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The Vernon Lamb Archive, World War One Soldiers, Groups
A Unique Photographic Record of Matlock & District, 1910-1915, and World War One Soldiers

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Place: Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Regiment) Army Training Camp
Property / Street / Road: Dunstable, camp.
Date: 1915
Description/Historical Information: These soldiers are proudly showing off their rifles and bayonets. The rifles are Japanese Type 30 received by the 2/6th Battalion on 25 Feb 1915 (WO 95/3025/3, Battalion's War Diary, 1914 - 1916, TNA). The man on the left has Scout first class badge.
Further information
elsewhere on this site:
- Matlock & Matlock Bath : The War Memorials
- Matlock Names in the 2/6th Sherwood Foresters
Image Reference: VLA4890
Copyright: © The Vernon Lamb Archive and Robert White.
See About the Archive and About Vernon Lamb, Photographer.