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Matlock & Matlock Bath : Lists Through the Centuries
Gifts & Aid to the King, Fines, Licences, Taxes, Land Owners, Hardship, School Charity, Police, Magistrates
The Eighteenth Century:
Land Tax, 1712, with some 1711 additions
Lists Through the Centuries
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Whilst landowners (proprietors) paid land tax they may not have owned the freehold of a property. They may also have been a copyholder or the holder of a long lease at this time[1].

Several 1712 entries were marked with an x. It may have indicated they had or hadn't paid when the assessors called.

Some 1712 names are missing as I do not have the last page of the list. However, the assessors seem to have used the same route round the parish to collect the previous year's land tax so names from 1711 that appear to follow on in the same order have been included.

Asesment and cirtificate made the second day of May
1712 on obedience to a Warrant from her Majesties comissioners
Appointed for putting in Execution an act of parliament
Instituted an act for Granting an aid to her majesty to bee raised
by a land tax in Great brittaine for the service of the
year 1712 : Matlock proportion being 147 : 5 : 10

1712 (the final page is unavailable at present) £. s. d.
Mr: Joseph FERN Rector 4 0 0
Mr: Benjamin HAYWARD 1 16 0
Mr: Benjamin HAYWARD for Willersley 0 15 0
Mr: Benjamin HAYWARD for Senior Field 1 1 4x
Mrs. CHAPPELL 5 0 0
Thomas HOADES Wrights Closes 0 10 0
Francis Jacques 2 16x 0
George OGDEN 10 lands 0 6x 8
Joseph FOX 2 5 4x
Adam JOHNSON 0 9 6
Anthony JOHNSON 0 8x 4
Mr. HURT for Town Head close 0 10 0
Ferdinande POTTER 1 5 4x
Joseph JOHNSON & William ALLSOP 1 5 4
Joseph STONE 1 5 4
Joseph SOWTER of Tansley 0 9 0
Samuel SLATER of Oaty Butts 0 3 8x
George SMITH 0 9 4
John OXSPRING 0 19 0
Samuel TAILOR 0 8 0
Widdow JOHNSON 0 6 8x
William TURNER 0 11 4
John HUGHES 0 9 2x
Samuell NORMAN 0 4 6
John TAILOR 1 10 0
George TAILOR 0 16 0
George OGDEN0 16x 4
John POOL Esquire for Coumbs 2 0 0
Richard GREGORY 2 12 6x
Richard GREGORY for Henry VICARS 0 13 8x
Dennis ALLSOP 2 17 4
Isaac ALLSOP & for Burnt glade 2 2 8x
Isaac GREENHOUGH 1 1 0
Thomas BANKS 0 6 0
Adam KILLER 1 1 8
John KEELING 0 5 8
Thomas BOWER 1 10 0
Thomas TAILOR 1 15 4x
Sampson HOIDON & William ALLSOP 1 5 4
Francis GREENHOUGH 1 9 6
Thomas WAGSTAFF 0 2 4x
Widdow COATES 0 11x 6
The injoiers of the old meadow 2 16 0
John DEBANKS 1 16x 0
George WOODIWISS 0 14x 0
Widdow FOX 0 5 6x
Joseph JOHNSON 0 1 0
John COTTON 0 12 8

[Top of sheet 2]



Francis WALKER & John 0 2 2
Timothy SPENCER for Harry CROFTS 0 10 0
John LOW 0 9 11x
William WRIGHT 0 16 8x
Samuel WARD 0 2x 6
Mr HURT for Mr GRICE 0 12 8x
Francis WALKER & John ROOBOTHAM 0 15 0
Francis WALKER 0 11 0
Mary BOWNE for her house & croft & half of mill 0 4 3x
William BOWNE for the other half of the mill 0 15x 0
Joseph SOWTER 0 11 0
Joseph BOMER 0 14 0
Richard WALKER 0 13 0
The injoiers of Ward Close 0 4 11x
Thomas MARTIN 0 5x 8
George SMITH 0 8 4x
John BOOTH 0 16x 0
Matthew WOODWARD 0 12x 6
Mr: John STATHAM 0 4 6x
The injoiers of Hallowell Carr 1 3 8
Thomas COCKERAM 0 2 2
Sothage? KENT 0 6 0
Sara YOUNG 0 2 2x
Benjamin HURD 2 3 6
Thomas HOADS or Ezra BESTALL 0 13 0
Thomas BOWNE 0 9x 6x
Daniell CLARKE 4 3 4
Stephen WALL 2 4 0
Mr: SEALES Land 0 6 0
John WOLLEY 1 12x 0
Thomas SMITH 0 16x 0
Samuel HEATH 0 13 8x
Samuel CARDEN 0 8 0
Samuel MOSLEY 0 14 0
George BRADLY 0 5 8
Thomas GRATTON 0 7 2
George SOWTER for Morris Land 0 12 0
Mary BUNTING Widdow 0 3 0
Samuel SMITH 0 7 5x
William BUNTING 0 3 0
Edward BRADWALL 0 1 6
George BRADWALL 0 3 6x
Samuel LACY & William WARD 0 16x 0
Ann WARD 0 2 10
William WARD 0 2 10x
George WOOD 0 9x 0
Bridgitt PIDCOCKE 0 19x 0
Richard BRIDDON 1 1 0
Thomas NEWTON for Stubbing 0 6 6x
Thomas ABBOTT & Sam 0 1 6x
William ROSON Will: KING & Allice WLKER 0 1 8x
Henry FERN Esquire 0 8 6
Samuel TAILOR of Riber 0 2 0

