Index of
Images about Matlock Bath, with Scarthin & Via Gellia -
on pages of their own, many with local history and biographical information. |
} Matlock Bath: Coat of Arms
} The village seems to have had at least five designs for its coats
of arms.
} The ones we know of, featured on commemorative china
} and two postcards, are discussed on this page.
} |
Bath Terrace Hotel (Walker's). Also
see New Bath |
Matlock Bath: Bath Terrace Hotel*Additional
info and image*
Established in 1798, this was for a substantial part of the 19th century run by the Walker family.
Includes an 1845 engraving from the Walker's time and an early photograph from the Watson family's tenure. |
"Souvenir of Matlock
Bath", 4th edition.
This page is new, but the booklet has been elsewhere on the site
since 2003.
Published by Boots Cash Chemists, date uncertain but possibly about
1908-1910. It contains pictures of Matlock Bath and the surrounding
area. |
Bath: Simpson's Letter Card
Six local images, dating from the 1940s and 50s and including Cromford
Bridge |
Brunswood Road and Holme Road
Burdett family outside 5 Clarence Villas
Clarence Villas is next to Hope Terrace on Brunswood Road |
Bath: Youth Hostel, 1960 - the First Vicarage
Matlock Bath's first Vicarage became a Country Club and then a Youth
Hostel. Before then it had been the home of twelve vicars. |
Bus Services
} Matlock Bath: Bus Services,
1912 - 1933
} Several firms ran the buses that either terminated at or passed through Matlock Bath.
} Includes an early driver's licence.
} |
} Matlock Bath: Bus Services,
1912 - 1933, Tickets and Timetables
} More about the services through Matlock Bath, including tickets and
timetables of Watts and Williams Spa
} |
Matlock Bath: The Bonsall Bus, 1930s
A North Western Leyland bus on its way to Bonsall |
Cat Tor
Matlock Bath: Cat Tor, 1913
Lovely B&W postcard of this limestone escarpment |
Matlock Bath: Royal Cumberland Cavern
One of the attractions for visitors to Matlock Bath for around 200
years. With 1930s advertisement and flyer.
There are now eight postcards of the Cavern, four of which were taken by the owner, Mr. Edmonds. |
Matlock Bath: New Bath & Cat Tor from the Cumberland
The view of Hagg Wood and Cat Tor, taken from outside the
Cumberland Cavern in the 1930s. |
} Matlock Bath: Fluor
Spar Cavern, Heights of Jacob
} Three early twentieth century cards of the cavern on the Heights
of Jacob,
} one of the exterior and grounds, the second of the interior and
the third is of 'Jacob's Cave'. *Additional
info and image*
} |
Matlock Bath: The Great Masson Cavern
Doubt was
cast on the ownership of the Masson Cavern in the late 1890s.
} }
} Matlock Bath: Great
Rutland Cavern on the Heights of Abraham - the Old Oak Tree and the
Roman Staircase.
} Three postcards and an engraving.
} The engraving, dating originally from around 1850, was published
in 1903
} } |
Church - Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity Church, Matlock Bath, 1905 |
Holy Trinity
Church, Matlock Bath, 1907
Two images of the church. One was taken from the Clifton Road field
whilst the second, an enlargement, was taken from the Lovers' Walks,
opposite the Derwent Gardens. New image and info*
Holy Trinity
Church, Matlock Bath, 1940s
Taken during or shortly after WW2, it shows the Parish Church and
the Clifton Cabin. |
Bath: Holy Trinity Church and the Heights of Abraham |
Trinity Church and the Switchback Railway, Matlock Bath
Two cards, one in an Art Nouveau frame, from the same publisher |
Bath: Holy Trinity Church Interior,1907
An interesting postcard from before the first War. Now includes a
description of the interior after it was built and Adam's 1845 sketch of the interior.*New Image*
Bath: Letterheads of Local Businesses, 1900-1955
Part of a series of pages showing letterheads found on stationery
used by Matlock and Matlock Bath businesses from 1900 to the shortly
after the Second World War |
Dale Road
Bath: County & Station Hotel, Dale Road, 1900-1939
Advertisement for the hotel |
Bath: Dale Road, Holme Road & the Prospect Tower
Rare photograph of the bottom of Holme Road and a second photo from
the station bridge. |
Matlock Bath: Dale Road, the County & Station and
Holmefield House
The Midland restaurant was on the ground floor of Holmfield House. |
Matlock Bath: Dale Road & The Heights of Abraham, about 1948
Includes two advertisements for Dale Road businesses. |
Bath: Approaching High Tor, 1930s
The old water trough was beside the road |
Derby Road and Clifton Road
Matlock Bath: Portland House, Clifton Road
A large Victorian house built in 1880 by John Wildgoose. A photo and two sale notices. |
} Matlock Bath:
Derby Road, Dyson & Clough's Garage
} Five images of Matlock Bath Filling Station on Derby Road.
