The Andrews Pages Picture Gallery : Derbyshire |
A selection of photographs, prints
and postcards. Some have personal or family connections |
Crich Parish Church & Mr. John Clay, Gentleman |
In 1818 Henry Moore observed that "the church, which has
a spire, is built upon the limestone, with a very inconsiderable
covering of earth, so that the graves are necessarily very shallow,
except in some instances where the rock is blasted with gunpowder
to deepen them, which sometimes creates an expense of three or
four pounds for making a single grave"[1].
A couple of years later Ebenezer Rhodes "ascended the
church tower from within, and from the top of it a view is
obtained of a wide extent of country, intersected with roads,
rivers and canals, studded with villages and houses, vales
and eminences — in some places bright with sunny fields — in others, dark
with masses of interweaving wood; the whole presenting to
the eye of the spectator and immense panorama of interesting
Equally, "the church and stand are very conspicuous
objects from a distance of several miles around"[3].
The stand Rhodes mentioned was replaced, then demolished
and a new one built on a slightly different site.
Whilst the older parts of the church were begun in the time
of Stephen (reigned 1135-1154), most of the building is 14th
century. This includes the tower and spire, the chancel with
a priest's doorway and the old stone lectern[4].
Bassano (1710) mentions a north porch, which has long gone, in
addition to the one of the south side shown above[5].
South East view, 1877.
The church had been restored in 1861. |
Before William Chawner became the vicar of Crich in 1855 St.
Mary's was described as "a miserable place, it was so
cold you could hardly sit in it, and at the communion there
had been only the minister, the clerk, one woman, and at times
the choir consisted of only a bass viol. There was neither
Sunday nor Day School"![6].
It must have been pretty grim.
J. C. Cox tells us the then earliest register (1617 to 1640)
was "much damaged, badly written and in a few places quite
illegible". However, in the summer of 1877 he was [and
possibly others were] responsible for restoring an earlier
register "to the parish chest" (1564-1593)
which a Croydon gentleman, Mr. Hovenden, had bought at an auction[5].
The following entries were found:-
"Marmaduke Babington sepultus fuit decimo septo Januarii, 1587" (i.e.1587/8).
"Germanus Poole de Wakebridge sepultus fuit vicessimo sexto
dis Aprilis, 1588."
"Theophilus Claye sepultus fuit secundo die Marcii, 1590
(i.e 1590/1)."
"Petrus Poole sepultus fuit vicessimo die Septembria, 1590."[5]
Over the chancel arch was a biblical quotation:
"Him that cometh to ME I will in no wise cast out"
(John VI, v.37)[7]
During the 1861 restoration[8] the rood screen, between and chancel and the body of the
church, was removed. It was later found in a Derby builder's yard by the Rev. William Hope
and taken to St. Peter's, Derby, where it remained for 60 years. The Derby church then applied
for a faculty to remove it, stating that "this screen is of no artistic beauty" and in March 1923
it was restored to its original place[9].
This explains why there is an uninterrupted view of
the sanctuary and altar from the clerestoried nave in this attractive early 20th century photo. |
Inside the church are a number of interesting
memorials. Sir William de Wakebridge, who lost his entire
family within three months during the Black Death, was buried
here. His effigy shows him wearing a long gown, buttoned from
neck to hips, and with his feet resting on a dog[4].
Cox recounts how he was a considerable benefactor to the
church, founding one chantry shortly after the family catastrophe
and a second in 1368[10].
He had also built a chapel in a detached building at his
Wakebridge manor house with "an orgayne and other costly
When Wakebridge died there were no male heirs, so the manor
of Wakebridge passed down through his sister Cecilia, who was
married to Sir John Pole [sometimes Poole]. Their descendant,
German Pole, inherited Wakebridge in 1537. He married twice
though had no issue. His second wife, Margaret, went on to
marry John Clay (as Clay's second wife) although was later
buried in the church at Crich with her first husband (see
chart below). The inventory of German Poole's effects,
praysed 11 May 1588, lists a room called The Chappell Chamber and also shows items
"In the Chappell" itself, including a table - of 3£ total
Moore (1818) noted the existence of the remains of this chapel: when travelling from Holloway "On the
left is a farmhouse where formerly stood Wakebridge chapel. The east window still remains in the end of a barn at the
back of the house which is the only discernible indication of the chapel".[1] Cox,
later in the same century, commented that the large barn which now stands on the site of the chapel has no trace of
antiquity, or any ecclesiastical feature about it"[5].
