Cromford Trade Directories
Cromford, Derbyshire: Trade Directories
A collection of historical 19th Century Directories - Commercial, Trades and Private Residents

Cromford Directories in this section of the web site
Glover's 1829 Directory of Cromford *New*
White's 1852 Directory of Cromford
Kelly's 1855 Post Office Directory of Cromford
White's 1857 Directory of Cromford
Kelly's 1864 Directory of Cromford
Harrod's 1870 Directory of Cromford
Bulmer's 1895 Directory of Cromford *New*
Kelly's 1895 Directory of Cromford
Kelly's 1899 Directory of Cromford
Cromford Directories in other parts of this web site
Kelly's 1891 Directory of Cromford, part of county wide transcripts for 1891
Scarthin names in Matlock Directories, elsewhere on this web site
Kelly's 1848 Directory of Matlock
Kelly's 1855 Directory of Matlock
White's 1862 Directory of Matlock
Kelly's 1864 Directory of Matlock
Kelly's 1876 Directory of Matlock

  • Transcribed and OCRed by Ann Andrews, unless stated.

  • Martin Rowley generously provided me with photocopies of three directory extracts about Cromford, specifically for this web site. Neil Wilson was also generous with his transcription of Whites (1857).

  • Cromford trade directories overlap with those for the adjacent parishes of Matlock and Matlock Bath as Scarthin residents advertised in either Cromford or the Matlock & Matlock Bath sections of the various directories and sometimes in both. This is because Scarthin was part of the parish of Matlock Bath. A good deal of the history of the village is tied up with, and many records of Cromford are amongst, the information of the adjacent parishes of Matlock and Matlock Bath.
    View the One Place Study of Matlock & District elsewhere on this web site.
    See About Scarthin Nick and Chapel Hill on the Matlock Bath: Switzerland of England page.

Some of the images of Cromford, Scarthin and Willersley in other parts of this website:

"A View in Crumford near Matlock Bath...", 1773

Cromford, St. Mary's Church and the Bridge

Black Rocks (Stonnis)
19th c CDV

Cromford, Black Rocks
(or Stonnis)

Cromford Village

Engraving of Willersley Castle, 1802

Matlock: Willersley Castle

Includes some information about Willersley after the Arkwright family had left

Willersley Castle, 1927

Willersley's Lodge & Gardens

Contents Sale, 1927

Scarthin, 1892

Scarthin Nick & Greyhound Pond, about 1905

Scarthin Nick : Staffordshire Row & Chapel Hill, 1905

Matlock Bath: Southern Entrance to the Dale - Scarthin Nick
There are more images of Willersley, for example, than are shown here.
Cromford Index
Derbyshire Map
First Page
Last Page
Village Links
Also see:
Derbyshire Parishes 1811
Matlock 19thC Directories

There is more about this famous former Cromford resident.
Just click on the image to view one of the pages or go to Village Links below.

Sir Richard Arkwright Click to go to a page where there is a larger image

Village Links

1. More information about Cromford on this web site

Scarthin Nick, Chapel Hill etc residents came under the parish of Matlock.
Matlock and Matlock Bath web site.
About Scarthin Nick
Scarthin Nick, Chapel Hill, etc., residents are in Matlock census returns
Frank Clay, Artist includes a small print of The Fishing House on Cromford Bridge.

Pedigree of ARKWRIGHT of Willersley

Arkwright and his Masson Mill

'The Beauties of England and Wales' (1802)
cotton manufacturing, the mills, Willersley & the surrounding area, Sir Richard Arkwright. Transcript, with engraving of Willersley.

Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811

Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills

There are two books about Cromford, published by the Arkwright Society: "The Derwent Valley Mills and their Communities", published a few years ago, and "Cromford Revisited" was published in late 2013.
Details are elsewhere on this website

Alison Uttley wrote about Cromford. She was born at Castle Top Farm, which is within the parish of Matlock, though it is often mentioned in Cromford directories.
A short biography is on this web site.

2. Elsewhere on the Internet
All links to external web sites open in a new window

Cromford Village in Derbyshire

A lovely old postcard on Rosemary Lockie's GENUKI site, under Cromford.
"The Tors, entering Cromford" the house shown is Scarthin Lodge, Matlock Bath. This was one of the lodges for Willersley Castle and one pair of the castle gates can also be seen.

Arkwright Society / Cromford Mill
Masson Mill