} |
Bath: Derby Road, Hartle's Bazaar
In the nineteenth century Robert Hartle, a comb manufacturer, had
a museum here |
Bath: Derby Road, Woodland House
One of several Matlock Bath properties that fell victim to the bulldozer.
Now with 1930s advertisement |
Derwent Gardens and Switchback
} Matlock Bath:
Derwent Gardens - The Switchback, (1) Rise & Fall
} The story of Matlock Bath's Switchback Railway, from the beginning
to its demise.
} Includes comparisons with Switchbacks elsewhere in the U.K and
with postcards of those at Cleethorpes and Folkestone.
} |
} Matlock Bath:
Derwent Gardens - The Switchback, (2) Adrenalin Rush
} Two wonderful photos by Percy Rowbottom, one of the cars, an
advertisement and a view of the north end of the gardens.
} |
Bath: Derwent Gardens - from Lovers Walks, before 1905
The River Derwent, the Derwent Gardens and the Switchback from Lovers
This is the southern end of the switchback |
Bath: Derwent Gardens - The Café (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Buxton in the Derwent Gardens, near the Café |
Bath: Derwent Gardens - The Café (2)
Mr. Bill Boden ran the Café for a long time |
Matlock Bath: Derwent Gardens, before 1909
The gardens not long after the grounds were laid out, turning Orchard
Holme into somewhere visitors could either sit on the seats provided
or just walk around the paths near the river |
Matlock Bath: Derwent Gardens from the River Derwent
Three images from the first decade of the twentieth century and a business
card from the late 1930s |
} }
} Matlock Bath: Derwent
Gardens - Miniature Railway, early 1950s
} After the Second World War the Derwent Gardens were re-planned
and re-opened.
} |
Ferry and Ferry House
Matlock Bath :
The Ferry
The Walker family ran Matlock Bath's Ferry and Lovers' Walk for most
of the nineteenth century |
Bath: The Ferry and the River Derwent, 1905
A spring picture of the river, the ferry and the pleasure boats |
Bath: The Derwent - and the Ferry, 1904
From an oil painting by Henry Hadfield Cubley |
Bath: On the Lovers' Walk - and the Ferry, 1900
The picture provides a good view of Matlock Bath's "middle"
ferry which had been operating for many years. |
Bath: Lover's Walk and the Ferry House, 1903
From the Ward Lock Guide, 1903 |
Bath: The Ferry House
From an oil painting by Henry Hadfield Cubley |
Fish Pond, Fish Pond Hotel and Fish
Pond Stables
} Matlock Bath:
The Fish Pond (1), 1911 -14. *Additional Images and info*
} Images of the pond, with its tufa fountain, shortly after it had
been re-designed following the building of
} the Grand Pavilion (Kursaal), including a photograph
from a Ward Lock Guide.
} |
Matlock Bath:
The Fish Pond (2)
Probably dates from shortly after WW1 |
Matlock Bath:
Fish Pond (3) |
Matlock Bath:
The Fish Pond, late 1920s. *Additional Image* |
Matlock Bath: The Fish Pond, 1927
It shows the shops opposite the Fish Pond and Boden's Restaurant, so was taken some years before it was posted |
Bath: The Fish Pond, about 1940
An ice cream van occupies the spot where Boden's Restaurant had
been. The card's sender mentions rationing |
Bath: The Fish Pond & Pavilion
With an additional piece of Matlock Bath history |
Matlock Bath: Fish Pond Hotel, 1900
Unique photograph of an assortment of cabs and waggonettes lined up outside the Fish Pond Hotel. |
Matlock Bath: Fish Pond Hotel, about 1910
A group of day trippers ("excursionists") on an outing with Joseph Tomlinson & Sons Ltd are enjoying the sunshine
outside the Fish Pond Hotel. |
Matlock Bath: Fish Pond Hotel, 1930s
Rare postcard of the hotel. |
Matlock Bath: Fish Pond Stables, 1907
The Grand Pavilion (now the Mining Museum) was built on this site. With two 1903 adverts and what happened to the fish. |
Bath: Fish Pond Stables, Providence Mine & the Mud Heap.
And a major quarrel between local councillors prior to the erection of the Grand Pavilion. |
[General Views] from Cat Tor, the Heights of Abraham and Jacob, Starkholmes et.c
Matlock Bath from Cat Tor
A coloured version of a one of the earliest cards on this website.