There are also tombs or brass plates dating from this period dedicated to Godfrey Beresford (an altar tomb), to
John Kirkland yeoman and to Robert and Margaret Marshall[12].
A stone coffin is said to be underneath the Marshall's plate (Reynolds)[5]. Another
commemorates Thomas Shelmerdine's infant son Ephraim; John Clay was the patron of Shelmerdine in the early years that
he was vicar of Crich[12].
The Clay tomb
As a young Clay growing up, when the family talked about another
of the tombs – the alabaster monument of John Clay
within Crich church – it became an important feature
in the web mistress's family history research. Very disappointingly,
by the time Reynolds wrote his "Derbyshire
Church Notes" in the mid eighteenth century, John
Clay's tomb was "so much worn with boys climbing upon
it, whilst the churchwardens suffered one Joseph Mather ...
to teach school in the chancel (which infamous practice was
continued till about 1732), that most of the writing is obliterated"[5].
The tomb was erected in 1603, so after the deaths of both
his wives and of his two sons. It was also after the marriage
of John's daughter Penelope, but before those of his two other daughters.
Reynolds provides the following about the top of the tomb:
"Here lieth John Clay gentleman and Mary whom he first did wive.
With her he lived near eight years space in which God gave them children five.
Daughter to William Calton Esquir who was unto that Kynge of fame
Henrie the eight chief cock matcher and servant of his hawkes by name.
And as she had a former match, Charnell of Swarston in Lestershire,
So shee deceast this Clay did take the widow of German Pole, Esquire.
Daughter of Edward who was son to Sir John Ferrers of Tamworth, Knight.
Shee lyes entombed in this church with him to whom she first was plight.
And nowe this Claye is closed in Claye, the fairest flesh doth fade like grass.
He had an sister who unto Stuffyn of Shirbrook married was.
For deathe doth gyve an end to all and now this Clay shall reste herein.
All claye to claye shall com at last by Death the due reward of synne.
Thou Deathe, his Deathe, thy Deathe is he whose soule doth live with Christ for aye.
The stinge of death can no one flee, then greatest monarchs are but Claye."
[Please note that the inscription was in Roman capitals,
but, to make it easier to read, it is presented here in
mixed case. The above section also contained insertions
in square brackets that filled the gaps (or "chasms")
where the text was missing. The additions were made by
Adam Wolley of Matlock. He was using information extracted
from Bassano[5].
The brackets are not shown as it makes the whole harder to read.]
There are three escutcheons; first, the arms of Claye; secondly, those of Clay impaling both Calton and Ferrers;
thirdly, Calton alone.
"From the easternmost edge of this tablet to the S.
E. corner of the tomb, and over the east end is written:
Iste Johannes obiit mortem _ _ _ mensis [Maii] Anno [1632,][sic]*
_ _ _ et ista Maria obiit mortem [31] mensis [Augusti, Anno]
*should read 1633
Three panels on the south side of the tomb
These contain the names of Mr. Clay's three daughters: Susanna,
Mary and Penelope are each kneeling on a cushion, with their
faces turned to the east. Behind Susanna and Mary are three
escutcheons with the dexter half being uncharged as they
were unmarried when the tomb was built. Behind Penelope**
(hers is the most easterly panel) is an escutcheon that
includes the Brailsford arms and on her cushion are the words "Nupta
Erat Thome Brailsford de Senor", indicating her marital status.
**Penelope wished to be interred in "the Chancell of the
parish church of Chrich where her brother was buried"[13].
On the east end of the tomb
John and Mary's two sons, William and Theophilus, with their
names written above their heads, are also kneeling on cushions,
but are facing north: "by each of them is Written, Mortuss
Est; and under the cushions " ISTI FILII OBIEBANT IN
JUVENTUTE SUA" [these children died in youth].
