Kelly's Directory, Derbyshire, 1891> This page
Cromford, Derbyshire
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp. 102-103
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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More extracts from Cromford Directories are elsewhere on this website

Picture Gallery

Cromford, 1773
"A View in Crumford near Matlock Bath in Derbyshire", copper plate engraving

Black Rocks (or Stonnis)

St. Mary's Church and the Bridge

CROMFORD is a town and township, and was formed into a parish 19 March, 1869, from the parishes of Wirksworth and Middleton, with a station on the Manchester line of the Midland railway, half a mile from Matlock Bath, 2 miles north from Wirksworth and 147 from London, in the Western division of the county, in the hundred, petty sessional division and county court district of Wirksworth, Bakewell union, rural deanery of Wirksworth, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The High Peak railway to Stockport, now the property of the London and North Western Company, terminates in this parish by a junction on the main line of the Midland railway to Manchester. The line together with the Cromford canal (communicating with the Erewash canal near Langley Bridge) and the Midland railway afford facility for the conveyance of coal, minerals and limestone to various parts of the kingdom. The chapel of St. Mary, erected and endowed by Sir Richard Arkwright, kt. about 1792, is a small edifice in the Gothic style, consisting of a chancel, nave and a square tower containing one bell: it was restored and considerably improved, both internally and externally, in the year 1858, by the late patron, Peter Arkwright esq : there are 450 sittings, 200 being free. The register dates from the year 1797. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £300, including 26 acres of glebe with residence, in the gift of Frederic Arkwright esq. and held since 1886 by the Rev. William Harry Arkwright M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. St. Mark's chapel of ease, erected in 1877 at a cost of £2,000, consists of a chancel and nave only, and has 200 sittings : it is served by the parochial clergy, and it has an attached cemetery. In 1662 Lady Armyne left a sum of money for six poor widows who now reside in almshouses and J.C. Arkwright esq. further endowed this charity with a sum of £2,500, which enables each inmate to receive 5s. per. week. In 1771 Sir Richard Arkwright kt. established a cotton factory here, the first in the kingdom, and in 1789 purchased the manor and erected spacious mills, a portion of which was destroyed by fire 7 Nov. 1890. Masson mills, the property of Sir Richard Arkwright & Co. are used in the manufacture of thread and afford employment to a great number of persons. Near Cromford Bridge is Willersley, the seat of Frederick Charles Arkwright esq., J.P. lord of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is sandy ; subsoil gritstone and limestone. The area is 1,324 acres ; rateable value, £5,136 ; the population in 1881 was 1,074.

POST & M. O. & T.O, S.B. & Insurance & Annuity Office, Two Dales.- Miss Emily Pritchard, postmistress. Letters are received through Derby at 6a.m. & 1.15p.m. & 5p.m. ; dispatched at 10 a.m. 11.10a.m. & 7 & 7.30p.m. ; sundays, at 6.30 p.m.
POST OFFICE, High Peak Junction, Derby Road.- Henry Roper, receiver. Letters arrive from Derby at 6a.m. ; Dispatched at 7.5 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Lea Bridge & telegraph office Cromford ; Sundays, dispatched 7.5p.m.
Church of England School, erected about 1830, for 300 boys & girls & 100 infants. The school is partly supported by F.C. Arkwright esq. Henry Tissington, master ; Miss Kate Bastwick, infants' mistress
Railway Station, Lewis Wright, station master
CARRIER to DERBY: Thomas Holmes of (Matlock Town), every Monday, Thursday, returning Tuesday & Friday

[The residents of Scarthin Row and Chapel Hill are in Matlock Bath Local Board District. Willersley, & those names marked thus * are in the parish of Matlock, but all receive letters through Cromford.]


Arkwright Fredc. Chas J.P. Willersley
Arkwright James Charles, Oak Hill
Arkwright Rev. William Harry M.A. [vicar], Oak Hill
Furniss Edward, Greenhill terrace
*Hill Charles, Bridge house
Holmes John, Rose cottage, Derby road
Sheldon Rev. Thomas, Chapel hill
Sorby Clement, JP Woodend
Walker Capt. Edwyn JP Rock house
Willn John, Chapel hill


Allen John, fishmonger, Scarthin
ARKWRIGHT SIR RICHARD & CO. Thread manufacturer (Richard Webster, manager); & at Matlock Bath
Barker William, sub-agent to F. C. Arkwright esq.
BIDDULPH BROTHERS, millers (water), & corn dealers
Bird Thomas, beer retailer, Scarthin row
Boden Thomas, boot & shoe maker ; & at Matlock Bath
Britland John, shoe maker
Brown George, newsagent & stationer
Brown Jas. farmer, High Peak junction, Derby road
Brown Jemima (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Scarthin Row
Brown John, painter &c., Scarthin row
Brown William, farmer, Longway bank
Bunting Thos. wheelwright, Water lane
Bunting Thos. (Mrs), lodging house
Bunting William, blacksmith
*Burton Joshua, farmer, High lees
Chapman Fredk., clothier, Scarthin row
Clay William M.R.C.V.S.E. vet. surgeon
Conservative Club (Hy. Tissington, sec)
*Dale George, farmer, Bow wood
Dawes William & Son, coal merchants
Duckmanton Jn., plumber, Scarthin row
Evans William, jeweller, Market place
*Fox George, farmer, Meadow wood
*Fox Wm. Farmer, Woodseats, Willersley
Fryer John, draper, tailor, hatter, outfitter & funeral furnisher, Scarthin row
Gould Geo. Clement, shopkpr. The Hill
Gregory Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), milliner & haberdasher
Hall John Thomas, Prudential agent, Cromford hill
Hawley William, farmer, The Ashes
High Peak Junction Wharf (William Walker, sub-manager)
HILL MATTHEW, brewer, wine & spirit merchant, Greyhound commercial & family hotel & posting house
Hodgkinson, Henry, farmer
Hodgkinson, John, shopkeeper
Hollins William & Co. (Nottm.) Limited, merino spinners, Cromford mill
Holmes Horatio, farmer
Holmes Thomas (Mrs.) lodging house
Kidd Mary & Elizabeth (Misses), milliners & haberdashers
Kidd David, grocer & ironmonger
Kidd John, tinman & brazier
Kidd Wm. coal mechant, Cromford wharf
King John, spar & marble worker, Scarthin row
LEA MILLS (John Smedley, prop.), Lea
*Lennox William, linen draper
Main Tom, saddler, Scarthin
Marples Henry, farmer, Dean farm
Marples John, farmer, Moorside
Mee William, Bell P.H.
Midland Railway Company's Wharf (John Bestwick, wharfinger,) Cromford Canal wharf
Mitchell John, tailor, Scarthin row
Nelson Robert, dealer in jewellery
Nicklinson Thos. chemist, Market place
Outram Thomas Smith, currier & leather merchant, Market place
Parker Thos. plumber, glazr. & gas fitter
Pearson Joseph, shopkeeper, Chapel hill
Potter Anthony, farmer
Pritchard Emily (Miss), stationer & postmistress
Reading Room (Abel Boden, sec.)
Reeds Jas. & Son, grocers &c. North st
Robinson Ann (Mrs.), baker
Roper George, whitesmith
Smith Samuel & Son, general drapers &c
Smith Hannah (Miss), grocr., Scarthin row
Smith Walter Edwin, stationer & printr., Scarthin row
Smith William John, hair dresser
Smithurst William, boot & shoe maker, Scarthin row
Spencer William, butcher, Market pl
Stammers Ernest Callow, brewer to Matthew Hill, Chapel hill
Statham Maria (Mrs.) The Cock P.H. & butcher
*Steeples James, farmer, Low lees
Stone Joseph, grocer, confectioner & provision merchant, Market place
Storer Catherine (Mrs.), ale & porter merchant, Scarthin row
Swift Benjamin, farmer
Swift James (Mrs.), farmer
Swift John Joseph, baker, confectioner, & pork butcher
Swift Joshua, tobacconist
*Taylor Henry, farmer, Castle top
Taylor John, farmer
Taylor Silvester, shopkeeper, North st
Tissington Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Market place
Towler Thirza (Mrs.) shopkeepr., Scarthin
Toplis James, grocer, Scarthin row
Wheatcroft Hy., farmer, Willersley farm
WHEATCROFT HENRY, Via Gellia color works
Wheatcroft Jas. Walter, barytes manufr
Wright William John, tailor & outfitter, Market place
Young William, jun. earthenware dlr

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

My Kelly's Directory

An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript

Village Links

More on site information about Cromford and the surrounding area
Further extracts from Cromford Directories are elsewhere on this website
All links for Cromford are all now included on the Index page
A little about Cromford Canal can be found on Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811: Derbyshire, Rivers (and Canals)
More about Cromford can be found on Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811: Parishes C - D
Frank Clay, Artist includes a small print of The Fishing House on Cromford Bridge.