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A |
B |
C |
À Becket 23
Abney 6, 9
Acland 82
Adlam 192
Agard 8
Aishforde 130
Albermarle (Duke/Earl) 138, 197
Alderson 41
Alexander 193
Alfred the Great 82
Alfred (King) 135
Alkmund (son of Alured) 3
Allsop 27
Anne (Queen) 134
Arkwright 6, 16, 45, 46
Arlington (Lord) 90
Arragon (Queen Catherine of) 83
Arrowsmith 178
Ashburne 8
Ashburnham 9
Ashley 211
Ashton 9
Athelanstan (King) 131
Audley 83, 175 |
Babington 8, 19, 255
Badcock 83, 193
Bage 8
Bagshaw 6, 14
Baker 82, 83, 179, 182
Balduwinus (Archbishop of Canterbury) 83
Balguy 5
Ball 13
Bampfield 83, 129
Bampfylde 90
Bampton 83
Bancroft 9
Banks 4, 6, 49
Barber 73
Barker 40
Barkham 83
Barley 40
Baron 83
Baskerville 17, 83
Bassett 28, 29
Bastard 82
Bateman 6
Bathe 84
Bathe, Earl of 175, 176
Beaumont 5
Bedford 12, 130, 135
Beeke 192
Beresford 14
Bertie 181
Bessborough (Earl and Countess) 12, 13
Beton 13
Billingsley 9, 12
Birch 6
Bishop 129
Blackwall 8
Blagdon 180
Blampin 180
Blewett 82
Blount 9, 84
Bluett 73
Blundel 84
Blythe 10, 48
Bodley 84
Boniface 84
Boothby 5, 11
Boringdon (Earl) 82, 200, 201
Bothe 10
Bothea 10
Bothe 15
Botte 8
Bourbon (Duke of) 14
Bourne 10, 18, 19, 20
Bourchier 175, 176
Boylestone 27
Boylestone 27
Bozun 175
Brackley 197
Bracton 89
Bradforde 5
Bradshaw 5
Brailsford 39
Brandreth 8
Brentingham 84
Bray 189, 190, 191
Brice 84, 207, 208
Briewer 20, 35
Brindley 8
Brito 22
Broadhurst 5
Bronscombe 84
Browne 198
Bruere 20
Brunton 138
Bryant 84, 89
Bryett 252
Budgell, 84, 89
Buller 82, 90
Bullock 48
Burchier 190
Burdett 5, 56
Burdwood 84
Burges 130
Bumell 5
Burrow 5
Burton 40
Bury 255
Butler 10, 13
Buxton 13
camden 208
Cantrell 13
Carew 84, 90
Carlisle (Bishop of) 14
Carpenter 84
Carter 182
Cary 84
Cave Browne 6
Cavendish 11, 13, 63, 68, 70, 71
Chamber 13
Champernowne 82, 203
Chappel 13
Chapple 193, 207
Chard 130
Charde 181
Charles I (King) 11
Charles II (King) 135, 191
Chattaway 199, 203
Chawner 27
Chester (Countess of) 55, 56
Chesterfield (Earl of) 5
Chichester 82, 84, 252, 254, 255
Chudleigh 84
Churchill 84
Clarence (Duke of) 133
Clarke 48
Cleaveland 180
Clifford 82, 90
Cockain 8, 12
Cockaine 10, 11
Cockram 181
Coke 6, 8
Cole 255
Collier 183
Columbers, de 177
Coplpres 201
Conant 84
Conybran 84
Coppard 200, 207
Corey 84
Cotton 5, 38, 198
Courtenay 42, 84, 183, 197, 201
Courtenay (Viscount, Lord) 82, 208
Cowde 255
Cowell 85
Cowley 85
Cox 183
Coyle 255
Crane 85
Crewe 5, 6
Criche 67
Crocker 132