Reynolds goes on to state that "upon the partition
betwxt the church and cancel, on that side next the chancel,
is written the following inscription (over this last mentioned
tomb) in antique letters:
Soules they are made of Heavenly spirit ;
From whence they come ye heavens inherite.
But knowe that bodyes made of Claye :
Death will devoure by night or daye
Yett is hee as hee was I saye :
Be livinge or dead remayneth Claye.
His very name that nature gave ;
Is nowe as shalbe in his grave.
Tymes both teache, experience tryes :
That claye to duste the winde up dryes.
Then this a wonder coumpt wee must :
That want of winde should make Claye dust."
See Cley
of Crich chart, below
"The interior contains strong Norman work in the
aisle arcades"[14].
Notice the attractive scalloped capitol on the column closest
to the pulpit and the later, small
pointed arch "inserted to connect the earlier work
with the C14 chancel"[15].
The capitols we can see in this image are square whereas
those opposite are round. |
So who was John Clay?
In Trinity term, anno 27 Elizabeth (June/July 1584) Anthony
Babington sold all his lands and tithes in Crich to John Clay
of Crich, gent.[3].
However, the arms of Clay of Crich had first appeared in the
1569 Visitation[16] (see Cley of Crich
chart, below) which
indicates that the Clays were present in Crich at the time[17].
Their arms were later confirmed under the hand of Sir William
Dethick in 1588. The word confirmed is
significant here as tells us the arms already existed,
seemingly through John Clay's grandfather John (who was also
of Crich) so they were not "granted" in 1588. Flowers
(& others)
Visitation of 1592[18] also
records the Clay arms at Crich. But the fact that the Clay
arms were around earlier than some have thought may go help
us eventually understand how and why they afterwards appeared
in the families of the three Clay mayors, i.e. Hercules Clay
of Newark (1644), Hercules Clay of Chesterfield (1654, 1661)
and John Clay of Leicester (1655, 1672).
John Clay was both a friend and a kinsman of William Wryley,
the author of "True Use of Armourie" (1592),
through the Charnells of Leicestershire. Wryley mentioned him
in notes about Crich written in his personal copy of the 1592
As the pedigree at the bottom of this page shows,
John was the son of Robert and Emott Clay and his grandparents
on his father's side were John Clay and [unknown] daughter
of Lathbury. Towards the end of his life his sister Elizabeth
was also living in his Crich home as the inventory of his will
refers to "Mrs. Stuffins parloure"[19].
It is also worth pointing out that John Clay never was
Sir John Clay. He was Mr. John Clay, a gentleman of Wakebridge,
parish of Crich; he was a member of the Gentry, but neither
he nor his forebears had been ennobled. The title Mr. respectfully
underlines his importance in the community.
The arms state he was Clay "of Crich and Chappell" and
numerous people have been convinced that Chappell meant Chapel-en-le-Frith.
Yet no references have been found for Clays living in Chapel-en-le-Frith
at this time. Another suggestion has been that "Chappell" is
an error and should be Glapwell, where John Clay's parents
were living in 1589[20].
However, I would venture to suggest that neither Chapel-en-le-Frith
nor Glapwell belong to his arms; both Glapwell and the much
more local Wakebridge were already taken so he could not have
used either of them. Instead, I suggest that Chappell refers
to the Chappell we know existed in Wakebridge, where John Clay
lived (see above). Many pedigrees and grants of arms point
to something very specific in their community and the inventory
of his will shows "the neather Chappell field" was
part of his estate[19].
Two "Cryche" men were part of a Muster for
the Spanish Invasion in 1587; they were Robert Bunting and
George Emott (with George Radford's name crossed through).
They had "all trayned in May, 1588." – 400
men, in anticipation on the Spanish Invasion[21].
There is no evidence that John Clay was involved in the Armada.
In 1595 and 1596 John Clay was "charged wth horse" ("John
Cley gent – Lances 0 – Light-horse j [1] – Petronells
0."), and also recorded in a Muster[21].
