Matlock & Matlock Bath : The War Memorials |
Commemorating Matlock's and Matlock
Bath's War Casualties |
About the Five War Memorials |
Matlock | Matlock, Hall Leys
| Matlock Bath | Scarthin
| Starkholmes
For Names on the Memorials use the menu on the right››
Matlock |
"He lives in fame that dies in virtue's cause[1]".
The War Memorial for Matlock, a massive Celtic cross in gritstone
from local quarries, is at the summit of Pic Tor in Matlock Town.
The names of 179 men who died in the Great War of 1914 -19 are
inscribed on bronze tablets on the sides of the memorial. After
the Second War of 1939 - 45 further names, also on bronze plaques,
were added to the monument immediately below the names of the
dead from the First War and these are on three of the memorial's
four sides.
Described after the unveiling as "a memorial visible for
miles around[2]",
the photograph above shows this to be no exaggeration. Matlock
Bank, in the background, spreads across one of the opposite hillsides.
When the monument was suggested as a fitting way to remember the
war dead, Matlock's Council "secured for time immemorial
the whole of the Pic Tor Rock and land, together with the promenade
at the foot of the rock, which runs from the Park to Dale Road[2]".
Winding walks were added to the summit at the same time.
There had been a few hiccups along the way. By June 1920 the
town's War Memorial collection had only raised £500, over
half of which had been given by just seven subscribers. It was
hoped a door to door collection would help[3].
In early September it was announced that the Pic Tor Rocks and
promenade had been acquired from Frederic Arkwright by Matlock
UDC, with the intention of erecting the War Memorial on the top[4].
The memorial was unveiled by Mr. F. C. Arkwright of Willersley,
whose son's name was listed amongst the fallen, on Sunday 7th August
1921. His son-in-law was also a Casualty of War. When he addressed
the crowd, Frederic Arkwright spoke from the heart about how it
felt to lose someone. He added that "the site would be applauded
by every one of the inhabitants of Matlock. It was his privilege
to be able to find a site for the memorial. He had been in that
fortunate position with regard to four memorials, and he believed
that [Matlock] would be the last and most important, because it
represented the largest population[2]".
The commemoration ceremony took place on a very rainy Sunday
afternoon, and the memorial was unveiled in front of "one
of the largest gatherings of residents in the history of Matlock[2]".
Costing £500, it was designed by Mr. W. N. Statham and erected
by Mr. John W. Wildgoose. The President of the War Memorial Committee,
who were responsible for raising the funds, was Mr. Lubin G. Wildgoose
and the hon. secretary was Mr. W. E. Williams.
The men who died were also remembered on the very moving floral
tributes that were sent by relatives, friends, comrades, workmates,
Matlock Urban District Council, the Scouts and Guides, the Matlock
Rifle Club, Sunday Schools and local people who had known them.
The most poignant tributes to read are perhaps those from the
small children whose young fathers had died in the conflict.
In World War Two a number of Matlock young men were killed within
a very short space of time but there were, thankfully, far less
who perished. This time around the casualties were more evenly
spread between the three services as more were airmen or naval
The photograph below shows scouts assembling at Artists' Corner
for the Armistice Sunday parade in the late 1940s. Bernard Gale
carries the 4th Matlock Troop Flag and adjusting his hat is Geoff
Slater, with Neil Ollerenshaw hidden from view by Bernard. The
parade marshall, in front, is Harold Briggs, Scoutmaster of 5th
Matlock Troop.
[One scout not known, sorry]
Matlock, Hall Leys |
There is a small Memorial on the Hall Leys, close to Matlock Bridge. It is a solid block of millstone
grit, mounted on a square stone base which in turn rests on a circular mill stone. Individual casualties were
not named here as the stone is not large. It is, however, more accessible than the main memorial on Pic Tor
and was initially dedicated to those who died in both Wars. The poppies on the wrought iron surround
replicate the poppies of Flanders Field. It was unveiled on 13 June 1965.
The memorial has been updated to include others involved in the Wars, as the additional plaque facing the river shows
(see below). It was unveiled in 30 June 2022.
The original memorial

1939-1945 |
The refurbished and re-dedicated memorial, 2022

The poppies around the base are now red, symbolic figures have been added to the surround
and a second plaque has been added to make it more inclusive. |
The additional plaque
This commemorates all of those who served, both overseas and providing necessary support on the home front.
Matlock Bath |
This beautiful memorial is situated at the northern end
of the Promenade Gardens near the River Derwent and was
unveiled slightly earlier than the Matlock memorial, on
21 May 1921, by Mr. F. C. Arkwright on a bright, sunny
The pedestal was made from of Cornish Granite and the figures
were carved in Carrara, Italy, out of the local marble taken
from quarries known to the Romans. Lead lettering was used.
It cost £700 and the contractor was James Beresford &
Sons of Belper.
Although it was designed for Matlock Bath, Charles Beresford[6] (unrelated
to the contractor) has told the web mistress that two copies
were made - one for Cannock in Staffordshire and one for
Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire.
The monument lists the names of those who died in both wars
and the money for it was raised from public subscriptions.
The original inscription, on the East Side, said: "Erected
by voluntary subscription by the inhabitants of Matlock
Bath". This was removed to make room for the names of those
who died in the Second World War, but its traces can still
be seen.
For those who like old postcards, below is another
picture of the Great War Memorial, Matlock Bath, surrounded
by poppy wreaths to remember the fallen.

