& Matlock Bath Newspaper Cuttings, Jul 1914 - Nov 1918 |
A collection of newspaper reports
that were mostly published over 75 years ago. |
This section deals with the First World War, so from the outbreak
of war in Europe on 28 July 1914 until shortly after the armistice
on 11 November 1918. It begins with a regatta and ends with
a wounded soldier, covering a wide range of new stories that
are not included elsewhere on the site. Great Britain did not
declare war on Germany until 4th August.
The information from news reports concerning soldiers whose names
appear on the local memorials has largely been included in the War
Memorials section of the site, although some is on this page.
There are a large number of photographs that show the early years
of the War in the Vernon
Lamb Archive.
Years covered:
Surnames on the page:
1914 |
Derbyshire Courier, Sat 29 August 1914
Ideal weather favoured the annual regatta Matlock Bath on Saturday.
The event, which had been originally arranged for August 15th, and
postponed on account of rain, took part on the Promenade length of
the Derwent. The attendance was very fair, and the Rowing Club have
no reason to complain. The principle officers were:- Starter, Mr.
W. Boden : judges, Mr. Speed and Mr. Daniels ; competitors' steward,
Mr. Dearn. The prizes, kindly distributed by Miss E. M. Quilliam,
were awarded as follows:-
Double sculling: Miss Donegani and Miss Fowkes: pair oar: Mr. Oliver
and Mr. A. Hall : ladies' double sculling: Miss S. Smith and Miss
Huddard : gentleman's single sculling: Mr. W. Oliver (first award
Mr. Quillam's silver cup): boys' obstacle race: J. Dalton: 100 yards
swimming: 1. Mr. S. Fowkes, 2. Mr. E. Wilkinson : water Derby : 1.
Mr. A Locke, 2. Mr. W. Mottram: water tournament: Mr. C. Brown, 2.
Mr. W. Mottram: swimming and dressing : Mr. L. Locke: obstacle race,
senior: Mr. A. L. Locke.
Derbyshire Courier, 5 September 1914
Sergt. Cocking, of Matlock, for many years the burly commissionaire
at Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment, Matlock Bank, has no less
than seven sons serving with the colours. |
Derbyshire Courier, 5 September 1914
MATLOCK BATH Firm's Offer.
The Directors of the Masson Mill, Matlock Bath, have offered to all
men enlisting half wages and a guarantee to take them back into their
employ at the end of the war.
The general manager, Mr. Webster, made the announcement to a meeting
of the men when he appealed for recruits to Kitchener's Army. The
immediate prospects of the Mill were dark, and it would take all
their efforts to keep going at half time. Surely British blood would
tell, and men would go to war and get full wages than remain idly
at home on half. They must show that this part of Derbyshire was
not behind in helping to fill up Lord Kitchener's Army, instead of
flag waving and shouting they must enrol and emulate the men who
at Mons and Charleroi were meeting in the battlefield the finest
troops in Europe.
Arkwright & His
Cotton Mill in Matlock Bath
Derbyshire Courier, 26 September 1914
School or Drill at Matlock?
Sir, - On reading the notice referring to the Matlock and Matlock
Bath Evening Schools most people will agree that for this season
at least it would be far better to teach the male students drill
and the use of the rifle. The female students could take Red Cross
work, etc. It would be interesting to see last season's balance sheet
and to ascertain the cost per. student and certificate ; also to
work out the percentage of the population attending from the Matlock
and Matlock Bath district. An answer to the question "Is the game worth the candle?" would
be self evident from facts thus obtained. - Yours, etc.,
Scarthin, Matlock.
23rd September. |
Derbyshire Courier, 01 December 1914
From our correspondent,
(Article about the troops stationed there)
Scenes great enthusiasm were witnessed Wednesday evening, when a
strong contingent from Matlock arrived at headquarters. The Matlock
half-company of "E" Company numbers over a hundred brawny
young fellows, who seem entirely different from the lads of say Whalley
Bridge Company in physique. The latter are none the worse soldiers,
however, for being slightly built, and probably it is their environment
in a textile manufacturing district which has had its effect on
the young soldiers' stature, but the contrast seems to be accentuated
when the two companies parade side by side. Among the Matlock fellows
who seemed destined for early promotion to non-commissioned rank
I noticed Pte. W. H. Rylands, well known for his histrionic talents
; Pte. C. F. White, the only son of Mr. C. F. White, of Matlock Bath,
the chief political agent for the Liberal party in West Derbyshire
; Pte Edgar Barnwell, and a host of other prominent Matlock men,
all of whom seem to be enjoying their first taste of military life
when I dropped into the extensive smoking room of the hotel, where
they are billeted.
See the
Vernon Lamb Archive
Derbyshire Courier, 26 December 1914
From our correspondent, Buxton.
(Article about the troops stationed there)
Recently a signalling section has been started in connection with
the Reserve Battalion, and it is wonderful what keenness the members
of it display in their special branch of work. The system used is
the well-known semaphore code so commonly practised in the British
Navy. The section is commanded by Lieut. O'Farrall, a very popular
officer, and the instructor is Sergt. Edwards, of Matlock, who is
exceptionally well liked by his men.
Trainee signallers can be
seen in the Vernon Lamb Archive. See: 9761 |
9762 |
Matlock people will be interested know that
their own half company of lads are settling down their new work admirably.
and have already obtained reputation for good drill. Two their number,
I observed this week end have been appointed to staff billets. I
refer to Pte. Edgar Barnwell, a son of Mr. H. D. Barnwell, the Matlock
jeweller, who has been transferred to the Quartermasters Office,
and Pte. W. S. D. Lennox, of Matlock Bath, who now performs some
useful work in the Battalion Orderly Room. In civilian life, the
latter is articled to Mr. W. Jaffray architect and estate agent,
Derby Daily Telegraph, 28 December 1914
A blizzard blew in the Peak of Derbyshire today, there being snow
two feet deep in the high land. The telephone service was broken
down. Mild weather prevailed at Matlock, but there was snow at Buxton.
Soldiers in the snow at Buxton
are pictured in the Vernon
Lamb Archive - see the sections dealing with the War. |
1915 |
Manchester Evening News, 5 February 1915
After many attempts to get troops billeted at Matlock Bath the residents
were cheered to-day by the billeting officer's (Major Johnson)
visit from Aldershot. For the Northern command he has to-day billeted
300 men the Kursaal, another 200 at the Old Pavilion, and 28 officers
at the Royal Hotel. These are of the Army Service Corps, and are
to arrive next week. |
Derbyshire Courier, 13 February 1915
Large Number Expected.
The military authorities have consented to billet troops at Matlock
and Matlock Bath. The exact number of men be stationed in the two
towns has not yet been made public, but it stated in some local circles
that there will be 4,000 from the West Riding. This statement, however,
should be accepted with reserve. It is understood that the troops
will include a detachment of the Army Services Corps under Major
Johnson. One hundred and fifty are to be accommodated at the Royal
Hotel Pavilion and 280 at the Kursaal. According to arrangements,
the troops were to enter the Matlocks yesterday (Friday). |
Derbyshire Courier, 16 February 1915
Matlock Soldier's Pathetic Letters.
An instance of how the Germans are treating British prisoners of
war is furnished by Private G. Booth, of Starkholmes who is in a
concentration camp the province of Hanover.