Now includes an enlargement of some of the properties on Derby Road - Woodland Terrace and House etc. |
Matlock Bath from Cat Tor (2)
This sepia card probably dates from about from about 1910 or so and shows the Road-House that was connected to the New Bath. |
Matlock Bath: General Views from Cat Tor, 1906 - 1913 *New*
Three more images of the view of the village from Cat Tor, two definitely
taken before the First World War and the third one, from a Ward
Lock Guide, was possibly taken then. |
Matlock Bath:
General View from The Heights of Abraham, about 1914
Superb view, looking south. |
Matlock Bath: From the Heights of Abraham, The Changing Landscape.
South Parade, with views of both Pavilions and the Royal Hotel in the 1920s. Two images. |
Matlock Bath:
From the Heights of Abraham, the Changed Landscape.*New*
Post World War Two, showing that only part of
the former Royal Hotel remained and evidence of the Army's occupation
in the village during that war. Four images. |
Matlock Bath: From the Heights of Abraham to Crich Stand & Beyond
Wonderful view from high up on Masson looking towards Crich and southwards |
Matlock Bath from the Heights of Jacob, 1908
Popular view of Matlock Bath from the Heights of Jacob |
Bath from the Heights of Jacob, 1908-14
Three postcards, taken from high up on the Heights of Jacobs. The
view looks down on Matlock Bath, and towards High Tor and Matlock
Bank as well as the hillside of Starkholmes and Riber. The name Heights
of Jacob was a late nineteenth century creation. |
Matlock Bath from the Heights of Jacob, 1920s *New*
Possibly the earliest picture of the extension to Temple Walk, showing
the section called New Road at its junction with Waterloo Road. |
Matlock Bath: View from Starkholmes, 1908
A wonderful panoramic view of Matlock Bath and Masson hillside, with details of some of the Terraces |
Matlock Bath: from the Temple Hotel
Possibly taken about 1920 or so |
Matlock Bath: Views from Waterloo Road, 1920s - 1940s
Three sepia cards, showing South Parade and the River Derwent from various viewpoints on Waterloo Road |
Heights of Abraham, with the Victoria Tower
Matlock Bath : Living at the Heights of Abraham,
Peter Aspey's personal account of a childhood spent at the Heights of Abraham. With three pictures |
Matlock Bath: Upper Tower, Heights of Abraham
Early twentieth century sepia postcard of the Upper Tower in the grounds of the Heights of Abraham and a second, black and white,
card showing a similar view. The second image shows the tea rooms. |
The Victoria Prospect Tower, Matlock Bath
The tower, built in 1844, is on the Heights of Abraham. Two cards from the early twentieth century. |
} Matlock
Bath: Victoria Tower, Heights of Abraham, 1907 -25
} Two coloured views of the Tower on the Heights of Abraham, with
one showing the hills in the distance.
} Two sepia images, including of one of
the coloured images, are also provided.
} |
Bath: Heights of Abraham, Wooded Slopes
Close up of part of Waterloo Road and the Lower Tower |
Holme Road
Matlock Bath:
Holme Road area, 1910-1920
Panorama of the properties on the hillside above North Parade |
Matlock Bath: Clarence Terrace, Holme Road, about
Now includes a second image of the five tall Victorian Gothic houses
on Holme Road.
Matlock Bath: The Clarence Hydropathic Establishment,
Holme Road
Clarence House Hydropathic Hotel, a newly erected and commodious
building opened in 1871. |
Matlock Bath: Holme Road from High Tor
Early twentieth century view - these days it can be seen from the Heights of Abraham Cable Car |
Illuminations | Venetian Fête | Venetian Nights
Bath: Illuminations & Venetian Fête (now Venetian Nights)
in the 1950's
Describes the seven year involvement of my late father, with photographs
of just two of the hundreds of set pieces he produced.
Four new images added Sept 2010.
Rewritten, to include an early history of the Venetian Fête
(now Venetian Nights) and many more photographs. |
Bath: Venetian Fete (now Venetian Nights), decorated boats.
The history, and images from the 1930s to the present day. |
Jubilee Bridge
} Matlock Bath: Jubilee Bridge
} The bridge was finally put in place a few days before
Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1887.
} Three images from 1907
} Now with more information New info*
} |
Bath: Jubilee Bridge, 1910
A slightly unusual view of the bridge, as it was mostly photographed as part of the river scene |
Matlock Bath: Jubilee Bridge, early 1960s
It is always very pleasant to stand by water and watch someone else rowing a boat |
Matlock Bath: From Lover's Walk, Jubilee Bridge, about 1900-05
The Promenade Gardens were laid out before the bridge was built |
Lovers' Walks
Matlock Bath: Lovers' Walks
A brief history of the walks and how they came to be owned by the Council. |
Matlock Bath: Lovers Walks, about 1901
The ferry crossing. Includes Pilkington's 1789 description of this section of Lovers' Walks |
} Matlock Bath: Lover's
Walk, Riverside Path New image*
} An early postcard, a "romantic" scene, plus two photographs - one
as a rollover - published in the Ward Lock Guide of 1932.
