Historical Records> Census> 1861 Census Index> This page
1861 Census - RG 9/2542
Parish of Matlock; Hamlet of Matlock Bath
Census transcripts for Matlock, Matlock Bath & District
Enumeration District 11
1861 Census
ED10 ED11 ED12
ED13 ff.49-59
ED13 ff.60-70
ED14 ED15 ED16
Surnames A - B
Surnames C - G
Surnames H - L
Surnames M - R
Surnames S
Surnames T - Y
What's included
All that part of the Parish of Matlock comprising all the Houses from the Independent Chapel to the Residence of the Revd. J. M. Maynard, inclusive, which comprises the Ecclesiastical District of Matlock Bath.  
Other Years | Codes
1841 1851 1871
1881 1891 1901
BSC Codes

fo p sch, Road/Street etc, SURNAME, Forename, Rel, Male/Female, Con, Age, Occupation [etc], Birthplace
-------------Denotes page break

f18 p1 s1     Glenorchy House
      TILER William  h m m 65 Independent Minister b. ESS Ilford
      TILER Catherine w f m 45 Minister's Wife b. Yealsham Wansworth
      WOOD Hannah R. sv f u 45 General Servant b. YKS Armley

f18 p1 s2     Matlock Bath
      KING William  h m w 77 Tailor b. Matlock
      KING Joseph s m u 46 Tailor b. Matlock
      KING Ann d f u 40 At Home b. Matlock
      FLETCHER Jonathan d m u 17 Genl Svt b. Riddings

f18 p1 s-     [Independent Chapel]

f18 p1 s3     Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Samuel h m m 64 Messenger b. Middleton by Wirkswoth
      BROOKS May w f m 64 - b. Wirksworth
      JONES Samuel sl m u 19 Serv b. Bole Hill nr. Wirksworth

f18 p1 s4     Matlock Bath
      WIDDOWSON William  h m m 28 Labourer b. Chesterfield
      WIDDOWSON Mary w f m 32 Lab Wife b. London
      WIDDOWSON Betsey d f - 2 - b. Matlock Bath

f18 p1 s5     Matlock Bath
      WRAGGE Isaac h m u 27 Paper Maker b. Matlock Bath

f18 p1 s6     Matlock Bath
      BODEN May h f m 44 Rag Sorter b. Bonsall
      BODEN Hannah d f u 19 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock
      BODEN May d f u 17 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock
      BODEN Emma d f u 14 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock
      BODEN John s m - 9 Scholar b. Matlock
      BODEN Joseph s m - 6 Scholar b. Matlock

f18 p1 s7     Matlock Bath
      WARDLE William  h m m 45 Carpenter b. Elton Common
      WARDLE Catherine w f m 43 Carpenter's Wife b. LEI Kegworth
      WARDLE Mary Ann d f u 21 Paper Mill Hand b. STS Halton
      WARDLE Hannah J d f u 17 Paper Mill Hand b. Matlock Bath

f18 p2 s8     Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Eli h m m 31 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Elizabeth w f m 25 Cotton Spinner Wife b. Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Joseph s m - 6 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Lucy d f - 2 - b. Matlock Bath

f18 p2 s9     Matlock Bath
      ROUSE Ann h f w 64 Pauper Of The Parish b. Cromford
      ROUSE Joseph s m u 37 Labourer b. Cromford
      ROUSE George s m m 24 Groom b. Cromford

f18 p2 s10    Matlock Bath
      WOOD Thomas h m m 59 Paper Maker b. Cromford
      WOOD Hannah w f m 58 Paper Maker Wife b. Matlock Bath
      WOOD Sarah d f u 20 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock Bath
      WOOD Eliza d f u 18 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock Bath
      WOOD Walter s m - 5 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      FOX Francis co m u 18 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock Bath

f18 p2 s11    Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Thomas h m m 41 Stone Quarryman b. Cromford
      BROOKS Sarah w f m 35 - b. Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Thomas s m u 14 Lab b. Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Hannah d f - 7 Scholar b. Glossop
      BROOKS John s m - 5 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Walter s m - 3 - b. Matlock Bath
      BROOKS Alfred s m - 11m - b. Matlock Bath

f18 p2 s12    Matlock Bath
      FEARN John h m u 64 Gardener b. Alfreton

f18 p2 s13    Matlock Bath
      SMITH Thomas h m m 50 Blacksmith b. Belper
      SMITH Isabella w f m 39 Wife b. Bonsall
      POTTER Elizabeth dl f u 18 At Home b. Matlock Bath
      POTTER Maria dl f u 16 At Home b. Matlock Bath
      POTTER Samuel sl m u 14 At Home b. Bakewell

f19 p3 s-     [3u]

f19 p3 s14    Matlock Bath
      CLARKE Charles h m m 72 Justice of the Peace b. Duffield
      CLARKE Ann w f m 58 - b. Matlock
      REEVE Harriett sv f u 33 Cook b. Foston
      CAMP Elizabeth sv f u 31 Ladies Maid b. Chellaston
      HEARSON Ann sv f u 28 Laundry Maid b. NTT Sherwood
      KEELING Sarah sv f u 36 House Maid b. Weston Under Wood
      SILLS May sv f u 26 Kitchen Maid b. NTT Basford
      ROBINSON Samuel sv m u 24 Butler b. LEI Markfield
      WOODRUFF James sv m u 19 Footman b. STS Uttoxeter

f19 p3 s15    Rutland Arms
      PEARSON William h m m 49 Inn Keeper b. Wirksworth
      PEARSON Susanna w f m 41 Inn Keeper Wife b. NTT Teversall
      PEARSON William S s m u 15 Scholar b. Offcoat
      PEARSON Lydia P d f u 13 Scholar b. Matlock
      PEARSON Susanna S d f u 11 Scholar b. Matlock
      PEARSON Matthew s m u 9 Scholar b. Matlock
      PEARSON May Ann d f - 7 Scholar b. Matlock
      PEARSON Hannah d f - 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      PEARSON John s m - 2 - b. Matlock
      MILLINGTON May A sv f - 15 Servant b. Matlock

f19 p3 s16    Matlock Bath
      SHEPPERD James h m m 40 Paper Maker b. Nottinghan
      SHEPPERD Mary w f m 40 - b. Wirksworth
      SHEPPERD Isobella d f u 21 Paste Board Maker b. Matlock Bath
      SHEPPERD James s m u 17 Paper Maker b. Matlock Bath
      SHEPPERD Thomas s m u 13 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
f19 p4 s16    Matlock Bath
      SHEPPERD Frances d f u 10 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      SHEPPERD William s m - 8 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      SHEPPERD George s m -- 5 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      SHEPPERD Frederic s m - 2 - b. Matlock Bath

f19 p4 s17    Matlock Bath
      WATERFALL John Cash h m w 55 Railway Clerk b. Coventry
      WATERFALL John C s m u 11 Scholar b. MDX Camden Town

f19 p4 s18    Matlock Bath
      SWIFT Charles h m m 49 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock
      SWIFT Mary w f m 51 Cotton Spinner b. Duckmanton
      SWIFT Samuel s m u 17 Joiner b. Matlock

f19 p4 s19    Matlock Bath
      BROWN Edward h m m 64 Surgeon b. ESS Hindlow
      BROWN Mary w f m 29 Surgeon Wife b. Wirksworth

f19 p4 s20    Matlock Bath
      HODGKINSON William h m m 30 Garden Lab b. Winster
      HODGKINSON Elizabeth w f m 30 Gardeners Wife b. Bakewell
      HODGKINSON Thomas s m - 9 Scholar b. Bakewell
      HODGKINSON John s m - 7 Scholar b. Bonsall
      HODGKINSON William s m - 3 - b. Matlock
      HODGKINSON Elizabeth d f - 5m - b. Matlock