From the prison Booth, who is in the 2nd Sherwood Foresters, has
written home pitiful letters in which he asks for bread and dripping
to be sent to him. They have, he says, a small loaf of prison bread
and a cup of black coffee without milk or sugar every third day.
They are so hungry that this is consumed as soon as they get it.
Consequently they are without food for three days.
Private Booth's mother is a widow. The appeal was placed by a friend
before the committee of the Valentine dance and entertainment, held
in the Pavilion, and it is understood that a sum is to be allocated
from receipts to the relief of this urgent case. Further, Mr. Rowbottom,
manager of the Pavilion, placed the facts before his Cinema audience
on Saturday and the statements elicited a response amounting to £1
4s. 6d. which has been handed to Mr. J. W. Boden, confectioner, of
Matlock Bath, so that he may send five weekly parcels.
High Peak News, Saturday, 27 February,
(Matlock Bath Section)
We regret to record a sad event which has occurred
in connection with the Military at Matlock Bath. On Tuesday evening
Lieut. Fuller, aged 21, came from Woolwich and complained of illness.
The next morning his room had to be broken into, when it was found
he was unconscious. Drs. W. Cecil Sharpe and F. Crarer (military
local physicians) were summoned, but he died on Wednesday. Deceased
belonged to Lichfield. (AA)
On Wednesday the residents and visitors of the Matlocks
were keenly interested in a Marathon race arranged for the members
of the A.S.C. stationed at Matlock Bath. Over 100 entered the race,
which was about five miles, through Matlock Dale, Matlock and Starkholmes.
The result was as follows: - 1. Driver Johnson 22 mins ; 2. Driver
Kynoch ; 3. Driver P. Simpson ; and 4. Lc. Corpl. Stuart. |
Derbyshire Courier, 22 May 1915
Bandsman Turner, Matlock.
Amongst the recently wounded is Bandsman John Edward Turner, younger
brother of Mr. J. Turner, surveyor to the Matlock Council, now lies
at the Anglo-American Hospital, Boulogne, with a bullet wound in
the right side of the body, and it is understood that his condition
is satisfactory. Bandsman Turner is in the 2nd Royal Warwicks, having
been with the Colours for 13 years. After serving his time he emigrated
to Buenos Ayres, but soon after the was broke out, he came to England
at his own expense, and re-enlisted in his old regiment. He went
out to the front and after taking part in several engagements, was
disabled last Sunday morning.
Lieutenant Eastwood.
Amongst the Matlock men wounded is Lieutenant Albert Edward Eastwood,
who joined the Liverpool Royal Engineers on 1st January. It is understood
that he was struck by a bullet in the thigh. For the last four years
prior to his enlistment he has been employed as an assistant manager
at the Matlock Gas Works, having taken up his post there in 1910.
He came there from the Wallesey Corporation Gas Works at Seacombe.
Lieut. Eastwood is a young man, unmarried, and has previously served
two years in the Liverpool Territorials. |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 17 June 1915
The position of affairs with regard to the amalgamation of Matlock
and Matlock Bath was explained on Wednesday by Mr. G. H. Key (chairman
of the Matlock Bath Council), who entertained the delegates of
the Derbyshire Councils Association to tea.
Responding to a vote of thanks proposed by Alderman Moss (Ilkeston),
who had expressed hope that the Matlocks would soon adjust their
differences and become one borough, Mr. Key said that if the amalgamation
was to the interests of all concerned it would be effected. At present
amalgamation was not favoured by the majority of the ratepayers in
either of the Matlocks. There was a strong feeling for it, and a
strong feeling against it, but no doubt it would be brought about
some day. As far as he was concerned, the sooner the better.
Derbyshire Courier, 19 June 1915
Corporal Henstock of the Sixth Shegwood [sic] Foresters.
News has been received at Matlock, of the death from wounds of Corpl.
Henstock, reported the other day as wounded. Corpl. Henstock was
a resident of Matlock and was employed at Mr. Farnsworth's bleach-works.
Only 26 years of age, he was the nephew of Mr. C. W. Henstock, who
for 34 years has been head bathman at Smedleys. His older brother,
Mr. H.? Henstock, also has had a position there for the last 20 years
and another brother, Mr. E. Henstock, is employed at the same establishment.
Corpl. Henstock, who went out on 27 February, was the senior corporal
of the battalion and held the certificate for the rank of Sergt.
obtained in his Territorial camp last year. He belonged to the Territorial
Force previously to the war. He was unmarried. The following letter,
dated 8 June, has been received by his mother, Mrs. Henstock, from
Colonel Goodman, the officer commanding the 6th Sherwood Foresters "I
write to express my sympathy of the battalion with you in the loss
of your son, Corpl. S. Henstock, who has died of wounds received
in action. It will some comfort you realise that he has given his
life for his country. You will in due time be informed of the place
of his burial".
Names on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J: Samuel
Derbyshire Courier, 19 June 1915
Mr. Lionel Dare Mordle, son of Mr. F. Dare Mordle, of Matlock Bath,
has just been gazetted Second Lieutenant in the 7th Battalion Sherwood
Foresters (Robin Hood Rifles) Territorials, from the Felstead School
Contingent, Junior Division, Officers' Training Corps. |
Derbyshire Courier, 22 June 1915
How Matlock Has Improved.
Derbyshire's Dusty Roads.
References to the improvement of Matlock were made in the Town Hall
on Saturday at a meeting of the Institute of Municipal and County
Mr. D. M. Wildgoose, chairman of the Urban District Council,
extended a welcome to the members. He said that though Matlock was
small, it was important ; at least the residents thought so. They
were becoming more up to date. The time was not remote when a rural
or district council, thought anyone, even a common labourer, would
do for a surveyor providing he had common sense. With all due respect
to these men it was necessary in these days of science that a surveyor
should be up to date in sanitary matters. They were trying to make
the town what it ought to be, and those who were privileged to visit
it could see what rapid strides had been made. They had improved
a park and bought up all the important corners so that they could
plant them to make the town more beautiful, and they did what they
could to the roads.
Although it had been thought their sanitation well nigh perfect
a new scheme had been introduced and they hoped that the health of
the district, never bad, would be better even than in the past. Their
rateable value was not large, and they had laid out their money to
the best advantage, conserving the beauty spots of the place, and
they heard and read of Matlock all over.
More Visitors Than Ever.
In spite of the cloud hanging over the country Matlock had not suffered.
Indeed they were in a better position, for more visitors were staying
there than in any year. Perhaps visitors looked upon the Matlocks
as well protected by their position from air raids. While fully sensible
of the terrible war and the large amount of sacrifice in life and
resources yet he would be sanguine enough to believe all would come
right. In patriotism Matlock shone out, having sent 400 men to do
their work and his, further, having subscribed money lavishly. ...
Derbyshire Courier, 29 June 1915
Intimation has been received at Matlock this week that Private T.
White, of the 1st Wiltshire Regiment, has been twice wounded. After
the first injury he returned to the trenches, but soon afterwards
was again wounded. He has been invalided home and is at present in
hospital. A brother of his, Private E. White, 6th Notts. and Derby
Territorials, is suffering from serious shrapnel wounds in both legs.
