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Bemroses' Guide to Matlock ... , about 1869*
Eighteenth and nineteenth century tour guides about Matlock Bath and Matlock
Midland Railway, 1869 - Tourist Tickets

The Bridge at Matlock, Bemrose
Bemroses' Guide
Matlock's Scenery
Caverns, Rocks, Museums, Church
Bath to Dale
Black Rocks
to Parish Church
High Tor & Antiquities
Matlock Bank & Riber
Walks & Places of Interest
Mr. Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment
Walker's Museum
Matlock House & Rockside
Royal Cumberland Cavern
Clark Greaves
Radfirth & Stevenson
Midland Railway 01
Midland Railway 02
Further Information
About Matlock
About Matlock Bath
Find a Name

Stereographic Photo of Matlock Bath Station, 1860

Stereoview of Matlock Bath Station, Nineteenth Century

Building the Railway Line to Matlock Station

Midland Railway (1869) - Tourist Tickets
Image Scan 2001 - 2004 Ann Andrews

Whilst the station is shown as Matlock on the advertisement, it seems that the destination could have been either Matlock Bath Station or Matlock Bridge (now Matlock station).

*'Bemroses' Guide to Matlock, Bakewell, Chatsworth, Haddon Hall, &c' by John Hicklin, Third Edition, pub Bemrose and Sons, London (no date, but about 1869).
Reproduced here with the very kind permission and help of Sonia Addis Smith, whose book this is from.
OCRed and images scanned by Ann Andrews, 2001 - 2004.
More on site information about the Midland Railway
Weekend Fares
Matlock Bath Station and High Tor
Matlock Bath : Midland Express Passing Through the Station
Matlock Bath Station House and the last Station Master