} |
Bath: Steps and Woodland Walk on Lovers' Walks
Autumnal postcard of Matlock Bath's famous Lovers' Walks, with 1783 quotation from Bray, and the tufa alcove that has disappeared |
Bath: Lovers' Walks and River Derwent, Edwardian card
Delightful card showing three young girls next to the ferry |
Bath: Lovers' Walks, an Edwardian Couple
From a painting by Warren Williams |
Walks, Matlock Bath, 1914
At the outbreak of war |
Bath: Aviaries and Monkey Houses, Lovers' Walks
One of Matlock Bath's lesser known attractions; they had been introduced in 1913.
Matlock UDC bought two black bears for the menagerie in 1930, but they didn't last long!
Bath: Lovers' Walks, 1950s
Two really high quality photographs. The rowers is a new addition. |
Masson House, Masson Mill, Masson Terrace and the Southern End
of Matlock Bath
Matlock Bath: Masson House & Masson Terrace
Traces the life of Adam Wolley's late eighteenth century home. His daughter and son in law lived here afterwards.
The growing family of Thomas Clarke were here at the end of the nineteenth century - painting and several photos
of their time in Matlock Bath - and an advertisement from the 1930s. Also a photo of Masson Terrace; this row of
houses, also late eighteenth century, disappeared when the A6 was widened. *New*
Matlock Bath: Masson Mill from Harp Edge, about
Masson Mill before it was altered. Two views of the Mill, the Derwent,
Cat Tor and Souh End *Additional image*
Matlock Bath: Arkwrights of Masson Mill, Advertisement,
1946 *New*
Aimed at recruiting school leavers. |
Matlock Bath: The Rutland Arms & Fairview Terrace
One of two photographs, taken in the early twentieth century, of the buildings opposite Masson Mill |
Matlock Bath: The Rutland Arms & Masson Mill
A second photograph, although the Mill is the main focus here. |
Matlock Bath: Southern end of the village, from
the river, early 20th century
The riverbank below the Masson Mill weir but upriver from Willersley |
Multi Views
Matlock Bath: Multiviews from the late Nineteenth Century to 1914
Four early multiview cards, including a court card, from two publishers.
Matlock Bath: Multiviews from the Inter War Years. *New*
Two multiviews of Matlock Bath from approximately 1918 to 1939.
Matlock Bath:
Multiview from the Inter War Years (2)
With pictures dating from the late 1920s and early 1930s, including
enlargement of the monkeys on Lovers' Walk. |
Matlock Bath: Multiviews from 1945 onwards. *New*
Five post World War Two images of the village.
New Bath Hotel
Matlock Bath, New Bath Hotel (1)
This Georgian building was the second hotel to be opened in the village.
*Updated, new image*
Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel (2)
Three early twentieth century views of the hotel from Cat Tor, with the huge lime or linden tree in the garden
*Updated, 2 new images*
Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel (3)
The Edwardian Hotel, then owned by the New Bath Hotel Company Limited.
*Updated, new image*
Matlock Bath:
New Bath Hotel (4)
One of Matlock Bath's oldest hotels and where people came for the
medicinal properties of the water, general view taken from Cat Tor.
Includes names of various proprietors. And a dog called Jack. |
Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel (5)
It is possible that these photos were taken to mark the opening of the New Bath Hotel's outdoor swimming pool.
Also discussed is why and when the Roadhouse Bar was built. *New info*
Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel (6)
View of the New Bath, and enlargements showing the stone built houses
on Clifton Road, the roadhouse and the stables
*Updated, new image*
Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel and Cat Tor, 1930s
The back of the hotel, with the pool and tennis courts. The image also shows the Victorian glasshouses, which had a warm wall for growing peaches. |
Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel Booklet, about 1900 *Updated*
The front and back covers and one of the photographs from the booklet
With information about the very large 1898 sale of the hotel's contents.
Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel - the Outdoor Swimming Pool *New Image*
Three postcards of the swimming pool at the New Bath Hotel and a photograph.
