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The Andrews Pages Picture Gallery : Godalming, Surrey
A selection of photographs and postcards of a Surrey country town
The White Hart, High Street, Godalming, about 1900

The timber-framed White Hart was an old coaching inn and there was an inn on the site in the sixteenth century, originally known as "The Antelope"[1]. The Godalming Trust record that, in 1734, General James Oglethorpe "caused a minor sensation by bringing ten Yamacraw Indians here to dine"[2]. They had travelled to England with him when he returned from Georgia for the first time.

At the beginning of the twentieth century a local journalist claimed that the Inn was reputed to be the "humble lodging" of Dickens' character Nicholas Nickleby when tramping from London to Portsmouth[3] with his friend Smike when he "sallies forth to seek his fortune". The book itself simply says "To Godalming they came at last, and here they bargained for two humble beds and slept soundly. In the morning they were astir, though not quite so early as the sun, and again afoot; if not with all of the freshness of yesterday, still with enough hope and spirit to bear them cheerily on"[4].

From late eighteenth century records we know that the innkeeper in 1795 was John Bristow as there were "complaints of irregularities in a lottery" held at the inn[5]. Similarly, that Henry Fassett and Thomas Bonamy were "coachmasters and carriers at the White Hart Inn" when two Godalming men were tried for stealing oats from their stables in 1798[6].

The landlord in the mid nineteenth century was Thomas Arnold[7], although an 1855 trade directory shows him at the "White Lion"[8], presumably an error. His wife Phyllis took over the White Hart after his death in 1873[9]. It was during Arnold's tenure that G. W. & F. A. Crooke, brewers on Guildford High Street[10], purchased the White Hart[1]. Their sign, "Crooke's Entire", is displayed between the windows on the second floor.

Walter Allen from Cheshunt was the publican for over 20 years towards the end of the century[11]. He was succeeded by Charles Timberley, who was also a plumber[12]. The word "Bar" is etched on the glass of the window behind the men standing on the pavement and a 1907 photograph shows that luncheons, dinner and teas were served by then; a sign over the doorway shows there was a also coffee room by 1907[13].

Hodgson, Kingston Breweries, acquired Crooke's in 1929[15] and the White Hart finally closed its doors in 1932[1]. The ground floor was subsequently turned into three shops, although there had been a single shop next to the carriage entrance for many years[14].

On the left of the picture is the hairdressing establishment run by the Jury family, who had moved to Godalming from Bermondsey in the 1870s[16]. Henry Jury (senior) was a Hairdresser and it is his name over the shop door. He died in 1877 and his wife then took over. In a trade directory the following year she is described as "Mrs. Emily Jury (Widow of the late H. Jury), hair dresser and perfumer, every description of human and imitation hair made to order"[9]. Initially the family lived at what was then 71 High Street, with Henry Charles Jury working alongside his mother, but they had moved to George Street by 1891. The census shows No.71 as unoccupied, but the premises were probably just used for the business. Henry Charles died in 1910 and one of his sisters, Annie Jury, by then aged 40, was back at 71 High Street as a Tobacconist and Hairdresser; she was also a Fancy Dealer and sold Toilet Requisites alongside her young assistant, Emily May Smith[16]. Annie was still at 71 High Street in 1935, so the family were involved in trade in Godalming for over sixty-five years[13].

The original photograph for this postcard must date from around 1900 as the shop next door, No.69 High Street, was still the greengrocery run by S.W. Luxford. However, in 1901 it had been taken over by C. W. Trimmer who put his own name on the sign, but included "Late Luxford" on the side of the bay[15]. Despite checking, the reason for the date of 1640 in the card's title is unknown.

The building today is double jettied although the first floor overhang was not formed until 1932, so is not shown on the above image[2].

Godalming. "Old White 1640 Hart". No publisher, but bear symbol on the back. No.22517. Not posted. With white side bar for messages, though also has a divided back.
Postcard in the collection of, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Researched and written by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.


[1] Janaway, John (2003) "Godalming and Farncombe Pubs and Breweries", Ammonite Books, Godalming, Surrey. ISBN 1-869866-14-2. The building dates from 1570.

[2] "A Godalming Walk". The Godalming Trust, 1977. Various reprints and twice amended, the last being 1988 for our copy.

[3] "Surrey Mirror", 20 September 1901.

[4] Dickens, Charles (1839) "Nicholas Nickleby", originally published as a serial and then as a book by Chapman and Hall. The quotation here is taken from an edition published by Penguin Books in 1999, Chapter 22.

[5] Surrey History Centre. Surrey Quarter Sessions, QS2/6/1795/Eph/72-75 1795.

[6] Surrey History Centre. Surrey Quarter Sessions, QS2/6/1798/Mid/10 1798

[7] 1861 and 1871 census.

[8] "Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Kent ..." (1855), Part 1: Counties & Localities, pub. Kelly & Co., Old Boswell Court, Temple Bar, London.

[9] "Post Office Directory of Surrey" (1878) Kelly & Co. Ltd, London.

[10] "The London Gazette"

[11] Mr. Allen was shown living at the White Hart in the 1891 and 1901 census. He also advertised in Kelly's 1891 Directory.

[12] The Timberley family were at the White Hart in the 1911 census and Charles Timberley advertised in a 1913 trade directory.

[13] Head, Ronald E. (2005) "Godalming", The Francis Frith collection, ISBN 1-85937-976-1 (with research by John Young). There is a slightly later picture of the White Hart in this book, showing the coffee house sign and the change of ownership of the greengrocery business. Also a photo dated 1935 shows Annie Jury's shop sign.

[14] John Janaway says there was a shop there in the late eighteenth century.

[15] "Western Morning News", Thursday 24 October 1929. Results for Hodgson Kingston's shares, with new shares issued. The capital was required to buy Crooke's Brewery and other property.

[16] Members of the Jury family can be found in all census returns in Godalming and Guildford from 1881 to 1911 inclusive. Charles Henry Jury had several sisters, but Annie seems to have been the only one to work as a hairdresser. She assisted in 1891, but had become a nurse at Clandon by 1901. Emily Jury died, aged 86. The 1901 and 1911 census returns show her living in Guildford with her daughter Ada; in 1901 she described herself as a retired Hairdresser & Tobacconist. Annie passed away in Bournemouth on 4 April 1837.

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Godalming, Surrey (about)
Godalming, Surrey: Murder, Trial and Execution, 1817-18

The White Hart & High Street, before 1900

Market Hall, 1935

High Street, 1900 - 1922