Matlock & Matlock
Bath Names in the London Gazette |
A finding aid to make searching easier
for those with Matlock and Matlock Bath ancestors |
Nineteenth Century Entries : 1801 - 1840 |

Army and Regimental Promotions, Bankruptcies,
Business Partnership Changes, Civil Service Examinations, Orders of
Chancery, Changes of Name, Company Liquidations, Acts of Parliament,
Debtors, Honours, Inland Revenue Declarations (Banks), Property Sales,
Wills |
- 1810 |
30 January 1802
Thomas SMITH of Derby. Mr. WOLLEY, Attorney at Law, Matlock |
{ 15 October 1803
{ 10 November 1804
Commissions, Volunteer Infantry as on separate
web page, elsewhere on this site |
6 April 1805
Whereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth
against Thomas FROGGATT, of Matlock Bath, in the Parish of Matlock,
itco D, Innkeeper, and he being declared Bankrupt is hereby
required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said
Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the 27th of
April instant, at Four in the Afternoon, on the 26th of the
same month, at Ten in the Forenoon, and on the 21st of May next,
at Eleven in the Forenoon, at the House of Mrs. STEVENS, the
Kedleston Inn ... Notice to Mr. BRITTLEBANK, Solicitor, Winster,
Derbyshire, or to Messrs. OWEN and HICKS, Bartlett's-Buildings,
Holborn, London |
27 April 1805
Whereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth
against Joseph DERBYSHIRE the Younger, now or late of Matlock,
in the County of Derby, Slater, Dealer And Chapman, and he being
declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself
to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major
Part or them, on the 29th Day of May next, at Ten o'Clock in
the Fore-noon, at Kedleston Inn, in the County of Derby, on
the 30th of the same Month, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, and on
the 11th Day of June following, at Four of the Clock in the
Afternoon, at the George Inn, in Derby, in the said County of
Derby, And make a full Discovery and Disclosure or his Estate
and Effects; when end where the Creditors are to come prepared
to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chase Assignees,
and at the Last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish
his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent
from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted
to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not
to Pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall
appoint, but give Notice to Mr. CANTRELL, Attorney, King's-Newton,
Derbyshire, or to Mr. John ALEXANDER, Attorney, Bedford-Row,
London. |
11 May 1805
Thomas FROGGATT, of Matlock Bath. "Enlarging the time
for Thomas FROGGATT" to make a Full Discovery
and Disclosure |
22 June 1805
Thomas FROGGATT, of Matlock Bath. Commissioners to meet at
Derby to make a First and Final Dividend |
17 December 1805
Thomas FROGGATT, of Matlock Bath. Commissioners to meet at
Derby to make a First and Final Dividend |
21 December 1805
Joseph DERBYSHIRE, the Younger, of Matlock. Commissioners to
meet at Derby to make a Dividend |
10 June 1806
Whereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth
against John LEEDHAM of Matlock, in the County of Derby, Innkeeper,
and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender
himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or
the major Part or them, on the 2d Day of July next, at Four
in the Afternoon, and on the 3d and 26th Days of the same month,
at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore-noon, at the house of Mrs. Ann
STEVENS, known by the Name of Kedleston Inn, in the County of
Derby, And make a full Discovery and Disclosure or his Estate
and Effects; when end where the Creditors are to come prepared
to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chase Assignees,
and at the Last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish
his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent
from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted
to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not
to Pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall
appoint, but give Notice to Mr. FORBES. Ely-Place, London, or
Mr. WOLLEY, Attorney, Matlock, Derbyshire. |
8 July 1806
John LEEDHAM of Matlock. Creditors who have proved their debts
to meet Assignees at Old Bath, Matlock |
22 July 1806
Whereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth
against James WRIGHT of Matlock, in the County of Derby, Butcher,
Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby
required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said
Commission named, or the major Part or them, on the 21st and
22nd Day of August next, and on the 6th of September following,
at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon on each of the said Days,
at Kedleston Inn, in the said County of Derby, And make a full
Discovery and Disclosure or his Estate and Effects; when end
where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts,
and at the Second Sitting to chase Assignees, and at the Last
Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination,
and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the Allowance
of his Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt,
or that have any of his Effects, are not to Pay or deliver the
same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice
to Mr. FORBES. Ely-Place, London, or Mr. WOLLEY, Attorney, Matlock,
Derbyshire. |
26 August 1806
Mr. WOLLEY, Attorney, Matlock. Bankruptcy of Richard BARLOW,
of Sheepshead, LEI |
18 November 1809
John LEEDHAM late of Matlock-Bath. To surrender
to Commissioners at 1. Stone STS; 2. Old Bath Hotel. To disclose
estate, etc |
7 April 1810
John LEEDHAM of Matlock. Commissioners to meet
1 May at King's Arms Tavern, Derby to make a Dividend |
26 May 1810
John LEEDHAM of Matlock-Bath. Commissioners to
meet 27 June next at the Old Bath to make a Dividend |
1811 - 1820 |
30 November 1811
John LEEDHAM late of Matlock-Bath. Certificate
will be allowed 24 Dec |
17 December 1811
Prisoners in the King's Bench Prison, in the County of Surrey.