[Top of third sheet]



Benjamin ROSON & Exton HARDY 0 4 0
Samuel WOSTENHOLM 0 1 0
Henry PIDCOCK for that which was WALL land 0 3x 0
John PIDCOCK for rans clough & ---dale 0 3 0
Richard WINFIELD & John BUNTING 0 1 8x
William ADAM 0 4 0
Wiliam PARKER 0 2x 2
George OGDEN for Mr: HODGKINSON 0 2x 0
Anthony FLINT 0 2 8
Joshua BRADLY 0 9 8x
Thomas NEWTON 0 2 6x
Josiah ALLSOP 0 4 10
Samuell TURNER 0 3x 4x
Lucy BOWNE 0 18 10x
Sara BOWNE 0 15 4
John LUDLAM 0 1 4
George SILKSTON 0 2 6x
John COTTON 1 2 0
Joshua BRADLEY tenants 0 3x 4
William BOWNE for Hascar 1 19x 4
William FOX for lintree 2 1 8x
Jonatham OXPRING 0 9 4
Abijah OXPRING 0 9x 0
George BLAND 1 2 6x
Stephen WALL 2 9 0
George RAGG 0 19x 0
Elizabeth MARTIN 0 6 0
Daniel HILL 1 0 2
John COTTON 0 2 0
Thomas NEWTON 0 1 2
William WRIGHT 0 1 6x
Mr: Robert GREENSMITH 2 8 9
George SOWTER 0 10x 0
Adam WOODWARD 0 2 0
Stephen BADSLEY 1 18 0
George LEA 1 1 0
Mr: HURT for Long furlongs 1 4 0
Mathew WOODWARD 0 16 0
Mr: Abraham CRUMPTON for the Wold 5 15 0
Thomas NEWTON for Riddings 0 5x 0
Anthony STREET 0 12 0
Thomas NEWTON for Mr: HAYWARD's Pasture 1 8 0
George FFLINT Wade STUBBING 0 4 0
Thomas NEWTON for Rake Cose 0 5 0
John OLDFIELD 0 6 0
Widdow SPENCER 0 5x 0
Richard BRIDDON 2 2 2
William REDFORD 0 7 8x
John HADFIELD 0 2 4
William BOLLINGTON 0 15x 0
- - -
Total = 152 properties paying Land Tax in 1712.

There are 25 additional properties and other sources paying Land Tax in 1711, as mentioned above.

1711 (part of) £. s. d.
£. s d
John SWIFT 0 9 6
Thomas PEARSON 0 6 0
John YATES for Mrs: BLACKBURN close 0 5 0
Henry PEARSON 0 2 6
Thomas SIMPSON 0 2 6
Madam GENT for Boden house & land 0 5 0
Thomas BODEN 0 1 4
Georg BODEN Widdow 0 5 7
James BODEN Widdow 0 6 4
George WIGLEY 1 1 0
Anthony TISSINGTON 0 7 0
George GODBERE for part of Bruck shares 0 10 0
The injoyers of WALLETT 0 4 6
John SMITH0 7 0
George CARNELL Thomas GODBERE Ed: COCKER 0 10 4
Mr Robt FERN Land 0 8 0
Mr Robt FERN Two Smilting Mills 2 0 8
Josias ALLSOP smilting mill 1 4 0
Samuel MOSLEY 0 10 4
John EVANS 1 12 0
Thomas GRATTON 0 11 6
Mr HODGKINSON Corn Mill 3 10 0
William BOWNE Walk Mill 0 6 0
The Copie hold Rent 3 6 -
The Chantry Rent - 7 -

Other tax records onsite:
Shorter Lists: 14thc Lay Subsidy
Charles II's Poll Tax, 1678 - to fund a war against the French King.
Land Tax, 1780 (part extract only)

Wills for some of those named above mentioning either copyhold land or the Manor of Matock from late 17th or the early 18th century include:
Daniel Clarke, 1726 | Thomas Johns, 1686 | Anthony Streeet, 1731 | Thomas Taylor, 1731 (Tailor above) | Thomas WALKER, 1704.


[1] Herber, Mark (reprinted 2004) "Ancestral Trails", Sutton Publishing, Stroud in Association with the Society of Genealogists ISBN 0-7509-3510-3.

Transcribed by Ann Andrews.
Information shared from the Mike Spencer collection.
Original document held by the Derbyshire Record Office.