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The Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire
A Major Collection of pre 1828 Pedigrees, Charters, Documents, Deeds & Wills
  Wills : Surnames L - W
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The Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock
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SURNAME - Christian name / Abode / Year / Volume / folio(s) / More information
LEVINGE Thomas of Parwich, 1639 6671 ff.120-129
written 15 Jan, long will. Mentions late dear wife, Thomas LEVINGE son, George BASSETT, Richard LEVINGE grandson, Mr. PARKER, Tymothye LEVINGE younger son of son Thomas, Katherine MORTON widow and late wife of John MORTON Doctor of Physick his daughter, Cozen Jacob, William LEVINGE brother, Elizabeth LEVINGE sister and widow, Anne LEVINGE daughter, Dorothy LEVINGE granddaughter, David Dorothy Katherine and Griffel MORTON grandchildren, other unnamed grandchildren, Mary DAKIN servant, Robert STONE servant, others servants unnamed, Anne HOUGH, ffrancis HILL, Mr. Nicholas HURTE of Castorne brother in law and his wife his dear sister [she was Ellen daur of John Beresford of Newton Grange and sister to Thomas Levinge's wife Dorothy], Edward and William the sons of Mary JESSON, Widow MILLINGTON and her eldest son, friend Mrs Anne COKAINE [watch of my old Lady COKAINES to her worthy sonne Mr Aston COKAINE], kinsman Sir John ffitzherbert, old friend John BULLOCKE of Darley the Elder Esq., nephew Mr. Simon PECKE parson of Grindon, loving nephew and godson Mr. ffrancis Allsop, loving nephew Thomas LEVINGE Sole executrix Katheerin MORTON his daughter Overseers to be Sir John ffitzherbert of Tissington knight, John BULLOCKE of Darley the Elder Esq., Simon PECKE parson of Grindon Published before Fra. Hill, 23 January 1639 Thomas JESSOP Curate of Parwich Ra. MORTON Joane WHELDON Widowe X Marke This will was published before us to bee the lat Will of the within named person this 24 Jan., 1639 Simon PAK Rect. de Grindon Fran. FROGATT Proved 13th March 1639 on the oath of Katherin MORTON the sole executrix
LISETT Richard of Wirksworth, 1737 6688 ff.328-330
gentleman. Bequeaths various groves and lead mines. Bequeaths mourning rings of the value of a guinea to his friends, Sir Nathaniel CURZON, William RICHARDSON and William FITZHERBERT, Esquires, John GELL, Esquire and his lady, Mrs. Margaret TROTT, Mr. Robert TOPLIS, John MACHIN, and John Odingsells LEEKE
LOWE Joan of Alderwasley and Shining Cliff , 1531 6666 ff.47-96
leaves her body to be buried by the side of her husband Thomas in the "rood quere of Werkeswoerth"; gifts to the chapel of Alderwasley, and to the mother churches of Coventry and Lichfield.
LOWE John of Sulgrave, 1657 6688 ff.339-341
MARBURY Katherine of Ash, 1697 6670 f.114
the last of the family of COLUMBELL of Darley, 1697. Body to be buried in All Saints' Church, Derby, "as neare my deare mother as may bee." Her brother in law, Gilbert THACKER of Ash to be exexutor of her real estate at Darley etc.
MARBURY Katherine of Ash and later Darley Hall, 1697 6672 ff.5-6
To be buried in All Saints' Church, Derby, "as near my dear mother as may bee". Her brother in law, Gilbert THACKER of Ash, her sole executor.
MEYNELL Littleton Pointz, Esq of , 1753 6674 ff.431-435
printed act for confirming will of, and for making provision for Godfrey M., his eldest son and heir, and for Judith M. his daughter; and for enabling Hugo M. his second and devisee, to make a joiture during his minority.
MEYNELL Richard of London, 1683 6674 ff.66-72
citizen and apothecary of. To be buried in a vault of St. Dunstan's-in-the-East "under the place where the Sundayes bread is distroibuted to the poore." A marble stone or small monument to be erected by his executors. Executors to invite to his funeral "my eldest and constant patients or customers, kindred, friends, & acquaintances, the sum of two hundred and fifty men att the least whereof forty to bee of the court assistants & other the livery of the company of apothecaries whereof I am a member, & also to include in the same number thirty of the governors of St. Bartholemews hospitall." Among his bequests was £50 to St. Bartholemew's Hospital "towards the maintenance & cure of that numerous company of poore sick & lame people which weekely are most freely received both from the citty & countrey & therefore an object of greatest charity."
