Find a Name Index>
Matlock & Matlock Bath, Find a Name
Speedy navigation to surnames on the history pages, in the guides and amongst the photographs and other images
Find a Name Index

Quick search for surnames that aren't in a list*. Names range from Roman Emperors to ordinary folk.
If there's a link here, the surname is somewhere on the page you select.
*This excludes the names on the War Memorials. For those, go to the War Memorials Index and navigate from there.

This section has beeen updated, with longer link names added to assist navigation.

Once you find the surname click on the coloured page link and then search the page you are taken to. If you don't want to read the whole page search by using 'Find' on the Menubar for the particular spelling (all variants shown). Some browsers such as Opera and Google Chrome have abandoned the Menubar - so you will need to press Ctrl and F.

  • Monarchs given as e.g. GEORGE, King. Titles given as e.g. GLENORCHY, Viscountess.

  • Links to various guides include the word "guide" in the link, e.g. "guide-book-bemrose-1869".

  • Where possible, photographs etc in the "Images" section have been subdivided so appear as Mat-bankrd, Mat-schoolgroup etc.
    Links for "image", news and "mag" are linked directly to the page the name is on. For example:
    Matlock & Matlock Bath Guides | Images | Magazine Articles | Matlock & Matlock Bath Newspaper Cuttings

  • Abbreviations used:
    • 18thc = 18th century;
    • 19thc = 19th century;
    • 20thc = 20th century;
    • crown-square = Crown Square;
    • hhc = Henry Hadfield Cubley;
    • Mat = Matlock;
    • MatBath = Matlock Bath;
    • Mat-bridge = Matlock Bridge;
    • MatDale = Matlock Dale;
    • prim-methodists = Primitive Methodists;
    • rd = road;
    • (ref/see refs) or ( ... notes) = the information is included in the references and notes at the bottom of the linked web page..

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