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Beeley, Derbyshire
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - p. 42
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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CLAY surname
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BEELEY is a township and parish formed out of Bakewell, on the east bank of the Derwent, 4½ miles east-south-east. from Bakewell, 6 north-west from Matlock and 1 north from Rowsley station, in the Western division of the county, hundred or High Peak, union, petty sessional division, county court district, and rural deanery or Bakewell, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The church of St. Anne is an ancient building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western tower containing 3 bells, inscribed, but undated, and probably of the 16lh century : its earliest portion is a round headed Norman doorway, considerably mutilated, and may date from 1150-60 : the north aisle, removed in 1806, was formerly separated from the nave by a Norman arcade with pointed arches : about a century later, during the Early English period, the chapel, then existing, was extensively rebuilt and the present structure seems to belong to this style: the chancel and tower arches, as well as some features of the chancel and the belfry window are Decorated : a window in the chancel and the battlements and pinnacles of the tower are Perpendicular: there are monuments to the Savilles (1675-6) and a small brass in the chancel to John Calvert, aged 95 (1710), with an incised effigy : in 1819 the inhabitants applied to quarter sessions for a brief for the repair of the fabric, and two other briefs were obtained for the same purpose in 1823 and 1826 : in 1884 the church was thoroughly restored at a cost of £2,000 by subscription : there are 200 sittings all free with the exception of about 16 belonging to Chatsworth: the churchyard contains the remains of a fine old yew tree. The register dates from the year 1538 and is of exceptional interest, containing among other memoranda the following :- " Imprimis-That the Free Chapell at Beligh (Beeley) in Derbyshire was built and finished on or about (Thursdaie0 the 17th of July 1375 : Secondly: It was consecrated on or about (Thursdaie) the l0th of March 1378." The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £160, including 15 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Duke of Devonshire, and held since 1864 by the Rev. Henry Clement Sculthorpe B.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. A Wesleyan chapel is now (1890) in course of erection. This place is noted for the manufacture of grindstones. The charities up to 1886 amounted to £3 6s.; since that date they have been re-invested by the Charity Commissioners, and now produce £2 12s. 2d. yearly. The Duke of Devonshire K.G. is lord of the manor and the principal owner. The soil is light sandy; subsoil, gritstone and clay. The land is mostly in pasture. The area is 3,039 acres ; rateable value, £1,473; the population in 1881 was 362.

Parish Clerk, Benjamin Hulley.

Letters through Bakewell arrive at 9 a.m. WALL BOX cleared at 5 p.m. week days only. Rowsley is the nearest money order & telegraph office & savings bank

Church or England Mixed Girls School, erected in 1851 for 60 boys, girls & infants; average attendance, 44 children ; Beeley boys are admitted up to the age of eight years & after passing the 1st standard are drafted to the School at Edensor ; Miss Annie Clarke, mistress

Sculthorpe Rev. Henry Clement B.A. Vicarage

Brassington Jn. farmer, Harewood grnge
Briggs Bassett, refreshment rooms
Buckley Herbert, wheelwright
Clay Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Fallinge
Cocker Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Downs George, Devonshire Arms P.H.
Faulkes John, farmer, Harewood grange
Froggatt Thomas, farmer
Grafton Emily (Mrs.), 8tone merchant
Hawksworth George, shoe maker
Hawksworth Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkpr
Hodkin William, farmer & corn dealer
Holmes Anthony, butcher
Lees Thomas, farmer
Ludlam John, farmer
Morten Edwin, farmer
Newns George, farmer
Turner Wm. farmer, Harewood grange
Wall Samuel, blacksmith

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

My Kelly's Directory

An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript

Village Links

More on site information about Beeley and the surrounding area
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills
Frank Clay, Artist includes a small print of Beeley Post Office.