He is, however, making good progress towards recovery. |
Derbyshire Courier, 3 July 1915
Lance-Corporal Fentem Killed.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Fentem, of Matlock, were notified on Tuesday that
their son, Lance-Corporal F. S. Fentem, had been killed in action.
Deceased, who was 27 years of age, joined the Ist Sherwood Foresters
seven years ago last October. He had been at the front virtually
since the beginning of the war. He spent five day's leave at home
last summer.
The intimation was in the form of a letter from Lance-Corporal
Lee, which reads as follows: "I sadly write to inform you of
the death of your son, who was killed outright by a shell, along
with two more poor souls. It happened at about 5p.m. on 19 June.
The whole company send you their deepest sympathy on the loss of
your beloved one, for he was liked by all".
[Lance Corporal Fentem, Service
No:10227, died on 19 June 1915. He was buried at Neuve-Chapelle
British Cemetery, Pas de Calais. His parents lived
on Underwood Terrace, Smedley Street. His name is shown on Darley
Dale's War Memorial] |
Derbyshire Courier, 13 July 1915
Sergeant G. W. Knowles (Matlock), one of the crack shots of Derbyshire,
has been wounded in the leg while serving with the 6th Sherwood Foresters.
He is a well known Bisley winner, and member of the Derbyshire Bisley
Club, and of rifle clubs at Derby and Matlock. |
Derbyshire Courier, 14 September 1915
Two Soldiers Killed and Two Wounded.
News has been received of the death of Private Herbert Checkley,
who enlisted a year ago at the age of 18, and fell about 9 August
at the Dardenelles. Private Checkley, who before his death was employed
at Smedley's, was the son of Mrs. Checkley. a widow, of Lime Grove
Avenue, Matlock.
Yet another death from wounds of a Matlock man is
reported. The victim is Private Owen Bunting, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Bunting, of the Green, Matlock. Private Bunting, who was 22,
had enlisted at the beginning of the war, and died of injuries received
on 11 August. Before joining the army he had been employed by Messrs.
Orme and Co.
A letter received by the mother of Private Edward Beard, of the
Sherwood Foresters, at the Dardenelles, states that he has been wounded
in the leg and hand by shrapnel. His brother writes that the wounded
soldier is progressing satisfactorily. At the outbreak of war Private
Beard was a painter at Matlock.
Private J. Mills wrote his mother, on Saturday, that Private A.
Poulteney, of Matlock, has been wounded in the leg at the Dardenelles.
See Names on Matlock's War
Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J | Names on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames K - W
Derby Daily Telegraph, 14 September 1915
Mr. D. M. Wildgoose presided last night. _ Mr. J. Turner, the town
surveyor, reported to the Council that income from the cable tramway
for the month August reached the highest point on record since the
tramway was given to Matlock late Sir George Newnes, a native of
the district. That was 17 years ago, and the surveyor added that
this prosperity was due, no doubt, to the increased number of visitors
coming to Matlock this season. The tramway deficit, which had recently
been about £1,000, was reported to have fallen to £30. |
Derbyshire Courier, 18 September 1915
Motor Transport Driver T. Bowler, in a communication to his father,
Mr. Thomas Bowler, of Matlock, says that he has been wounded, and
is in hospital in France. He writes that he is going on all right,
and hopes to be out again soon. Bowler was a motor driver at Matlock
when the war broke out. News came to Mrs. Beard, of Matlock Bank,
that the injuries to her son, Private W. E. Beard, are more serious
that was expected. He has landed in England, and has lost his right
leg and his right arm. No further news has yet come to hand of Private
A. Gregory, who was reported as missing in the Dardenelles on 9 August.
The letter relating to Private W. E. Beard states that he is very
See Names
on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J
Derbyshire Courier, 16 November 1915
Private Joseph Travis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trueman Travis,
of Greenhill Terrace, Matlock, is now lying in hospital at Alexandria,
having been wounded by a bullet in the thigh at Gallipoli. It is
stated that his wound is not of a very serious character. Four letters
have been received from him posted before he was wounded. In these
he speaks of hard and incessant fighting in the trenches. Before
his enlistment in the 9th Sherwood Foresters he was working as a
carter for Mr. Furniss of Matlock. His brother [is this brother-in-law?],
Driver Wm. Furniss of the Royal Field Artillery, enlisted at the
same time, both being members of a contingent of about 40 local men
who joined at the beginning of the war. Driver Travis formerly worked
for Mr. Hand, of Matlock, driving the 'bus between Matlock and Cromford.
His two brothers-in-law, Troopers Whittaker and Boden, are serving
in the Yeomanry. |
Derbyshire Courier, 11 December 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, of the Constabulary, Matlock, have received
official notice to the effect that their third son, Lance Corporal
Reginald H. Clarke, is lying seriously ill in hospital at Goza, near
Cairo. All the four of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke's sons are serving their
country. |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 14 December 1915
At the monthly meeting of the Matlock Council on Monday night Mr.
D. M. Wildgoose in the chair, it was reported that the reduction
in street lighting on the ground of economy had been abandoned and
the full service resumed. Mr. Drabble characterised the reduction
of the service as mis-directed economy. - The cable tramway traffic
was again stated to have increased over the record of a year ago.
- The reply for the request for troops to be billeted at Matlock
was that no troops are available at the present, but that the claim
of Matlock had not been lost sight of. |
Derbyshire Courier, 18 December 1915
Reward of Courage and Efficiency.
Sergeant Maurice Limb, Matlock Bath, has been awarded the D.C.M.
for his courage and efficiency in carrying out a difficult operation.
After heavy day's shelling by the enemy he crept by night into the
German trenches to see what they had done and returned with observations
for the making of plans. In these he helped his officers so that
they were able to arrange a highly successful night attack in which
not a man of ours was lost.
Further, the undermining movements of the enemy were completely
Sergeant Limb, who is the son of Mrs. Limb of Masson Terrace, has
come unscathed through the battles of Loos, Ypres, Hooge and other
Derby Daily Telegraph, Friday 31 December 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Newcombe, of Old Bank House, Matlock, received letter
on Thursday announcing that their youngest son, Lieutenant Charles
Neal Newcombe, the 7th Battalion the K.O.Y.L.I. (7th King's Own Yorkshire
Light Infantry) had been killed in action.
The deceased officer, who was 24 years of age, was well known in
sporting circles in Chesterfield where his parents resided until
12 months ago. An all-round cricketer, he had played with Chesterfield, Creswell and Mansfield, and when only
18 years of age he was included in the Derbyshire team against Yorkshire at Chesterfield. This was in the season
1910. As a footballer Lieutenant Newcombe did duty at inside left with Chesterfield and afterwards with Rotherham County.
At the outbreak of war he joined the Nottingham City Battalion as
a private. Later he was transferred to the Sherwood Foresters and
became attached to the K.O.Y.L.I upon receiving his commission.
It was only a fortnight before his death that he became full lieutenant.
Deceased was apprenticed to mining engineering in the Chesterfield
district, under Mr. J. P. Houfton, the managing director of the Bolsover
Colliery Company.
A letter from Lieutenant-colonel V. A. Fowler stated that Lieut.
Newcombe was killed on Monday, being shot through the throat and
dying instantly. "I am sorry indeed to lose such a good officer,
who was always keen and reliable. He was such a splendid sample of
a man, and all his influence with the men was for good".