First Notice. John BELL, formerly of Ramsey, in the Isle of
Man, and late of Matlock, in the County of Derby, Esquire (insolvent
Debtors, debts under 2000l) |
21 December 1811
Prisoners in the King's Bench Prison, in the County of Surrey.
Second Notice. John BELL, formerly of Ramsey, in the Isle of
Man, and late of Matlock, in the County of Derby, Esquire |
9 March 1813
George CHADWIN of Brassington. Commission of Bankruptcy. Commissioners
to meet 7 and 8 April at house of George SAXTON, the New Bath
in Matlock. Mr. WOLLEY, Attorney, Matlock |
12 June 1813
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting
between William CLARKE and William WALL, of Matlock, itco D,
Grocers, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 28th day of
April now past ; and that all debts owing unto and by the said
Partnership will be received and paid by the said William WALL
: As witness our hands this 8th day of June 1813.
William CLARKE
William WALL |
10 August 1813
George CHADWIN of Brassington. Commissioners to meet 31 Aug
at the New Bath to receive Proof of Debts |
29 January 1814
Sale at Ashborne. Printed Particulars from Mr. WOLLEY at Matlock
(and others) |
18 June 1814
George CHADWIN of Brassington. Commissioners to meet 2 Mar at
the New Bath to agree to Assignees making a sale, etc |
28 January 1815
List of Creditors of Robert BURDETT of Kingston-upon-Hull. Included
Samuel GOODLORD, Matlock, Derbyshire [GOODLAD] |
21 February 1815
George CHADWIN of Brassington. Commissioners to meet 9 July
at the New Bath to make a Dividend |
3 February 1816
George SMITH of Tansley, bankrupt. Commissioners to meet 14
and 15 Feb and 16 Mar at the New Bath to disclose estate, etc |
2 March 1816
By order of the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors-the
petition of Joshua SMITH, late of Matlock Bath in the parish
of Matlock, in the County of Derby, Victualler, but now a prisoner
for debt confined in His Majesty's gaol at Derby, in the County
of Derby, will be heard before His Majesty's Justices of the
Peace for the said County, at the General Quarter Sessions of
the Peace which will be holden at next after the expiration
of twenty days from the date of this advertisement; and that
the schedule annexed to the said petition, containing a list
of the creditors of the said prison, is filed in the office
of the said Court, No.59, Milbank-street, Westminster to which
the creditors of the said prisoner may refer. JOSHUA SMITH. |
21 December 1816
By order of the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors-the
petition of James SMITH, late of Matlock, Derbyshire, but now
a prisoner for debt confined in His Majesty's gaol at Derby,
will be heard before His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for
the said County, at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace
which will be holden at Derby, in and for the said County, on
Tuesday the 14th day of January next. JAMES SMITH. |
29 July 1817
By the Order of the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors-the
petitions of .... Benjamin SELLERS, late of Matlock, itco D,
Victualler ... but now prisoners for debt in the King's bench
prison, itco Surrey, will be heard at the Guildhall, in the
City of Westminster, on the 21st day of August next |
2 August 1817
By the Order of the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors-the
petitions of .... Thomas HINKLEY, formerly of Asburn-green,
afterwards of Hillcliffe-Lane, and late of Matlock, all in the
County of Derby, Farmer and Shopkeeper, but now prisoners for
debt in the King's bench prison, itco Surrey, will be heard
at the Guildhall, in the City of Westminster, on the 23rd day
of August instant at Nine in the morning |
31 January 1818
Notice is herby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting
between Richard BROWN, of Derby, and John MAWE, of London,
Derby, and Matlock Bath, and Castleton itco D, under the
firm of BROWN and MAWE, was on the 1st day of this instant
January dissolved by mutual consent.-Dated this 22nd day
of January 1818.