He was amongst the Derbyshire gentry who lent money to Queen
Elizabeth I in 1598 and in 1600 he was asked to provide 20s
towards 4 horses for Ireland that cost 30£ each[22].
There are other references to John, but not all of them are
included here.
He was mentioned in a number of Wills, most notably that of
Dame Elizabeth Talbot Countess of Shrewsbury. In the memorandum
following the second codicil, is written: "Also
she toulde the sayed Lord Caevndishe her sonne that Mr Claye
of Criche did owe her one hundred poundes whereof she did
give ffifttie pundes to the sayed Mr. Claye and ffiftie punndes
she gave to his daughter Ms. Mary Claye"[23].
He left several interesting bequests in his own Will,
written on the 23rd October 1629. Those to his family included
one to "to the eldest son of my daughter Penelope [Brelsford]
the Ringe I wear with my Arms upon it". Others also received
gold rings to remember him by. The village of Crich was given
forty shillings "towards them makinge & mendinge of
all such Carrybyes bridges & highways within the Towneshipe",
his servants were to be paid their wages and given an additional
sum, whilst he hoped "those poore Tennants that I have
or shall have at the tyme of my decease maye still Remayne
The inventory of his Will also showed that in his "haulle",
amongst the buffets and little table, were "towe haulberts
towe pistol one forest bill five browne bills foure leaden
mantles one private Armoure Compleate ---[with other?] ould
Armoore with head peeces". These were not declared in
earlier documentation, but suits of armour were very expensive
items in Elizabethan and Jacobean England. Sometimes they were
used for jousting and sometimes, seemingly, just as a fashion
Some 145 years after his death a significant piece of his
furniture was offered for sale in Shirland. On 6 March 1778 "A
ceiled bedstead formerly belonging to John Claye of Crich in
Co. Derby, gent was exposed to sale this day at John Ludlams
in Shirland. On the middle pannel of the head thereof was inlaid
in wood, of proper colours, his arms and crest. ..."[24]
Crich is mentioned in the following extract
from Joseph Besse:
"A Collection of the Sufferings of the People called
Besse states his work was" taken from original records and
other Authentick Accounts".
It is included here because of a suggested link to John Clay.
ANNO 1661.
Violent dispersing of a meeting.
On the 26th of the Month called June this year, a Magistrate
of the Town, with a rude Company, came to a meeting at
Dronfield, and ordered the Assembly to depart... Three
Days after this a Meeting at Eyam in
the High-Peak, to which came a Constable with Soldiers,
and plucked down Elizabeth Deane, then praying,
dragging her out of Doors and shamefully tearing her Clothes.
With like violence they drew out the rest, some by the
Hair of the Head, others by the Legs with their heads on
the Ground : After which they were carried to a justice
of the Peace by those who had thus abused them, and refusing
to give such Sureties for their good behaviour, they were
by his Mittimus ordered
to Derby Gaol;
after which they were kept in all Night in a Barn, and
next day conveyed to Crich, and there kept another
Night in a Room, many of them lying on the Floor, nor having
so much as Straw to lie on. Thus fatigued, they were carried
the next Day after to Derby, being thirty one Men and ten
Women ... they were kept Prisoners till the 18th of the
next month. |
The above extract does not make comfortable reading today.
This is the only reference to Crich in either of the two volumes by Besse. The barn
he mentioned was presumably at or near Eyam. Whether the room at Crich, where the Quakers next went,
was also a barn is not stated above. Besse meticulously named
all the 41 people who were taken as prisoners to Derby, but
not their abodes. He does not mention any similar incident
at Crich in 1667[25] although,
unfortunately, the date of the suffering is now widely recorded
in various stories as being 1667, which it clearly wasn't.
What happened when the 1661 group of Quakers were in Crich
was afterwards recounted in a story about
Margaret Ridge, later Mrs. John Lynam, possibly found amongst
extracts of her letters[26].
John Lynam had also been imprisoned at Derby, but not on this
occasion. Margaret's story is given in A Quaker's Tale although
the "room" at Crich mentioned by Besse (above) became "Squire
Clay's barn" in the Lynam tale[27].