The Newcombes were listed at Old
Bank House in Kelly's1916 Directory
1916 |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1916
of the School at Easter, 1911, the number of boys has increased to
over three times its original number. Modern buildings, woodwork
and engineering workshop, laboratory, rifle range, excellent playing
fields. Strong staff.
Fully illustrated Prospectus from the Headmaster -
See Schools
in Earlier Times (Former Private Schools)
Derby Daily Telegraph, 18 January 1916
Grand Master James Shaw, of the Devonshire Lodge, Matlock, presided
over the annual conference of the Unity Oddfellows, held (Matlock)
on Monday. |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 20 January 1916
At Matlock, on Wednesday, under the Defence the Realm Act, William
Greaves, bathman, was fined 40s. for removing two pigeons without
a permit.
Supt. Clarke told the Bench that defendant wished send two
pigeons to a show, and came to him. He told him he required the
necessary permit from the secretary of the show. However, the defendant
had not got it, and sent the pigeons to the show.
Defendant said he was very sorry. These were exhibition and not racing
birds, and he did not think it was necessary to have a permit. |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 24 January 1916
Mr. Fred Ogden, lessee of the Fishpond Hotel, Matlock Bath, fell
down in the kitchen on Saturday, and died before medical aid could
reach him. Deceased, who formerly held a licensed house Sheffield,
was about 50 years age. Mr. Ogden was well-known as an angler.
Pond Hotel, 1910 (one of several images)
Derbyshire Courier, 8 February 1916
At the Matlock Police Court the following special constables were
sworn in: Ellis Martindale (Bonsall), Chas. Birch (Matlock), W. Read
(Cromford). Broom (Matlock), H. Challand (Matlock), G. H.. Key (Matlock
Bath), and J. Smith (Matlock). |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 17 February 1916
Two Belgian refugees, named Leon and Klein, of West Hampstead, London,
were charged at Matlock on Wednesday with failing to give notice
to the registration officer of change of address. The son appeared
and pleaded guilty. - Supt. Clarke said the defendants came from
London to a Matlock hydro without giving notice, and went back to
London without serving the notice. He believed it was a mistake.
- The Bench ordered the payment of costs, 5s. each, and warned the
refugees that the law must be obeyed, although the English had every
sympathy with them.
The Vernon Lamb Archive has
pictures of Belgian Refugees. See: 5046 | 5065 |
Also fundrasing for their relief
See: 5173 | 5174 |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 19 April 1916
There were big floods in the Peak dales on Tuesday. Continuous heavy
rains all night washed all the snow from the hills, where it had
lain for six weeks. ... An almost unprecedented rise took place
in the River Derwent at Matlock on Tuesday. Near the Switchback Railway
at Matlock Bath the water was out over the footpath the Lovers' Walk,
and was still rising.
See Flooding in the Matlocks
High Peak News, Saturday, 22 April, 1916
An official report this week confirms the statement made years ago
when the Derwent Valley Water Board was being formed, that the introduction
of the scheme would prevent floods in the Wye and the Derwent. This
winter has proved the forecast to be a fact in actual experience.
For instance, the great snows passed off without the rivers rising materially. |
High Peak News, Saturday, 29 April, 1916
We learn from Miss Marsden-Smedley of Lea Green that the re-organisation
of agriculture owing to the war is of utmost importance, indeed the
food supply of the country depends on it. While the prices of foodstuff
continues to rise, it is sad to hear of land going out of cultivation
owing to the farmers being unable to obtain labour. A meeting is to
be held at the Matlock Town Hall on Saturday April 29th when this important
question will be discussed. Her Grace The Duchess of Devonshire has
consented to preside, and among other able speakers will be Mr. Jas.
Oakes, Chairman of the County War Agricultural Committee and Mr. Davies,
the organiser for the Board of Agriculture. |
Derbyshire Courier, 16 May 1916
Brief news has been received in Matlock that Private Alwyn Stewart
Buckman, postmaster at Matlock, was wounded during the street fighting
in Dublin. Private Buckman, who belongs to one of the battalions
of the Sherwood Foresters, is now lying at Monkston House Auxiliary
Hospital, Co. Dublin. Prior to the war he was an clerk at the Buxton
branch of Parr's Bank. The parents have received a letter from Private
Buckman stating that he is in hospital, but giving no details as
the nature of his injuries.
Private Robert Gregory, a son of Mr. Gregory, of Bank Road, Matlock,
was wounded in the Dublin insurrection by an insurgent sniper, who
shot him in the knee with a small shot fired from a sporting gun.
Private Gregory is only 19 years of age, and has been with the forces
since September, 1914. He belongs to one of the battalions of the Sherwoods. |
Belper News, 16 June 1916
Lance Corpl. Harry Thompson, of the Sherwoods, who before the war
was employed at the Lumsdale Bleach Works. In a letter to his mother
he said he was supervising a squad of men digging in the earth
to construct a "dug-out" when the Germans must have seen
them, for a shell burst close by, wounding him in the ankle and
the leg rather seriously. A Lumsdale comrade, Pte. Ernest Crowder,
helped carry him to the dressing station, and he was operated on
in Rouen Hospital. He is now a patient at Bristol Military Hospital. |
Derbyshire Courier, 24 June 1916
Particulars have reached Matlock of shocking wounds received in action
by Rifleman Isaac Knight, King's Royal Rifles, a former Matlock schoolteacher.
It appears that a heavy shell burst in Rifleman Knight's dug-out,
blowing off one of his feet and a portion of the other. He is 23
years of age and a native of Widnes, but had been employed at the
Matlock Council School for about eleven months before he joined up
in July 1915. Whilst in Matlock he resided with Mrs. Wildgoose in
Wellington Street. |
Derbyshire Courier, 27 June 1916
Private Herbert Pickford, Durham Light Infantry, of Matlock Bath
been wounded in the left shoulder and admitted to the 22nd General
Hospital in France. He has written, however, to his aunt, Mrs.
Bentley, of Primrose Cottage, Dale Road, Matlock Bath), saying that
he is progressing. Before the war he was employed by the English
Sewing Cotton Co. at Masson Mills, Matlock Bath. His brother Sapper
Richard Pickford, Royal Engineers, was killed last December. In his
last letter Private Pickford mentions that some time ago he met Lance-Corpl.
John Else, R.E., who was reported killed in this journal only last
week, and comments on the fact that he had just been promoted.
See Names
on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J | Names
on Matlock Bath's War Memorial |
Sheffield Independent, 8 September 1916
The death has occurred at Matlock of Miss Eleanor Kewley, sister Canon J. W. Kewley, rector of Matlock, with whom she resided. Miss
Kewley, who was her 80th year, was indefatigable church worker, and her demise is a great blow to the church locally. The funeral
is fixed for Monday [11 September].
See Canon Kewley & His Sisters
Derbyshire Courier, 30 September 1916
LCE.-CPL. A. E. MILLER Formerly of Matlock (Killed).
[Lance Corporal A. E. Miller was in the 13th Battalion,
Canadian Infantry, Service No. 427798. He was killed on 4 Sep 1916
and is commemorated at Vimy Ridge, Pas de Calais.] |
1917 |
High Peak News, Saturday, Feb 10, 1917
(Matlock Bath Section)
On the evening of the first inst., the Pavilion was packed with a large number of people from the district to enable
a substantial sum to be raised for the Red Cross Fund and for the fund for the Derbyshire Soldiers Comforts.