Richard BROWN
John MAWE |
4 May 1819
Notice is herby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting
between us the undersigned, Susannah MILLNS and Charlotte
HACKNEY, of Matlock Bath, in the Parish of Matlock, itco
D, Milliners and Dressmakers, under the firm of MILLNS and
HACKNEY, was on the first day of January last dissolved
by mutual consent. All debts owing by and to the said late
copartnership will be paid and received by the said Charlotte
HACKNEY. - Dated the 28th day of April 1819.
Susannah MILLNS
Charlotte HACKNEY |
1821 - 1830 |
12 June 1821
Petition of Insolvent Debtors. At the County-Hall, Derby, 6th
July 1821, at Eleven o'C it Forenoon. Elizabeth WALL, formerly
of Weston-under-Wood, itco D, and late of Matlock, in the same
County, Widow |
19 June 1821
Notice to Creditors. The creditors of John WOLLEY, late of Matlock,
itco D, and heretofore of London-Wall, it C o London, Esq. deceased
(who died intestate on the 12th day of January last), are requested
forthwith to send an account of their demands, with the nature
and dates of the securities, if any, to ADAM WOLLEY, of Matlock
aforesaid, Gentleman, only brother and heir at law, and also
sole Administrator of the estate and effects of the deceased,
or to Messrs. SHEPHARD, ISHERWOOD, and SHEPHARD, Doctors'-Commons,
London, in order that the same may be examined and paid in due
course of administration |
31 July 1821
Petition of Insolvent Debtors. At the County-Hall, Derby, 24
August 1821, Ten o'C i t Forenoon. John YEOMANS, formerly of
Wigwell, itco D, but since of Matlock, its C o D, Miller and
Baker |
15 November 1823
The names of those who were nominated as Sheriffs ... Samuel
SIMPSON, of Matlock, esq. |
21 September 1824
Petition of Insolvent Debtors. At t C-H, D, 13th day of October,
1824, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. Joshua TOMISSON, late
of Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, Colour-Manufacturer |
12 October 1827
Whitehall, September 25 1827. The King has been pleased to give
and grant unto Reverend John-Francis-Thomas HURT, of Beeston,
itco N, and of Allen-hill, in the p of M, itco D, Clerk, and
to Mary his wife, eldest daughter and coheir of ADAM WOLLEY,
late of M, aforesaid, Gentleman, that they and their issue may
take and use the surname of WOLLEY only ; and that the said
John-Francis-Thomas HURT and his issue by the said Mary his
wife may also bear the arms of WOLLEY, in compliance with the
direction contained in the last will and testament of the said
ADAM WOLLEY,; such arms being first duly exemplified according
to the laws of arms, and recorded in the Heralds' Office, otherwise
His Majesty's said licence and permission to be void and of
none effect: And also to order, that his Majesty's concession
and declaration be registered in His Majesty's College of Arms |
{ 23 October 1827
{ 13 November 1827
The Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, bearing date
the 6th March 1827, awarded and issued forth against James SMITH,
of Matlock, itco D, Nurseryman, Seedsman, Dealer and Chapman,
intend to meet on the 10th day of December next, at Eleven o'Clock
in the Forenoon, (also on 14 Nov) at the House of Miss Sarah
JOHNSON, the Angel Inn, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, its co D,
in order to Audit the Accounts of the Assignees, and to make
a dividend of the estate and effects of the said Bankrupt ;
when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their
debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will
be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend. And all claims
not then proved will be disallowed. |
30 May 1828
The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. Derby, 20 June
1828, Twelve o'clock, at Noon. George Buxton FISSINGTON, formerly
of Matlock, Miner Agent and Grocer, and late of Matlock Bath,
both in Derbyshire, Mine Agent |
12 August 1828
John BAMFORD of Ashover, James MILNES of Matlock Attorney at
Law |
22 May 1829
The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. Court-House,
Portugal-Street, Lincoln's Inn-Fields on 15 June 1829. DRAY,
William Dan, formerly of Hythe, Kent, the n of No. 34 Tavistock-Place,
Russell-Square, Middlesex, Surgeon and Apothecary, then of Matlock
Bath, near Matlock, Derbyshire, afterwards of Plymouth, otherwise
Devonport, Devonshire, then of Calthorp-Place, Gray's-Inn-Road,
Middlesex, then of No.10, Robert-street, Chelsea, Middlesex,
and late of No.6, Portland-Place, Borough-Road, Southward, Surrey,
Physician, Surgeon, and Apothecary |
5 June 1829
The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. Derby Court-House,
itco D, 27th June 1829, at 9 o'clock in the Forenoon precisely.
