Matlock & Matlock
Bath Names in the London Gazette |
A finding aid to make searching easier
for those with Matlock and Matlock Bath ancestors |
Eighteenth Century Entries : 1701 - 1800 |

Army and Regimental Promotions, Bankruptcies,
Business Partnership Changes, Civil Service Examinations, Orders of
Chancery, Changes of Name, Company Liquidations, Acts of Parliament,
Debtors, Honours, Inland Revenue Declarations (Banks), Property Sales,
Wills |
1701 - 1751 |
12 Jun 1725
A List of Names of the Prisoners, &c. of the County Gaol
of Derby, Mary GREATOREX, Widow Gaoler
John BUNTING, late of Matlock, Miner |
14 Aug 1725
Pursuant to a late Act of Parliament, Instituted, An Act for
the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, we whose names are hereinafter
mentioned (being prisoners in His Majesty's Gaol for the County
of Derby, Mary GREATOREX, gaoler) do hereby give Notice to our
several and respective Creditors, that we severally and respectively
claim the Benefit of the said Act, and we hereby summon our
said Creditors to appear at the next general or Quarter Sessions
to be holden for the said County of Derby, at Chesterfield,
in the said County, to show cause why we should not be discharged
pursuant to the said Act of Parliament, viz.
John BUNTING, late of Matlock in the said County of Derby, Miner |
31 May 1729
[Relief for Insolvent Debtors]
Hannah RAGG, late of Matlack, Widow. In Derby Gaol |
31 May 1729
[Relief for Insolvent Debtors]
John BAMFORD, late of Matlock,
Woolcomber. In Derby Gaol |
26 August 1729
[Relief for Insolvent Debtors]
Ezra BESTALL, late of Matlock, Woollcomber |
16 Aug 1737
The following Persons being Prisoners for Debt in the Custody
of the Keeper of the Goal of the County of Derby. Hannah WRAGG
the Elder, late of Matlock Bath in the county of Derby, Widow |
1751 - 1800 |
10 June 1755
[Prisoners for Debt]
Joseph STONE, formerly of Matlock, late
of Wenslow, Butcher. 1st Notice. In H.M. Gaol, Derby |
14 June 1755
[Prisoners for Debt]
Joseph STONE, formerly of Matlock, late
of Wenslow, Butcher. 2nd Notice. In H.M. Gaol, Derby |
17 June 1755
[Prisoners for Debt]
Joseph STONE, formerly of Matlock, late
of Wenslow, Butcher. 3rd Notice. In H.M. Gaol, Derby |
{ 4 January 1757
{ 7 June 1757
{ 25 June 1757
Announcing publication of "A Methodical Synopsis of Mineral
Waters" (being a Work of Twenty-one Years) by John RUTTY
M.D. - includes Matlock |
20 June 1778
Prisoners in the Gaol at Derby. First Notice. John HIND, formerly
of Lushcoat in the Parish of Eaton in the County of Salop, late
of Cromford, in the Parish of Matlock, in the County of Derby,
Innholder |
27 June 1778
Prisoners in the Gaol at Derby. Third Notice. John HIND, formerly
of Lushcoat in the Parish of Eaton in the County of Salop, late
of Cromford, in the Parish of Matlock, in the County of Derby,
Innholder |
{ 24 September 1782
{ 1 October 1782
{ 8 October 1782
Sale of Edward Sacheverall SITWELL's property - Stansby, Horsley
Woodhouse - Particulars at the Post Houses at Matlock (and Elsewhere) |
13 November 1784
Matthew HICKS of Bakewell. Commissioners to meet
14 Dec next at Mr. MASON's, Matlock Old Bath |
19 April 1785
Matthew HICKS of Bakewell. Commissioners to meet
14 May next at Mr. MASON's, Matlock Old Bath |
7 July 1789
Matthew HICKS of Bakewell. Creditors to meet 24
Aug next at Mr. MASON's, Matlock Old Bath |
2 June 1798
Thomas OLIVER of Longnor. Creditors to meet 28
June at Mr. LEEDHAM's, Matlock Bath |
9 April 1799
[Indenture] Matthew ETCHELLS of Matlock, itco D, Cotton Spinner,
on 23 Mar last assigned over estate to Trustees for benefit
of Creditors |
for 1801 - 1840 are on the next page |
Provided for personal research purposes only.
Originally researched by the web mistress for personal private research
and held in two databases as some surnames, i.e. BRYAN, NUTTALL, CLAY,
LEACROFT are also included in personal private research databases.
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hours to compile. If you use this information as a step for further
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