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Matlock & Matlock Bath 1901 Census: Empty Houses or Part Entry
Census transcripts for Matlock, Matlock Bath & District

Incomplete entries
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SURNAME, Given Name, Age, Enumeration District (ED), Folio (f), Page (p), Schedule (s) or Entry No
[1 away]                            ed14 f84 p34 s-
[1 away]                            ed14 f84 p34 s-
[1 House Empty (Omitted)]           ed10 f10 p11
[1u]                                ed08a f94 p23 s146
[1u]                                ed08a f94 p24 s150
[1u]                                ed09a f121 p9 s46
[1u]                                ed10 f11 p14
[1u]                                ed10 f8 p7
[1u]                                ed10 f8 p7
[1u]                                ed10 f8 p7
[1u]                                ed10 f8 p7
[1u]                                ed12 f46 p12 s79
[1u]                                ed12 f51 p22 s145
[1u]                                ed12 f42 p3 s17
[1u]                                ed12 f42 p3 s20
[1u]                                ed12 f42 p4 s26
[1u]                                ed15 f102 p16 s-
[1u]                                ed15 f102 p16 s-
[1u] [Family Away]                  ed08b f107 p50 s327
[1u] Empty                          ed09a f122 p11 s58
[1u] Family Absent                  ed09a f122 p11 s60
[1u] Family Absent                  ed09b f133 p33 s177
[1u] Family Absent                  ed09b f142 p52 s283
[1u] Family away                    ed09a f119 p6 s34
[1u] Family Away                    ed09b f136 p39 s204
[1u] Family Away                    ed14 f68 p2 s11
[1u] Fern Bank                      ed13 f62 p39 s-
[1u] Matlock Cliff                  ed13 f62 p40 s-
[1u] Riber Side                     ed12 f50 p19 s130
[1u] To let Empty                   ed09a f122 p12 s61
[1u] To let Empty                   ed09a f117 p2 s8
[1u] To let Empty                   ed09a f127 p21 s114
[1u] To let Empty                   ed09b f129 p26 s131
[1u] To let Empty                   ed09b f134 p34 s184
[1u] To let Empty                   ed09b f139 p46 s245
[1u] To let Empty                   ed09b f141 p49 s261
[2 buildings omitted]               ed10 f6 p4
[2u]                                ed10 f10 p12
[2u]                                ed10 f13 p17
[2u] Bentley Bridge                 ed13 f60 p35 s-
[4u]                                ed12 f51 p21 s138
[blank]                             ed08a f83 p2 s8
[Butcher's Shop not inhabited]      ed08a f85 p5 s19b
[Family Away]                       ed08b f107 p50 s327
[Five blank lines]                  ed11 f31 p19 -
[In occupation]                     ed15 f102 p16 s-
[In occupation]                     ed15 f103 p17 s83
[no schedule number/entry]          ed12 f49 p17 s112
[NO SURNAME] Baby (5d)              ed14 f85 p36 s225
[Saddler's Shop not inhabited]      ed08a f85 p5 s19a
[unocccupied]                       ed08b f102 p39 s258
[unocccupied] [All St Church]       ed08b f102 p39 s258