MEYNELL Richard of London, 1683 6674 f.72b
Bequests to: dear brother Thomas MEYNELL Prebend of Baswitch and Whittington in the county of Stafford and Rector of Kirk and Meynell Langley in the county of Derby and his wife [unnamed]; loving nephew Godfrey MEYNELL and loving nieces Dorothy and Katherine MEYNELL son and daughters of Thomas; loving niece and goddaughter Susanna MEYNELL daur of Thomas [who bore his late wife's christian name]; Francis MEYNELL eldest son of late brother William and his son Richard RM's godson; nephew William MEYNELL second son of late brother William; niece Dorothy KINASTON eldest daughter of late brother William; nephew John MEYNELL fourth son of late brother William; niece Sarah MEYNELL second daughter of late brother William; nephew Godfrey MEYNELL third son of late brother William [who owed RM money]; niece Sarah LARGE widow & relict of Robert LARGE; niece Patience GRACE widow; niece Dorothy WATTS; loving niece Prudence CLARKE; loving nephew William ULLOCK a minister; loving nephew George ULLOCK; loving nephew Francis ULLOCK; nephew and godson John MEYNELL youngest son of brother Alderman MEYNELL deceased; Elizabeth MEYNELL daughter of late brother Isaac; honoured nephew Godfrey MEYNELL esq., and Margaret his wife; Francis and Richard MEYNELL sons of Alderman MEYNELL deceased; Jane THORNELEY widow of Stephen THORNELEY esq. and her sons Stephen & Isaac THORNELEY; William MEYNELL of Anslow; Francis MEYNELL of Anslow; Gerrard MEYNELL of London.
MOREWOOD Rowland of Alfreton, 1647 6667 ff.106-7
He left £5 a year to the poor of Alfreton
MUNDY John of -, - 6672 ff.78-80
Case respecting will of, 30 Charles II
NEWDIGATE Francis of Nottingham, 1762 6675 ff.279-282
to be buried at Kirk Hallam
NORMAN Jethro of Winster, 1744 6675 ff.277-278
lead merchant
OATES Robert of Winster, 1713 6675 ff.268-272
OATES William of Winster, 1686 6675 ff.268-272
OKEOVER Rowland of Oldbury, in the parish of Mancetter, co. Warwick, n.d. 6689 ff.73-78
PIERREPONT Samuel [re Beighton], 1707 6668 ff.133-40
PLUMPTON Sir Walter of -, - 6691 ff.244-248
Inquisitio post mortem on, 17th December, 20 Edward IV.
POLE George of Heage, 1673 6667 ff.268-272
Body to be buried by his ancestors in Duffield chancel. His gifts to the preacher of Heage and to the poor of Heage, Whittington, and Belper to be continued as settled in his lifetime.
POLE German of Radborne, 1682 6692 ff.120-124
settled £48 per annum in trust for apprenticing six poor children annually, one each from Radborne, Markeaton, Mackworth, Mickleover, Mercaston, and Dalhury Lees . "Executors to spend £300 on a monument to his father and mother, myself and my wife," in case I doe not doe it in my life time."
POLE Richard of Radbourne, 1559 6671 ff.64-67
written 20 daie of Marche, long will. Mentions wife Margaret, Richard POLE godson, Geman POLE his nephew and Richard & Edward POLE his [German's] brothers, children of brother Franceys POLE, James ADAMS of Radburne, John POLE his brother, Ellen POLE, Elizabeth POLE, Marie POLE, Frances POLE, Thomas FULWOOD,Ralph JOHNSON Esq., Ellen PAGE, Ellyn CURZON goddaughter, John CURZON, Thomas CURZON, Frances CURZON, STARKYE nephew CURZON's servant, S. RONDLE of Fyndren, German POLE son of Austen POLE, Peter POLE, Jane ADAMS, Henry VERNON cousin, Mr. STANHOPE, Elizabeth BARBER, Margaret SMYTH, Jane SMYTH, his sister EYRE, Gervas EYRE Executors: Anthonie EYRE of Keton brother in law, Ralph SACHEVERELL, Nicholas BROWNE of HOWNELL, James ADAMS of Radburne Witnessed in the presence of: James DAWES, Raphe JOHNSON, Jamys PYCKERYN, Bartilmew TURNER with others. If exexutors refuse to take the mynistration then John and German POLE lawful executors
PORT Sir John of Etwall, 1527 6669 ff.165-70
His body to be buried in the parish where he died, except he died in Derbyshire, when it was to be buried in the Church of Etwall under the Arche that ys betwene the chauncell of the said church and the chapell where I & my wyff have used comonly to knele.
Every priest at his burial to have 4d. to pray for his soul, and every poor man and woman 1d. If he died in London, to be buried m the Temple church before the altar of the chapel on the south side dedicated to Our Lady, St. John Evangelist, and St. John Baptist. To the vicar of Etwall his best horse as a mortuary and ... in money, ... beseching hym of forgyvnes & pardon in such thynges as I have not done my dutye to God, Holy Church, or to hym.
He left 12 torches and 13s. 4d. to the parish church of Etwall, and £20 to be expended on the repairs of
Seynt Elyn houses, otherwyse called the church houses, which I helped to geatt oute of the possession of William Pope whose soule our Lord pardon. Amen.