They mostly date from when the pool was constructed in the 1930s. |
North Parade
Matlock Bath:
North Parade from Across the River
Early undivided back card of the Derwent Terrace section of the Parade |
Matlock Bath: The Parade, 1902-05
Edwardian view of the Parade and the Promenade, with advertisement for the Peveril Temperance Hotel |
Matlock Bath: North Parade, early twentieth century (1)
The Promenade railings were being replaced in the winter of 1905 |
Matlock Bath: The Parade, before 1906
With another advertisement for the Peveril Temperance
Hotel |
Bath: North Parade & Waterloo Road
Edwardian postcard, dating from between 1901 and 1905,
showing properties on the Parade and the hillside above. |
Matlock Bath: North Parade, 1908
Coloured postcard showing Fountain Villas. |
Matlock Bath: North Promenade, an Edwardian Post Card
Here is Matlock Bath's North Parade, from the bottom of Holme Road looking south |
Matlock Bath: North Parade, Bank Holiday Crowds, 1906
A photograph by Percy Rowbottom |
Matlock Bath: North Parade, early twentieth century (2)
North Parade (part of) in the first decade of the twentieth century |
Matlock Bath: Bath: North Parade, about 1913
A card published by Stengel & Co |
Matlock Bath: North Parade, Albion Hotel Restaurant
Postcard of the restaurant's interior. |
Matlock Bath: Albion Hotel Restaurant, North Parade - Menu Card
Card printed for Mr. Graves, the proprietor
Includes an advertisement for the restaurant. *New Addition*
Matlock Bath: Albion Boarding House, North Parade, about 1900
Photograph of the outside. |
Matlock Bath: North Parade, 1920s *New Images and info*
From the Albion Restaurant to Mr. Slawson's chemist's shop, with a
picture of the Hardstaffs of Parade View and another of the AA man
on his motor-bike with side-car. A fourth photo shows the view of
the Prom from the balcony of their home. |
Matlock Bath: Sanger's Circus, 1900
Parade through the village of a famous English Circus. Now with additional image showing a parade through Alfreton. |
Photograph of North Parade, Matlock Bath
Probably taken just after the First World War |
North Parade in the 1920s, Matlock Bath
The George Hotel and Boden's shop |
Matlock Bath: North Parade, 1920s
Showing Wyvill's grocery and off-licence |
Matlock Bath: North Parade, 1930s
Postcard of North Parade, with advertisements for Evans' Parade Restaurant and Dalton's Central Restaurant |
Matlock Bath: Photograph of the Prom Café, North Parade
Taken during the Second World War |
Matlock Bath: North Parade (Derwent Parade), 1950s
Photographed either at the end of, or shortly after, the Second War |
Matlock Bath: North Parade about 1960
Two photographs - one is of one the shops in 1960 or so (Mr. Gale's Gift
Shop) and the other is a more recent one of North Parade, taken after the
A6 had been widened |
Pavilion - Old & New (Royal
Pavilion or Palais Royal & Grand
Pavilion or Kursaal)
Matlock Bath: The Royal Pavilion - the Palais Royal
Opened in July, 1884, it had a central concert hall
and assembly rooms, two promenade annexes, a refreshment saloon, and
a reading room. Five images. |
The Grand Pavilion (Kursaal), 1910-12, Matlock
Four postcards of the earliest years of the Grand Pavilion and how it all came to be built.
One image shows the building before it was completed. The first caretaker and advertising the new Pierrot Pavilion. |
Matlock Bath: The Grand Pavilion (The Kursaal) from Temple Terrace, 1915
Matlock Bath's New Pavilion, built in 1910, was originally known as the Kursaal. |
Matlock Bath: Grand Pavilion, Obelisk & Spar Shop
The New Pavilion and the Heights of Abraham on Masson hillside, about 1912. The Spar Shop was demolished a few years later. |
Matlock Bath: The Grand Pavilion, from Temple Walk, 1911-20
Three cards, two from 1911 and one from 1920. The grounds were landscaped in early 1911. Two show Boden's Restaurant whilst the
third from dates from the building's days as a Glove Factory |
Matlock Bath: The Grand Pavilion, 1920s
Two of the four cards include the Fish Pond Hotel.
Threats of closure hung over the Pavilion and its cinema towards the
end of the decade. |
Matlock Bath: The Grand Pavilion Ballroom, before 1928
The Pavilion ballroom, where dances were held on Saturday nights.
Within these walls romance blossomed for many locals |
Matlock Bath: The Grand Pavilion, 1930s
The 1930s began for the Pavilion with a Great Exhibition and ended
with the War and the fitting of an air raid siren.
Matlock Bath: The Grand Pavilion, 1938 |
Matlock Bath: Children's Corner, Grand Pavilion, 1923.*New*
This was sited on ground that had formerly belonged to the Ferry House. |
Matlock Bath: Industrial Exhibition, Grand Pavilion, 1946
Help and advice on possible careers for school leavers in post-war Britain was available in the Matlocks.
