Derbyshire |
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts |
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.294-5 |
SANDIACRE is a parish, large village, on the borders of Nottinghamshire,
with a station on the Erewash Valley branch of the Midland railway,
135 miles from London, 9 east from Derby, 6 west-by-south from Nottingham,
in the Ilkeston division of the county, hundred of Morleston and Litchurch,
Shardlow union, Smalley petty sessional
division, Derby county court district, rural deanery of Ilkeston,
archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The Erewash canal
runs close to this village, as does also the Derby and Nottingham
road, to the south of which the Derby canal forms its junction with
the Erewash. Water works and a pumping station are now (1891) about
to be erected. The church of St. Giles is a building of stone, consisting
of chancel, clerestoried nave, south porch and a western tower with
a low spire, containing 6 bells hung in 1881, the 3 17th century bells
being removed; the lower part of the tower seems to be of Norman date,
circa 1160, but has long narrow lancet windows of the Early English
period in the north and south walls; from the roof upwards, including
the broach spire, the building is Decorated work of about 1300 : to
the Norman period also belong the very rich chancel arch, two round
headed windows in the nave, and the inner door of the south porch:
the great attraction of this church is its remarkably fine and spacious
chancel, a noble example of the late Decorated period, and the work
of Roger de Norbury, Bishop of Lichfield from 1322-59, and instituted
to this prebend in 1342; it has three large windows on each side,
with varied tracery of elegant design, and between these, buttresses,
the upper portions of which are panelled and traceried, rising into
elaborately-crocketed pinnacles : above the windows runs a moulded
parapet with quatrefoils,
and near the west window on the south side is a priest's doorway;
within, on this side, are three remarkably fine sedilia and a piscina,
under four triangular-headed and finialed canopies, divided by buttresses
terminating in pinnacles, and filled in the beads with graceful tracery
: the nave walls were raised several feet in the Perpendicular period,
and three clerestory windows inserted on each side: the font is Late
Decorated : on the chancel floor is a very remarkable incised gravestone,
slightly raised, and exhibiting a tall donated cross, supported by
nondescript animals, one on each side, and dating probably from the
12th century : in the churchyard is a small stone coffin, 40 inches
long: some of the tracery of the wood screen may now be seen worked
up in the reading desk: on the chancel floor are also several inscribed
slabs to Thomas Charlton and Catherine his wife, with arms (1631)
; Michael Charlton, son of the foregoing, fellow of Trinity College,
Cambridge, and Catherine his wife (1589-1614) ; John Charlton (1696)
and Anne his wife (1695), with others of this family from 1573 to
1687 ; these memorials were renovated by Thomas Broughton Charlton,
in 1855; in the nave is a floor slab to John, son of Willoughby Manley,
gent. : the stained east window was erected in 1887 in memory of Joseph
Stevens, d. 1875, by his sister Matilda : the nave was reseated
in 1855 and the chancel restored in 1864, and in 1883 the whole church
was restored, when the chancel and passages were laid with Minton
tiles at a cost of £100 : there are 330 sittings. The register
of baptisms dates from the year 1571, of marriages from 1581 and of
burials from 1570. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £300,
including 34 acres of glebe let for £49, with residence, in
the gift of
the Bishop of Southwell, and held since 1879 by the Rev. Daniel Smith,
of St. Bees. There was here an ancient chapel, dedicated to St. Sytha
or Osyth, a Mercian princess, valued in 27 Hen. VIII. at 11s. There
are Wesleyan, Primitive Methodist and Free Methodist chapels. The
principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and R.
P. Stevens esq. of Risley, besides some smaller owners. The soil is
loam and clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
beans. The area is 1,070 acres or land and 20 of water; rateable value,
£9,621; the population in 1881 was 1,630.