The Red Cross Committee and officers had the entertainment in hand and deserve every praise for their splendid work. The committee
included the following ladies: Mrs. Askwith, Miss Adams, Mrs. G. Doxey, Mrs. Jacques, Mrs. Jaffrey, Miss G. H. Key, Mrs. W. E. Smith,
and Miss Walker; Mrs. Durbridge and Miss Lymn were the hon. secretaries and Mr. Tom Coates and Mr. Hetherington the hon. treasurers. The
programme for the evening was three fold, viz. : Dance, whist drive and cinema.
The M.C.'s for the dancing were Messrs. G. Walters, Joseph Oliver and E. Randle ; for the whist, Messrs. H. C. Buckman
and W. E. Smith; and for the cinema, Mr. J. F. Donegani and Mr. R. Tinti ; at the gates were Messrs. Tom Coates and H. Hetherington.
The Ladies' Committee looked after the buffet, ably assisted by Mr. Fearn and Mr. J. Bates. Other ladies assisting besides those
on the committee mentioned ... Misses Key, Mosley, Swain etc. ... £40 was raised ...
(AA) |
Derbyshire Courier, 17 February 1917
Private Norman Handley, Sherwood Foresters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Handley,
the Dimple, Matlock, is lying in hospital in France wounded in the
arm and back. In a letter which reached his parents last week-end,
he says he will be in bed for some time to come. He is 19 years old,
and has been in the Army about six months. His brother, Private John
Handley, who is not yet 21, has been twice wounded. He expects to
return to the front shortly.
Names on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J: John William Handley
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald, 5 May 1917
Information has reached Mr David Parker of "Beech Cliffe," Matlock
Bath, that his son Second-Lieut. B. N. Parker, Sherwood Foresters,
was wounded in the leg and foot, when his battalion were preparing
to attack the German lines. The injuries include a compound fracture
of bones in the foot. Lieut. Parker, who is 23 years of age, was
gazetted in August, 1915, and went to the Front in the following
July. Before joining up he was assistant master at Bury St. Edmund's
Secondary School, and previous to taking up this appointment he had
studied in Paris. Lieut. Parker is a son in law of Mr. Henry Marsden, of Matlock. |
Derbyshire Courier, 12 May 1917
Amongst the officers in hospital in France is Second Lieutenant Edward
H. Dakin, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dakin, of Smedley Street, Matlock,
who has been wounded in the thigh. Lieutenant Dakin, who is a bombing
instructor to a battalion of the Leicestershires, joined the London
Scottish, and was severely gassed during the exploits of that regiment
in France. After a long period in England, he was gazetted second
lieutenant in the Leicestershire in August, 1915. For some time after
this he gave instruction in the bombing in England, but returned
to France last January. |
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald, 26 May 1917
The five soldier sons of Mrs Farmer, of "Grassmere" Matlock,
are well known and admired by most residents of Matlock, who will regret
to hear that this week notifications have been received to the effect
that two them have been wounded.
The first is Second-Lieut. J. B. Farmer, Sherwood Foresters, respecting
whom the War Office have forwarded the following telegram:- Lieut.
Farmer was admitted to the 8th General Hospital, Rouen, on May 18th
suffering from a severe gunshot wound in the right shoulder. He is
making satisfactory progress. Lieutenant Farmer, who is 31 years
of age and single, joined the colours at Liverpool, and has been
to France on two separate occasions.
Mrs. Farmer has also been notified that her fourth soldier son,
Pioneer-Chemist James Farmer, Royal Engineers, has been admitted
to an Australian Hospital in France suffering from the effects of
being gassed and a wound in the right hand. He is 22 years of age
and single, and was employed at Leeds before joining up. He served
an apprenticeship with Mr. A. E. Davis, chemist, of Matlock. |
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald, 26 May 1917
News has reached Mr. White of Imperial Road, Matlock, to the effect
that his son, Pte. Percy White, Sherwood Foresters, is in hospital
at Perth suffering from a wound in the leg. Pte. White, who is a
single man, was formerly employed by Messrs. Josiah Smart and Sons'
Limestone Quarries, Matlock, and he left there on April 25th, 1916,
to join the colours. |
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald, 9 June 1917
Splendid news has been received by Mrs. Thomas of Matlock, regarding
her husband Lance Corpl. William Herbert Thomas, Yorks and Lancs.
Two months ago, he was reported killed, but a post card has now
been received from him, although not in his own handwriting, stating
that he is a prisoner of war at a German internment camp, and is
all right except for a wound in the hand. Prior to the war he was
employed by Messrs. Leonards, boot retailers, and managed their
Matlock shop. |
Derbyshire Courier, 16 June 1917
A letter received from the Rev. J. Wilson, an Army chaplain in France,
by Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gregory, of Matlock Town, points to the fact
that their son, Private Ezra Gregory, South Staffs has made the supreme
sacrifice. The letter reads:-"You will have heard by this [time]
of your son's death out here. I buried him in a single grave in a
large British cemetery here. I sympathise for you in your great sorrow." Up
to the present the parents have had no additional information as
to how their son met his death. Private Gregory, who was 30 years
of age and single, had been nearly 12 months at the front. He was
employed at Matlock before he enlisted. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory have
four other sons at the front as follows:- Private Joseph Thomas Gregory,
Trench Mortar Battery, France ; Private Ernest Gregory, with the
transport section in Ireland ; Private William Gregory, South Staffs.,
whose whereabouts is unknown, and Private Charles Wilfred Gregory,
Territorial Reserve.
Names on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J: Ezra Gregory
Derby Daily Telegraph, 21 June 1917
Died of Wounds 241134 J. Dale, Gratton Moor, Matlock (Sherwood Foresters).
[Pte. Dale was born at and resided at Winster.
He enlisted at Matlock and had died on 20 May] |
Derbyshire Courier, 23 June 1917
Mrs. Thomas Atkins, of Church Street, Matlock Town, has received
information that the names of two of her sons are in the casualty
lists. Private John Thomas Atkins is in hospital in France suffering
from the effects of being gassed. He is 33, married, and lived in
Matlock Town before joining up two and a half years ago. Private
W. Harold Atkins is in the 11th Stationary Hospital, France, having
been wounded in the face by gunshot. A letter from the soldier himself
says that he has lost an eye. Private Atkins, who joined up at the
outbreak of war, is 24 years of age and unmarried. Both he and his
brother were employed at Mr. W. Shaw's quarry in pre-war days. |
High Peak News, Saturday, 4 August, 1917
The death has occurred at Matlock of Mr Charles Hatfield of Sheffield
who was 75 years of age. He retired from his business of hairdresser
more than 20 years ago, and spent much of his leisure time in world
travel. Africa he knew like a book. India he had travelled from
end to end. He had penetrated the wilds of Canada, studied the
ancient civilisation of China, and, on their own carpets, discussed
with the grandees of Japan the problems and ambitions of that Power.
High Peak News, Saturday, 4 August, 1917
Considerable interest was taken in Matlock Bath and Derby on Wednesday
in the marriage of representatives of two of the best known families
of Matlock Bath and Derby. The bride was Miss H. M. (Mollie) Colebourn,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colebourn, of Old Bank House, Iron
Gate, Derby, and the bridegroom Lieut. William Fred Jacques, of the
A.S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacques, of Danbury Lodge, Matlock Bath.
