A view of Godalming High Street, probably taken at the end of
the nineteenth century. This is a slightly earlier photograph
of the White Hart Inn than shown on the
previous page. The Pepperpot is on the left,
with a poster (unreadable) on one of the pillars.
The timber framed building on the far right was a florist
and gardener's shop, run by William S Gower[1].
In 1888 he advertised for "a young man who understands
growing cucumbers, tomatoes, and cut flowers for market. -
Apply by letter, stating wages, to W. S. Gower, Florist, 69,
High-street, Godalming".[2] Mr.
Gower was growing his own produce to sell in the shop, something
that was not uncommon.
It was taken over by W. S. Luxford by 1895
as there is a photograph taken that year showing his name above
the shop window[3].
Jury's hairdressers[4],
the second doorway in the White Hart building, also doesn't
have a sign over the shop. A group of people are standing
in the road and on the pavement outside Jury's and a youngish
girl is standing on the step.
Behind them is the entrance to White Hart Yard. Once the coaching
days were over the yard was used by a variety of businesses.
For example, in 1881 several families were living in caravans
in White Hart Yard; the heads of house were named as Alfred
Hammond, W. Hopkins and Geo Mayo, all of whom were general
dealers but did not know where they were born[5].
In 1901 Henry Wheatland, a fish salesman, was living in White
Hart Yard[6] and
by 1907 John Lee, a building contractor and undertaker used
premises there[3].
On the pavement opposite the White Hart, outside one of the
shops, is a tall pile of trunks but it is impossible to tell
what else the shop sold. |
"High Street, Godalming". No publisher. Not
posted, though another card was posted in 1904. Publication date
unknown.It was probably published in the early twentieth century
as there are instructions about the writing space on the divided
back, which indicate it was from around 1902, when the Post Office
allowed writing on the back of cards. Postcard in the collection
of, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Researched by Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
[1] 1891 census.
[2] "Surrey
Advertiser", 21 April
[3] Head, Ronald E., (2005) "Godalming",
The Francis Frith collection, ISBN 1-85937-976-1 (with research
by John Young). Their book has several photographs of these
buildings, one dated 1895 and the other 1907.
[4] The Jury family were hairdressers
on the High Street from the 1870s onwards.
[5] 1881 census.
[6] 1901 census. |