His heirs and executors were to find and keep an honest priest to sing and pray at Etwall, for 20 years after his decease, .. for my soule, my wyffes soule departed, the soules of my fader & moder, my faders in lawe, my moders in lawe, our children, our brothein and sistern soules, our auncestors soules, and all the soules that I or my wyff were & be bounden to pray for, and all Christen soules, and especiall if I have wronged, hurt or offended any person, for their soules so that my conscience thereby may be the better discharged.
REVELL Hugh of Higham, 1503 6667 f.64
Body to be buried by his wife in church of St. Leonard, Shirland; leaves to Shirland parson 10s. For forgotten tithes; to the S. churchwardens 10s. To be used for "a banner cloth of Seint George with a shaft to beyr hit on," also 40s. To the wardens for two vestements, and 10s. for a mass book; £20 to his executors for two marble stones to cover the bodies of his father, mother and wife, "to be made as gudley as that money will suffyce". He also left lands and houses to endow a chantry of two priests "to say & synge divine servyce" in Shirland church for himself and all his relatives, and for the souls of Christians. The abbot of Darley was eventually to have the appointment of these two chantry priests. "Also I will that this Trinite chapell (Brackenfield) have my chalez the which is now inn their possession for ever. And I will that Mary Maudelen Chapell of the Ryddyng have my chalez now in the kepying of Ric. Page for ever, and x. kye of mauteyn the stok of the said Chapell of Mary Magdalen. Also I will that x. li be bestowed to the mendyng of Ofton Lane". See "Churches of Derbyshire", i., 14, 280, 338
REVELL Hugh of Shirland, 1504 6681 f.20d
15 May, "Extracts from old wills relating to boles for smelting lead"
RIVETT Thomas of Derby, 1762 6688 ff.336-338
SAVILE George of South House Grange, 1734 6666 f.153
to be buried in Beeley vault; 40s each to the poor of Beeley and Dale
SAVILE John of South House Grange, 1733 6666 ff.150-2
to be buried among his ancestors in Beeley Chapel.
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vols 6666-7
SAVILE William of Beeley, 1670 6666 ff.147-9
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vols 6666-7
SCHOLLEN Robert of Rowsley, 1748 6696 ff.165-170
will of
SCHOLLEN Elizabeth of Rowsley, 1766 6696 ff.163, 164
will of
SOWTER John of Matlock, 1778 6696 ff.171, 172
will of.
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vols 6691-6
SPATEMAN John of Roadnooke, Morton, 1717 6695 ff.328, 329
will of
STAFFORD Anne of Eyam, - 6692 ff.145, 146
widow, to the repair of Eyam church, 40s
[Footnote: Given almost in full in this Journal, vol. xxx., p. 290]
STATHAM Sir Thomas of Morley, 1469 6681 f.20d
[26 June or 4 Sep] "Extracts from old wills relating to boles for smelting lead"
STEVENSON Richard of Ouston, 1577 6694 ff.252-260
will of
SWANN Edward of Hurdlow, 1757 6688 ff.304-311
bequeaths property in Hurdlow, Chelmorton, Youlgreave and Hartington
SWANN Samuel of, 1683 6688 ff.321,322
and probate
URTON, alias STEVEN John of Hemsworth, Norton, 1645 6689 ff. 202, 203
body to be buried in chancel of Norton church.
WALKER George of Riber, 1605 6692 ff.135-140
WALKER William of Dethick, 1632 6692 ff.121-133
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vols 6691-6
WIGLEY Henry of Somerfield [sic - Senior Field], Matlock, - 6687 ff.157-158
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vol 6687-6690
WIGLEY Joshua of Tansley, 1681 6670 f.90
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vol 6670-5
WIGLEY Richard of Middleton, 1540 6670 ff.202-3
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vol 6670-5
WIGLEY Richard of Middleton, Wirksworth, 1540 6681 f.21
"Extracts from old wills relating to boles for smelting lead"
WIGLEY Thomas of Wirksworth, - 6666 f.21
9 Charles I. Reference to will of, with will of Thomas Blakewall
WILLOUGHBY William of Selston, 1667 6672 f.220
WOLEY William of Riber, 1507 6681 f.21
(alias OLEY) "Extracts from old wills relating to boles for smelting lead",
See reference in Wolley, Matlock Vol 6681-6
WOLLEY Adam of Riber, 1616 6667 ff.144-211
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vol 6667
WOLLEY Thomas of Nether Haddon, 1645 6667 ff.144-211
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vol 6667
WOLLEY William of Riber, 1666 6667 ff.144-211
See reference in Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock Vols 6667
WRIGHT Robert of Great Longston, 1656 6671 ff.49-53
With abstracts "from deeds of Robert W., esq" from 1330 to 1686
WRIGHT William of Great Longston, 1674 6671 ff.49-53
With abstracts "from deeds of Robert W., esq" from 1330 to 1687