The ceremony took place at St. Alkmund's Church, Derby, in the presence
of a large assemblage of relatives and friends.
The officiating clergyman was the Ven. the Archdeacon of Derby.
The bride was attended by one bridesmaid, and the best man was brother
of the bridegroom, Lieut. Lewis Jacques, who came from Sunderland
for the event. Lieut. Lewis Jacques has seen much active service
at the French front with the Sherwoods and is home in England after
two years in the trenches.
The bride was given away by her father. After the ceremony there
was a reception at the home of the bride's parents, and later, the
bride and bridegroom left for Llandudno for the honeymoon. The presents
were very numerous and costly. The bridegroom is the son of the well-known
cricketer, Mr. W. Jacques, and the bridegroom himself earned distinction
in sports, both at and after school. The bride and bridegroom have
everyone's best wishes for their future happiness.
(HH) |
Belper News, 10 August 1917
Dated July 28th, a telegram to Mrs Crowder, Cavendish Road, Matlock,
states that her son, Pte. James Crowder, Sherwood Foresters, is
dangerously ill in France. Later information, however, shows that
has reached the Second Western General Hospital, Manchester. It
seems that Pte. Crowder has never properly recovered from several
wounds he received three or four months ago, and he has been in
hospital in France for a considerable time. Joining the Sherwood
Foresters in the days of the Group System, he went to Ireland at
the time of the rebellion, and was subsequently drafted across
to France. He is 24 years of age and single, and in civil life
was assistant to the chef at Smedley's Hydro. His brother, Pte.
George Crowder, of the Lincolns, was killed in action on July 1st
of last year. Our readers will remember that at the time of the
evacuation of the Dardanelles we published a graphic description
of the fighting on the peninsular by Private G. Crowder, who had
been invalidated home with frostbitten feet. |
Derbyshire Courier, 11 August 1917
Private John Alsop, son of John Alsop, steward at the Matlock Conservative
Club, of Pope Carr, Matlock, has sent a brief note his parents (written
with his left hand) stating that he has been wounded in several places
in the right side, and that he is now in the St. John's ambulance
Brigade Hospital, France. Private Alsop, who is 26 years of age and
single, had been in France before he joined the colours, having been
engaged on painting huts there for soldiers. He enlisted about 12
months ago, and has been in France as a soldier for several months. |
Birmingham Daily Post, 03 September 1917
Train Runs into Platelayers.
While a gang of platelayers were at work yesterday in Doveholes tunnel,
on the Midland railway, Manchester and London main line, a goods
tram ran into the gangers and Enos Mycrofts, single (18), of Matlock,
was killed. Arnold Poundall, single (17), of Bonsall, has since died,
and George Gilbert, single (18), of Bonsall, escaped with a scalp
Enos had tried to join the army. See his brother's
entry (Mycock, Isaac) on Matlock's War Memorial
Derby Daily Telegraph, 20 September 1917
The "London Gazette" of Wednesday night states that the
following have been awarded the Military Medal:-
... Lance-corporal P. Knowles, Notts, and Regiment (Matlock) ...
[This was Percy Knowles, Reg. No.240935, whose
name was Gazetted in the Supplement on 14 September 1917] |
High Peak News, Saturday, 22 September, 1917
(Matlock Section)
Food Control work is being quite systematically done
at the Town Hall by the Secretary, Mr J. W. Bradbury. A room has
been set apart in the lobby on the ground floor and here, at fixed
hours, Mr. Bradbury sits to do business.
* * * *
(Matlock Section)
Messrs. Orme and Co. were the sugar distributors this
week for jam-making. We understand the applications totalled 130
tons. Of course the quantity had to be reduced - about a fourth is
being distributed to the applicants who are fruit growers.
* * * *
(Matlock Bath Section)
Gloves. The new industry at the Pavilion opened for business on Monday
last, when a dozen girls started work. The number of employees will
be increased ere long to about 40. This is splendid news for our town.
What has always been wanted has been some kind of a perennial money
getter for the working people of the district. The summer season is
always assured.
Bath's Glove Factory
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald, 6 October 1917
On Thursday, Mrs G. N. Else, Wellfield Matlock, received information
that her son, Joseph Walker, attached to the Tanks, had been awarded
the Military Medal, for a reason which, he says, he will communicate
when he comes home. Gunner Else [presumably Gunner Walker], who now
is now convalescent, after having been wounded, has been France twelve
Private George Else, step-brother to Gunr. Walker, who is in the
Lewis Gun Section of the Sherwood Foresters, has been recommended
for the Military Medal for some time. He is also convalescent.
Names on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J: George Else
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald, 13 October 1917
Few soldiers have had such an adventurous life as Pte. Robert Henry
Beard, son of Mrs. Beard of Cavendish Road, Matlock. For the fourth
time he has been wounded, on this occasion in the latest push, being
blown up and injured by a shell. In a letter to his mother written
at a casualty clearing station, he says: "I came through all
right, but one of Fritz's shells dropped near me, and I was knocked
out temporarily. I was one of a party who volunteered to bring the
wounded in (stretcher bearing). This has been the hottest 'do' I
have been in, and that is something, I reckon." Later on in
the communication Pte. Beard staes that he received a mauling, and
further information points to the fact that he was also blown up
by the shell. Pte. Beard joined up with his brother, ex-Pte. Wlliam
Beard, in the first days of the war and they went to the Dardenelles
together. As is well-known to Matlock people, it was here that Pte.
William Beard lost his right leg and arm, and his brother carried
him to a place of safety under heavy fire. Private Robert Beard had
dysentry twice, malaria fever, and he has also been four times wounded,
including once during the heavy Somme fighting last year. He is a
single man and 28 years of age.
Names on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J: William Edward Beard
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald, 13 October 1917
Sergt. W. Moreton, Matlock |
Derbyshire Courier, 20 October 1917
Matlock Officer's Appointment.
Amongst a number of Army appointments contained in the "London
Gazette" of 12 October was the following - "Headquarters
of Administrative Services and Departments. Quay Superintendent (graded
for purposes of pay as staff lieutenant first class), Second Lieutenant
G. W. Knowles, Sherwood Foresters, and to retain his temporary rank
while so employed". Lieutenant Knowles is the well known Matlock
rifle shot and a Volunteer and Territorial of many years standing.
In civil life he was employed on the clerical staff of the Midland
Railway Company at Derby. He has been wounded twice, and received
his commission from the ranks.
[Supplement to London Gazette dated 16 Oct 1917. G. W. Knowles
was Godfrey Walston Knowles, who was later a Captain in the Royal
Engineers - see 1901
census entry] |
Derbyshire Courier, 20 October 1917
Matlock Casualties.
Private Harold Hargreaves, K.O.Y.L.I., son of Mrs. Hargreaves, of
Church Street, Matlock, is reported dangerously wounded in the
leg, and is in hospital, in France. He was employed by Mr. Phillips,
hairdresser, of Crown Square, Matlock, before enlisting. His brother,
Private Joseph Hargreaves, is in France with the Lincolns.
