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The Church and Boat House, Matlock Bath, 1887-9
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century : Photographs, Postcards, Engravings & Etchings
Copy of an oil painting by a Matlock Bath artist
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Holy Trinity Church and the Switchback Railway

(slightly later view)

Boating has long been a pastime in Matlock Bath. "On a fine summer evening, many parties go to regale themselves with a sail, and loiter on the waters sometimes to a late hour" (Adam, p.55 [footnote][1]). "A sail by moonlight is deeply interesting" (ibid, p.55[1]).

This postcard is from an oil painting by Henry Hadfield Cubley, an artist who lived in Matlock Bath at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century. This version is a Christmas Greeting and was sent from Redruth by J and W Menhennet to a Miss Martin in Penzance on 23 Dec 1905. This may be the postmark, but the painting dates from quite a bit earlier. Cubley has not painted the Switchback Railway in the scene, which we know dates from 1889[2]. He may deliberately have omitted the structure, but it is more likely that he painted this picture just before the Switchback was erected, as he was living in Matlock Bath by 1887[3]. It is one of only a few of his paintings we are able to date with any accuracy.

The Cubleys had a strong link to Holy Trinity and Henry was a churchwarden[4]. He was also known to be involved in fundraising. When a Concert was held in the Baths Assembly Room in the early spring of 1888 in aid of Holy Trinity Church Choir held the soloists included Matlock Bath's Miss Edith Bryan (soprano) and Mr. H. H. Cubley (tenor)[5].

Biography of artist

A selection of the paintings by Henry Hadfield Cubley on this website.

Pic Tor

High Tor, 1887

The Derwent,
Matlock Bath
- and the Ferry

The Ferry House

Heights of
Abraham from
the Derwent 1904

"The Church and Boat House, Matlock Bath". A Ralph Tuck & Sons "Oilette" [Regd,] Postcard 1660. Art Publishers to their Majesties the King and Queen. Another card was posted in 1904. Image re-done 2016 when the side bar was removed.
Postcard in the collection of, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Written, researched by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.

References (coloured links go to onsite transcripts or other information):

[1] Adam, W. (1840) "The Gem of the Peak" London; Longman & Co., Paternoster Row MDCCCXL
[2] See Switchback, Rise & Fall
[3] Mr. Cubley's name was amongst the Private Residents listed in Kelly's 1887 directory, living at Montpellier. The Cubley family can also be found in the village in the1891 census entry and the 1901 census.
[4] See MIs inside Matlock Bath church.
[5] "Derbyshire Times", 31 March 1888.