Matlock Bath's War Memorial

The Parish Council takes good care of Matlock Bath's beautiful monument. It is professionally
cleaned every two years, as shown by the photo of the men working on it (above). |
Scarthin |
Scarthin's Memorial is to be found on the
Promenade next to the Greyhound Pond and faces the Cromford
Mill dam; it bears the names of Casualties from both the
First and Second World Wars.The design is an ornamental street
lamp on a base of Hopton Stone and was paid for by voluntary
The stone base for the memorial had been fixed in the middle
of May, 1920[7] on
the part of the promenade that was close to the former Mount
Tabor Church; the church closed a long time ago and but building
remains - next to Scarthin Books. The memorial was unveiled
on Sunday, 5th September 1920 by J. H. Toplis, a former Private
in the Army, and former sailors and soldiers were invited
to attend the ceremony to remember the nine men from Scarthin
who had died[6].
The hamlet was believed to have suffered proportionally more
losses than any other in Derbyshire in the First World War
as the nine men who died were out of a total of forty-five
Mr. F. C. Arkwright presided at the unveiling ceremony,
a prayer was offered by Mr. E. S. Rowarth and Mr. T. H. Ward
read the lesson. It was after this that Private Toplis unveiled
the inscription. A large number of wreaths were placed on
the Memorial by relatives, plus two from Scarthin's residents
and children[8].
In his address Mr. Arkwright expressed sympathy with all
the parents, adding that Mrs. Allen had lost two sons. One
of them had acted as a scout orderly to the Willersley hospital
before he joined up.
It is difficult to photograph this memorial without it being
surrounded by cars!
Starkholmes |
Although the young men of Starkholmes and Riber who died in the First
World War are commemorated on Matlock's memorial at Pic Tor, it was decided they should
have their own memorial. This was designed by Mr. J. Simpson of Matlock.
The contract was awarded to Mr. John William Wildgoose and made by Mr. Boden in
Stancliffe stone. The base was quarried at Lumshill. It faces almost due east and due west[10].
It is on land near the school (no longer there) that was given by Mr. Arkwright and cost £180,
which was raised by voluntary contribution. The dedication
ceremony took place on 23rd November 1919[6].
Canon J. W. Kewley, Rector of Matlock, conducted the dedication
service. He was assisted by the Reverends John Bradbury,
J. W. Chippett and H. Pattison, who also gave short addresses.
Mr Arkwright, who was proud that his own son's name was on
the memorial, said that these young men had sacrificed everything
that was dear to them - even life itself[9]. |
on Starkholmes War Memorial.
There's an enlargement of the inscription, a list of all the names of those who lost their
lives and background information about the Casualties of War. There's also
a photograph of the other side of the Memorial. |
The memorial takes the form of a carved Runic cross. The circle in the centre of the cross bears
the words:
Another inscription reads: Might Assails, 1914; Right Prevails,
1918". A third says: "Erected by the inhabitants of the
villages of Starkholmes and Riber in honour of the soldiers who
gave their lives for right and liberty in the great war of 1914-1918"[10].
At the unveiling several white wreaths were placed around the monument, including ones in memory of Thomas Fearn,
Harold Pursglove, W. R. Knowles and Charles J. Knowles. One of the wreaths was sent from the Convalescent Home at
Chindras House. The committee who had brought it about was
chaired by Mr. Geo. P. Savage, Ernest Statham was the hon. sec. and treasurer was George Evans. The committee
members were Messrs. E. Pursgove and Chas. Pursglove, F. Growcott, A Robinson, George Blaymere, Geo. Hubbard,
W. Hood, Chas. Fern, W. Statham, W. Brown, P. Jepson and H. Jones.[9]
The memorial at Starkholmes is high on the hillside overlooking Matlock Bath. This photograph shows
it set against the background of Masson hillside. The cable car going up to the Heights of Abraham
and part of Matlock Bath on the other side of the valley can be seen.
Photographs by Terry Moore: Matlock Memorial, Pic Tor | Matlock Bath
Photograph by Paul Kettle: Matlock Memorial, Hall Leys
Photograph from Bernard Gale Collection: Scouts in Matlock Dale
Postcard "Great War Memorial, Matlock Bath". The Doncaster
Rotophoto Co. Ltd, No.11. 84-32. Copyright-Toned Glossy Real Photograph.
Not posted. Ann Andrews collection. Replaces an earlier version.
Photograph by Ken Smith: Cleaning Matlock Bath's Memorial
Photographs by Charles Beresford, 2006: Scarthin
War Memorial | Starkholmes War Memorial
All images intended for personal use only and © the individual
Written and researched by and © Ann Andrews
[1] Inscription on Matlock
War Memorial, Pic Tor.
[2] "The High Peak
News", 13 August, 1921, with thanks to County Hall LSL for providing the
[3] "Nottingham Journal",
15 June 1920. Matlock Memorial Hitch.
[4] "Derby Daily Telegraph",
14 September 1920.
[5] "The High Peak
7 May, 1921.
[6] Information from Charles
Beresford, who has been interested in Matlock Bath's memorial for
many years and has written a book, "The Bath at War".
[7] "Derbyshire Courier", 15 May
[8] "ibid", 11 September, 1920.
[9] "Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal",
28 November 1919. Starkholmes War Memorial. Unveiled by Mr. F. C. Arkwright.
[10] "Derbyshire Courier", 29 November, 1919.