Private J. W. Richards, son of Mrs. Richards, of Smedley Street,
Matlock, has been gassed and is in hospital at leicester. It seems
that he was buried by a bursting shell, and was gassed after being
dug out. Private Richards is 25 years of age, and has been in the
employ of Messrs. F. H. Drabble for some years. |
Derbyshire Times, 10 November 1917
Mr. William Thompson, blacksmith, of Matlock, has had bad news concerning
one of his two sons. One, Private Ernest Thompson, Sherwood Foresters,
now serving with a transport unit, has been severely kicked by
a horse, and is in hospital suffering from injuries to the arm.
He was one of the first of Kitchener's Army to go to France, where
he has been close upon three years, during which time he has had
one leave. Another son, Private Percy Thompson, Royal Scots, is
in hospital, but his father is not aware of the cause of his illness.
A third son, Private William Thompson, is fighting in France.
See the family in the 1901 census. |
Derbyshire Times, 10 November 1917
Private M. Thompson, Sherwood Foresters, of Dale Road, Matlock, has
been wounded. He was a porter on the Midland Railway at Matlock
before he joined the Army this year.
See: Matlock Station Staff, 1911 - 1966, K - Y |
Derbyshire Times, 8 December 1917
Artificer Corpl. F. J. Pell. R.F.A.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Pell, of
Kingsbridge Terrace, Matlock, has been awarded the Military Medal
for gallant conduct in assisting to save the guns of his battery.
Corpl. Pell, a Leicester man, had the award pinned to his tunic
by the Mayor of that town. He is 23 years of age, and has been
with the colours since the commencement of the war. |
Derbyshire Times, 22 December 1917
Both the soldier sons of Harry Ballington, nurseryman, of Matlock
Bank, are now in the casualty lists. He has just had news that
his eldest son Corpl. H. Ballington, Sherwood Foresters, was wounded
at the end of last month. A few weeks ago we recorded the fact
that Corpl. Ballington's brother, Sergt. G. E. Ballington, was
severely gassed, and he is still in hospital and is making good
progress. From later information it appears that Corpl. Ballington
has now reached a Manchester hospital and is making good progress.
Both Mr. Ballington's sons joined up in October 1914, and prior
to this assisted their father in his nursery work.
See: the 1901 census |
Belper News, 28 December 1917
Matlock in 1917. Outstanding Events in the District
When the writer compiled this column last year there was a general
feeling that we should have settled down to enjoy the fruits of an
honourable victory over our enemies and the blessing of a lasting
peace, but unforeseen circumstances, notably the revolution in Russia,
have upset all our calculations, and as the year goes our we find
ourselves still in the throes of war and with a knowledge that must
be faced that we have before us many months of anxiety, suffering
and sacrifice.
As in all other places, Matlock has been chiefly concerned
by the war and matters relating to its prosecution. In the early
days of the year, the War-Savings movement was given great impetus
by local campaign, which resulted in the formation Matlock War Savings
Committee, under which small associations sprang up at the various
places of business, hydros, clubs, etc., until there were twenty
one of them. The membership has gradually increased until it has
now reached the figure of 1,300, and the rate of payments equals £250
per month. No-one took a more active part in the work than Mr. A.
Saxton, whose lamented death occurred just as he saw his organising
efforts in this respect crowned with success. He was a greatly missed
man, for his fearless attitude on the Council and Tribunal, and his
keen insight into all questions of local government, made his presence
at the deliberations of the local authorities a great asset.
The only new formations in the town during the year related to the
Food Control scheme, and the inception of an entirely fresh industry.
With regard to the former, the work commenced with the now discarded
sugar scheme of August, and it is no exaggeration to say that the
labours have steadily increased since that date, new orders relating
to every description of foodstuff being thrust upon the Committee
for execution. The committee were fortunate in choosing Mr. J. W.
Bradbury as their executive officer, and his resignation is much
to be regretted, for there is no doubt that he will be most difficult
to replace.
The industry mentioned above refers to that instituted by Mr. Broome
at the Victoria Hall and the Derwent Mills - an up-to-date hosiery
factory and warehouse, which is assuming large proportions, a fact
which we are pleased to note, for Matlock badly needs additional
industries. Mr. Broome is also manufacturing goods of which enemy
countries formerly had more than their fair share.
The government of the town during the twelve months calls for little
comment. The continuance of the war has made it impossible for any
further improvements to be embarked upon, but there are several matters
to which our Council will have to devote their energies once hostilities
cease. One fact may be mentioned. The summer season, despite the
drawbacks of the times, was without doubt the most successful the
town has ever experienced, but the Hall Leys was not laid out to
the usual extent. Only three tennis courts were provided instead
of six, and there is no doubt that more money would have been taken
and disappointment amongst visitors avoided if the games had been
encouraged as usual. Matlock Moor Farm, belonging to the Council,
was completely gutted by fire this summer. The building was fully
insured, and the claim has been met by the insurance company. It
must be added that Mr. D. Hurd, having completed his duties with
the Y.M.C.A. has returned to the town and resumed his seat on the
Council and Tribunal.
Religious appointments in the town are occupied for the most part
by the same gentlemen, but the Rev. J. R. Rushton has succeeded the
Rev. E. S. Rowe as assistant minister in the Wesleyan Circuit, and
the Rev. G. I. J. Cushing has taken a similar position in the Wesleyan
Methodist Circuit, in succession to the Rev. D. Godfrey.
During the year Matlock has lost one of its most prominent residents
in the person of Mr. F. H. Drabble, founder of the firm of Messrs.
F. H. Drabble, hosiery manufacturers and dyers. He was deeply interested
in all matters pertaining to education, and although he was a keen
Liberal, being president of the Matlock Liberal Club, there is no
doubt that the education of the child was dearest to his heart. For
these reasons, and not least for his philanthropy, he has been a
greatly missed man. To the death of Mr. Saxton we have referred above.
Mr. J. B. Richards, J.P., chairman of Matlock Council, lost his wife
a few months ago after a long period of terrible suffering, and Miss
Kewley, sister of the Rector of Matlock, and one of Matlock's most
eminent Church workers, passed away this summer [Miss
Kewley died in 1916, not 1917].
We have already spoken of Matlock's prosperous summer, and we are
also glad to find that the hydropathic winter season continually
improves. All the hydros, most of which have had an unusually high
average of visitors throughout the year, were fully booked up for
Christmas, and Yuletide festivities, in a curtailed and sober form,
it must be admitted, have been held. |
1918 |
Sheffield Evening Telegraph, 16 January 1918
This morning the members of the Matlock and District Milksellers'
Association served notices to customers that on Saturday next, unless
the Local Food Committee grant them the sixpence per quart demanded,
no more milk will be supplied in this area. The notice says that
after loyally supplying at fivepence halfpenny, the price fixed by
the Food Committee, which only allows the farmers one farthing per.
quart for all retailing expenses, the Ministry of Food, to whom they
had appealed, after making enquiries in the district, decided that
milk should not be less that sixpence. This the local food committee
will not sanction and the decision come is arrived at in the greatest regret. |
Derbyshire Courier, 11 May 1918
Able Seaman A. F. Walton, formerly of Starkholmes
Sergt. Edgar Drury, Matlock.
