Kelly's Directory of 1848 stated that "The Manchester,
Buxton, Matlock and Midlands railway, now in the course of construction,
will have a station at Matlock Bath[1]".
The Ambergate to Rowsley length of the line, which passed through
Matlock and Matlock Bath, opened in 1849 and a local paper announced
that "A small station has been erected
at Matlock Bath"[2].
Before then the nearest station to Matlock Bath was at Ambergate
and there was an omnibus connection which left Matlock Bath for
Ambergate four times a day; this had been in operation since 1840.
The fare was One [shilling] and Sixpence each, including luggage.
A few years later, in 1855, Kelly's noted that "The
Manchester, Buxton, Matlock and Midlands railway, which is open
to Rowsley, has a station at Matlock Bath; and the Midlands company
run frequent excursion trains in the summer season, thus rendering
this beautiful locality accessible to the artizans &c. of
Derby, Nottingham, Sheffield and other neighbouring towns[3]".
The station's main building was designed in the Swiss chalet style,
probably by Sir Joseph Paxton, "to suit its surroundings
and had large overhanging eaves at the gables supported on brackets.
The main building and roof ran parallel to the platform but,
midway, was crossed by a higher roof with similar projections,
apparently making the building cross-shaped in plan but not in
reality. Extending along the platform at either end of the building
were pent-roof, passage-like shelters, not unlike supermarket
car park approach shelters. To the north, an extension was erected
in the 1890's having two large gables facing the platform in
sympathy with the first building[4]".
In 1890 it was announced that waiting rooms were to be constructed
on the up platform and both side of the line were to be covered.
According to one journalist, these projected improvements were
not before time[5].
Two years later Mr Rowland, a member of Matlock Bath Local Board,
stated that he had visited Derby and ascertained that tenders for
the new waiting rooms at the station were about to
be considered[6]. A
couple of weeks later the Board members were pleased to note that
new waiting rooms had been given the go-ahead. Attention was drawn
to the necessity of the station platforms being covered in. "The
difficulty about the buildings on the railway had been made right,
and the Bath would now receive the same facilities as the Bridge"[7]. But
some details were missed - there was a complaint in 1902 about
the absence of a fire-place in the waiting room[8].
It must have been pretty bleak in the winter!
The black and white photograph above shows the 1890's extension.
Whilst an exact date for this photograph cannot be provided "the
platforms have been extended, the new buildings erected and signal
box moved which ... makes it after the mid-1890's but ... could
be anywhere between then and the First World War[4]".
It is possible it was taken slightly before 1906 as Michael Bentley
says the coaches are a mixed bag, as used on slow or local passenger
trains, with possibly a Class 1. 2-4-0 engine on the front[9].
The backs of the seats all have the words Matlock Bath on them
and the two sign boards that are jutting out from the building
are for the Gentleman's and Ladies' Waiting Rooms (the Gents is
the closer of the two). Behind the Station Master, below the sign
for Mason's Extract, is a public weighing machine with hand rails
and beside it is a drinking fountain. The station was lit by gas
One little known fact is that the station had its own small reservoir,
owned by the railway company, not far from where the gasometer
used to be. The reservoir, or pond as it is referred to on some
maps, was used to fill the boilers of the locomotives[10].
It is unclear exactly when it was constructed.

The waiting rooms today, from the platform.

Viewed from a different angle.

The booking hall, from the Approach
One slightly amusing story came to light in 1911. Mr. Lovatt, then
the station master, had found a dozen cardboard discs
about the size of a penny in the automatic sweet machine that was
installed on the down platform. The machine's inspector, John Rowland,
who worked for the British Automatic Co. Ltd., also discovered
that several more discs had been put into similar machines at other
stations as well as those on Matlock Bath's Promenade. Because
of the way the machines worked they blocked the machine, so other
people lost their money. Three local teenage boys were apprehended;
they had stolen two packets of sweets, valued at 2d. One
of them claimed they had been playing a game called "Dickery
Dock" but having pleaded guilty and expressed how sorry
they were, they were fined 5s. costs and given a stiff warning[11].
In the 1920's "the Railway Guard was
a Mr. Wright who quelled all complaints about going before time
and not waiting for stragglers by remarking "I follow the
right time not the Wright time".
... The railway was busy, businesslike, efficient and social. It
was used for local travel and for children growing up at that time
was used to travel to the Picture Palace Cinema on Saturday afternoons.
During the week locals commuted to Derby on the ten to eight passenger
train which stopped at all stations en route, returning home at
6 o'clock[12]".
There was a fascinating article about and colour scale drawings
of the station in the August 2002 issue of Railway Modeller; this
was especially interesting for those wishing to build a replica
for their model railway.
Modeller (external link, so will open in a new window)
Also see, elsewhere in the Matlock section of this web site, Bemroses'
Guide, which dates from about 1869:
engraving of High Tor Tunnel, showing the railway station building
(see bottom of the page) which shows the pent-roof, passage-like
shelters at either end of the station building
Tickets on the Midland Railway
Fares on the Midland Railway
More information about the railway elsewhere on this website:
Cards of Derbyshire Scenes - more Midland Railway cards, but
not the same publisher
Railways of Derbyshire, 1903 - a map
Those with railway ancestors might like to see the following,
as some Midland Railway employees moved from Matlock to Matlock
Bath station:
Matlock & Matlock
Bath Lists: The Twentieth Century: Matlock Station Staff, 1911
- 1966, A - J
Matlock & Matlock
Bath Lists: The Twentieth Century: Matlock Station Staff, 1911
- 1966, K - Y
Read Betjeman's poem that describes
the station as half timbered on Matlock
and Matlock Bath: Inspiration of Poets
View even more about the station by clicking on
the images below: