Cromford, Derbyshire: White's Directory, 1852 |
A collection of historical 19th Century Directories - Commercial, Trades and Private Residents |
From: Gazetteer and General Directory of Sheffield, and all the Townships, Parishes
and Villages Within the Distance of Twenty Miles Round Sheffield
by William White, published Sheffield, 1852
- Price: 8s 6d to subscribers -
(120 names)
CROMFORD, is a small market town, picturesquely seated in a deep
part of the Derwent valley, 1 mile S. of Matlock Bath and 1 mile
N. of Wirksworth, and has a Railway Station on the line opened
from Ambergate to Rowsley, and a Canal communicating with
the Erewash and other navigations on the east, and with the Peak
Forest Railway which extends north west to the Peak Forest Canal
at Whaley Bridge. Cromford township and chapelry is in Wirksworth
parish and in Bakewell Union. It contains 1368 acres of land and
1192 inhabitants. The large cotton mill here, and that in
the neighbouring hamlet of Masson, were built by the celebrated Sir
Richard Arkwright, about 1771; and in 1790 he procured a grant for
a market to be held here on Saturdays. Here are also three
annual fairs for horses, cattle, &c., held Feb. 11th,
May 8th, and Sept. 23rd. Peter Arkwright, Esq. is lord of the manor
and owner of most of the soil, and resides at Willersley Castle,
a large and handsome freestone mansion, delightfully seated on the
opposite aide of the Derwent. Rock House, a neat mansion,
on a bold eminence, is the seat of J. C. Arkwright, Esq. The Church
is a plain stone building which was commenced by Sir Richard, and
finished by his son Richard Arkwright. Esq. The perpetual curacy
valued at £180, is in the patronage of P. Arkwright, Esq.,
and incumbancy of the Rev. Robt. Jones. Here is a Wesleyan Chapel
built in 1810. Two National schools were built by the Arkwrights
in 1832 and 1840. Six poor widows have a yearly rent charge £14,
left by Lady Armyne in 1662, out of the Cromford estate. |
In the following Directory of CROMFORD, those
marked * are at Scarthinnick, in Matlock parish.
Arkwright P., Esq., Willersley Castle
Arkwright James Charles Esq. and Miss F., Rock House
Arkwright J. C. and Co. cotton spinners and manufrs. Cromford and
Masson Mills
Ashworth James, hatter
Barton Bnj., High Peak Railway agt.
Bestwick John, clerk to Canal Co.
Boden S. and Bunting W. smiths
Bunting Patience & Airey A. school
Clay Richard, druggist, &c.
Dennis Rev W. B. F. (Wesleyan)
Dodd & Co. hat mfrs. (J. Kirk, agt)
Farnsworth George, mason, &c.
Fearn James, hair dresser
Hackett Richard, mill manager
Harrison Edward, game keeper
Heatley Wm. & Mant G. rev. officers
Hodgkinson Paul, umbrella maker
Hughes Matthew, clerk
Jones Rev. Robt. Morgan, incumbt
Kidd John, ironmonger, tinnner, and brazier
Lees Wm. station master
Milnes Chas. lead mert. & smelter
*Mottrom Samuel, medicine vendor
Parker John, plumber and glazier
Shaw Wm. schoolmaster
Sheldon Solomon, cooper
*Sims Wm. Henry, surgeon
Smith S. gardener || *Stone Mrs
*Taylor Thomas, architect
Walker Job, boot manufacturer
Wheeldon John, schoolmaster
*Wheatcroft Mr Jabez, Natl. & Abm. merchants and carriers
Bell, Daniel Gell
*Bull's Head John Walker
Cock., John Mart
Greyhound, Geo. Higgott. (posting)
Junction Inn, Fras. Brown
Railway Inn, James Housley
Red Lion, George Eaton
ALE, &c. DLRS.
*Gregory Cath.
*Higgott G. jun
Marsden Lewis
Boden E. & John
Burton Mary A.
Smedley Job
*Smith John
*Stone John
Barker John
*Boden Ruth
*Higgott Wm.
Sheldon Joseph
*Winson Geo.
Britland J. & R.
*Brocklehurst R.
Eaton Wm.
Jepson Timothy
*Lymn Charles
Reed Joseph
Sherlock Samuel
Smith James
Storer Edward
*Wild George
Wildgooee Geo.
*Winson George
*Boden E. & S.
Boden George
*Higgott Wm.
*Walker John
COAL, &c., DLRS.
Boden Ebenezer
Marsden Lewis
Moore Caleb
Wightman J.
Wheatcroft Ntl.
Mart John
Mineral Paint Co.
Higgott George
Higgott Joseph
*Lee Rt. and Co.
Outram Thomas
Boden E. & W.
Buckley George
Hodgkinson G. and J.
Kidd John
Staley Nathaniel
Bunting Thomas
Cooper Jermiah
Corden Joseph J. wheelwright
Francis Wm.
*Stone Wm.
Barton Thomas
Staley & Fryer
Gell Thomas
Higgott George
*King John
Meakin E. & P.
Wesson Anty.
Baddeley Wm.
Burton Mary A.
Green Mary
*Gregory Cath.
*Higgott G. jun.
Holmes Anty.
Kidd Samuel
Mason Anthony
Smedley Job
Spencer Simeon
Stone John
Staley & Fryer
Toplis John
Whiteman Jas.
Wildgoose Geo.
Cheetham Jph.
Colledge George
Grey Hugh
Holmes Peter
Stafford Thomas
*Wain Thomas
White Robert G. (and draper)
Trains 6 times a day
Mail to Manchester 10
a.m. & to Derby 4½ p.m.
Wheatcroft & Son to all parts
POST OFFICE at J. Parker's. Letters via Matlock
Transcribed by Ann Andrews August 2006.
Note: spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory. |