[1. Able Seaman Albert Frank Walton's name does not appear on
any of the Matlock & District memorials. He was born at Skegby
on 5 Feb 1891 and was the son of Francis and Lucy Walton. The family were
in Starkholmes in 1901 and before enrolling on 15 Nov 1915 he
was employed as a railway clerk. He was married and his widow
lived at Woodville, Burton-on-Trent. He was Killed in Action on 25
Mar 1918 and is commemorated on the Arras memorial, Bay 1
2. Edgar Drury appears in the 1901 census] |
Derbyshire Courier, 15 June 1918
Matlock's Effort to Raise £17,500.
£2 10s. PER HEAD.
Matlock has been deputed by the Government to raise £17,560
by the sale of National War Bonds, and the prospects are that this
sum will be considerably exceeded. The arrangements have been placed
in the hands of the Matlock War Savings Committee, the energetic
secretaries of which are Miss Vale and the Rev. G. D. Mason, and
they have received active assistance for organisation purposes from
Mr. Chas. F. White and Mr. J. B. Richards, the chairman of the Committee.
The former has devised a scheme which will not fail to appeal to
the feelings of all Matlock people; that is, to present a War Savings
Certificate to the next-of-kin of every soldier who has made the
supreme sacrifice.
Mr. White also arranged a series of propaganda meetings during the
week, the first of which took the form of a semi-religious service
at the Town Hall on Sunday night, over which Mr. J. B. Richards presided.
The hall was filled to overflowing. |
Derbyshire Courier, 15 June 1918
Private Edwin Knowles, Sherwood Foresters, of Bank road, Matlock,
is reported missing. He is well-known throughout the Matlock district
as an athlete. In civil life was in the office Messrs. Byre and Sons,
Chesterfield, and present at his wife is living at Chandler Hill,
Chesterfield. Private Knowles was wounded last year. |
Derbyshire Courier, 13 July 1918
War Savings Certificates for Relatives of Fallen.
Mr. Charles F. White's scheme to present War Savings Certificate
the next-of-kin of every Matlock soldier who has made the supreme
sacrifice has materialised, and this week 110 Certificates, purchased
by money subscribed during the recent War Weapons Week, have been
distributed. The next of kin of any fallen soldier who has not received
the gift should communicate with Mr. White at "The Woodlands",
[A letter from Mr. White, not quoted here, accompanied each certificate]. |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 2 August 1918
Claremont, a well-known residence on the top of Matlock Bank, has
been taken over by the Sheffield Workpeople's Convalescent Home
Association as a rest home.
See: Claremont
Liverpool Echo,14 August 1918
A first prosecution in England for holding dancing after 10.30 by
electric light was heard at Matlock, to-day. The manager of the Chatsworth
Hydro was fined 10s for holding a ball on Bank Holiday night by electricity.
[The manager at that time was Frank Crohill.]
See: Chatsworth Hydro
Derbyshire Courier, 17 August 1918
Charges were preferred against William Dudley Dance, manager of the
New Bath Hotel, Matlock Bath, on Wednesday, of having insufficiently
screened lights on the night of an air raid warning, having failed
to keep a register of aliens staying in the hotel, and of failing
to furnish particulars as required by the Order. Mr. Lymn admitted
all the charges.
Sergt. Aves testified that the registration forms of three Americans,
three Swiss, a Turk, and two British subjects were incompletely filled
up, and, further, that the alien names were not entered in the register.
Mr. Lymn pleaded excessive pressure of work on his client, and said
that he was unaware that he ought to keep a register of departures.
Fines of £5 in each of the registration cases and £1 in the lighting
case were imposed, the Bench expressing the opinion that the hotel
was very badly managed, and that it was time there was an alteration.
See: New
Bath Hotel (the first of several images)
Derby Daily Telegraph, Thursday 22 August 1918
A proposal to erect war memorial of local gritstone opposite the
Town Hall was discussed at Matlock Wednesday night, and adjourned
till October |
Derbyshire Courier, 24 August 1918
Police-superintendent John Clarke, of Matlock, has received a post-card
from his youngest son, Sergt. Reginald Clarke, Sherwood Foresters,
stating that he is in hospital in France suffering from gas poisoning.
At time of writing no further details are available. Before joining
the Army, Sergt. Clarke was in the office of Mr. James Potter, solicitor.
Derbyshire Courier, 14 September 1918
Lady Journalist's Fall into River.
Miss B. Howsin, of Matlock Bath, a local journalist, had a narrow
escape from drowning when she was returning from a late engagement
at Darley Dale. In the darkness she walked over the low parapet of
the Matlock Bath promenade into the River Derwent. Struggling to
the side Miss Howsin clung to a spray of trailing ivy and but for
the timely aid of a sailor home on leave would probably have drowned.
The sailor lassoed her with a rope and drew her up the promenade
wall. She was unhurt, and beyond the fright and wetting is none the
worse for her ordeal. |
The Daily News, 12 October, 1918
[Random districts throughout the country chosen to gauge public
opinion on the second reading of the Government of Ireland Bill]
Lord Edward Cavendish, M.P for West Derbyshire ...
The Liberals of the Matlock Division of Derbyshire have passed a
resolution asking Lord E. Cavendish to reconsider his position. Votes
recorded, 9,158.; Lord E. Cavendish's majority, 882. |
The Daily News, 12 October, 1918
At Matlock Dale Quarries Samuel Beech, 14, fell from a rock a
distance of 200 feet and was killed instantly. |
Derbyshire Courier, 19 October 1918
Sundial Scheme Postponed by Town's Meeting.
Matlock Urban Council convened a town's meeting Thursday consider
a scheme for a war shrine to Matlock men who have fallen in the war.
Mr. J. Simpson submitted a design for an octagonal pedestal rising
from three tiers of steps and surmounted by a sundial, the men's
names to be inscribed on the eight sides. The Chairman (Mr. L. G.
Wildgoose, C.C.) and Mr. E. Drabble strongly supported the suggestion,
but Mr. F. C. White thought the question might be deferred until
after the was when Mr. Simpson's design could be incorporated into
a memorial of a more permanent character.
On behalf of the Discharged Soldiers' Federation, Mr. E. Edwards
requested the postponement of the matter until such time as the men
returned from war.
The meeting, which was only sparsely attended, decided to postpone
definitive action for the present. |
Derbyshire Courier, 26 October 1918
Over 500 people attended a masked ball and whist drive arranged
by the Canadian convalescent officers and nurses at the Pavilion,
Matlock Bath, on Wednesday. |
Derbyshire Courier, 26 October 1918
Ten of the postmen and five of the indoor staff Matlock Post Office
are off duty suffering from influenza, and the delivery of letters
and other postal business is in considerable arrear.
Owing the fact that many the postmen had contracted influenza the
postal service at Matlock on Wednesday was considerably interrupted
and the delivery of letters was delayed.
The fat stock grading market at Matlock on Tuesday was the best since
its inception. |
The Daily News, 11 November, 1918
David Davies, "the Dartmoor shepherd," was sentenced at Dartmoor Assizes on Saturday to three months' imprisonment for
breaking into Matlock Parish Church.
(AA) |
Derbyshire Courier, 16 November 1918
Children under 14 are debarred from attending cinema entertainments
in the Matlock District, owing to the influenza epidemic.
Corporal Percy Statham, son of Mr. W. N. Statham, photographer,
Dale Road, Matlock, a warden at the parish church, is reported wounded
in the knee by a machine gun bullet. He has been admitted to hospital
and the bullet has been extracted.
His father can be found under Photographers