f19 p4 s21    Matlock Bath
      STEVENSON William h m m 54 Manager Paper Mills b. Nottingham
      STEVENSON Elizabeth w f m 55 - b. Nottingham
      STEVENSON George s m u 26 Paper Maker b. Nottingham
      STEVENSON Ann d f u 20 At Home b. Matlock Bath

f19 p4 s22    Matlock Bath
      BODEN Thomas h m m 28 Gentleman's Gardener b. Matlock Bath
      BODEN Jane w f m 42 - b. SSX Chichester
      BODEN Sarah d f - 10 Scholar b. LIN Willingham
      BODEN John s m - 9 Scholar b. LIN Willingham
f20 p5 s22    Matlock Bath
      BODEN Lucy d f u 6 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      BODEN Fanny d f u 4 Scholar b. Matlock Bath

f20 p5 s23    Matlock Bath
      ROWBOTTAM Mark h m m 48 Lead Miner b. Darley
      ROWBOTTAM Margaret w f m 57 - b. Bakewell
      ROWBOTTAM Joseph s m u 17 Pupil Teacher b. Bakewell
      ROWBOTTAM Mary d f u 15 Scholar b. Bakewell

f20 p5 s-     [3u]

f20 p5 s24    Matlock Bath
      SEEDHOUSE George h m m 30 Labourer Ag b. Bonsall
      SEEDHOUSE Elizabeth w f m 25 Labourer Ag  Wife b. Crich
      HARRISON Sarah dl f - 4 - b. Bonsall
      SEEDHOUSE George s m - 6m - b. Matlock

f20 p5 s25    Matlock Bath
      TAYLOR Elizabeth h f u 47 Char Woman b. Matlock

f20 p5 s-     [1u]

f20 p5 s26    Matlock Bath
      CUFF James h m m 38 Post Man b. Bakewell
      CUFF May w f m 38 - b. Matlock
      CUFF Mary A d f u 13 Scholar b. Matlock
      CUFF Elizabeth d f u 11 Scholar b. Matlock
      CUFF James s m - 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      CUFF John s m - 6 Scholar b. Matlock
      CUFF Sarah d f - 4 Scholar b. Matlock
      CUFF Hannah d f - 2 - b. Baslow
      CUFF Joseph G s m - 2m - b. Matlock

f20 p6 s27    Matlock Bath
      SEEDHOUSE William h m m 64 Framework Knitter b. Bonsall
      SEEDHOUSE Fanny w f m 62 - b. Bonsall
      SEEDHOUSE Elizabeth d f u 32 Cotton Spinner b. Bonsall
      SEEDHOUSE Mary A d f u 24 Cotton Spinner b. Bonsall

f20 p6 s28    Matlock Bath
      PICKERING William h m m 76 Stocking Weaver b. Matlock
      PICKERING Mary w f m 65 - b. Matlock
      PICKERING John s m u 36 Aglab b. Matlock

f20 p6 s29    Matlock Bath
      POTTER Charles h m m 70 Lead Miner b. Matlock
      POTTER Dorothy w f m 65 - b. Lea

f20 p6 s30    Matlock Bath
      CHADWICK James h m m 87 Ex Bengal Artillery b. Matlock
      CHADWICK Sophia w f m 72 His Wife b. Matlock

f20 p6 s-     [1u]

f20 p6 s31    Matlock Bath
      HALLAM Richard h m m 42 Guide To Caverns b. NTT Widmerpool
      HALLAM Mary w f m 36 Laundress b. Matlock

f20 p6 s32    Matlock Bath
      DAVIS Anthony h m m 52 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock
      DAVIS Isabella w f m 44 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock
      DAVIS James s m u 17 Cotton Spinner b. Matlock
      DAVIS Wiliam s m u 9 Scholar b. Matlock
      DAVIS Samuel s m u 5 Scholar b. Matlock

f20 p6 s33    Matlock Bath
      FROGGATT Benjamin h m m 76 Lead Miner b. Cromford
      FROGGATT Mary w f m 55 Miners Wife b. NTT Holbrook Woodhouse
      FROGGATT Sussannah d f u 14 At Home b. Matlock

f21 p7 s34    Matlock Bath
      BUNTING Benjamin h m m 52 Lead Miner b. Bonsall
      BUNTING Ellen w f m 48 Lead Miner Wife b. Bonsall
      BUNTING Hannah d f u 25 Framework Knitter b. Bonsall
      BUNTING Eliza d f u 23 Factory Girl b. Bonsall
      BUNTING Ellen d f u 16 Factory Girl b. Bonsall
      BUNTING Charlotte d f u 14 Factory Girl b. Bonsall

f21 p7 s35    Matlock Bath
      BOND Samuel h m m 20 Worsted Weaver b. Bonsall
      BOND Elizabeth w f m 20 Worsted Weaver b. Bonsall

f21 p7 s36    Matlock Bath
      HARDSTAFF George h m m 49 Marble Mason b. Hulland Ward
      HARDSTAFF Maria w f m 47 Marble Mason Wife b. Ible
      HARDSTAFF Rosa d f u 16 Domestic Servant b. Matlock Bath
      HARDSTAFF Joseph s m u 14 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      HARDSTAFF William s m - 12 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      HARDSTAFF Anne d f - 5 Scholar b. Matlock Bath

f21 p7 s37    Matlock Bath
      KIRKLAND Charles h m m 76 Farmer Employing One Man b. Bonsall
      KIRKLAND Ann w f m 68 Farmers Wife b. Bonsall
      KIRKLAND Samuel s m w 42 Farmers Son b. Matlock
      KIRKLAND Hannah d f u 38 Farmers Daughter b. Matlock
      KIRKLAND Ann gd f - 12 Scholar b. Bonsall
      KIRKLAND Sarah gd f - 10 Scholar b. Bonsall

f21 p7 s38    Matlock Bath
      KENNEDY Dorothy h f w 62 Laundry b. Bonsall

f21 p7 s39    Matlock Bath
      BODEN James h m m 51 Spar Turner b. Woolwich
      BODEN Ann w f m 52 - b. Woolwich
      BODEN John s m u 23 Spar Turner b. Matlock Bath
      BODEN James s m u 13 Scholar b. Matlock Bath

f21 p8 s40    Matlock Bath
      FARMER William h m m 56 Ag Lab b. LEI Carlton
      FARMER Susanna w f m 40 Labs wife b. Cape of Good Hope
      MORRIS Sarah vs f u 17 Servant b. Ashby

f21 p8 s41    Matlock Bath
      MACARTHUR May de f u 31 Governess b. SCT
      RITCHIE Isabella d f u 13 Scholar b. MDX Wandsworth
      RITCHIE Emily d f - 11 Scholar b. Ceylon
      RITCHIE Adeline d f - 8 Scholar b. Ceylon
      RITCHIE Maude d f - 6 Scholar b. London
      RITCHIE Agnes d f - 1 - b. London
      DUFENTRELLE Hortense sv f u 26 Nurse b. FRA
      DUFENTRELLE Augustina sv f u 21 Nursery Governess b. FRA
      GINZ Charlotte sv f u 21 Ladies Maid b. GER
      APPELBY Catherine sv f u 27 Cook b. LIN Boston
      CONNOR Margaret sv f u 23 House Maid b. IRL

f21 p8 s42    Matlock Bath
      CHADWICK Robert h m m 56 Retired Paper Maker b. Matlock
      CHADWICK Elizabeth w f m 36 Wife of the above b. Derby
      CHADWICK Mary H d f u 20 - b. Derby
      CHADWICK Robert s m u 2 - b. WOR Malvern
      CHADWICK Elizabeth d f - 1 - b. Matlock
      SPRINTHALL Frances sv f u 42 Nurse Maid b. Derby
      STORER Grace sv f u 20 House Servant b. Cromford
f21 p8 s-     [1u]

f22 p9 s43    Matlock Bath
      SMITH William h m m 58 Gardener b. Matlock Bath
      SMITH Sarah w f m 53 Gardener Wife b. Matlock Bath
      SMITH Catherine d f u 17 Domestic Servant b. Matlock Bath
      SMITH Henry s m u 13 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      SMITH Thomas s m u 11 Scholar b. Matlock Bath
      SMITH William s m u 5 - b. Stalybridge

f22 p9 s44    Matlock Bath
      CROUCH James h m m 42 Carpenter employing 5 men and 3 boys b. SOM Frome
      CROUCH Elizabeth w f m 43 - b. Whittington
      CROUCH Ellen d f - 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      CROUCH James H s m - 7 Scholar b. Matlock

f22 p9 s45    Matlock Bath
      SMITH Samuel h m m 26 Marble Turner b. Matlock
      SMITH Ellen w f m 30 - b. Bonsall
      SMITH Samuel s m - 2 - b. CON Penzance
      SMITH William s m - 3m - b. Matlock

f22 p9 s46    Matlock Bath
      WALKER George h m m 58 Lead Mine Agent b. Bonsall
      WALKER Lydia w f m 54 Lodging House Keeper b. Wirksworth
      EVANS William M bd m u 41 Shareholder b. Birmingham
      EVANS Catherine M bd f u 42 Shareholder b. Birmingham

f22 p9 s47    Matlock Bath
      PRIEST William h m m 43 Inland Revenue Officer Excise Branch b. NFK Wells
      PRIEST Anne w f m 46 Wife of the above b. Holmesfield
      NEEDHAM Jane sv f u 21 House Servant b. Manchester

f22 p9 s48    Matlock Bath
      SMEDLEY William h m m 55 Marble Manufacturer b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Mary w f m 55 Marble Manufacturer Wife b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Alfred s m u 24 Inlayer Of Marble b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY William s m u 21 Inlayer Of Marble b. Matlock
f22 p10 s48   Matlock Bath
      ORDISH Sarah ni f u 22 House Servant b. Chaddesden

f22 p10 s49   Matlock Bath
      KEELING Richard G  h m m 40 Commercial Traveller b. STS Hanley
      KEELING Ann w f m 34 - b. Oxford
      HILLYARD Bailey fl m w 67 Gentleman b. Middleton Manchester
      WAIN Catherine sv f u 29 Cook b. Wirksworth
      MACHIN Caroline sv f u 18 House Maid b. SAL Addersley

f22 p10 s50   Matlock Bath
      BROOMHEAD Elizabeth h f u 40 Lodging House Keeper b. Birmingham
      ALLEN Mary sv f u 18 Household Servant b. Wensley
      WRIGHT Harriet ld f u 47 Holder Of Dividends b. NTH
      WRIGHT Matilda ld f u 42 Holder Of Dividends b. GLS
      WRIGHT Jessie ld f u 38 Holder Of Dividends b. GLS

f22 p10 s51   Matlock Bath
      GODDARD Mary h f u 38 Governess b. SFK Ipswich
      HOLLIS Lucy ni f u 21 Scholar b. SFK Ipswich
      HOLLIS Alice S ni f u 11 Scholar b. Ashbourne
      CLARKE Mary as f u 28 French & Drawing Governess b. NTH Kingsthorpe
      CLARKE Martha as f u 20 Music Governess b. Northampton
      MORRIS Anne J as f u 18 Junior Teacher b. Liverpool
      GATEHILL Jane pu f u 21 Governess b. Dublin
      CLAYTON Sabina I pu f u 20 Governess b. Sheffield
      IRVING Eliza pu f u 20 Scholar b. Manchester
      WELLS Esther pu f u 15 Scholar b. Nottingham
      CROSSLEY Alice pu f u 16 Scholar b. Derby
      GRAINGER Fanny pu f u 17 Scholar b. NTT Hucknall
      BRIDDON Annie pu f u 13 Scholar b. Ashbourne
      HINDS Rosalie E H  f  14 Scholar b. LEI Bugbrook
f23 p11 s51   Matlock Bath
      GREENSMITH Annie pu f u 11 Scholar b. Thorpe
      ALLEN Mary Jane pu f u 12 Scholar b. Leicester
      ALLEN Elizabeth pu f u 10 Scholar b. Leicester
      DAVENPORT Blanche M pu f u 11 Scholar b. Derby
      LAMB Miliha sv f u 30 Cook b. Yeldersley Ashbourne
      BOOTH Dorathy sv f u 16 Housemaid b. Yeldersley Ashbourne

f23 p11 s52   Matlock Bath
      BROADFOOT John h m m 54 Lodging House Keeper b. SCT
      BROADFOOT Elizabeth w f m 49 Wife of the above b. Mickleover
      RICHARDSON Mary d f m 30 [Illegible] b. Ashbourne
      RICHARDSON John gs m u 5 - b. LAN Bolton
      FOSTER Elizabeth ni f u 23 NK b. Manchester
      SMITH Ann sv f u 16 Domestic Servant b. Matlock Bath
      SCHUNCK [?] Theodore bd m pe 42 Gentleman b. LAN
      CHARLTON Ilsley [Hiley?] bd m u 30 Gentleman b. BRK Haley
      TROUGHTON William bd m m 45 Gentleman b. Liverpool
      MARSHALL Benjamin sv m u 41 Ag lab b. Matlock

f23 p11 s53   Matlock Bath
      KING James h m m 49 Marble Mason b. Matlock
      KING Jennie w f m 45 - b. Matlock
      KING Joseph s m u 18 Marble Masons Son b. Matlock
      KING Walter s m u 12 Scholar b. Matlock
      KING Caroline d f - 10 Scholar b. Matlock

f23 p11 s54   Matlock Bath
      [Note on page: No. 54 Inadvertently omitted]
f23 p12 s55   Matlock Bath
      PEARSON William h m m 53 Landed Proprietor b. Matlock Bath
      PEARSON Harriett w f m 54 Wife of the above b. Matlock Bath
      PEARSON Louisa d f u 23 Dau of the above b. Matlock Bath
      PEARSON Sarah A d f u 20 Dau of the above b. Matlock Bath
      PEARSON Agnes  d f u 18 Dau of the above b. Matlock Bath
      PEARSON William s m u 11 Scholar b. Matlock Bath

f23 p12 s56   Matlock Bath
      BUCKLEY Isaac h m m 44 Ostler At An Inn b. Smithy Moor
      BUCKLEY Sarah w f m 40 Ostler Wife b. Ashford
      BUCKLEY Ellen d f u 12 Scholar b. Matlock
      BUCKLEY George s m u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      BUCKLEY Frederick s m u 7 Scholar b. Matlock
      BUCKLEY Charles H s m u 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      BUCKLEY Lewis - m u 10m - b. Matlock

f23 p12 s57   Matlock Bath
      COATES Richard h m m 36 Butcher b. Youlgreave
      COATES Phoebe w f m 28 Butchers Wife b. South Wingfield
      COATES John T. s m - 6m - b. Matlock Bath
      SHIMWELL Emma sv f u 1 House Servant b. Youlgreave

f23 p12 s58   Matlock Bath
      BRYAN Henrietta h f w 41 Exhibition Cavern Proprietor b. Alderwasley
      BRYAN William s m u 15 Scholar b. Matlock
      BRYAN Daniel s m u 13 Scholar b. Matlock
      BRYAN Joseph s m u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      BRYAN George s m u 9 Scholar b. Matlock

f24 p13 s59   Matlock Bath
      HARDEY Samuel h m m 34 Cab Proprietor b. Two Dales
      HARDEY Martha w f m 45 - b. Cromford
      HARDEY John s m u 14 Scholar b. Lea
      HARDEY Samuel H. s m - 12 Scholar b. Matlock
      HARDEY Joseph s m - 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      HARDEY Ann d f - 7 Scholar b. Matlock
      HARDEY Mary H. d f - 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      HARDEY Ada d f - 11m - b. Matlock

f24 p13 s60   Matlock Bath
      HODGKINSON Joseph h m m 49 Grocer b. Matlock
      HODGKINSON Elizabeth w f m 48 - b. YKS Sheffield
      HOLMES Ann sv f u 14 House Serv b. Brackenfield

f24 p13 s61   Matlock Bath
      STAFFORD Theophilia h f w 74 Lodging Ho Keeper b. STS Morel Heath

f24 p13 s62   Matlock Bath
      BODEN John h m m 42 Tailor b. Matlock
      BODEN Hannah w f m 38 Tailors Wife b. Kirk Ireton
      BODEN John W. s m u 17 Spar  & Marble manufacturer (App) b. Matlock
      BODEN Thomas s m u 14 Butcher (App) b. Matlock
      MARTIN William h m m 37 Cab Driver b. Matlock

f24 p13 s63   Matlock Bath
      MARTIN Sarah w f m 34 Cab Driver Wife b. Stanton Lees
      SHIMWELL Samuel ss m u 10 Scholar b. Manchester

f24 p14 s64   Temple Hotel
      EVANS Walter M S h m u 57 Attorney at Law Solicitor Hotelkeeper b. Buxton
      MACHIN Mary bd f w 66 - b. Lincolnshire
      MACHIN John bd m m 34 J.P. County of Nottingham b. NTT Woodthorpe
      MACHIN Delia bd f m 30 - b. YKS Hull
      MACHIN May bd f u 6 Scholar b. NTT Gateford
      MACHIN Elizabeth bd f u 4 Scholar b. NTT Gateford
      MACHIN John bd m - 3 Scholar b. NTT Gateford
      MACHIN Henry bd m - 2 - b. NTT Gateford
      WHITWORTH Jane sv f u 29 Ladies Maid b. NTT Marnham
      LEE Harriet sv f u 23 Nurse b. Derby
      PICKRING Sarah sv f u 17 Nurse b. NTT
      BROWN William sv m u 25 Butler b. LIN Rippingale
      WADDINGHAM Maria sv f u 56 House Keeper b. YKS Adwick Le St.
      HENSTOCK Hannah sv f u 19 Chamber Maid b. Slaley
      TAYLOR Mary sv f u 21 Hall Maid b. Wooley Moor
      TAYLOR Ann sv f u 19 House Maid b. Wooley Moor
      STEVENSON Hannah sv f u 18 Kitchen Maid b. Cutthorpe
      GRAHAM John sv m u 34 Gardener b. Matlock
      BRUNT John sv m m 40 Ag Lab b. Bonsall

f24 p14 s65   Matlock Bath
      FROST Charles h m m 30 Ag Lab b. Bonsall
      FROST Rebecca w f m 28 Ag Lab Wife b. Youlgreave
      FROST Edward s m - 1 - b. Matlock
      BATEMAN Sarah stl f u 20 Girl Servt b. Youlgreave

f24 p14 s66   Matlock Bath
      WILDGOOSE Sarah h f u 76 Formerly Schoolmistres b. Lea
      WILDGOOSE Ann st f u 56 Formerly Schoolmistres b. Lea

f25 p15 s67   Matlock Bath
      GORDEN Henry h m m 45 Commercial Traveller b. YKS Sheffield
      GORDEN Elizabeth w f m 48 - b. Leeds
      READ Fanney vs f u 56 Retired Grocer b. NTT

f25 p15 s68   Matlock Bath
      EVANS Mark h m m 45 Lead Miner b. Bonsall
      EVANS Ann w f m 34 Miners wife b. YKS Yorkshire
      EVANS Isabella d f u 3 - b.
      EVANS Alice d f u 9m - b. Matlock

f25 p15 s69   Matlock Bath
      HIGTON John h m m 50 Ag Lab b. NTT Strelley
      HIGTON Ellen w f m 48 Ag Lab Wife b. Clay Cross
      HIGTON Mary d f u 25 Washer Woman b. Ashover
      HIGTON Henry s m u 23 Ag Lab b. Matlock
      HIGTON John s m u 21 Spar Turner b. Matlock
      HIGTON Paul s m u 16 General Serv b. Matlock
      HIGTON Harriett d f u 15 Serv b. Matlock
      HIGTON Thomas s m u 9 Serv b. Matlock

f25 p15 s70   Matlock Bath
      MOTTRAHAM William h m m 49 Ostler b. Stoney Middleton
      MOTTRAHAM Rebecca w f m 40 Ostler Wife b. Holloway
      MOTTRAHAM James s m u 14 Scholar b. Matlock
      MOTTRAHAM Sarah d f - 7 Scholar b. Matlock
      MOTTRAHAM Ann d f - 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      MOTTRAHAM Joseph s m - 3 Scholar b. Matlock
      MOTTRAHAM John s m - 1 Scholar b. Matlock

f25 p15 s71   Matlock Bath
      MASON Ann h f w 68 N.K. b. Calver
      MASON Jane d f u 24 Dress Maker b. Matlock
      MASON James gs m u 2 - b. Derby

f25 p16 s72   Matlock Bath
      OGDEN Francis h m m 47 Marble Turner employing 1 man b. Matlock
      OGDEN Mary w f m 39 Marble Turner Wife b. Matlock
      OGDEN Elizabeth d f u 20 Marble Turner Dau b. Matlock
      OGDEN John s m u 16 Marble Turner b. Matlock
      OGDEN Mary d f u 14 Scholar b. Matlock
      OGDEN James s m u 12 Scholar b. Matlock
      OGDEN Thomas s m u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      OGDEN Sarah E d f u 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      OGDEN Margaret d f u 2 - b. Matlock
      OGDEN William s m u 2m - b. Matlock

f25 p16 s73   Matlock Bath
      WAIN Anthony h m m 33 Tailor b. Matlock
      WAIN Catherine w f m 24 Dress Maker b. YKS Sheffield
      WAIN William s m u 8 Scholar b. Matlock
      WAIN Dorothy L d f u 6 Scholar b. Matlock
      WAIN Mary d f u 4 Scholar b. Matlock
      WAIN Frederick s m - 2 - b. Matlock
      WAIN Anthony s m - 1 - b. Matlock

f25 p16 s74   Matlock Bath
      OGDEN John h m w 73 Proprietor Of Houses b. Matlock

f25 p16 s75   Matlock Bath
      BESTWICK George h m m 81 Sawyer Of Wood b. Carsington
      BESTWICK Hannah w f m 74 Sawyer Of Wood b. Hopton
      BESTWICK Richard s m m 34 Wood Sawyer b. Matlock

f25 p16 s76   Matlock Bath
      BUNTING Martha h f u 42 Laundress b. STS Tutbury
      BUNTING Elizabeth d f u 20 Family Serv b. Matlock
      BUNTING Ann d f u 10 Scholar b. Matlock

f26 p17 s77   Matlock Bath
      BOWLER Isaac h m m 52 Boot And Shoe Maker b. Heage
      BOWLER Ann w f m 50 - b. DEV
      BOWLER John L s m u 20 Spa Turner b. Matlock
      BOWLER Mary E d f u 18 Out Servant b. Matlock
      BOWLER Rowland s m u 15 Out Servant b. Matlock
      BOWLER Ann d f u 13 Scholar b. Matlock
      BOWLER Charlotte d f u 10 Scholar b. Matlock

f26 p17 s78   Matlock Bath
      MARTIN Francis h m m 61 Marble Turner b. Derby
      MARTIN May w f m 54 Marble Turner Wife b. Shirland

f26 p17 s79   Matlock Bath
      WOODIWISS Elizabeth w f m 68 Laundress b. Matlock

f26 p17 s80   Matlock Bath
      WILDGOOSE James h m m 28 Ag Lab b. Matlock
      WILDGOOSE Mary w f m 23 Ag Lab Wife b. Darley Dale
      WILDGOOSE William s m u 3 - b. Matlock
      WILDGOOSE Charles s m - 1 - b. Matlock

f26 p17 s81   Matlock Bath
      HENSTOCK James h m u 23 Letter Carrier Cordwainer b. Ashover

f26 p17 s82   Matlock Bath
      BIRD Edward h m m 58 Artist On Black Marble b. STS Wolverhampton
      BIRD Elizabeth w f m 50 Wife b. YKS Mosborough
      BIRD Thomas s m u 30 Coach Master b. Matlock
      BIRD William E s m u 24 Marble Worker b. Matlock
      BIRD John s m u 16 Plumber & Gas Fitter (App) b. Matlock
      BIRD Sarah d f u 15 Not Employed b. Matlock
      BIRD Jane B d f u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      BIRD Albert s m u 7 Scholar b. Matlock
      ALLSOP John E gs m u 2 - b. Whittington

f26 p18 s83   Matlock Bath
      WILDGOOSE Sarah h f w 63 Charwoman b. Matlock
      WILDGOOSE Jane d f u 32 Charwoman b. Cromford
      WILDGOOSE John s m u 21 Ag Lab b. Matlock

f26 p18 s84   Matlock Bath
      HARRISON Margaret h f w 55 Charwoman b. WES Kendall
      HARRISON Louisa d f u 14 Cotton  Spinner b. LAN Liverpool

f26 p18 s-    [1u]

f26 p18 s85   Matlock Bath
      WOODIWISS Charles h m m 64 Plasterer b. Bonsall

f26 p18 s86   Matlock Bath
      HOLLINGSWORTH Samuel h m w 60 Gas Labourer b. Matlock
      HOLLINGSWORTH Ann d f u 30 Charwoman b. Matlock

f26 p18 s87   Matlock Bath
      PEARSON Thomas h m u 41 Marble Ornament Manf. b. Matlock
      PEARSON Ellen st f u 39 Lodging House Keeper b. Matlock
      PEARSON Marjorie st f u 33 Lodging House Keeper b. Matlock
      PEARSON Lydia st f u 29 Lodging House Keeper b. Matlock
      FLINTOFT Joseph J.  ld m u 35 Landed Proprietor b. CUL Keswick
      DUTTON Maryann ld f u 60 Landed Proprietor b. YKS Stanley
      WADE Elizabeth ld f u 54 Landed Proprietor b. YKS Stanley
      WADE Hannah ld f u 53 Landed Proprietor & Houses b. YKS Stanley
      THOMAS Margaret ld f u 36 Landed Proprietor b. DBY
      LE MARCHANT Symon ld m u 7 - b. Nova Scotia
      MORRIS Jane E ld f m 30 N.K. b. DBY
      KNOWLES Jane sv f u 21 House Maid b. DBY

f26 p18 s88   Matlock Bath
      HOLMES Joseph h m m 49 Carpenter b. Matlock
      HOLMES Grace w f m 50 Carpenter Wife b. Cromford
      HOLMES George gs m - 1 - b. Matlock
      TIVEY George ld m u 27 Gardener (Domestic Servt) b. STS Rolleston

f27 p19 s89   Matlock Bath
      SMEDLEY Samuel h m m 29 Ag Lab b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Hannah w f m 29 Ag Lab Wife b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY William s m - 1 - b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Ellen d f - 5m - b. Matlock

f27 p19 s90   Matlock Bath
      BODEN Abel h m m 53 Baker Confect Grocer (Employing 1 man) b. Matlock
      BODEN Lydia w f m 50 - b. Bonsall
      BODEN Fanny d f u 24 Attends to the Shop b. Matlock
      BODEN John s m u 29 Baker & Confectioner b. Matlock
      BODEN Joshua W s m u 21 Plumber & Glazier b. Matlock
      BODEN Emma L d f u 12 Scholar b. Matlock

f27 p19 s91   Matlock Bath
      SMEDLEY William h m m 45 Spar & Marble Manufacturer b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Ann w f m 48 - b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY John s m u 22 Spar & Marble Manufacturer b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Mary d f u 15 Scholar b. Matlock

f27 p19 s92   Matlock Bath
      GREGORY Charles h m m 42 Joiner b. Bonsall
      GREGORY Lydia w f m 42 Joiners Wife b. Bonsall
      GREGORY Mary d f u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      GREGORY Charles s m u 8 Scholar b. Matlock
      GREGORY Robert s m u 2 - b. Matlock
      WHITE Samuel ld m u 33 Plasterers Lab. b. Derby

f27 p20 s93   Matlock Bath
      OLIVER Joseph h m m 30 Plasterer b. Bonsall
      OLIVER Ann w f m 36 Plasterers Wife b. Bakewell
      OLIVER Mary d f u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      OLIVER Sarah d f - 9 Scholar b. Matlock
      OLIVER Anne d f - 8 Scholar b. Matlock
      OLIVER Harriett d f - 6 Scholar b. Matlock
      OLIVER Jane d f - 1 Scholar b. Matlock
      OLIVER Joseph s m - 1 - b. Matlock

f27 p20 s94   Matlock Bath
      WOODIWISS Sarah h f m 28 Charwoman b. Matlock
      WOODIWISS Ellen d f u 9 Scholar b. Matlock
      WOODIWISS Margaret d f u 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      WOODIWISS Henry s m u 2 - b. Matlock
      WILD Joseph ld m w 58 Ag Lab b. Matlock
      WILD Joseph ld m u 25 Post Boy b. Matlock
      PEATSON Samuel ld m u 20 Shoe Maker b. Derby

f27 p20 s95   Matlock Bath
      EAYRE William h m m 43 Stone Mason b. Abney
      EAYRE Mary A. w f m 42 Masons Wife b. Bakewell
      EAYRE George s m u 18 Ag Lab b. Bakewell
      EAYRE Francis s m u 9 Scholar b. Matlock
      EAYRE Mary d f u 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      MOSS Abraham bd m u 21 Carpenter b. CHS Arclid

f28 p21 s96   Matlock Bath
      KING James h m m 55 Tailor b. Matlock
      KING Lydia w f m 53 Tailor Wife b. Ashover
      KING William s m u 28 Tailor b. Matlock
      KING Elizabeth d f u 18 At Home b. Matlock
      KING James s m u 18 At Home b. Matlock
      KING Annie d f u 12 Scholar b. Matlock
      KING Edward s m u 10 Scholar b. Matlock

f28 p21 s97   Matlock Bath
      MARTIN Hannah h f m 46 Laundress b. Wirksworth
      MARTIN Hannah d f u 18 Employed At Home b. Matlock
      MARTIN Elizabeth d f u 14 Employed At Home b. Matlock
      MARTIN Harriett d f u 12 Scholar b. Matlock
      MARTIN Mary d f - 6 Scholar b. Matlock

f28 p21 s98   Matlock Bath
      POTTER William h m m 45 Market Gardener & Seedman b. Matlock
      POTTER William s m u 18 Marble Worker (Ap) b. Matlock
      POTTER Catherine d f u 16 Employed At Home b. Matlock
      POTTER John s m u 11 Scholar b. Matlock
      POTTER Elizabeth d f - 8 Scholar b. Matlock

f28 p21 s99   Matlock Bath
      ADAM Joseph h m u 51 Practising as Physician b. SCT
      FOX May sv f u 43 House Serv b. Matlock

f28 p21 s100  Matlock Bath
      HARTLE Robert h m m 62 Comb Maker employing 3 men & 1 boy b. Bonsall
      HARTLE Ann w f m 60 Wife of above b. Matlock
      HARTLE Francis s m u 27 Comb Maker b. Matlock
      HARTLE Susanna d f u 21 Comb Makers Dau b. Matlock
      HARTLE Jane d f u 19 Comb Maker b. Matlock
      HARTLE Walter s m u 15 Comb Maker Son b. Matlock

f28 p22 s101  Walker's Hotel
      WALKER Richard h m m 43 Hotel Proprietor b. Matlock
      WALKER Isabella w f m 35 - b. LAN Blackburn
      WALKER Mary J d f u 11 Scholar b. LAN Manchester
      WALKER Richard s m u 9 Scholar b. LAN Manchester
      WALKER Percy s m u 7 Scholar b. Matlock
      WALKER Arthur s m u 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      WALKER Sarah E d f u 4 Scholar b. Matlock
      WALKER Thomas s m u 2 Scholar b. Matlock
      WALKER Alfred s m u 6m Scholar b. Matlock
      SPENCER Fanney sv f u 27 Waitress b. Cromford
      SHELDON Fanney sv f u 21 Cook b. Slaley
      RAINS Harriett sv f u 15 Kitchen Maid b. Bonsall
      JENKINS Sarah A sv f u 16 House Maid b. Bonsall
      BRADSHAW Francis sv m u 13 Errand Boy b. Matlock
      GREEN William 10 m m 42 Solicitors Managing Ck b. WAR Warwick
      GIBBONS Elizabeth vs f u 48 N.K. b. SOM
      JAMES Thomas vs m m 35 Merchant b. Cornwall
      JAMES Eliza vs f m 23 Merchants Wife b. Swansea

f28 p22 s-    [Trinity Church]

f28 p22 s102  Matlock Bath
      SMEDLEY Ellen h f w 76 Shopkeeper Spar & Marble Ornaments b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Jervis s m u 28 Lapidary b. Matlock
      HOLMES Elizabeth sv f u 21 Housemaid b. Wirksworth
      CHILLIS Charles James 10 m m 27 Hide Barker b. London
      CHILLIS Emily H. 10 f m 26 Hide Barker Wife b. Norwich

f29 p23 s103  New Bath Hotel
      IVATTS Mary B. h f u 57 Hotel Keeper b. BKM Aylesbury
      LEAKE Alice st f w 71 - b. BKM Aylesbury
      JORDAN Emma ni f w 38 Hotel Keeper b. HAM Gosport
      JORDAN Alice gn f u 4 - b. Matlock
      HIGDON Anne vs f u 39 V.S. Not K b. LIN Kirton In Holland
      SMALL Patrick vs m u 19 Gentleman b. SCT
      SMITH Francis P. vs m u 24 Solicitor b. YKS
      JACKSON Alex vs m w 46 Tea Merchant b. SRY
      MACINTOSH Angus vs m m 34 Proprietor b. SCT
      MACINTOSH Emma vs f m 25 Proprietor Wife b. SSX Brighton
      SHORE Martha sv f u 30 Bar Maid b. GLS Stonehouse
      ABBOTT Harriett sv f u 23 Nurse b. Ripley
      ARNETT Sarah sv f u 26 Cook b. YKS
      KERRY Anne sv f u 20 Tea Maid b. Smalley
      WILDGOOSE Sarah sv f u 22 Waitress b. Bakewell
      PORTER Ada sv f u 23 House Maid b. Shardlow
      DONALY Mary sv f u 21 Kitchen Maid b. IRL
      DAVIS Mary sv f u 30 House Maid b. SAL Ludlow
      HOLLAND Charles sv m u 22 Porter b. Darley Dale
      OUTRAM Richard sv m u 30 Groom b. YKS Wansworth

f29 p23 s104  Matlock Bath
      BODEN Joseph h m m 58 Coachman b. Matlock
      BODEN Hannah w f m 65 - b. Brampton
      BODEN Sarah vs f u 31 Servant b. Manchester
      BODEN Annie d f u 23 - b. Matlock
      GRATTON Mary ld f u 57 Landed Proprietor b. SRY
      DALE Charlotte ld f u 52 Companion b. Chelmorton

f29 p23 s105  Matlock Bath
      SAXTON George W h m u 62 Board & Lodging House Keeper b. Matlock
      SAXTON Eliza st f u 70 Board & Lodging House Keeper b. Matlock
      SAXTON Harriett st f u 66 Board & Lodging House Keeper b. Matlock
      SMITH Elizabeth bd f w 66 Gentlewoman b. MDX Kensington
      SWIFT Hannah sv f u 20 Cook b. Ashover
      WHEATCROFT Emma sv f u 21 Parlour Maid b. Wirksworth
      DAWES Elizabeth sv f u 21 House Maid b. Shirebrook

f29 p23 s106  Matlock Bath
      SKIDMORE Margaret h ff u 47 Grocer b. Matlock
      SKIDMORE Mary st f u 39 Grocer b. Matlock
      BROWN Sarah sv f u 17 House Maid b. Ashover
      EARL Maria L ld f u 42 No Occ N.K. b. Winchester
      EARL Margaret ld f u 34 No Occ N.K. b. Winchester

f29 p23 s107  Matlock Bath
      EARL Samuel h m m 38 Linen & Woollen Draper b. Matlock
      EARL Hannah w f m 36 Drapeers wife b. LEI Loughborough
      EARL Elizabeth d f u 6 Scholar b. Matlock
      EARL John W s m u 4 - b. Matlock
      MARSHALL Elizabeth  sv f u 15 House Servant b. Alfreton

f30 p24 s108  Matlock Bath
      COWLEY Anna h f u 40 Milliner b. Darley
      COWLEY Adelaide d f - 19 Milliner b. NTT Gresley

f30 p24 s109  Matlock Bath
      WALPOLE Henry H h m m 22 Schoolmaster b. LEI Loughborough
      WALPOLE Sophia H w f m 23 Schoolmistress b. STS Newcastle

f30 p24 s-    [National School]

f30 p24 s110  Matlock Bath
      RADFORTH George h m m 62 Ostler & Lodging Hse Keeper b. Stoney Middleton
      RADFORTH Sarah w f m 62 Ostler Wife b. Stoney Middleton
      RADFORTH Hannah d f u 28 Ostler Dau b. Stoney Middleton
      RADFORTH Joseph s m u 19 Joiner b. Stoney Middleton
      MOODY Mary vs f u 34 Nurse b. KEN Rochester
      HARDCASTLE Fanny vs f - 4 - b. NTT Blidworth
      HARDCASTLE Layton vs m - 1 - b. NTT Blidworth

f30 p24 s111  Matlock Bath
      TRAVIS Elizabeth h f u 39 Post Mistress b. Lea
      THORPE Judith sv f u 18 House Servant b. Totley

f30 p24 s112  Matlock Bath
      SAXTON Alice  h f u 73 Fund Holder b. Chesterfield
      SAXTON Mary A st f u 72 Fund Holder b. Matlock
      SWIFT Eliza F sv f u 18 House Servant b. Ashover

f30 p24 s113  Matlock Bath
      BODEN Sarah h f w 79 Proprietor of Houses b. Wirksworth
      TOWLE Hannah d f m 55 N.K. b. Matlock
      TOWLE Thomas gs m u 29 Glazier [Deaf & Dumb from birth] b. Nottingham

f30 p25 s114  Matlock Bath
      TAYLOR William h m m 35 Railway Labourer b. Matlock
      TAYLOR Harriett w f m 36 Lab Wife b. Matlock
      TAYLOR Alfred s m u 11 Scholar b. Matlock
      TAYLOR Sarah  d f - 6 Scholar b. Matlock
      TAYLOR Child Not Christened d f - 2w - b. Matlock
      GOODWIN Ann ni f u 22 Seamstress b. Matlock

f30 p25 s115  Matlock Bath
      HOLLAND Sarah h f w 42 Laundress b. Sutton
      HOLLAND Emma d f u 16 Laundress b. Matlock
      HOLLAND James s m u 12 Scholar b. Matlock
      HOLLAND George s m - 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      HOLLAND Walter H s m u 6 Scholar b. Matlock

f30 p25 s116  Matlock Bath
      NOEL Martha  h f w 78 Lodging House Keeper b. Ashover

f30 p25 s117  Public House
      WADSWORTH Joseph h m m 46 Publican b. YKS Bolton
      WADSWORTH Margarett w f m 46 Publican Wife b. Matlock
      WADSWORTH Joseph s m u 17 Publican Son b. Matlock
      WADSWORTH Mary d f - 8 Scholar b. Matlock
      PICKERING Mary sv f u 17 House Servant b. Matlock

f30 p25 s118  Matlock Bath
      BUXTON Herbert h m m 28 Marble Worker emplying 1 man b. Matlock
      BUXTON Elizabeth w f m 21 Wife of the a/m b. NTT Nottingham
      BUXTON Amelia d f - 4 Scholar b. Matlock
      BUXTON Harold s m - 1m - b. Matlock

f31 p26 s119  Matlock Bath
      LYMN John h m m 40 Cordwainer 2 men 1 app b. Matlock
      LYMN Mary w f m 40 Cornwainer Wife b. NTT
      LYMN Frederick s m u 7 Scholar b. Matlock
      LYMN Ann E d f - 5 Scholar b. Matlock
      LYMN Emma d f - 3 Scholar b. Matlock
      LYMN Charles ft m w 81 Retired Cordwainer b. Cromford
      BUXTON Alice sv f u 14 House Servant b. Matlock

f31 p26 s120  Matlock Bath
      FLOWERS Thomas h m m 34 Dispensing Chemist employing 1 assist 1 boy b. YKS Wadsworth
      FLOWERS Jane w f m 29 Chemists Wife b. STS Etruria
      FLOWERS Willoughby s m - 3 - b. Matlock
      ROOT Josiah J as m u 20 Ass To Chemist b. ESS Castle Hedington
      COCKAYNE Ann sv f u 20 House Servant b. Tansley

f31 p26 s121  Royal Museum
      WALKER Thomas h m m 50 Spar & Marble Manufacturer b. Wirksworth
      WALKER Maria w f m 40 Wife of Above b. Norwich
      KING Lucy sv f u 20 House Servant b. NTT Carrington

f31 p26 s122  Old Museum
      DAKIN Joseph h m m 39 Spar & Marble Manufacturer b. Matlock
      DAKIN Sarah w f m 39 Wife of Above b. NTT Beeston
      DAKIN Mary E d f u 1 - b. Matlock

f31 p26 s123  Matlock Bath
      HOLMES Thomas h m m 36 Bookseller & Stationer b. Monyash
      HOLMES Mary w f m 33 Booksellers Wife b. DEN Wrexham
      HOLMES May J M d f u 9 Scholar b. Bakewell
      HOLMES John H s m u 4 Scholar b. Bakewell
      HOLMES Ann A d f u 1 - b. Matlock

f31 p27 s124  Matlock Bath
      WOODFIELD William h m m 33 Inlayer In Marble employing 1 man & 2 boys b. SRY Southwark
      WOODFIELD Eliza w f m 33 - b. Nottingham
      WOODFIELD Lucy d f u 11 Scholar b. Matlock
      WESLEY Samuel vs m m 28 Coach Builder b. Leicester
      WESLEY Jane M H vs f m 26 - b. London
      CANNELL Sophia sv f u 15 House Serv b. Nottingham

f31 p27 s125  Matlock Bath
      WHEATCROFT John h m m 52 Civil Engineer b. Wirksworth
      WHEATCROFT Maria w f m 35 Civil Engineer Wife b. NTT Stokeham
      WHEATCROFT George s m u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      WHEATCROFT Marie d f - 7 Scholar b. Cromford
      WHEATCROFT Caroline d f - 4 Scholar b. Matlock
      WHEATCROFT Edward s m - 1 - b. Matlock

f31 p27 s126  Hodgkinson's Hotel
      BROOKER William h m m 31 Inn Keeper & Wine & Spirit Merchant b. CHS Macclesfield
      BROOKER Anne w f m 24 Inn Keepers wife b. Cromford
      BROOKER Frederick G s m - 2 - b. Matlock
      BROOKER Anne L d f - 1 - b. Matlock
      BROWN Elizabeth sv f u 23 Cook b. Bakewell
      FLETCHER Mary sv f u 17 House Maid b. Risley
      LEE Emma sv f u 22 Waiter b. Lea
      HEBBLETHEY John vs m m 58 Gentleman b. Leeds

f31 p27 s127  Hodgkinson's Hotel
      SMEDLEY Job h m m 21 Grocer b. Cromford
      SMEDLEY Isabella w f m 23 Grocer Wife b. Nottingham
      POTTER Ann sv  u 13 House Serv b. Matlock

f32 p28 s128  Matlock Bath
      HORTON Charlotte h f w 61 Fancy Repository b. SAL Coalbrook Dale
      FLETCHER Mary A d f m 29 Assistant in Shop b. WAR Edgbaston
      MOUNTNEY Emma sv f u 24 Sevt All Work b. Darley

f32 p28 s129  Matlock Bath
      ROTHERAM Lucy h f u 25 Conductor of Ladies Seminary b. Chesterfield
      ROTHERAM Ann st f u 18 Nursery Governess b. Chesterfield
      [same schedule but different household]
      RILEY William h m m 30 Cabinet Maker b. STS
      RILEY Mary w f m 31 Dress Maker b. Repton
      RILEY Sarah J d f - 5 Scholar b. Derby
      RILEY Ann d f - 3 - b. Derby
      RILEY William s m - 1 - b. Matlock

f32 p28 s130  Spirit Vaults
      HODGKINSON Sarah  h f w 60 Wine & Spirit Merchant b. Cromford
      ROPER John np m u 21 Assistant to Wine & Spirit b. Cromford
      BROOKER Mary st f w 70 Inn Keeper b. Cromford
      TWIGG Sarah sv f u 19 House Servant b. Tansley

f32 p28 s131  Devonshire Hotel
      ELLIS George h m m 30 Inn Keeper b. Matlock
      ELLIS Ann w f m 28 Inn Keeper Wife b. Tansley
      SMITH Marina ni f u 8 Scholar b. Tansley
      WILSON Mary H sv f u 24 House Servant b. YKS Meltham
      HODGKINSON May sv f u 13 House Maid b. Winster

f32 p28 s132  Matlock Bath
      FLETCHER Mary h f w 53 Confectioner b. Birmingham
      FLETCHER William s m m 28 Fishing Tackle Maker b. Birmingham
      FLETCHER Ada gd f - 6 Scholar b. Matlock

f32 p29 s133  Matlock Bath
      WHEATCROFT Edward h m m 43 Retired Currier b. Wirksworth
      WHEATCROFT Jemima w f m 51 - b. Matlock
      WHEATCROFT James W s m w 26 Plumber & Gas Fitter b. Matlock
      WHEATCROFT Sidney F s m u 22 Joiner & Cabinet Maker b. Matlock
      WHEATCROFT Caroline d f u 20 Daur b. Matlock
      WHEATCROFT Emma gd f - 3 - b. STS Burton on Trent

f32 p29 s-    [1u]

f32 p29 s134  Matlock Bath
      WALTHALL William h m m 59 Spar Turner b. Derby
      WALTHALL Edith w f m 44 Spar Turner Wife b. Bolehill
      WALTHALL Charles s m u 15 Spar Turner b. Bolehill

f32 p29 s135  Matlock Bath
      YOUNG William h m m 66 Gn Labourer b. Bonsall
      YOUNG Sarah w f m 60 Laundress b. Wirksworth
      JEFFERSON Sarah gd f w 20 Laundress b. Matlock

f32 p29 s136  Matlock Bath
      SMITH Mary h f w 55 Lodging House Keeper b. Stockport
      SMITH Harriett d f u 49 Lodging House Keeper b. Birmingham
      SMITH William s m u 40 Cab Proprietor b. London
      SMITH Mary d f u 36 Employed At Home b. Matlock

f32 p29 s-    [1u]

f32 p29 s137  Matlock Bath
      GREGORY Edward h m m 50 Spar Turner b. Matlock
      GREGORY Harriett w f m 46 Spar Turner Wife b. SOM Frome
      GREGORY Elizabeth d f u 22 Spar Turner Daur b. Matlock
      GREGORY Mary H d f u 17 Spar Turner Daur b. Matlock
      GREGORY Harriett d f u 15 Spar Turner Daur b. Matlock
      GREGORY Edward s m u 12 Scholar b. Matlock
      GREGORY Louisa d f u 9 Scholar b. Matlock

f33 p30 s138  Matlock Bath
      WALTHALL Sarah h f w 37 Bath Maid b. Manchester
      WALTHALL John s m u 13 Scholar b. Matlock
      WALTHALL Ann d f u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      WALTHALL William s m u 5 Scholar b. Matlock

f33 p30 s139  Matlock Bath
      ALLEN John h m m 66 Retired Schoolmaster b. Matlock
      ALLEN Lydia w f m 67 Wife of the above b. Matlock
      STONE Mary A ni f u 19 Companion b. Cromford
      SMEDLEY Mary H sv f u 21 House Servant b. Bonsall

f33 p30 s140  Matlock Bath
      RADFIRTH George h m m 32 Coachman b. Matlock
      RADFIRTH Lucy w f m 36 Coachman Wife b. Matlock
      MARSLAM Lucy ni f u 12 Scholar b. Riddings
      BUNTING Elizabeth ni f u 19 Servant b. Matlock
      HOWE William E ld m u 33 Book Seller b. YKS Leeds
      PEACOCK Ann ld f m 52 Corn Millers Wife b. DUR Sunderland
      PEACOCK Ann E ld f u 18 Corn Millers Daughter b. DUR Sunderland

f33 p30 s141  Matlock Bath
      MOORE Caleb h m m 69 Coal Merchant Wife b. Middleton
      MOORE Elizabeth w f m 63 Coal Merchant b. Shottle
      HOLMES Mary A sv f u 17 House Servant b. Matlock

f33 p31 s142  Matlock Bath
      ROTHWELL Mary h f w 50 Board & Lodging House Keeper b. Matlock
      PARKIN Sarah sv f u 19 House Maid b. Matlock
      MARRIOTT William bd m m 39 Worsted Spinner b. YKS Wakefield
      MARRIOTT Mary B bd f m 31 Worsted Spinner Wife [bd wife] b. LAN Manchester
      MARRIOTT William H s m u 6 Son of above b. YKS Wakefield
      MARRIOTT Mary E d f u 4 Daur of above b. YKS Wakefield
      MARRIOTT Harriett R d f u 1 Daur of above b. YKS Wakefield
      HALL Elizabeth B bd f u 33 N.K. b. LAN Manchester
      MATTER Elizabeth bd f u 31 Head Nurse b. DEV Axminster
      STANS? Sarah bd f u 18 Under Nurse b. YKS Wakefield

f33 p31 s143  Matlock Bath
      ROBERTS Joseph  h m m 30 Lodging House Keeper b. YKS Wakefield
      ROBERTS Charlotte w f m 29 Lodging House Keeper Wife b. Banbury
      GREAM Emma ni f u 18 N.K. b. Banbury
      CARSORY? [CROSEY?] Fanney  ni f u 13 Scholar b. Banbury
      FREAR Harriett bd f w 31 Gentlewoman b. Derby
      FREAR Mary bd f u 5 Gentlewoman [bd daur] b. Derby
      FREAR Benjamin bd m u 4 Gentlewoman [bd son] b. Derby
      FREAR Charles John bd m u 3 Gentlewoman [bd son] b. Derby
      FREAR Ethel M bd f u 2 Gentlewoman [bd daur] b. Derby
      DREWE Mary vs f u 26 Gentlewoman [bd daur] b. SOM Keynsham
      SHARP Mary sv f u 21 Nurse b. NTH Bentwick
      DENT Ann sv f u 25 Servant b. LEI Goadby Marwood

f34 p32 s144  Matlock Bath
      GREENHOUGH Edward h m m 40 Linen & Woollen Draper b. Crich
      GREENHOUGH Lucy w f m 41 Draper's wife b. YKS Howley Mills
      GREENHOUGH Edward s m u 11 Scholar b. Matlock
      GREENHOUGH Lucy A d f u 15 Draper's Daughter b. Matlock
      GREENHOUGH Edwina S d f u 13 Draper's Daughter b. Matlock
      GREENHOUGH Ada d f u 9 Draper's Daughter b. Matlock
      FRYER Ellen sv f u 20 House Servant b. Winster
      SAXTON Sophia vs f w 45 Independant b. Nottingham
      CHEETHAM Mary vs f u 46 Independant b. Nottingham
      CHEETHAM Margaret vs f u 36 Independant b. Nottingham

f34 p32 s145  Matlock Bath
      COTES John h m m 50 House Painter b. Wirksworth
      COTES Mary w f m 50 House Painter Wife b. Osmaston
      COTES Arthur s m u 10 Scholar b. Matlock
      COTES Elizabeth d f u 8 Scholar b. Matlock
      FURNISS Susanna ni f u 20 House Servant b. Matlock
      JOHNSTONE Harry Hope ld m m 62 Royal Navy H.P. b. KEN Chatham
      JOHNSTONE Maria w f m 61 Wife [ld wife] b. London
      JOHNSTONE Caroline d f u 23 Daughter [ld daur] b. SSX Rotherfield
      CASTLEMAN Caroline wt f u 64 Fund Holder [ld wifes sister] b. London
      GLOVER Charlotte ld f w 70 Fund Holder b. NFK Norwich

f34 p33 s146  Matlock Bath
      THIMBLEBY  William h f m 48 Householder b. LIN East Kirby
      THIMBLEBY  Sophia w m m 48 - b. LIN Croft
      ROWLAND Hannah sv f u 16 House Servant b. Bonsall
      BEETHAM Arthur 10 m m 24 Barrister At Law in Practice b. SRY Tulse Hill
      BEETHAM Blanche 10 f m 28 Barrister Wife b. WOR
      HOLDING Thomas 10 m w 60 Agent for Blankie & Co. b. Chelsea

f34 p33 s147  Matlock Bath
      SMEDLEY Thomas h m m 51 Spar & Marble Worker b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Ann w f m 51 Spar & Marble Worker Wife b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Ellenor d f u 21 Attends to the Shop Spar Worker at Home b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Emma d f u 19 Attends to the Shop Spar Worker at Home b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Eliza d f u 17 Attends to the Shop Spar Worker at Home b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Mary d f u 15 Scholar b. Matlock
      SMEDLEY Frances d f u 13 Scholar b. Matlock

f34 p33 s148  Matlock Bath
      REESE Jane S h f u 23 House Maid [h serv] b. Gloucester
      HOLMES Ellenor sv f u 23 Cook b. Middleton

End of Enumeration District 11