If the "barn" in the story did belong to Mr. John
Clay (as the Squire) it should be remembered that he had died
almost 30 years before so the barn was no longer his; it was
then owned by Clay's great grandson Sir William Willoughby.
But it could possibly be one of those historic associations
that people remembered.
Other Derbyshire churches where the Clay family worshipped,
were christened, married, buried or otherwise associated with,
can be seen by clicking on the images below:
1. "Crich Church". Published by A. P. Co., St. Mary Axe, London
E.C., Artistic Series, No.2352, Chromotyped in Saxony. Unused
although on the back, in pencil, is August 10th 1905.
2. Heliotype plate from a photograph of "Crich S.E.",
specially produced for Cox's book by Mr. R. Keene
of Derby.[5].
3. "Crich Church Interior". No publisher, No.40-10.
Printed in Great Britain. Guaranteed Real Photograph. Not posted.
A message was written in pencil on the back of the card. Presumably
it wasn't posted because the postal rate only allowed 5 words
of greeting and the message was far too long.
4. "Crich Church", by Thomas Linthwaite
All images in the collection of, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Written, researched by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
[1] Moore, Henry (1818) "Picturesque
Excursions From Derby to Matlock Bath, and its Vicinity ; Being
a Descriptive Guide to the Most Interesting Scenery and Curiosities
in that Romantic District, With Observations Thereon",
published by H. Moore, Drawing Master; Printed by T. Wilkinson,
Ridgefield, Manchester.
[2] Rhodes, Ebenezer (1824) "Peak
Scenery" pub. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme,
Brown, and Green, Paternoster Row.
[3] Glover, Stephen (1833) "The
History and Gazetteer of the County of Derby ..." Edited
by T. Noble. pub. Derby and London.
[4] Mee, Arthur (ed.) (1937) "Derbyshire:
The Peak Country",The King's England Series, Hodder
and Stoughton Limited, London.
[5] Cox, J Charles (1877) "Notes
on the Churches of Derbyshire Vol III" Chesterfield:
Palmer and Edmunds, London: Bemrose and Sons, 10 Paternoster
Buildings; and Derby, The Hundreds of Appletree and Repton
and Gresley. Cox used as his sources:
- Nichols, J. B. (1834) "Collectanea topographica
et genealogica" Vol 1, published London. This book
contained transcripts of "Derbyshire Church Notes",
by Mr. John Reynolds junior of Plaistow, (mid. 18th c) from
a copy in the Wolley Manuscripts, M.S. Add.6710 (that included
some additions by Mr. Wolley, including words within brackets
on the dedication and the charms next to them from MSS of
Church Notes by Bassano).
Stuart Hill also very generously provided me with his own
transcripts of Reynolds work some years ago.
See: The
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire: Charters, Documents & Deeds
: Places C - E
[6] "Derbyshire
Courier", 27 March 1880. The article refers to the
state of the church and on Easter Day following Palm Sunday
in 1855, William Chawner opened the Sunday School, then shortly
after the day school and then set about warming the church.
By 1872 they had "a warm church, a good organ and choir and
a good attendance".
[7] The Biblical quotation over the
chancel arch has been checked against the web mistress' Clay
family copy of the King James' bible. It seemed appropriate
to use it. The full quotation reads: "All
that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh
to me I will in no wise cast out". I have not found
the date when the quotation was removed from the arch.
[8] The church re-opened on Wednesday,
29 Mar, 1861, with two services held. The collection afterwards
was to go to the Church Restoration Fund ("Derby Mercury",
22 May 1861).
[9] There are a number of references
to the screen being discarded by the church at Crich and
its later restoration to its original setting. The "Derby
Daily Telegraph", 30 March 1921 reported the dissatisfaction
of the St. Peter's Church people, that the Church Council
at were pleased to have back again and the approval of Archaeological
Society had been received. The "Derbyshire Times",
31 March 1923 briefly mentioned that it had been restored
to Crich; its re-erection at St. Mary's was undertake by
Mr. J. Roe Smith of Crich.
[10] Cox (above) records that the episcopal
licence for the first chantry was obtained in 1357 and his
second chantry, at the altar of the Blessed Virgin within the
church, was obtained in 1368.
