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Shirland & Higham, Derbyshire: Glover's, 1827-8-9
A collection of historical 19th Century Directories - Commercial, Trades and Private Residents

Directory of the County of Derby
Accurately taken during the years 1827, '8, and '9, by Stephen Glover Derby:
Printed for the Publisher by Henry Mozley and Son, Sold in London by Longman & Co. ..., p.33

Shirland Directories

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Shirland entry in Kelly's Directory for Derbyshire, 1891
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CLAYs of Derbys, Notts, Leics & Rutland listed in Kelly's Directory, 1891

Shirland Church

Shirland Church interior

F. = Freeholder

SHIRLAND, a village, township and parish in the Hundred of Scarsdale.

Lords and Lady of the Manor, The Right Hon. the Earl of Thanet; Mrs.Turbutt of Ogston Hall; William Edward Nightingale, Esq. of Lea Hurst; and ____ Hopkinson, Gent. of Ufton Field farm.

Ball Joseph, farmer
Bansall Henry, farmer, Shirland Park
Bansall George, farmer, F.
Boot Obadiah, farmer, Stone Broom, F.
Bryan George, farmer, Shirland Lodge, F.
Clay John, farmer, F.
Clay William, farmer, Shirland Park,
Elliott William, farmer, Hallfield Gate
Greenfield Rev. Thomas, rector
Hadfield John, vict. Red Lion
Hadfield Thomas, tailor and parish clerk
Hardy William, butcher, F.
Hopkinson William, farmer, Shirland Lodge
Hopkinson Richard, farmer
Hopkinson Daniel, farmer, Delves
Hoyland Samuel, horse dealer
Hunt John, farmer, Toadhole Furnace
Lester Edward, farmer
Mather George, vict. Hallfield Gate
Parkes Mrs. farmer, Hallfield Gate
Peach John, vict. Queen's Head
Peacock William, farmer
Radford Godfrey, farmer, F.
Radford Thomas, esq. candle-wick manufacturer, F.
Riley Henry, blacksmith and vict. Wellington
Siddall William, gent. Hallfield Grange, F.
Taylor John, farmer, Smithy Moor
Tagg John, farmer, F.
Thorpe Richard, farmer
Wainwright William, vict. White Bear
White Thomas, wheelwright, F.
See also Higham.

HIGHAM, a village and hamlet in the parish of Shirland, H. of S. [Hundred of Scarsdale]

Lords and Lady of the Manor, The Right Hon. the Earl of Thanet; Mrs. Turbutt, of Ogston Hall, and William Edward Nightingale, Esq. of Lea Hurst.

A Fair is held on the first Wednesday after New Year's Day.

The Birmingham and Sheffield Mail passes through daily; also the Birmgham and Sheffield Coaches.

Alsop George, maltster
Askew Thomas, blacksmith
Boot Obadiah, farmer
Briffit John, shopkeeper
Cheetham Samuel, vict. Plough
Clayton Grace, vict. Black Bull
Haslam William, shoemaker, F.
Hill William, blacksmith
Lester Edward, saddler, F.
Mather George, vict. Shoulder of Mutton
Radford Thomas, candle-wick manufacturer, F.
Siddall Matthew, farmer, F.
Tagg George, butcher
Tomlinson Robert, shoemaker
Warton John, vict. Horns
Webster William, vict. Barley Mow, C.
White Robert, jun. farmer, F.
White Thomas, baker and shopkeeper
Widdowson James, vict. Greyhound
Wilson Jonathan, farmer
Wragg William, farmer, F.

There is more information about Shirland on this website:
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills.

Transcribed by Ann and Andy Andrews February 2023.
Note: spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.