The photograph of the "Young Men's Class" of Matlock
Bank Primitive Methodist Church was taken round about 1904. Ray
Ash and his father, whose photograph this is, have identified some
of those in the picture, many of whom were related to their family.
Front row (seated on the ground)
Ist on left - Ernest Holmes (Builders Clerk at this time. He went
on to become Secretary of John William Wildgoose's building firm.
He was also Secretary of the Primitive Methodist Choir. He was
a man who was universally well liked in the town.)
Ist on right - Wilfred Morton
2nd on right - ? Farnsworth (one of the very large Farnsworth family,
christian name unknown)
Second row (from the front, seated on chairs)
2nd from left - John (Jack) Massey (The much younger half brother
of Ray's great-grandfather William Ash. William's widowed mother,
Eliza Ash, married Thomas Massey of Bonsall as her second husband.
John was born in 1875. He was an ironmonger's assistant in 1901.
A perfect gentleman!)
4th from left - Mr Bunting (first name not known)
5th from left - Davis Mark Wildgoose (His great-grandfather, William
Davis, was Ray's 4 x great-grandfather. His grandfather was Thomas
Davis of Oldham House and Prospect Place Hydro. He began his working
life as a stone mason but later practised as an architect and surveyor.
The Wildgoose family developed into quite an important dynasty
in the town. John William Wildgoose, the founder of the well known
building firm was one of Davis Mark's brothers, as was Lubin George
Wildgoose (see below).)
7th from left - Francis Hey (Frankie) Wildgoose, a plumber (brother
of John William, Davis Mark, and Lubin George (LG) Wildgoose. Their
mother was Rachel Davis, a niece of Ray's great-great-great-grandmother,
Fanny Ash (nee Davis), and daughter of Thomas Davis of Prospect
Place Hydro. Rachel later ran the combined Oldham House and Prospect
Place Hydro, as did LG.)
Third row (standing immediately
behind the chairs)
1st left - Frederick Ash (son of Joseph, the Superintendent of
the PM Sunday School, who was Ray's Great-grandfather William's
brother. William was a Methodist lay preacher).
2nd from left - Thomas Ash (Ray's grandfather, Frederick's cousin)
4th from left - Ernest Farnsworth
5th from left - Lubin George Wildgoose (with his hand on his brother
Davis Mark's shoulder. 'LG' was the organist and choir master at
the Prims and, although trained as a joiner, went on to take over
the management of Oldham House from his mother Rachel (nee Davis).
8th from left - 'Dazzle' Wildgoose (his proper name was John Henry
9th from left - Edward Samuel (the blacksmith who ran the smithy
behind the Horseshoe at Matlock Green, and the second of three
generations of the Samuel family to carry out that role. He married
Ray's grandfather's cousin - and Frederick Ash's half sister -
Maud Lydia Ash.) See below
Back row
3rd from left - Charles W Lill (a joiner by trade)
8th from left - William (Billy) Wright
Extreme right: Percy Farnsworth
Below is another photograph of Edward
Samuel (1878 - 1933) as a young man.