Crofts 27
Cromwell 7, 15, 83
Crosby 183
Croshaw 13
Croshawe 10
Crutwell, 139
Curson 8
Curzon (Lord) 14
Curzon 17, 43
Cutcliff 85 |
D |
E |
F |
Dalby 7
Dale 21
D'Arcy 8, 68, 70, 71
Darwin 11, 12
Davie 82
Davies 11
Davis 85, 88
Deakin 73
Degge 13
Deincourt (Lord) 7
Delamere (Lord) 68, 72
Denman 8
Dene 184, 186, 187
Derbyshire 15
Dethick 10
Devon, Earl 196, 197, 19, 201, 208
Devonshire (Dukes of) 5, 12, 36, 60, 142
Devonshire (Earl and/or Countess of) 12, 199
Digby 83
Dinham 252
Disbrowe 6
Dixon 60, 62
Dodderidde 85, 89
Donne 90
Downman 90
Downish 181
Drake 82, 83, 88, 132, 178, 183, 192
Dugdale (book of) 189, 193
Duesbury 6
Duke(s) 183, 255
Dunning 85
D'Urfey 85 |
Edmondes 85
Edmund (King) 7
Edward, King 175, 197, 199, 212, 256
Edward, the Black Prince 83
Edward, the Confessor 194
Egbert (King), 82
Elford 82
Elfrida (Queen) 85
Elizabeth (Queen) 191
Elphinstone 129
Estcort 190
Ethelbald (King) 3
Ethelfleda 7
Evans 5
Every 5
Exeter 85
Exeter (DEan, Bishop of) 138, 203, 211, 256
Exeter, Marquis 197
Eyre 5, 48 |
Fairfax 83
Fanshawe 39, 40
Farneworth 8, 12
Fayrman 181
Ferrars 7, 76
Ferrers 36, 40
Fidler 58
Fishaker 85
Fitzherbert, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15
FitzRalph 47
FitzRanulph 22
Fitzorse 23
Fitzwarren 175, 176
FitzWilliams 32
Flamsteed 8
Foljambe 11, 31-33
Foliot 85
Ford 85
Fortescu(e) 85, 206
Fortescue (Earl) 82
Forster 198
Fortibus, de 197, 208
Fosbrooke 6
Foster 85
Fownes 203
Fox 6, 13
Foxlow 60
Frecheville (Lord) 15, 60, 61
Freschville 60, 61 63
Frith 5
Fry 129
Fulford 82
Full 198
Futts 186 |
G |
H |
I - J - K |
Gale 85
Garrett 212
Gay 85
Geare 85
Gell 7, 10, 16, 46
GEORGE (King) 196
Gerard 56
Gibbs 90
Giffard 56
Gilbert 85
Girardot 5
Gisborne 15, 60, 61, 62
Gladwin 6
Glanvil(l) 85, 188, 190, 191
Godolphin 190
Gower, 135
Granville 85, 134, 136
Graves 15
Gray 8, 62, 63
Grandison 194, 195, 256
Grauntville, 135
Greaves 6
Gresley 5
Grey 58
Grymes 190
Gundry 69 |
Hakewill 85
Halifax 8
Hall 6
Hallowes 5
Halton 6, 15
Hamlyn 82
Hankford 85
Hanmer 85
Harcourt (Countess of) 15
Harding 85, 179
Hardwick (Countess of Shrewsbury) 8, 12
Harpur 56, 59
Harrington (Earl of) 5
Harrison 10
Hartwell 133
Hassard 129
Hastings 7
Hawkins 85, 86
Hayman 86
Heath 90
Heathcote 6, 34
Heathfield (Lord) 88
Hele 190, 196
Henrietta Maria (Queen), 11
Henrietta Maria (Duchess of Orleans) 86
Henry (King) 130, 197, 211
Herle 86
Hierom 9, 11
Hill, 6
Hilliard 86
Hobbes 14, 42
Hogue 14
Hog 186
Holbein 212
Holden 5
Hole 187
Holland 5, 35
Holmes 212
Holvell 90
Honywood 181
Hooker, 86
Houker 86
Hopkins 86, 133
Horne 10
Hoskins 6
Horton 5
How 14, 72
Hubba 83
Hunloke 6
Hunt 175
Huntingdon (Earl of) 56
Hurt 5
Husey 129, 130
Hutchinson 13, 31
Hutton 9
Huysh(e) 211
| Iscanus 86
Jackson 90
Jebb 6, 12
Jeffreys 181
Jewel 86
John (King of France) 83
Johnson 10
Jones 197, 198
Kendal 59 86
Kennaway 82
Kennicott 86
King 86
Kite 198
Kniveton 10
Kynegils (King of Wessex) 82 |
L |
M |
N - O |
Landsdown, 134
Lane 175
Langley 15
Langton (Dean) 11
Latham 14
Lech 65
Leland 201
Lethbridge 82
Lewis 15, 193
Lightfoot 15
Linacre 8
Lisburne (Earl of) 82
Little John 14
Littleton 32
Lombe 13, 50
Longsdon 6
Lopes 82
Lord 6
Lofter 198
Lowe 6
Ludlam 8
Lucas 5
Lye 86
Lynch 19, 20
Lysons 175, 176 |
Macleod 183
Mallet 180
Mandevill 130
Manners 11
Marlborough (Duke of) 89
Martin 86, 129, 177
Martingale 73
Marwood 252, 253, 254, 255
Mary (Queen of Scots) 7, 14
Mauduit 86
Maurice (Prince) 83
Maynard 86
Maynard 39
Mayne 86
Melbourne (Lord) 6
Mercia (kings of) 55
Merewala (King) 3
Meverel 15, 65
Meynell 5, 6
Middleton 6
Mills 19
Milne 74
Minors 41
Molanus 7
Molle 86
Mompesson 13
Monck 86
Monk 138
Montgomery 15
Moor 15
Morwilla 23
Morewood 5, 40
Morley, Earl 197
Motley, Earl 200, 201
Mould 47
Moulton 198
Mount Edgcumbe (Earls of) 82
Mower 6
Mudge 90
Mundy 6, 10, 15, 16
Musard 60 |
Need 6
Newburgh (Earl) 5
Newcastle (Earl of) 7
Newneham, de 196
Newte 212
Newton 10, 86
Nichols, 135, 181
Norfolk (Dukes of) 5
Northampton (Earl of) 13
Northcote 82
Nosworth 175
Nott 251
Ockley 86, 89
Oddum (Earl of Devon) 83
Ogilby 135
Oldfield 9, 10, 12
Oldham 176
Oldham (Bishop) 127
Oldknow 6
Ollerenshaw 73
Orchard 82
Ordgar (Duke of Devon) 81
Ordulph (Duke of Devon) 81
Ormond (Marques of) 6
Osbert 27 |
P |
Q - R |
S |
Palk 86
Palk(e) 82, 193
Palmer 255
Pares 6
Parker 12, 13, 201
Palmer 197
Parr 90
Parsons 86
Passemer 129
Pearse 86
Pearson 48
Peeche 27
Peel 6
Peele 86, 89
Pegge 9, 15, 16, 25
Periam 255
Pering 82
Perry 255
Petre 86, 128
Philips 82
Planagenet 212
Plantagenet (Earl of Kent) 35
Plympton (Baron) 196
Pollard 88, 184, 185, 186, 187
Pole 6, 82, 178, 183, 210, 211, 255
Polwhele 175, 190, 207, 208
Pomroy 132
Pooke 251
Port 5, 56
Portland (Dukes of), 5, 36
Poste 48
Potts 181
Powe 187
Prideaux 88, 183
Prince 90, 132, 188, 189
Pring 128, 129, 130
Prinsep 5
Protheroe 211
Prouse 251
Pursglove 9, 15
Putt 183
Pyle 212
Pynkerne 181
Pypys 31, 32 |
Quicke 87
Radford 6
Rainolds 87