John NOEL, late of Matlock Bath, itco Derby, Spar-Turner |
9 June 1829
Courthouse at Wakefield, West Riding, 1 July 1829, 9 o'clock
in the Forenoon. William BINKS, formerly of Rotherham, Yorkshire,
afterwards of Matlock, Derbyshire, and late of Sheffield, Yorkshire,
Plumber and Glazier |
1 January 1830
[Commission in Bankruptcy]
James ALSOP of Manchester. Commissioners give notice to Mr.
James MILNES, Solicitor, of Matlock |
1831 - 1840 |
4 February 1831
At the Court House, at Derby, itco Derby, on the 28th day of
February, 1831 at 11 o'clock in the Forenoon precisely. James
SMITH, heretofore of Matlock-Moor, in the Parish of Matlock,
Derbyshire, Nurseryman, and late of Matlock Bank, in the said
Parish of Matlock, Journeyman, Gardener and Labourer |
4 February 1831
At the Court House, at Derby, itco Derby, on the 28th day of
February, 1831 at 11 o'clock in the Forenoon precisely. William
TATAM, formerly of Matlock-Bridge, near Matlock, since of Stone
Gravels, near Chesterfield, and late of Matlock-Bank, near Matlock
aforesaid, all in Derbyshire, Labourer, and also Renter and
Collector of Tolls at the several Turnpike-Gates called Matlock-Bridge,
Stone Gravels, Hasker-Lane, and Rowsley, Derbyshire |
7 February 1834
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
Richard DIXON, of Chesterfield. Commissioners
to meet at the house of Mr. George SAXTON, Matlock Bath 22 Feb
and 21 Mar to disclose estate, etc |
28 February 1834
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
Matthew MARSDEN, of Birchover. Commissioners
to meet at the house of Mr. George SAXTON, Matlock Bath 22 Mar
to Audit Accounts etc |
30 May 1834
[The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors]
At the Court
House, in the Town of Nottingham ... 20th day of June 1834,
at Ten o'Clock in the forenoon
Mary WILDGOOSE, late of Matlock, Derbyshire, Widow, formerly
Farmer, now out of business |
6 February 1835
At the Court-House at Derby, in the County of Derby, on the
27th day of February, 1835, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon.
James CARLINE, of Matlock, Derbyshire, formerly Victualler and
Hat-Maker, and late Hat-Maker |
14 July 1835
[The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors]
Richard PARK[I]N,
late of Cuckoo Stone Dale, near Matlock, Derbyshire, Labourer |
18 September 1835
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
Robert HIDES, of Chesterfield. Commissioners
to meet at the house of Mr. George SAXTON, Matlock Bath on 24
Sept and 30 Oct to disclose estate, choose Assignees, etc |
30 October 1835
[The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors]
formerly of Matlock Derbyshire, Boot and Shoe Maker, then of
Chapel Street, Salford, Manchester, Shoe-Maker and Leather Cutter,
and late of Matlock, Derbyshire, not in any business |
29 January 1836
Mr. Augustus GORDON's affairs. Between 1. Augustus GORDON, of
Matlock, Derbyshire, Gentleman, and Henrietta his wife; 2. Creditors;
3. other Creditors. AG and HG have assigned portion entitled
to under the will of John SHERGOLD, Esq., deceased, subject
to the life estates of Mrs Cornelia BUCHANAN and Mrs. Caroline
SPLILLER. Witnessed to indenture of 20 Jan 1836: Thomas POYSER,
Charles WRIGHT. Attested by James Clifford NEWBOLT of Matlock,
Attorney at Law, Richard RICHARDSON of Matlock Writing Clerk,
Indenture at Office of Mr. James MILLNS of Matlock, Solicitor
for Creditors to read and sign. |
3 February 1837
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
Robert HIDES, of Chesterfield. Commissioners
to meet at the house of Mr. George SAXTON, Matlock Bath |
22 December 1837
The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors - to be heard
at the Court-House, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Edward
WHEATCROFT, formerly of Matlock Bath, Matlock, Derbyshire, Grocer,
General Shopkeeper and Currier, afterwards of the Rutland Arms,
Matlock Bath aforesaid, Licensed Victualler and Currier, and
late lodging at the sign of the Woodman, John-street, Old-Kent-road,
Surrey, following no trade or business |
10 April 1838
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
Jesse RUTHERFORD, Wingerworth, to surrender
to Commissioners at the house of Mr. George SAXTON, Matlock
Bath |
Entries for 1841 - 1860 are on the next page |
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