The River Derwent has flooded many times in the town's history
and there have been several flood relief schemes. The
most recent was proved very effective and largely withstood
the effects of the very heavy rainfalls experienced in
Great Britain during October and November 2000 when the
River Derwent broke its banks in many places. Although
central Matlock was affected, and some premises were flooded
because of water coming up through the drainage system,
the walls that have been built alongside the river and the
enclosure of the Hall Leys Park withstood the torrents
and largely contained the swollen river. In 2019 the Derwent
flooded the town for a second time this century, causing major disruption.
Sadly, in 2022, for a fourth time since the millennium, the Derwent and
storm water have recently inundated the town, yet again causing further
disruption and hardship.

November 2000. Floodwater contained in the Hall Leys park.
The water was just a few inches from the top of the retaining
wall before it stopped rising.
The footbridge over the River Derwent connecting
the Hall Leys Park with Dale Road, shown in the photograph
on the right, has plaques marking two severe floods that
occurred in the twentieth century and within living memory
of many residents. On Sunday 4th December, 1960 the flood
water reached the lower mark when the river burst its banks
and flooded into Crown Square at 9 a.m., engulfing an area
five miles long by a mile wide[1].
Some five years later, on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th
December, 1965, the flood waters reached even an higher point.
Many of the shops in the town centre were again flooded -
six feet of water was said to be covering the town centre
on the 10th.
The murky water went up into Firs Parade, where the writer's father
had to try to rescue and remove stock before the water came
in. In "dreary Derbyshire", as the RAC were reported to be describing the situation,
motoring was impossible in many parts of the county although
by the evening of the 11th the Derwent's water had subsided
and much of the town centre was clear.
On the 23rd levels were being monitored as the water rose again,
to three feet above normal, but the town did not flood on that
Susy Cytko remembers these floods.
"In Matlock Green a lorry decided to rush through the water
and made such waves that it broke the window at Aunty Dolly's
sweet shop and all the jars of sweets floated out, which
was exciting to us as we were children at the time; we
did try to catch them but my mum would not let us go down
stairs so we tried to catch them with a bucket on a rope
but it never worked.
Someone came with soup in a boat and we let the bucket
down to collect it, and bread. Of course we kids hated the
soup as it was onion, but our parents were grateful. ...
One person drowned across the road[2]".
Grenville Smith recalls that Dolly, who ran the sweet shop,
was always first to know that a flood was on the way because
water would appear in her basement before it entered anyone
else's. She would then alert the other Matlock Green residents
to move upstairs.
Floods in Matlock Green were not new. In the summer
of 1830 John Bown of Matlock Green Mill lost a cow and William
Bown had to save a mare when what was described as "tremendous
rain" caused the Lumsdale mills dams to break their
banks, and a "mighty torrent" ensued. The "Green
was completely inundated to a great depth, the field walls
were swept away, the gardens and all vegetables destroyed,
and large trees torn up by the roots and carried away".
Large potholes appearing in the roads made them impassable.
The flood level in Matlock Green in 1965
was 13 inches (33cm) higher than in 1931, which was the
previous worst flood Matlock had known.

Where the floodwater reached,
1960 and 1965.
© Ann Andrews |
Though flooding has occurred because of exceptionally heavy rainfall,
as it did most recently in 2000, 2019 and 2022, the town has also flooded
when extremely heavy snowfalls were followed by very sudden rises
in air temperature and rapid thaws, sometimes accompanied by heavy
So snow falling in the hills of the Peak melted quickly and formed
torrents which drained into the Derwent, causing water levels to
rise dramatically and this was the reason why the town flooded
in 1965[3].
The same thing had happened over sixty years before, when
the water levels rose very quickly overnight between Sunday 29th
December and Monday 30th December 1901. An article in "The
Times" described the whole of the Derwent Valley as a "scene
of desolation"[4] and
another press report thought the town was "Matlock in the
Lake District"[5].
It was reported that water had entered hundreds of business premises, hotels and
private homes at 3 a.m. causing residents to flee[4].
Other inhabitants awoke and peered through the mist to
find that Matlock Bridge and Matlock Green had joined hands, as
it were, and only the coping stones of the walls along Causeway
Lane were visible[5].
The cellars of both the Crown and Railway Hotels were under water[5],
with water standing four to five feet high in the Railway Hotel[6].
On that occasion the flood water covered Crown Square by 7 a.m.[6] and
the Derwent above Matlock was about a mile wide[4].
The greatest depth was recorded on the football ground (which was
on the Hall Leys until 1911). The water level there registered
ten feet - "not a vestige of the football field could be seen
except the top of the 'pavilion'."[5] According
to the Matlock historian Benjamin Bryan, there was by then bright
sunshine which reflected in the newly formed lake[6].
Fortunately, "an abatement took place by daylight"[4] but
the flooding had caused considerable damage in the town[6].
Matlock Green did not suffer quite as badly as it could have done,
thanks to the Council having raised the banks of the stream there
(the Bentley Brook)[5].
1907 flooding.
Work to widen the County Bridge was delayed for weeks
in 1903 owing to the flooded state of the river, when Matlock
cricket field was under water[7].
It was reported that many rivers had overflowed and part of Matlock
was once more submerged on Wednesday 16 October 1907, with damage
to the hockey and cricket grounds[8] (see
image above). Such was the volume of water that the Derwent was
said to be at least ten feet above its normal level and the Hall
Leys, including the Broad Walk and the football pitch, disappeared
under the torrent. Crown Square, Bakewell Road, part of Bank
Road and Causeway Lane were submerged and the Railway Hotel was
cut off. The Crown Hotel was surrounded on two sides by floodwater
and pedestrians were ferried across the water by penny buses[9].
At the end of 1910, when a general election was being held in
the United Kingdom, Matlock endured more flooding. On 9 December
the Derwent rose alarmingly, following heavy snowstorms in the
Peak that had ended two days before and then 36 hours of heavy
rain. The cricket and football pitches disappeared and the Hall
Leys promenade resembled a swimming pool. The new bandstand stood
above the water but the surrounding land, where the park was
being created, was totally submerged by midday. Knowleston Gardens
were impassable and flood water then entered both Crown Square
and Dale Road. Fortunately, at 3p.m. the same day the water levels
started to drop, just as the water had reached the front of the
Conservative Club, and more serious damage was averted[10].
Benjamin Bryan described several nineteenth century floods.
In the first week of October 1880 there was a storm with very high
winds which caused the river to burst its banks. Several months
later, just before the 1881 census was taken, snow, high winds
and a rapid thaw caused further flooding in February. "So
high did the waters rise that the railway was flooded, and no train
was permitted to proceed northwards beyond Matlock Bridge. The
consequence was that numbers of passengers had their journey arrested,
and upwards of 150 persons had to be accommodated at the Queen's
Head Hotel and elsewhere[6]". "The
footbridge across the river to Matlock Town was washed down and
wrecked : "The new footbridge over the river at the foot of
Harvey Dale was destroyed by the violence of the flood, and lies
at the side of the river a complete wreck"[11].
Lower down the bridge leading to the paint works and the High Tor
Grotto was also destroyed. There was a strong current of water
three to four feet deep running along the roadway, as if it were
part of the river, to and through Matlock Bath[6]".
There was further flooding in March of the same year, and again
during October, so 1881 was not a good year for the town[12].
Dale Road, Boat House Hotel & Bridge, 1870s has a photograph the first bridge.
Dale Road, Boat House Hotel & Quarry shows the 1882 replacement, the second in 10 years.
A few years afterwards the "Weekly Dispatch" reported,
on 16 May 1886, serious flooding and "Great Destruction of
Property" in
many parts of the country. "At Matlock vehicular and pedestrian
traffic was totally stopped along a large portion of the highway,
and the houses on The Green were submerged to the second storey".
The Horse Shoe Inn, Mr. Clay's ironmongers and the Co-op were the
worst affected and "full of water" following almost 70
hours of continuous rain. The furniture and household items of
many of the houses had to be rapidly moved to a place of safety. November
1890 saw further flooding: "On the road to Matlock Bath there
was a depth of four to five feet of water[6]".
The postcard above is dated 18th January, 1921 and the area under
water is just off Crown Square, at the bottom of Bank Road. One
of the entrances to the Crown Hotel is clearly visible on the
near left. A gale of unusual severity had affected the U.K. for
the previous two days, causing widespread flooding. The Matlock
correspondent to "The Times" described "the
view from the Peak as one huge lake" as much of the Matlock's
town centre was under water. The water rose so rapidly
that a temporary bridge had to be erected for traffic[13].
Stanley Fearn's shop was under three feet of water and in Crown
Square the water was four feet deep. Dale Road, by the Holt Quarries,
was also partly submerged. There
was considerable relief that the "new" iron bridge
across the Derwent near the Old English Hotel, carrying the
sewerage scheme's main pipe, had withstood the pressure;
it was submerged to a depth of a foot. The only anxiety was in
case a tree trunk, many of which had travelled downstream
on the spate, should strike it.
The floating debris in 1921 included "fowl houses, stakes,
fencing, and other wooden objects ... although there were dead
sheep and fowls among the rest; and logs galore"[14].
Also 1921.
The flood water was slowly receding - a small amount
of debris has been left behind.
It rather looks as if the car
driver may have been somewhat foolhardy if he had attempted
drive across Crown Square; his car's back wheels are half submerged.
As for the tram, it is difficult to know if it had stopped
or whether
it was the same tramcar shown
on the Bank Road
& the Steep-Gradient Tramway page.
Matlock was flooded twice in 1928. On the 16th February a
serious flood, the second within six weeks, occurred. The water
level was six to eight inches below the flood height of 6th January
that year, but there was a river across Crown Square, the Hall
Leys was a lake once more and shops and houses on Bakewell Road
were flooded[15].
Three years later, on the 4th September, 1931, the town flooded
again when the Derwent rose at an extraordinary rate[16].
This time there was considerable damage: Burgon's in Crown Square
was particularly badly affected and other shops had their windows
smashed because of the amount of debris, which included a
large boiler floating down the Hall Leys park to the Knowleston
Place Pleasure grounds and an Austin Seven saloon car that had
been abandoned a few hours earlier being swept along by the deluge.
Pavements were also torn up. An omnibus with passengers aboard
was stranded and two men, Mr. G Taylor (foreman to the Highways
Department) and Mr. E. Flint (pleasure grounds manager), were swept
off their feet by the swirling water and nearly drowned whilst
attempting to take a rope to the stricken vehicle. The footbridge
near Matlock Bath's Gas Works, which carried a main sewer and water
main was swept away and the Parochial Hall parking area was also
partly destroyed. Fire had also broken out at Matlock Gas Works
and water the fire brigade pumped out flood water in addition to
extinguishing the flames. Further downstream, at Masson Mill, the sluice
which worked the turbines was completely wrecked by the flood, huge blocks of concrete were
flung into the river bed and over 300 employees signed on at the labour exchange[17].
Photographs also exist of the Hall Leys under water once more
in 1941. The flooding caused havoc although the low lying parts
of the town, which had been inundated with flood water many times
before, were covered to a depth of between one and four feet. On
Bakewell Road North Western moved their buses to higher ground
and both Kennings and Walters & Brooker parked their cars on
Lime Tree Road and Imperial Road. The water didn't recede for some
time, but once levels started to fall it subsided as quickly
as it had risen. The debris left behind included large quantities
of timber and many sacks of coke, which were collected by both
children and adults for later use[18].
Bakewell Road was flooded again in 1948[19].
To return to Matlock Bath, there was very localised flooding
during the summer of 1924 that was caused by a violent thunderstorm
in which "rain and hailstones fell as large
marbles for two hours. The Parade became a river and the shops
were flooded to a great depth". Visitors and day trippers
were marooned, or had to wade through deep water to escape[20].
Parts of Matlock Bath had also flooded during the First World War[21].
Some of the ground next to the river had been prone to flooding
for a long time[22].
Postcard taken before 1906, and possibly before 1900, showing
a swollen river Derwent.
The Promenade landing stage is under water and the shelter
is also flooded.
This was not an uncommon occurrence but in 1907 the water rose
to just below the promenade
and some of the Lovers' Walks were under water[9]. |
One of the saddest tales resulting from the Derwent being in flood
occurred in the village in January 1852. There was a particularly
tragic accident involving two members of the Cumming family, who
drowned in the swollen river at Matlock Bath. The disastrous consequences
of this, as the head of the family was one of the two who perished,
were widely reported and a fund was set up to help the surviving
biographies | Newspaper
report | Subscription
for the relief of the Cumming children
Sadly, these weren't the only fatalities to occur in the Matlock
section of the River Derwent[23].
Whilst flooding can and did cause misery and damage, Matlock and
District's inhabitants were not without a sense of humour. Colin
Goodwyn writes of an escapade in 1866 during what proved to be
the worst flood for 25 years and which turned the Hall Leys into
a sea of water across to Matlock Green. "Some wags hung a
five bar gate on the lamp post at Matlock Bridge as a make believe
that the flood had been that height and left it there". A
sign board was seen floating down the Derwent; on it had been painted
the words "No road this way"[24].
Below is a photograph of the River Derwent in spate, taken from
Matlock Bath's Jubilee Bridge in the 1950s using a 2 x 2 Agifold
camera. The landing stage was completely submerged! The Lovers'
Walks on the opposite bank would undoubtedly have been underwater
There is an interesting, if somewhat obscure, cutting from the
High Peak News, dated Saturday, 22 April, 1916, about flood prevention.
the article
Whatever the various bodies may have either talked about or did, nothing
to deal effectively with the problem happened for many years.
During the 1970s the weir that served the Matlock Dale colour
works and fed their water turbine was removed. This fundamentally
changed the nature of the river between Matlock and Matlock Bath;
it is better for the canoeists, though that was not why the weir
was removed[25].
Before the recent severe flooding of November 2019, the last time
the river was a cause for concern was in 2007, but it thankfully
just broke the bank in the park.
More pictures of the November 2000 floods
The pictures show the extent of the flooding
on 6th November 2000, just before Armistice Sunday; crosses and
posts were being prepared for poppies close to the town centre's
memorial. A great deal of surface water also ran down the hill
behind Matlock's football ground, which stayed on the land. Someone
even used a canoe on the cricket end of the field [26].

Firemen pumping water back into the river on Bakewell Road, taken from the car park over the supermarket.
The flood water receded very quickly in 2000.
This picture was taken two days after the water was at its maximum
It shows just how much debris is
carried downstream by flood water and then deposited where it hits
something in its path.
In 2019 more debris was piled up beside this bridge, including
three large bales of hay. Whilst there did not seem to be must
debris deposited on the bridge itself during the 2019 floods,
the struts underneath were clogged with broken branches.
Flooding on 8 November 2019
Parts of Matlock's town centre flooded after very heavy rain that
began around 3p.m. on 6th November and continued throughout
the following day. There had been a prolonged period of rain during
October, which meant the ground was already saturated and was unable
to cope with yet more downpours.
Interestingly, as in 1910, a general election had been called in The U.K.
The British Prime Minister swept in briefly for a photo opportunity,
supposedly clearing up flood water in Specsavers, and there was a
promise of funding for flood relief.

Bakewell Road, mid-morning.
Although the green bin's wheels are not really in the water by
this point, marks on the bottom of the walls of the buildings on
the right indicate levels had been a little higher. The water had
receded slightly between 9 and 10.30a.m. Further along the road,
vehicles are block traffic entering the town centre.
In the afternoon the levels here were possibly a little higher.
The road was still cordoned off at the Crown Square end there
was no traffic in Crown Square.
The fire brigade was in action and the Gas company was also working
outside what used to be Burgons!
Some businesses were been badly affected.
The fast flowing water was close the top of the arch of
the County Bridge. If water had hit the bridge the flooding
would have been far more extensive. |
Swans were an unexpected addition to the birds on the Hall Leys
during the morning. They were still around
during the afternoon, though were out of the water. |

Turbulent water immediately to the south of the bridge, which overflowed onto the Hall Leys Park.
The railing on the left help show how deep the water was in this
part of the park.

Looking across the Hall Leys, towards the Pavilion, the bandstand
and Riber Castle.
The sign advertising Matlock Market looks rather forlorn.

A really beautiful autumnal view across the flooded park. The bandstand,
or at least part of the surround, can be seen on the right.
To give readers an idea of the depth of the flood water, the height
of the black rubbish bin in the centre of the picture is four feet.
As the top of the bin is just showing here it means that the floodwater
was a little less in height when the photo was taken [26].

Although the football ground wasn't totally submerged, most of the Hall Leys park was under water.
Flood water in the park can be seen on the right, over the top of the hedge.
Fortunately, the weekend's scheduled FA Trophy football match was
able to go ahead, despite an extremely low spectator turnout because
of continued travel disruptions. The ground had drained well but
the players had to cope with more rain and very cold conditions.
This time luck was on the side of the local team and they were able
to progress into the next round.
The cricket ground was covered with water on the Friday morning, but by Saturday it had all gone.

The water in the park had receded slightly by 2p.m.
At its maximum the height of the water was 2 feet less than that
recorded in 1960 and approximately 4 feet below the height reached
in 1965.

The former tram shelter
Whilst I have no current pictures of the 2019 flooding in Matlock
Bath, water levels in the early morning were worryingly high as
they were just three feet below Jubilee Bridge. The river was
said to be close to reaching the highest recorded level which
was attained in 1965.
Flooding caused by Storms Eunice and Franklin, February 2022
First there was Storm Dudley and there was hardly time to recover when
Storm Eunice swept across the United Kingdom on Valentine's Day,
its damaging winds battering the country, leaving homes without power
and causing extensive damage. It was quickly followed by Storm
Franklin, which was almost the final straw because of the wind strength. It
wasn't until this point that questions were raised about the promised
flood relief money for Matlock, which had not materialised.
Matlock had also flooded in early 2021, when the flood prevention
gates were shut, but it was not as severe. The Environment Agency had
also spent a considerable sum on repairing the flood defences in early 2020.
1. Warning signs of what was to come
21 February, about 10.30am
Surface water pouring into the river via the drain beside the
County bridge from Snitterton Road. In another image of this
(not shown here) the water level is considerably higher
and the water from the road was a thick brown. |
The river and bridge, also about 10.30am on 21 Feb.
Water began flowing through the fourth arch
shortly afterwards. Forecasts said the flood water was due to peak
in the early hours of the following morning. |
2. The aftermath.

The Broad Walk, Hall Leys, 21 Feb 2022.

Bakewell Road, 21 Feb 2022.
Shopkeepers in and around Crown Square had been advised to move
their stock to a place of safety on the previous day.
Businesses close to where the cars are parked in the distance,
such as Stanley Fearn Cycles and Matlock MOT (the large white building),
were also affected.
The water here is said to have come down the hillsides after
the excessive rain, so it was water run-off from the Dimple,
Bank Road, etc., and water coming up through the drains rather than
from the Derwent, that is believed to have caused the problem on
this occasion.
Floodwater coming up through the drains wasn't a new phenomenon. If you closely
study Harry Gill's 1960s film in the Mace Archive (linked at the bottom of this
section) you should be able to see occasional bubbling where the water is coming up.
Unfortunately, it is not easy to spot because of the tidal waves caused by the
large lorries, but it is there.

Two images of the fast moving Derwent, which had burst its banks, taken from
the same spot a little way along the Pic Tor footpath, 21 Feb 2022.
The water was heading downstream towards Matlock Dale and Matlock Bath, where
flood alerts were also in place.
These two photos were taken a few hours after the flooding had reached
its maximum height.
The riverside footpath was under water; it was also covered by debris.
Fallen, damaged, trees were both in the swollen river (shown above) and on the opposite
bank (pictured below).
Another tree had come down near Knowleston Place.

3. Cleaning up

Hall Leys, 22 Feb 2022.
Water levels were subsiding, the paths were open
and the clean up had begun.
22 Feb 2022
Debris piled up against the upstream side of the iron footbridge over the river, which was repaired very recently.
The maximum height of the floodwater was probably slightly lower
than in 2019 and the debris was a little different because of the time of
year. In 2019 there were very many leaves but this debris
consisted mostly of small twigs and branches broken off
by the high winds. The fast flowing water below the bridge was
still at a high level, but at least it was going under rather than over
the walkway.
Although the footbridge remained closed, the following morning
most of the debris on the paths had been cleared. Whilst the
rose garden was still submerged and flood water remained
in the paddling pool, the Council staff had done an excellent job. |
What happened next (27 February 2022 onwards)

28 Feb 2022.
The road over the County Bridge was closed and the Environment Agency were assessing
the situation as part of the flood wall had been damaged the previous day. Here a wall had
collapsed, some into the river, and stones moved from under the building where the orange
barrier can be seen.

Thursday 7 April.
This enormous crane was parked on Derwent Way, traffic lights had been installed in both
Crown Square and on Dale Road, and vehicles were once again crossing the bridge in both
directions. |

1 March 2022.
Underneath where the orange barrier had been on 28 February (shown on the left) had been washed away.
Fifty two white bags of gravel were placed below where the wall had collapsed.

7 Apr 2022 (above and below).
These show the amount of damaged sustained to both the wall and various properties.
Other photos show severe erosion of the riverbank underneath what had been a building.
What remained of the destroyed outbuilding behind the Crown Square shops (in the centre of the photo) has since been demolished.
It is estimated that over 60 green bags, filled with large grey gravel, were put in place.
They were guided in by the man in the middle (above), who had a thin wire attached to him.
A lifebelt lies on the ground nearby.
Trees along the riverbank had been cut down.

Matlock Bridge was closed to all traffic, including pedestrians and cyclists, from 13 June 2022
to prepare it in readiness for the flood prevention work. So pedestrians and cyclists were advised
to use the bridge in the Hall Leys park. The bridge was re-opened on 1 August for two-way
traffic as Derwent Way has been closed until these major repairs are completed, although
there is only one pavement over the bridge. A different crane was now on Derwent Way (see below) and materials
are also there in readiness. Things progressed quickly, with more gravel bags and some kind of
pontoon in the river. The work aroused a good deal of local interest.

Monday 8 August.
The replacement crane. |

8 August 2022.
View of the work's progress from under the bridge.
A working platform was then created in the river on top of the green bags that had been placed on the riverbed, with a footbridge connecting
it to the Derwent Way side. It seemed to fill over half of the river. Piling work was then undertaken, no mean feat because the work involved
drilling through the limestone below. Some slippage also occured on the opposite bank.
The scheduled work for the year was completed shortly before Christmas 2022. There were a couple of minor hiccups as some trees
fell into the Derwent and had to be removed. By early January 2023 the work shelf, the equipment and the footbridge had all has been removed,
with just the platform remaining for the time being.
The work was finished - and then came the first major test ...

12 October 2023. The County Bridge was open.
Safety barriers, railings and gates have been added to the tops of the stone walls.
The left bank has also been improved/strengthened. Large rocks, said to be immovable, have been placed on the water's edge.
The Environment Agency have clearly invested a great deal of thought and care into protecting the bridge and the nearby buildings
as well as spending time on some community projects.

A few finishing touches were being added to the retaining wall,
which is faced with high quality local stone. |

21 October 2023.
Storm Babet caused havoc in the U.K. but whilst there was some flooding in the Matlocks, it was largely contained.
This photo was taken from the bridge just over 4 hours after the water level had been at its highest.

21 October 2023. Excess flood water contained in the Hall Leys Park.
There was the usual hay bale jammed against the bottom of the bridge connecting the park with Dale Road.
The A6 near the former Boat House Hotel also flooded again and Matlock Bath had to cancel their Illuminations but the Matlocks were luckier
than many other communities.
Agency: Matlock Flood Wall. Keep up to date with what is happening or has happened.
Of interest is the Mace Archive, with video footage by Harry Gill of the 1960 and 1965
floods in Matlock - see Harry
Gill, the tempestuous years (external link, so will open in a
new window or tab). What was astonishing to see was how fast vehicles
were being driven through the flood water, creating bow waves that
made the situation worse for the premises bordering the roads.