POST, M. O. & T. O. S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
-John Dale, receiver. Letters received from Nottingham
at 7.45 a.m. & 4.45 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.20 a.m. 5.5, 8 &
9.30 p.m
WALL LETTER BOX at railway station cleared at 8.30 p.m. week days
A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1876; clerk to the board
& attendance officer, Thomas Lindsey
Board School (mixed), erected in 1878, at a cost of £3,000,
for 142 boys & girls & 124 infants; average attendance, 159
boys & girls & 124 infants ; Alfred Large, master ; Miss Amelia
Buckley Smith, mistress
Railway Station, Samuel Hawkins Orchard, station master
CARRIERS.-Benjamin Stevens & Arthur Speed, to Nottingham, daily
Bland Edward M.D
Creswell Samuel, Derby road
Doar Abraham Charles
Doar William
Hitchin Harry, Derby road
Lakin James
Rossell George, Pear Tree house
Bankey William Henry
Sheldon Mrs. Congleton house
Smedley William, Church hill
Smith Rev. Daniel, Vicarage
Stevens Miss
Street Mrs
Bailey William, builder
Barber Frederick Newton, Plough P.H
Barker Abraham, shopkeeper
Barlow James, butcher
Barratt Thomas, coal merchant
Bastable George, builder
Baxters Limited, engineers
Belfit William Henry, draper
Birkitt George, iron founder
Bland Edward M.D. surgeon
Bonsall & Son, plumbers
Booth John, shopkeeper
Botham Robert, shopkeeper
Bowmer Joseph, shopkeeper
Breedon Isaac, butcher
Brown William, greengrocer
Bryan Joseph Watson & Arthur Wilfred, lace manufacturers
Bullock John, painter
Burrows William, news agent
Buxton Robert, smith
Castledine James, shopkeeper
Chapman Frederick, chemist
Chamberlain & Jackson, lace manufrs. Springfield mills
Cheney James, house agent
Clarke Charles Henry & Alfred Harriman, lace manufacturers
Cockayne Arthur, grocer
Cockayne Thomas, farmer
Cole Thomas, shopkeeper
Co-operative Stores (Hy. Sheard, man)
Corbett Joseph, agent to the Canal Co
Dale John, shopkeeper, Post office
Dawson Samuel, cool dealer
Eastwood Edwd. railway wagon builder
Evans Jas. & Co. charcoal & blacking mills
Fletcher George, boat owner & farmer
Foulkes William, farmer
Frost Charles, nurseryman
Gough Herbert, grocer
Hardy Oliver, lace manufacturer, Springfield mills
Hooley T. Lim. (Percy B. Cooper, see.), lace manufactrs. Springfield
Hopkins John, fishmonger
Hubbert Herbert, grocer
Hufton Hannah Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkpr
Jackson William, lace manufacturer, see Chamberlain & Jackson
Johnson Thomas Webb, draper
Latham Thos. Wm. architect & surveyor
Looming Arthur, White Lion P.H
Lindsey Thos. clerk & attendance officer to the school board,
rate & tax collectr
Longmire Henry & Edwin, lce mannfrs. Springfield mills
Marshall William, blacksmith
Marshall William, farmer, Church farm
Moody George, farmer
Moore Francis (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Oldershaw Thomas, bricklayer
Peach Charles, butcher
Peefit William Henry, draper
Pratt Hurst & Co. lace manufacturers, Springfield mills
Richardson John Gadd (exors. of), lace manufacturer, Springfield mills
Rossell Geo. M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon
Russell Eliza Ann (Mrs.), grocer
Salisbury James, tailor
Sandiacre Gas Co. Lim. (Percy B. Cooper, sec)
Sankey William Henry, mining engineer
Sewell Thomas, lace manufacturer, Springfield mills
Shaw William, farmer
Shaw William, jun. farmer
Smedley & Sons, lace manufacturers
Smith Samuel, boot maker
Smith Thomas, Bell inn
Speed Arthur, carrier
Stevens Benjamin, coal mer. & farmer
Stevens Benjamin, carrier
Stevens William, pork butcher
Sutton Jas. lace manfr. Springfield mls
Taylor John. maltster
Taylor Reuben, watch maker
Walker John Benjamin, lace manufr
Wells Brothers, engineers
Whitaker Thomas, harness maker
Winrow Hannah Mary (Mrs.), grocer
Winslow William John, Red Lion P.H
Wittering & Co. boot makers
Woodward Thomas, coal & timber merchant, Station yard
Wolliscroft Charles, draper
Wragg Arthur, shopkeeper
Wright Charles, beer retailer
[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation
are as they appear in the Directory.]
An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript
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Parishes, 1811
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