Reproduced from "Matlock & District Industrial Exhibition" catalogue.
Stand 24. The Derbyshire Silica Firebrick Co., of Friden
"Founded in 1892, the organisation has throughout its existence
been controlled on the most scientific lines and constant research
has ensured not only that the highest grade of goods is manufactured
but that higher grades have been, and are to be, evolved to
meet more complex industrial demands.
Its technical advisers are among the best known authorities
in the country and rigidly control the weekly input of 800
tons of raw material from the Company's estate throughout its
various processes until the many difficult and elaborate shapes
are passed out of the kilns to join the stream of despatches
which go to most parts of the United Kingdom and to such countries
as China, India and South America.
Refractories are essential to the manufacture and heat
treatment of steels and other metals, glass, the generation
of power, and the production of gas, and for this reason
refractory manufacturers are working on the highest priority
to make good the effect of the war years on the country's
basic industries. The Company's production list shows the
names of the municipal undertakings and many of the home
and foreign private industrial concerns - the most definite
confirmation that the most reliable and best obtainable results
are achieved at Friden.
All the plant is contained in permanent
workshops, principally to make working conditions as good
as possible, and to this end much modern equipment is installed
and further modernising and labour-saving projects are in
hand. Conditions are in accordance with Management and Union
Agreements - canteen, welfare and sports organisations exist.
Passenger transport runs from Matlock and from Youlgreave
and an excellent co-operative spirit prevails throughout
the organisation"[1].

Enlargement of the works,
from the aerial photograph taken by AeroFilms Ltd., ca 1934
and published in the exhibition catalogue.
Friden is close to Newhaven and the A515 Ashbourne to Buxton Road.
Kelly' Directory, Derbyshire, 1891 - Biggin.
Friden Grange is mentioned in the directory
See Streetmap
(enlarge to see location of Friden Grange)