Raleigh 87, 88, 138
Read 6
Redvers, de 196, 197, 199
Reynolds (Archbishop) 26, 196
Rhodes 7
Richardson 9
Risdon 130, 175, 184, 195, 251
Rivers 208
Robins 181
Robinson 10, 62, 63
Rodes 5, 10
Roger the Cistercian 87
Rogers 82
Rolle 187
Rolleston 9
Rotheram 40
Rousseau 16
Rowe 87, 212
Russell 83
Rutland (Dukes of) 5, 6, 49
Rugge 180 |
Sacheverel 14
St. John 61
Sampson 62
Sande de 210, 211
Saunders 87
Scarsdale (Lord) 6, 16, 41, 50
Scott 15
Searl(e) 183, 253
Seward 9, 13
Shaw 14, 15
Shalcross 7
Shebbeare 87
Sheppard 178, 180, 182, 183
Shirley 5, 10
Shore 6, 48
Shepherd 129
Shrewsbury (Earl of) 15, 36
Shuttleworth 5
Simcoe 82, 90
Simpson 6
Sitwell 6, 63
Slade 181, 255
Slannynge 201
Slater 5
Smith 5, 129
Smyth 130
Sneling 198
Solander 49
Somaster 253, 254
Somerville 130
Sourton 181
Southcott 90
Sowerdon 181
Sprat 87
Stanbery 87
Stanhope 9, 13, 49
Stanton 130
Stapledon 138
Statham 14
Stathom 9
Stephen (King) 83
Steevens 181
Stephen (Bishop of Oxon) 128
Stone 87
Strange 87, 136
Strelley 24, 25
Strode 87, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206
Stroud, de 196
Stow 212
Stuckley 87, 255
Strutt 5, 6, 9
Stuart (Prince Charles E.) 8
Sueno (King of Denmark) 83
Swete 82, 192
Swetman 9
Symmonds 202
T |
U - V |
W - Y |
Tallard 12
Tallents 9
Tanner 90, 194
Tapper 87
Tasker 90
Taylor 10, 11, 14
Templer 182, 183
Thacker 56, 57, 58
Thomas 59
Thompson 212
Thornhill 6, 90
Tindal 87, 89
Tolley 87
Tracey 23
Treby 199
Tregoze 195
Tremayle 210
Trevor 196
Treyannion 202
Tripp 181
Trosse 87, 89
Tucker 87,180, 255
Turbutt 6
Turner 8 |
Ulphus 50
Upcott 181
Upton 87
Vancouver 205
Venables (Lord Vernon) 15
Verdun 31, 34
Vernon (Lord) 6
Vernon 10, 11, 15, 20, 21
Viator 176
Vicarus 188
Voysey 256
Wake 35
Waldron 183
Walker 87
Walton 38
Warbeck 83
Ward 183
Warlewast 203
Warner 14
Warring 201
Waste 9
Waterpark 5
Watkins, 138
Watson 6, 11
Watts 187
Wentworth (Lord) 83
Westoniensis 210
Westmorland, Earl 201
Whitehead 15
Whitehurst 12
Whitfield, 135
Widyworth (de) 251, 254
Wiglye 20
Wilkes 47
Wilkinson 5
Wilkinson 5, 74, 78, 183
Willesford 130
Wilford 47
William I. (King) 83
William II. (King) 31, 66
William III. (King) 83
Willoughby 9
Wilmot 5, 6, 11, 12
Winchelsey (Archbishop) 26
Windesley 11
Wolcott 90
Wolley 11
Wood 9, 90
Woodstock 35
Woodward 9
Woolcomb 201
Woolet 14
Wray 82
Wrey 175, 176, 208
Wright 9, 12
Wyatt 208
Wynkelegh 211
Yalden 87
Yeo 90, 175
Yonge 180, 181, 182, 183 |

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