An exhibition was held at the Grand Pavilion |
Matlock Bath: Musical Festival, 1961
A little about the former Annual Musical Festival, with programme covers for 1961 and 1954.
The event concluded with evening concerts performed in the Grand Pavilion. |
Petrifying Wells
Matlock Bath: The Great Petrifying Well, 1932
There was a time when small children and adults alike flocked to see the wonders created by water dripping onto a variety of objects
and changing them into stone. Read about the items that were petrified. *Addition to*
Matlock Bath: The Royal Museum Petrifying Well
With 1930s advertisement for Smith's Royal Museum and Petrifying Well. *Addition to*
Promenade & Road Widening
The Promenade, Matlock Bath
Very early twentieth century.
The promenade was, together with Jubilee Bridge, part of a scheme
to commemorate the Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1887. |
The Promenade, Matlock Bath, 1902
A photograph from a Ward Lock Guide |
Matlock Bath: The Promenade, about 1904-05
Shows the layout of the pre 1906 Promenade |
Matlock Bath: The Promenade, before 1905 |
Matlock Bath: Promenade and Gardens, before 1904
The lamp, surrounded by the canvas awning, was replaced by Matlock Bath's War Memorial.
Two late Victorian or early Edwardian images. |
Matlock Bath: Promenade Gardens, with Gas Lamps, about 1902
Two postcards of the Prom, showing the gas lamps. With info about local lamp lighters. |
Bath: The Promenade, about 1905
Two Edwardian postcards. |
Matlock Bath: Promenade Gardens, about 1915
The Promenade had undergone some changes. |
Bath: River Derwent and Promenade
Showing one of the old thatched kiosks. |
Bath: The Promenade *New image and info*
This tufa water feature opposite the old Fountain Baths disappeared when the road was widened. |
Matlock Bath: Promenade
and Memorial, 1920 and 1930.
Three postcards and a photograph from the 1928 Ward Lock Guide.
Matlock Bath: Lovers' Walks and the Band Stand *Additional image*
The Band Stand, or Band Kiosk as it was originally called, is now almost 130 years old.
River Derwent, from north to south
Matlock Bath: River Derwent and Promenade, about
Three images of the river and promenade alongside North Parade |
Matlock Bath: River Derwent, 1906
View of the Derwent favoured by artists |
Matlock Bath: River Derwent, 1914
Includes details of Matlock Bath's first annual regatta in 1875. |
Bath: The Parade & the Derwent, 1920s-1930s
A photograph from the 1928 Ward Lock Guide and a second black and white
photo taken a few years later. |
The Derwent at Matlock Bath, 1950
The river at the southern end of North Parade and the hillside above, a few years before the riverside buildings were pulled down.
Three images and an advertisement for the Devonshire Hotel |
Matlock Bath: View from River Derwent
A riverside scene that disappeared almost fifty years ago. |
Matlock Bath: The river behind South Parade's shops
and businesses
Four postcards of the stretch of the river between the old Devonshire
Cafe and the Grand Pavilion from the 1920s and 30s.
Plus an enlargement of part of one of them. |
Bath: Boating on the River Derwent
and a little about some of the accidents there have been. |
Bath: Boats For Hire, 1950s
Rowing boats tied up at the landing stage behind the Grand Pavilion.
The man in charge was Walter Bird - two photographs. |
Bath: The Heights of Abraham, from the Derwent, 1904
A painting by Henry Hadfield Cubley. |
Matlock Bath: River Derwent, Masson Weir
Permission was granted to convey water to the paper mill on the banks
of the Derwent. The Masson weir was then constructed. Six images,
including pictures of both the weir and its sluice. |
Matlock Bath: Masson Mill's Water Wheel, about
Photographs of the 1847 Wren and Bennet water wheel taken shortly before it was replaced by turbines. |
Matlock Bath: River Derwent from Scarthin Rock
Two views from the south end of the River Derwent, showing Harp Edge and Woodbank from Scarthin Rock. |
Road widening
Widening at Matlock Bath, 1967
A series of five photographs showing the work in progress |
Royal Hotel
Matlock Bath:
The Royal Hotel
Matlock Bath's top class hotel, which replaced The Old Bath Hotel,
was burnt down in a fire. |
Bath: The Royal Hotel and the Church |
Bath: The Royal Hotel and garden
Matlock Bath's top class Royal Hotel had wonderful gardens. Postcards,
photograph and 1903 advertisement. |
Matlock Bath: The Royal Hotel, Pavilion and Holy Trinity Church
A largish crowd assembled on a rough piece of ground watching a play being performed on an open stage.
