Clarke, builder & grocer
Brentnall Edmund C. joiner & builder
Chamberlain Charles Richd. farm bailiff to James Oakes & Go. Riddings farm
Clarke Thos. miller to Jas. Oakes & Co
Corby William, chimney sweeper
Cook William, shopkeeper
Farnsworth William, butcher & shopkeeper
Gill Edwin, butcher
Grainger Jn. printer & picture frame ma
Greatorix John, draper
Greenhill Richard, draper
Kay Andrew, grocer, provision dlr. &c
Lee Martha (Mrs.), grocer &c
Lowe William, saddler
Lygo Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer
Maltby George, New inn & farmer
Marsden Frances (Mrs.), draper
Naylor Samuel, grocer
Neale Henry, chemist &c
Nottingham Joint Stock Bank Limited (sub-branch), open tuesdays & thursdays from 11 to 3; draw on Union Bank of London Limited. London E C
Oakes James & Co. colliery proprietors (Charles Henry Oakes & John Wales Laverack, mangrs ), Riddings colliery
Oakes James & Co. iron masters (Robt. Knowles, manager), Alfreton iron wks
Parker Francis, boot & shoe maker
Prime William, watch & clock maker
Richards Walter, timnan
Riddings Floral & Horticultural Society (Robert Knowles, sec)
Riddings Working Men's Association & Library (William Brown, sec)
Robson John, tailor
Rostron John, painter & paperhanger
Sansom Bathsheba, shopkeeper
Sewell Robert, shopkeeper
Shaw Alfred, chemist & sub-postmaster
Shaw Charles, plumber, gasfitter &c
Skelton William, fishmonger
Tagg Catherine (Mrs.), boot & shoe dlr
Taylor Abraham, butcher & farmer
Taylor Enoch, grocer, provision dlr. &c
Taylor Thomas, shoe maker
Wild Geo. cashier at Alfreton iron wks
Woodock John. news agent &c
Woodcock John, jun. watch maker &c


Cotton Rev. Arthur [curate of Riddings], Church villas
Hollingworth Joseph, Mayfield house
Knowles Robert, The Oaklands
Stuart James


Abbott & Co. grocers & provision dealers, Market place
Askew Thomas, grocer, Lea brooks
Bailey William, stationer
Bakewell John, sen. brick & tile & drain pipe maker, Parkcotes brick works & grocer, Lea brooks
Bakewell Jn. draper & post off. Lea brooks
Bardill Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer
Barlow Thomas, shopkpr. Birchwood la
Barlow William, grocer & beer retailer
Bates Joseph, shopkeepr. Birchwood la
Beastall George, grocer
Bettison James, furniture dealer
Bonsall William, shopkeeper & beer ret
Bower Charles & Son, baker & corn dealer, Lea brooks
Bowering William, shopkeeper
Bown Joseph, baker
Burgin Benjamin, blacksmith
Burton Thomas, painter & paperhanger
Carlin Mary (Miss), shpkpr. Sleet Moor la
Castledine John, boot maker
Charles Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Clarke Ellen (Mrs.), smallware dealer
Collier Kate & Sarah (Misses), young ladies' school, Lea brooks
Collier Saml. beer retailer, Birchwood la
Cooper Frank, hardware dealer
Cooper Thomas, milliner
Daykin James, shopkeeper
Dawes Joseph, grocer
Dooley George, tailor
Dooley William, shopkeeper
Evans Henry, brick & tile maker
Faiers William, painter, Lea brooks
Fearn Thomas, beer & wine retailer
Fisher Edwd. bricklayer, Birchwood la
Fletcher James, joiner, builder &c
Fox Joseph, china & glass dealer
Gibson Richard, ironmonger & draper
Gibson Thomas, Rifle Volunteer P.H. Birchwood lane
Goodacre Joseph, draper & furniture dlr
Gregory James, beer retailer & shopkpr
Haddigan Thomas, tailor
Hall John, shopkeeper
Hall William, grocer
Hamlinton James, grocer
Hardstaff Thomas, butcher
Hardstaff William, gamekeeper to James Oakes & Co
Herrod Thomas, wheelwright & joiner
Hill Peter, shopkeeper, Lower Birchwood
Hollingworth Joseph, currier & leather merchant, Somercotes leather works
Hubball Joseph, shopkeeper
Hunt John, Royal Tiger P.H
Jaques Daniel, shopkeeper, Market pl
Jaques Samuel, grocer & draper
Kay Isaac, beer retailer, Lea brooks
Kerry Ann (Mrs.), milliner
Knowles Robert, Manager of Alfreton iron works
Lowe Henry, greengrocer
Lycitt Samuel, beer retailer
Mansfield Frederick, butcher
Moore William, boot & shoe maker
Morley Samuel, stone mason
Naylor Levi Thomas, grocer
Noble James, shopkeeper, Lea brooks
Orme Richard, boot & shoe maker
Pare Joseph, greengrocer
Parkin Alfred, greengrocer, Lea brooks
Parkin Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Parkin John, hardware dlr. Lea brooks
Parkin Jsph. farmr. & butcher, Birchwd
Parkin Robt. blacksmith, Birchwood la
Parsons Samuel, Black Horse P.H
Prince Henry, beer retailer
Purdy Edward, pork butcher, Market pl
Raven Herbert, shopkeeper & joiner, Market place
Rayner William, stationer & news agnt
Ripley Co-operative Stores (branch) (Thomas Bird, manager )
Robinson James, shopkeeper
Rodgers Abraham, blacksmith
Rogers James, grocer & beer retailer
Rowe William, grocer & provision dlr
Salt Samuel, butcher
Severn George, shopkeeper
Shadlow Arthur, architect
SHARP WILLIAM, complete house furnisher & mattress manufacturer, George street
Shaw Herbert, shopkeeper
Sills Thomas, beer retailer
Slack John, smallware dealer
Soar Thos. draper & grocer, Lea brooks
Somercotes & District Permanent Land & Investment Society Limited (Hy. Hole, sec. ; William Smith, treasurer ; Nottingham joint Stock Bank Limited, bankers)
Somercotes Institute Club & Reading Room (John Merryman, sec)
Spencer Mira (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Stevens Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper
Stewart Thomas, foreman moulder to J. Oakes & Co
Taylor & Parkin, wheelwts. Lea brooks
Taylor Sarah (Mrs.), shopkpr. Lea brooks
Towson George, plumber, painter &c
Trueman Harriet (Mrs.), milliner & grocer, Seely terrace
Vardy Samson, hair cutter & grocer
Wain Jn. Horse& Jockey P.H. Lea brooks
Walker William, draper
Ward William, beer retlr. Birchwood la
Wass Ralph, shoe maker
Wass Thomas, sewing machine agent
Waterall James, butcher
Wheeldon John, shopkpr. Birchwood la
White George, confectioner
Wilbraham Charles, farmer & butcher, Birchwood
Wilbraham William Henry, chemist & druggist, Post office
Wild George, grocer
Wildgoose Thos. shopkpr. Birchwood la
Wright Hy. agent Prud. Assurance Co

Greenhill Lane.

Hall Rev. Matthew [Wesleyan]
Lewis Rev. Alfred [Methodist Free Church]
Pogmore Fredk. Geo. Greenhill cottage
Scarborough John George
Shaw William, Greenhill Lane house
Warters William Alex. Greenhill house


Bailey Walter, builder, George street
Bailey William, joiner
Bell John, Queen's Head P.H
Bell Robert, shopkeeper
Bishell Joseph, hair dresser
Brentnall Edmond Charles, joiner &c
Brentnall Henry, bricklayer
Briddon Abraham, Newlands inn, & farmer, Golden valley
Briddon John, Red Lion P.H. & farmer
Bryan Alfred, provision dealr. George st
Eaton John, pork butcher, George st
Evans Henry, jun. fruit preserver
Evans Luke, grocer & tallow chandler, Post office
Exton & Son, tailors, George street
Flear John, blacksmith, Golden valley
Fowkes Leonard, milliner, George st
Gill Edwin, butcher
Greasley William, shopkeeper
Hanson Hy. smallware dealr. George st
Hunt Eliza (Mrs.), shopkpr.& beer retlr
Lamb William, New inn
Mather Henry, blacksmith &c
Moran John, draper
Moss John, grocer
Naylor Joseph, grocer &c
Palmer Eliza (Mrs.), provision dealer
Parkin Joseph H. butcher
Parkin Wm. beer retailer & grocer
Powell Thos. smallware dlr. Golden vally
Ripley Co-operative Stores (branch) (Herbert Holt, manager), George st
Robinson Samuel, under farm bailiff to Oakes & Co. Newlands farm
Ross Charles, builder
Smith William, joiner & wheelwright
Tagg James, joiner, George street
Taylor Abraham,farmr. Hermitage farm
Thorpe John, shopkeeper
Warters Wm. Alexander L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, Greenhill house
Wi!brabam Matthew, grocer
Wilbraham Matthew Henry, butcher
Woore Alfred, shopkeeper

Pye Bridge.

Briggs Joseph, farmer
Kempson & Co. chemical manufacturers
Knighton George Henry, draughtsman
Naylor Charles, beer retailer
Oakley William, Dog & Doublet P.H

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

My Kelly's Directory

An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript

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More on site information about Riddings and the surrounding area
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills