Cromford Trade Directories> This page
Cromford, Derbyshire: Glover's Directory, 1827-8-9
A collection of historical 19th Century Directories - Commercial, Trades and Private Residents

Directory of the County of Derby
Accurately taken during the years 1827, '8, and '9, by Stephen Glover Derby:
Printed for the Publisher by Henry Mozley and Son, Sold in London by Longman & Co. ..., p.33

Cromford Index
Derbyshire Map
Cromford, Kelly's 1891
Also see
Matlock's entry from this directory is on the site
Shirland's entry from this directory is also available

F. = Freeholder

CROMFORD, a market-town, town-ship and chapelry in the parish of Wirksworth, H. of W [Hundred of Wirksworth].

Lord of the Manor. Richard Arkwright, Esq. Willersley Castle.

MARKET DAY, Saturday.
COACHES. The London, Manchester and Nottingham coaches pass through to and from each place daily : and the Wirksworth and Bakewell horse post daily.
CARRIERS. Nathaniel Wheatcroft and Son, and German Wheatcroft and Sons, goods from the Canal Wharf to all parts of the kingdom.
CARS. Monday, WednesdaY and Friday to Derby.

Adams Obadiah, saddler
Allen George, draper
Arkwright Robert and Peter, cotton spinners, Cromford and Masson mills, F.
Arkwright Richard, esq. magistrate
Arkwright Peter, Rock house. F.
Birmingham Brass Company, Calamine mills
Boam Francis, currier and leather cutter
Boam Thomas, fishmonger
Boden Thomas, shoemaker
Boden George, flour dealer
Britland Robert, joiner
Brown Samuel, farmer
Bunting William, blacksmith
Burton Thomas, baker and confectioner
Clay Benjamin, hairdresser
Conway Joseph, farmer
Eaton George, miner, F.
Elliott Samuel, boot and shoemaker
Flint Walter, boot and shoemaker
Frost Ellen, milliner
Frost William, patten, clog and last maker
Gell Daniel, gent.
Gell James, maltster and vict. Blue Bell
Green James, grocer and draper
Growcott Thomas, tailor
Higgott Joseph, corn miller
Higgott John, corn miller
Higgott William, butcher
Higgott Mary, vict. Greyhound, commercial inn and coach house
Hodgkinson Thomas, farmer and baker
Hodgkinson Joseph, farmer and deputy bar master
Hodgkinson Paul, cooper
Kidd Moses, bailiff to Richard Arkwright, esq.
Kidd William schoolmaster
Lee John, shopkeeper
Lowe -, surgeon
Ludlam John, wheelwright
Lymn Charles, shoemaker
Mart John, vict, Cock, and carrier to Manchester,
Merchant Samuel, shopkeeper
Oates Jonathan, brazier and tin-plate worker
Parker William, plumber and glazier
Potter William, shopkeeper
Rolly James, hatter
Roper Joshua, wheelwright and vict, Crown Inn
Rouse and Green, hatters
Sheldon Solomon, cooper
Siddon John, bookkeeper and cashier to Messrs. R. and P. Arkwright
Smedley Job, shopkeeper
Stafford Matthew, tailor
Staley Francis, grocer, draper and ironmonger, F.
Sterland Mrs. -, grocer and tea dealer

Transcribed by Ann Andrews February 2023.
Note: spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.