Army and Regimental Promotions, Bankruptcies, Business Partnership
Changes, Civil Service Examinations, Orders of Chancery, Changes of
Name, Company Liquidations, Acts of Parliament, Debtors, Honours,
Inland Revenue Declarations (Banks), Property Sales, Wills
Here is a finding aid to make searching the London Gazette easier
for those with Matlock and Matlock Bath ancestors. There have always
been a wide variety of public announcements in the Gazette and Matlock
and Matlock Bath residents were named in ever increasing numbers
during the nineteenth century. Present coverage includes both eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries, with the earliest reference appearing
in 1725.
If you require further information from the online images, the easiest
method of searching is as follows:
London Gazette>
click London Gazette option> Click "Archive" on the
top Menu Bar and click on Full Search> Click Search Archive on
the page> Search the London Gazette Archive
What is and isn't included
- Date of issue is given but issue numbers not included.
- Many extracts are presented in note form only, as this is a finding aid
rather than a complete transcript. However, some entries at the
beginning of the nineteenth century are fully transcribed as this
was where I began.
- If entries for more than one person are in the same issue of
the gazette they are listed in separate boxes.
- If there is more than one entry for an individual in any one
issue of the gazette all additional entries are included in the
same box, giving the page for additional entries. Please note that
if a page number is given it indicated the image number as opposed
to the actual page in the issue.
- Names are given in the order they appeared in the Gazette. So
if it was Christian Name first then it appears that way in these
extracts. However, if Surname was given first then the Surname
is given first here as well.
- Entries referring to Matlock that don't include names are generally
omitted. However, I have a list of dates for all entries covering
such things as setting up of Courts, canals, bridge widening,
road building or widening and the railway. I'm willing to share
this information with those who are enthusiasts for roads or
railways. Some church information is included in, or will be
added to, the section on churches
elsewhere on this website
- [ ] Square brackets enclose a comment. Usually they show such
things as bankruptcy, order of Court etc.
The following abbreviations
have been used:
- itpo - in the parish of. If followed by M, it means in the parish
of Matlock
- itco D - in the County of Derby
- solr - solicitor

Provided for personal research purposes only.
Originally researched by the web mistress for personal private research
and held in two databases as some surnames, i.e. BRYAN, NUTTALL, CLAY,
LEACROFT are also included in personal private research databases.
Protected by database right as well as copyright. It has taken many
hours to compile. If you use this information as a step for further
research then this should be acknowledged within your own collected
Statistical analysis of the data provided is not permitted.
For all other copyright issues, click in the link on the toolbar at
the footer of this page.