In addition the "Derbyshire Times" of 5 August
1871 featured a letter from J. C. Cox trying to resolve a "discussion" about
whether the church was dedicated to St. Mary or St. Michael.
He wrote that he had found amongst the charters of Thurgarton
Priory in Nottinghamshire "one dated 42 Ed. 3 (1369), confirming
the foundation of a chantry "in the church of St. Mary of
[11] Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield
And Coventry Wills And Probate: Will of German Poole "of
Wakebridge in the pishe of Chriche", written 1586, 19
Jul. Probate 1858, May 22.
The male line of Pole did not become extinct as German Pole's
father had a second son, who in turn had two sons. These two
lines of Pole lasted until 1724 and 1750 respectively (from Cox[5]).
[12] Thomas Shelmerdine was a Presbyterian
Minister. He had held the living of Crich for a number of years
so had lived in the village with his growing family, before
moving to Matlock. He was eventually removed from that parish. Cox
(above) records:
"N.B. Since the previous sheet passed through the press, we
have found an institution to Crich vicarage in the Lichfield
registers under the year 1629. Owing probably to it being spelt "Croich," it
had escaped our previous notice. It is the institution of Thomas
Shelmerdine, on the death of Edwin Woolley, and John Claye
was then the patron".
See: Rectors of St.
Giles Church, Matlock, 1300 - 1981+.
[13] PCC Will of Penelope Brelsford
of Shirland, 1689 PROB 11/293.
[14] Tudor, Thomas Linthwaite (1926), "The
High Peak to Sherwood, The hills and dales of old Mercia",
published London by Robert Scott. With drawings by Fred Adcock and others.
[15] Pevsner, Nikolaus (1953), "The
Buildings of England, Derbyshire", Penguin Books.
Pevsner refers to Crich Parish Church as St. Michael's,
which must be an error. Unfortunately, Kelly's 1855 "Kelly's
P.O. Directory of Derbyshire" and "White's
1857 Directory", amongst others, allege that the
dedication is to St. Michael.
[16] "Derbyshire Archaeological
Journal" (DAJ below) (1914), Volume 36. "The
arms of the gentlemen of Derbyshire in 1569, Part II",
C-Z. Lawrance, H. (p45). Clay of Crich was found in Harl.
MS. 6592. The author notes "This descent Mr. Cley
did show, confirmed under the hand of Sir Wm. Dethick, Garter,
Ao 3 r Eliz., 1588" (Geneal. vii.). He goes on to
state that " it is evident that Clay should not be
included amongst those whose arms were allowed in 1569".
However, the fact that the arms were confirmed by
William Dethick shows that they were already in existence.
They were not new arms and the 1569 Visitation was a legal
further information about Arms go to our Useful
Sources Page: Additional Sources, A - C (Arms, Coats of)
to the DAJ can also be found on our Useful
Sources page.
[17] Cox (above) was citing Harleian
MSS, 6592, f.88. Written in his personal copy (1592) of the
Visitation of 1569, Wryley stated that [Crich] "it is
now the habitacion of John Cleay Gentleman, my verie good friend
and kinsman. It is seated on a hill, fertile and well stored
both for wood and cole near the river Darwen [Derwent]"..
[18] Flowers Visitation is mentioned
in "Derbyshire Church Notes", by Mr. John
Reynolds junior See [5],
above. J. C. Cox also says the arms were confirmed.
[19] Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield
And Coventry Wills And Probate: Will of Clay, John Crich, proved
1634 2 June. The inventory of his estate was praysed xiv[?]
Jne 1633 by Robert Clarke Richard Pickard George Taylor Robert
Wilcokson? Richard Archer.
[20] A number of documents at the
Derbyshire Record Office record transactions between Robert
and Emmote Clay of Glapwell and the Woolhouses. One document,
with no title - ref. D187/2/60 - date: [1589] identifies Robert
and Emmote as the parents of John Clay of Crich. This agrees
with pedigrees in Dugdale etc. (see bottom
of the page). Dugdale also includes a pedigree
and arms for Woolhouse of Glapwell.