Plus a helter skelter lighthouse on the Fish Pond Stables site. |
Bath: The Old Pavilion and Royal Hotel, 1903
Two of three identical images that at first glance seem to differ.
With additional quotation from 'Bemroses Guide' |
Bath: The Royal Hotel, with the large extension
The most significant conference that ever took place there was during
the First World War when the first Boy Scout Commissioners' Conference
was held at the hotel. Shortly afterwards it became the Canadian
Convalescent Officers' Hospital. |
Matlock Bath: Royal Hotel & Baths (1)
The Royal hotel, built on the site of the old bath, was a substantial stone building.
Royal Hotel & Baths, Matlock Bath (2)
This postcard shows the later extension at the rear which survived the fire of
1929. The second postcard added in Feb 2010
Matlock Bath: Royal Hotel Brochure, about 1908
Several photographs from a small brochure about "The Royal Hotel and Bathing
Establishment" |
The Pavilion, Church and Royal Hotel, before 1905
"Hold to light card", and a rare view of below the main building of the Switchback |
Bath: The Royal Hotel - the Royal or Radium Well.
The first spring discovered in Matlock Bath in 1696 was found in the
grounds of the Royal Hotel |
Royal Museums and Spar Shops
Matlock Bath: Mr. Buxton's Royal Museum & the Great Petrifying Well
Three images. Photograph from a Ward Lock Guide and two coloured postcards. |
Matlock Bath:
Mr. Buxton's Royal Museum, Interior
Two superb early twentieth century photographs of the interior of a spar shop |
Matlock Bath: The Royal Museum (Smith's), South
A family business specialising in Blue John that passed down through
several generations. |
Snow |
Matlock Bath: Winter Scenes, 1947
Britain suffered one of the worst and prolonged snowfalls on record.
Six images
Matlock Bath: Winter Scenes, 1960-70
A series of four photos, probably taken during the winter of 1962-3. It was one of the coldest winters on record
South Parade and the Pitchings
Nos. 1 and 2 South Parade, Matlock Bath, 1906 *New image and
1 and 2 South Parade are the premises next door to the Fish Pond Hotel |
Matlock Bath: South Parade, Bank Holiday Crowds, 1906
A photograph by Percy Rowbottom |
Matlock Bath: South Parade & Green Lane, about 1900
Includes 1903 advert for the Gladiator Cycle made by Mr Ashby |
Matlock Bath: Photograph of Museum Parade & The Pitchings, 1910
A lovely clear B&W photograph taken by an Australian visitor |
Matlock Bath: South Parade & the Pitchings, a drawing
Here is a print taken from a drawing done by Mr. Frank Clay. The drawing and some of the text was originally in a different section
of this website |
Bath: South Parade - an Edwardian Postcard
Very pretty coloured postcard of South Parade and the Heights of Abraham |
Bath: South Parade and the Heights of Abraham, 1905
Hand coloured postcard, taken shortly after the death of Queen Victoria |
Matlock Bath: South Parade, 1909, & Boden's Baker & Confectioner
Three postcards. The view of South Parade from opposite the Fish
Pond to just past the Pitchings. Includes the Heights of Abraham |
Matlock Bath: South Parade, 1910 - the Roads & Boden's Restaurant
Edwardian postcard of South Parade, taken by Percy Rowbottom, and council dismay about the state of Matlock Baths roads. Now
includes an additional image, an advertisement for and information about Boden's restaurant. |
Matlock Bath: South Parade, early twentieth century
Now includes the names of some of the shopkeeepers and an enlargement of a section of the Parade.
Queen Series postcard. |
Matlock Bath: South Parade, the Summer of 1914
The blowing up High Tor fiasco to the early days of war. |
Bath: South Parade & Heights of Abraham, 1914-18
Includes some soldiers, who were probably billeted in the village. |
Bath: South Parade, 1920s *New Images and info*
A photograph taken by a local man, probably of a bank holiday crowd.
The second image is of a Spa Service bus or charabanc. |
Matlock Bath: High Tor from Matlock Bath Station, 1912
The station building and the Gas works. |
Matlock Bath Station and High Tor
Matlock Bath station was built in the style of a Swiss chalet. It was extended in the 1890s. Includes photos of the station today |
Matlock Bath: Midland Express Passing Through the Station
Early twentieth century card of the station and the goods yard. |
Matlock Bath: Station House and the Last Station Master
Two twentieth century photographs, with some details of the railway and previous station masters. |
Temple Hotel and Temple Walk
Matlock Bath: Temple Hotel
The Temple Hotel was one of Matlock Bath's oldest hotels. In its earliest years it was linked to The Old Bath Hotel.
