There was great excitement in the village when the spectacular Sanger's
Circus passed through Matlock Bath. Parades through the streets
were part of the showman's exhibition and such "gorgeous" processions
generally finished at the show ground where they were to perform.
This parade is travelling southwards through Matlock Bath and the
most likely explanation is that the circus company had left Matlock
and were passing through the village en route to another venue[1].
Some years earlier, in 1886, "Messrs. Sangers' gigantic
establishment [had] entered Matlock Bridge, and 7 large banners
and Union Jacks make their appearance upon some of the eminences
at the Bath and elsewhere"[2] and
they undoubtedly passed through Matlock Bath on that occasion,
Sanger's was one of the biggest English circuses during the 19th
century and Lord George Sanger certainly knew how to hype things
up. When he visited Derby in 1897, for example, the advertisement
he placed in the local paper read:
"Nine-tenths of the population of the United Kingdom
have heard their Mothers, Fathers and Grandfathers speak
of, and Millions that now wear their honoured grey hairs,
in the sear of life, will say Sanger's Circus was the first
circus I ever saw! Sanger's has been the best circus I
have ever seen!! Sanger's always have something new!!!"[3]
Sanger added that the Derby show marked his Diamond Jubilee as
a performer, dating his professional life from 1837. He also congratulated
Queen Victoria on her Jubilee.
Sanger's Circus had developed as a family business with the brothers "Lord" George
and "Lord" John Sanger working together for some years
but they eventually went their separate ways. Lord John died in
1889 and Lord George retired in 1905. Sadly, at the age of 84,
he was attacked and murdered by an employee at his home in East
Finchley in 1911[4].
Whilst it is difficult to know which of the two competing circuses
was sometimes visiting, as in 1886, we know that Lord John Sanger's
circus was performing in the Matlocks in 1899. The Good Friday
Bank Holiday that year proved to be a really wet day.
"From the time they arrived until going away there
was no pleasure to be found such as that for which the
excursionist came. Lord John Sanger's circus occupied a
site in one of Mr Ward's fields. People went there to obtain
shelter from the wet and cold. The day passed, over with
lamentation from the tripper because the uncomfortable
condition he was in, and from the caterer through the store
of food remaining on his hands"[5].
On another occasion Sanger's Circus was performing at Bateman's
Park, opposite the Railway Hotel in Matlock[6].
The elephants were always popular and some of them, according to
Mr. Arkle, were seen to drink water from the Derwent. Unfortunately,
one of the animals became problematic, refused to leave the river,
and attempts to scare it - with gunfire - were unsuccessful. A
second elephant was taken back into the water to encourage the
stubborn one to come out. Although no date was provided for this
particular episode, it must have taken place in 1905 as Arkle also
recounted what happened to the animal when the circus moved on
to Bakewell; the story is the same[7].
Performances did not always go to plan and it was widely reported
that a rather unpleasant incident occurred during a subsequent
show at Bakewell in May of that year, after Sanger's had left the
Matlocks, when an elephant crushed its trainer and reportedly put
a tusk into the poor man's thigh. It also seems to have tried to
tear down the canvas of the circus tent whilst keepers with pronged
forks were trying to control the clearly panicking animal. It left
the tent in the ensuing pandemonium and subsequently had to be
put down and was later buried[8].
It was said to be the same elephant that had caused problems in
Matlock[7]. There is
photographic evidence of the circus's presence in Matlock as there
is a image, taken by Mr. Kirk of Cromford, of an elephant clearly
enjoying the attention of the crowd whilst lying in relatively
shallow water in the River Derwent at Matlock[9].
One consequence of the "vile display by one of the elephant's
at Bakewell" meant that the three remaining animals were
given a wide berth when the circus went on to Buxton[10].
Lord John Sanger's circus visited Matlock again on 19 April 1912;
it arrived from Belper in the morning before presenting an afternoon
and evening performance and was to travel on to Bakewell the following
day. It was planned that, should the weather be fine, the first
performance "would be preceded by a gorgeous procession
of what is best described as a circus, hippodrome and menagerie"[11].
From what we can see in the two rare images here, it seems an apt
Below is another picture of the circus, this time parading through
Alfreton's Cattle Market. We can get more of a sense of just how
long the parades were from this image. In this picture you can
see a group of four horses, three of which are riderless and on
the fourth is a man wearing armour. There are four large elephants
and three or four camels in the foreground, with a line stretching
back along the road behind them that includes more horses and people
wearing a variety of costumes. The circus seems to have visited
Alfreton almost every year between 1890 and 1900, and presumably
they also visited the Matlocks with similar frequency. They were
back in Alfreton again in 1903[12].

Parade through Alfreton's Cattle Market.
There is a similar photograph, undoubtedly taken just a
few minutes beforehand
as it shows the same onlookers, in a book about Alfreton. |