[21] "DAJ" (1895),
Volume 17. Carrington, W. A. "Papers
relating to Derbyshire Musters temp. Q. Elizabeth, with the
Muster Roll for 1587 in expectation of the Spanish Invasion;
from the original docuements preserved at Belvoir".
[22] "DAJ" (1901),
Volume 23. Carrington, W. A. "Royal
aids for the county of Derby, temp, Eliz."
This was a list of loans levied upon the gentry
amongst whom was John Cley of Wakebridge gent, by Elizabeth I.
[23] TNA PROB 11/111/213,
Will of Dame Elizabeth Talbot Countess of Shrewsbury, Widow
of Hardwick, Derbyshire dated 14 March 1608 (i.e. Bess of
Hardwick). The witnesses to her will and codicils included
Timothy Pusey, John Clay's son in law, and William Cleye
who was said to be the solicitor to Timothy Pusey. William's
parents were Thomas and Alice of Sherbrooke (Shirebook).
[24] A ceiled bed is a bed with a
ceiling, in other words a four poster bed with a wooden top.
John Clay owned a number of "sealled beds" at his
death, as identified in the inventory of his estate. The sale
notice was recorded by Cox (above).
[25] There are two sources for this:
i. Besse, Joseph (1753) London: Printed and Sold by Luke Hinde,
at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street. "A
Collection of the Sufferings of the People Called Quakers":
For the Testimony of a Good Conscience from the Time of Their
Being First Distinguished by that Name in the Year 1650 to
the Time of the Act Commonly Called the Act of Toleration
Granted to Protestant Dissenters in the First Year of the
Reign of King William the Third and Queen Mary in the Year
1689, Volume 1. With grateful thanks to Mrs. Gwyneth Leighton.
No mention of Margaret Ridge, later Mrs. John Lynam, is made
in this book.
The event is not described in J. C. Cox's "Annals"; he writes about the sufferings
of the Quaker people but not about this specific event.
ii. Carroll, Kenneth L. (Autumn 1966) "THE ANATOMY OF A
History", Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 67-78. Published By Friends
Historical Association. Carroll also gives the date as 1661.
[26] Davidson's "Extracts
from Letters by Margaret Lynam" (Third Month 1900)
are amongst Quaker records. Margaret Lynam and her husband
eventually emigrated to Pennsylvania.
[27] The story (Margaret Lynam Story
...) was given to the web mistress by Valerie Jones in November 2001. "I
have a lovely story written by Margaret Lynam in 1661".
However, it was obviously written some years after the 1661
suffering at Crich, as the Lynams did not marry until 1666,
and John Lynam was unmarried when fined by the vicar of South
Wingfield as recounted in the story. Having read it, I believe
it was written years afterwards, probably either before they
left England or when the Lynams were finally settled in America,
as the tale seems to be recounted by someone else. Margaret
Lynam was called Aunt Margaret, so she had either a niece or
a nephew.
Unfortunately,somewhere along the way the date of the Quakers in Crich has been changed from
1661 to 1667, as if this particular suffering had happened in the later year, and the story "A
Quakers Tale", by Sylvia Wright (subsequently published on the CD produced
by Val & Ivor Neal, © Sylvia Wright and Valerie Jones, 2002), unfortunately incorrectly contains this later
date for the suffering at Crich and has been re quoted in a number of web sites.
Also see, elsewhere on this web site:
Kelly's 1891 Directory. There is more about the church
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire: Charters, Documents & Deeds
: Places C - E includes a number of references to Crich
Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock, Places Index
Parishes, 1811, see Crich
Relating to Matlock & Matlock Bath: Matlock Charters
and Early Deeds.
See Wakebridge.
For those who wish to study the Quakers further the Records of
the Midland Circuit of the Justices of Assize are held by the
National Archives.
Please note that the children of Mary Calton by her first husband
are not included, although they appear on the pedigree.
They were Dorothy, Nicholas, George and Sara.
The surname on the original is spelt Cley; where I have written
Clay is my own spelling of the surname.
There are spelling inconsistencies, too, throughout the text, often
depending on the source material.
Our Genealogy includes an image of the crest my Clay family used. It
is the same crest.