Includes two old advertisements. *Additional image*
Matlock Bath: Temple Walk
Temple Walk was constructed to connect the Old Bath Hotel with the Temple. There was an interesting find! |
Matlock Bath Today
Matlock Bath Today (1)
Recent Photographs - North Parade and two of the bottom of Holme Road
Two out of three are shown left.
Matlock Bath Today (2)
Recent Photographs - View from the Heights of Abraham, plus Temple Walk
and Orchard Road from Upperwood Road, including the former Prince of Wales Inn
Two out of five shown left.
Matlock Bath Today (3)
Recent Photographs. The information from the original Matlock Bath Today
has been incorporated into this page, with more pictures of South Parade,
plus a couple of North Parade
Two out of eight are shown left |
Matlock Bath Today (4)
Recent Photographs. Two pictures of the former Colour Works and one
of the High Tor Tunnel, plus a little about building the tunnel |
Matlock Bath Today (5)
Recent Photographs. Two pictures taken from the top of Cat To. |
Matlock Bath
Today (6)
Recent Photographs. Six pictures of the Bath in winter |
Upper Wood
Matlock Bath: Upper Wood
This is one of only two known pictures of Upperwood, which is high on the hill above Matlock Bath and about 800 feet above sea level |
Matlock Bath: View from the Heights of Jacob - the top of Jacob's Ladder
or Steps *New*
Two views (summer and winter) of the old steps, set in woodland, connecting South Parade with Bonsall via Upperwood. Photos taked by Thomas Meredith Henshall |
Matlock Bath: Zoo Tea Gardens, Upper Wood
This wonderful but slightly eccentric building, possibly the ultimate curiosity in garden shed design, used to be in Upper Wood. |
Water Fountain
Matlock Bath: The 1881 Water Fountain.
The fountain has been restored several times. Read about the link to
the Scouting Movement |
Woodbank, later Cromford Court
Matlock Bath:
Woodbank, later Cromford Court
It was built by John Edward Lawton, a Cotton Manufacturer from Manchester,
who was in partnership with Frederic Charles Arkwright at one stage |
Bath: Woodbank, 1910
Coloured view of Woodbank and Arkwright's Masson Mill taken from
Harp Edge |
Matlock Bath: Woodbank
(Cromford Court), 1912, exterior
Four photographs of the exterior taken not long after the Co-operative Holidays Association leased the mansion in May 1911.
Matlock Bath: Woodbank (Cromford Court), 1912, interior |
Matlock Bath: Woodbank, 1930s, when it became Cromford
The Friendship Holiday Association was owned by Henry Charles White.
Two more images have been added. |
Bath: Cromford Court, FHA brochures for 1936 & 1951
Part of two brochures advertising Cromford Court
as a holiday centre. |
Scarthin and Chapel Hill
Bath: The Southern Entrance to the Dale, 1900-1910
Scarthin Rock |
Nick and the Greyhound Pond, about 1905
A large pond is a wonderful asset for any community but during the
nineteenth century Scarthin's residents faced some public health
issues |
Scarthin Nick : Staffordshire Row & Chapel Hill, 1905
The row are late eighteenth century terraced houses, built by Arkwright.
Chapel Hill was named after the old Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. |
Via Gellia
Matlock Bath: Rider Point, Via Gellia
Four pretty cards of Rider Point, Via Gellia, two of which show the former toll house with people outside it, members of the
Bainbridge family. Also there is a lovely water colour of the house.
Via Gellia, Derbyshire
Five postcards of the beautiful ravine of the Via Gellia, showing Bonsall Wood, Middleton Wood and
Rider Point.
In Via Gellia, near Matlock Bath, 1906
In Via Gellia, Matlock
Bath, 1903 |
In the Via Gellia, about 1929
Pretty postcard of one of the cottages. |
Via Gellia: Multiviews
from the late Nineteenth Century to 1914 *New*
A Jackson and Son postcard of the Via Gellia from the early twentieth century |
The Pig of Lead Inn, Via Gellia, Matlock Bath,
The Pig of Lead, at one time called The Via Gellia Inn, "is a hostelry
that reminds us that we have reached Bonsall".
Now includes an image from 1894. *New*
Matlock Bath: Pig of Lead and Via Gellia Road
The road close to the Pig of lead was widened in the early years of
the twentieth century. The work was part of Via Gellia Improvement Scheme |
Via Gellia, Tufa Cottage, near Matlock Bath
Two images of a house of slightly unusual construction that became a popular stop on the tourist trail for the Victorian and
Edwardian visitor. A little of its history and its inhabitants. The coloured postcard was sent to my great aunt in 1905. |