Historical Records> Census> 1901 Census Index>
1901 Census - RG 13/3266 and RG 13/3267
Registration Sub District of Matlock
Census transcripts for Matlock, Matlock Bath & District
31 March 1901
1901 Census Index
Surnames Index
ED08a ED08b
ED 09a ED 09b
ED 10 ED11
ED12 ED13
ED14a ED14b
ED 15
Smedley's Hydro
What's included
  • In 1901 Matlock and Matlock Bath were part of the Bakewell District.

  • Transcripts cover the whole of Scarthin Nick, Matlock Bath, Matlock Dale, Dale Road, Holt Lane, Snitterton Road, Crown Square, Bank Road, Matlock Bank, Rutland Street, Allen Hill, The Dimple, Smedley Street, Lime Tree Hill, Lime Grove Walk, Chesterfield Road, Matlock Moor, Lumsdale, Bentley Bridge, Matlock Cliff, Starkholmes, Riber, Willersley, Lea Bridge and Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment - which are all indexed by surname.

  • The Enumeration Districts in the 1901 census are in the reverse order from preceding census returns.

  • Great care has been taken to identify several addresses in Matlock Bath where the census entry is almost unreadable and that information is only available on this website.

  • 7834 names in the eight EDs & Book transcribed and on this website.
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Description of the Enumeration Districts:

Enumeration District 8
RG 13/3266
folios 83-97
folios 97(cont)-111
  Smedley's not Included, although within the boundary.
All that part of the Parish of Matlock situate on the North Side of Bank Road, from the Centre of Matlock Bridge (the County Bridge over the River Derwent) to Smedley Street, North Side of Rutland Street and the top end of Wellington Street, and all the houses on the lower side of Cavendish Street,
including Oldham House, Cherry Holt, Rock-side, Train Terminus, Smith Road, Jackson Rd, The Dimple, Allen Hill, Gasworks, part of Crown Square, and the New Town Hall

Enumeration District 9
folios 117-128
folios 129-142
  All that part of the Parish of Matlock within the South Side of Bank Road and the junction of Wellington Street with Cavendish Street. All houses on top side of Cavendish Street to the Boundary of Darley starting from the same point at the bottom of Bank Road by the Crown Hotel, all houses to the North Side of Chesterfield Road to the boundary of Ashover. Also taking in all houses on the South Side above the Yew Tree House, and below the road leading from the Duke of Wellington Inn and the Hurst Farm
including: The Moor, Cuckoostone, the Wold Farm, Oddfellow Terrace, Duke of Wellington Inn, Poplar Cottage, Matlock House, Elm Tree House, Smedley Memorial Hospital and Dalefield

Enumeration District 10
folios 5-18
  All that part of the Parish of Matlock to the West of the River Derwent : including Hall dale, Snitterton Road, West Hills, Masson (part of), the Boat House, Holt Lane, Old English Hotel, The Bank and Matlock Bridge Post Office.
Also: All that part of the Parish of Matlock to the East of the River Derwent, on the South Side of Chesterfield Road to the Foot Path from Tansley to Lime Tree Lane, and thence to River Derwent including :- The Mount, Buxton Terrace, Yew Tree House (or Cottage), Chesterfield House, Hurst Farm, House, Dean Hill, The Alm House and part of Crown Square (top end of Hall Leys)

Enumeration District 11
RG 13/3267
folios 22-36

All that part of the Parish of Matlock situate on the South Side of the Footpath leading from the back of Smuce Lane to Matlock Cliff incuding all of Matlock Cliff from Sm Lane to Matlock Green to West of Matlock Town to the Water Trough above The Starkholmes Road
Also including the Rectory Duke William Inn Horse Shoe Lime Tree House Cliff House Dean Hill Lodge Knowleston Place Stoney Way Matlock Green

Enumeration District 12
RG 13/3267
folios 41-53
  All that part of the Parish of Matlock, from the Water trough in Starkholmes Road taking a straight line to the top side of Hill Top Farm, to the boundary of Tansley, Lea, Cromford and Matlock Bath.
All that part of the Parish of Matlock, from the Water trough, above the Star Inn in Starkholmes Road, taking in the houses on Riber Side, on the Matlock Town side, below Riber Castle to the road leading past Hearthstone to its junction with the road leading past Hearthstone past Littlemoor to Lea, to the boundary of Lea, Cromford and Matlock Bath including:-
Yew Tree Farm (Hadfields) and Beresford, Littlemoor, Boggart House, High Leas, Low Leas, Lea Bridge, Bow Wood, Castle Top, Wood End, Wood Seats, Willersley, Willersley Lane, Starkholmes, Wards End and Matlock Bath Gas Works + also

All that part of the Parish of Matlock comprising Hearthstone and Riber, including:- Hearthstone, Riber, Riber Castle, Riber Hall and Riber Old Hall

Enumeration District 13
RG 13/3267
folios 57-64
  Form was not filled in in the normal way, but the census covers that part of the Parish of Matlock which includes Matlock Moor, Lumsdale, Bentley Bridge and Matlock Cliff.

Enumeration District 14
RG 13/3267
folios 68-79
folios 79-91
  All that portion of the Parish of Matlock Bath to the West or South West of Holme Road, and footpath to Scarthin Nick to Boundary of Cromford & Matlock including Ember Farm, Chapel Hill, Scarthin Nick as far as, and including the House occupied by Mr. Boden, Willersley Lodge, Glenorchy, New Bath Hotel, Royal Hotel, Clifton Road, Masson House & Mills, Midland Hotel & Temple Hotel

Enumeration District 15
RG 13/3267
folios 92-106
  All that part of the parish of Matlock Bath from the Boundary of Matlock at the Limestone Quarries, to the Ancient foot-path in Key-pasture Wood from Brunswood Villa to the River Derwent. - Also: all that part of the Parish of Matlock Bath, from the Ancient footpath in Key-Pasture Wood from Brunswood Villa to the River Derwent, to the Centre of the Holme Road and the foot path leading from thence to Bonsall.

[Enumerator has written the following parish details in the reverse order from the way the entries are recorded in the census. They are shown here as they appear, but on the ED transcript they are given in the correct order to hopefully avoid confusion]
Civil Parish, Matlock Bath (part of) Ecl. Parish of St. Giles, Matlock M.C. (part of):
All that part of the parish of Matlock Bath from the Boundary of Matlock at the Limestone Quarries, to the Ancient foot-path in Key-pasture Wood from Brunswood Villa to the River Derwent including, Brunswood Villa; Brunswood Terrace, Dale Road, Riversdale, Common Wood, St. John's Terrace, Harvey Dale, Cliff House and Masson Farm.

Civil Parish, Matlock Bath (part of) Ecl. Parish Holy Trinity, Matlock Bath (part of):
All that part of the parish of Matlock Bath from the Boundary of Matlock at the Limestone Quarries, to the Ancient foot-path in Key-pasture Wood from Brunswood Villa to the River Derwent to the Centre of Holme Road, taking all houses on the Upper Side of it, including Station Hotel, Midland Terrace, The Vicarage, Upper Tower, Hope Terrace, Brunswood Road, Masson Road and Devonshire Terrace.

Enumeration Book,
following on from ED 15

folios 109-114
  Enumeration Book For the Undermentioned Institution
Smedley's Hydropathic Company Limited
Hydropathic & Boarding Establishment
Matlock Bank

Transcripts by and © Ann Andrews from microfiche that were held at the Family Record Centre, London.
With my very grateful thanks to the National Archives (formerly the Public Record Office but now TNA), London.